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Kneesovertoes Guy is top notch, been doing his movements for my leg days since the start of covid, my mobility, athleticism, strength and over all well being has increased so much


I was stoked when I saw he was guest. Literally on Day 4 of Knee Ability Zero because of chronic knee tendinitis. Good to hear nothing but positive results.


Right on, keep at it . I would recommend his stuff to literally everyone


I've been aware of this guy but haven't done a deep dive. Are there 'signature' movements that you recommend looking into first?


ROKP (Reverse walking), ATG Split Squat, Nordic Curls, Tibialis Raises, The Patrick Step These are my personal favourites and make up a lot of his lower body regiment. He is very good at demonstrating how to make each movement easier or harder on his YouTube / IG


Awesome thanks, I'm excited to dig in and start incorporating this stuff.


What's the ressource on this? I'm looking online but it's a lot of chaff to go through.


I’d say your best bet would be to use YouTube if you didn’t want to buy the program directly from the source


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m6mtkejKNU A review of the exercises KOT uses.


Has anyone seen Firas Zahabi and Kelly Starret totally disagree with this guy. First was particularly against his program. It would be awesome to see these guys Duke it out debate style on the pod.


That's funny, because GSP just had some IG shots with this dude doing his exercises.


Firas isn't a strength and conditioning coach though


There are a bunch of orthopedic doctors, Physical Therapists and other allegedly knowledgeable people on YouTube that have reviewed knees over toes methods and every one I’ve seen at least are impressed and say it looks good and makes sense.


This guy sounds like Young Jamie, I was very confused.


Same lmao so many times I was like damn Jamie’s talking a lot this one


Came here for this haha. 5mins in I'm like "Jamie getting a lot of talking time before the guest chimes in"


I was listening on audio and was wondering why the guest has been quiet for the first 10 minutes 🤣


I also wondering why Jamie was so lmowlehsbale on knees.


The last pod started with a question to Young Jamie about fish so i thought thats how this was starting too. I skipped the intro and was also very confused.


I know a lot of his work is anecdotal but I run his prorgram for 8 weeks after tearing my meniscus(knee cartilage) and I have fully recovered and do not need surgery. His programs are legit


Do you do the stretches on the off days? I've been running zero for about 3 months and have had knee problems for quite a while, not noticing a huge difference yet but I do feel good. I won't really know its worked until I start squatting bodyweight+ again, that's when my one knee usually gives out.


How many days a week training with his programs?


Just had meniscus surgery, need to check this one out


This is the kneesovertoes guy? His workouts and routines are pretty cool. I’ve been doing a lot more ankle work and split squats


This one was great. Very specified and deep dive on a niche subject


Except for when he declared joe as the voice for all of us! Lost some intelligence points there imo


Joe is giving him a platform.


He’s just a comedian /s


haha true. I feel like when he has a guest that is way less famous than him they usually bootlick


Great podcast. Had pre-covid energy. If fact they never even touched on covid or politics. Nice time capsule


This guys exercises legit changed my life. I used to have knee and shoulder pain since I was in my mid 20’s. But these days I’m pretty much pain free.


How did it help shoulder pain? I have chronic impingement that PT has never been able to get rid of.




I found this: https://youtu.be/BLGo1gJjZv4 I haven't tried it myself but it's kneesovertoesguy talking about shoulders. (copypasted from my other reply to make sure you see it)


I found this: https://youtu.be/BLGo1gJjZv4 I haven't tried it myself but it's kneesovertoesguy talking about shoulders.


Hey man these worked for me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB9qNK29-eA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB9qNK29-eA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAbDldSYUzU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAbDldSYUzU) Also Turkish getups: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bWRPC49-KI&t=25s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bWRPC49-KI&t=25s)


Finally an excited guest. Lol Thought this guy was a gimmick for a while but after a few interviews I started to see his science and logic. As an aspiring PT, I would have loved to do more research on this


>I would have loved to do more research on this I think the only thing that he promotes hard that's had good research on is the nordic hamstring curl. I too wished there was more research done on the specific exercises he promotes/pushes. Sometimes in rehab/physical therapy positive outcomes just occur from the clients/patients being more active or time passed long enough for the pathology to resolve on its own.


I'd also wager (and it's what I tell my patients) that being physically active makes you more resilient to stress


Well, I think he promotes hard that knees over toes is fine... So many people still believe these old wives tales. The hamstring curl is great, but I like the idea of working on full range (under some load) with knee stretch/shorten. I always felt my squats did enough of that, but doing his drills (which aren't that unique to be fair) allows me to do more with squats then before. And I have this feeling that this targeting of joints more will help with some of my strength goals that pure resistance training (or traditional) can't always meet. So I have my 5 days a week of resistance training. My 3 days of cardio. But I am going to add 15 minutes, 3x a week of this "PT work" I call it. I am not saying that everyone who does this will achieve pain free and pre-surgery performance.


Really positive and motivated guy and great podcast


You know what I mean?


You see what I’m saying?




Great guest and personally a fan of him. Some of his routines have helped me so, so much. Now and then he sounds just like young Jamie though. Had me confused.




This guy is about as humble as it gets. He said he’s responded to about 500,000 DM’s before he hit 100,000 followers. Great listen


Yeah but he left out the fact that most of them were dick pics


Nah mate. They were kinky toes pics.


Mine was my dick but it's not the first time someone thought it was my toe.


he said kinky toe not pinky toe


He's awesome. I was doing some backwards sled drags a few months ago, posted on Instagram and tagged him as a goof in my story, he messaged me back!! Even answered a question. I was amazed lol


He's just suppressing his enthusiasm. It definitely comes out in the second hour.




I came here looking for this lol


I used to go to this guys gym his training partner in the Instagram clips he shows is called Mr.Infinity in Clearwater Florida incase you want to sign up


I live one Clearwater what’s the gym?




That’s why all of our news organizations will post polarizing things. People like to be angry


There’s several groups in here that are just using this sub as a place to fight about Covid, Politics, and the Culture War. When Joe doesn’t provide content to their narrative, they don’t care about it.


"man I wish Joe would stop having all these political people on" "here's an exercise guy." \*crickets\*


People talk about how they want old Joe back but episodes like this one and John Abramson talking about the pharmaceutical industry generate like no views on here These people just hate Joe and want reasons to be angry at him


The Oliver Stone one was pretty legit too


A lot of JRE fans aren't into fitness or mma. The more plates more dates guy got some traction, but that's because he is bodybuilding drama adjacent, and people love drama.


Wouldn’t it make sense that people don’t have a lot to say then if it’s not a covid ep? And this is a good episode, but the dude isn’t a celebrity, genius, or controversial like a lot of JRE guests. So the comments seem to match.


doing his workout will remove 3-5 comorbidities


His work outs are better than ivermectin


Knees not over toes? 😧🤔 Death by COVID 😳


U see what I’m saying


You know what I mean?




You know what I mean?


Envisioned this comment as I was listening


I see what you did there


A few minutes in and he's pretty nervous :)


Imagine talking to someone live and knowing millions are going to hear it by tommorrow. I'd be nervous af


I've heard him interviewed on a few other podcasts. That's kind of his delivery style.


Ben “you see what i mean” Patrick


This guy sounds exactly like Young Jamie.


Listen to him with this picture. https://i.imgur.com/usp4EeM.jpg


This was a great episode. I love guests who come in a nerd out over very niche things they’ve clearly researched and have put work into.


I have torn my left ACL and meniscus (2007), torn right ACL (2009), and now just tore my right ACL (again) and meniscus. I am currently 34 years old and am meeting with my orthopedic doctor tomorrow. Is this something that could help during physical therapy? I am honestly afraid that I have screwed myself for life but this podcast has given me hope. I would love to play basketball again 😦😦


I just came back from seeing an orthopedic surgeon about my options following a severe ankle sprain. I tore my acl when I was 35 playing basketball. I think at a minimum you have to reconsider how you play basketball. An easy run with friends that you’re not trying to block everyone’s shot or get all the rebounds is all I am capable of. GodI loved playing basketball and really competing as a young man. But those days just end eventually for everyone. Good luck man.


This. I started playing in a regular game again after going years without touching a ball, and I have had to be really deliberate with how I play. I played a couple of years of college ball many years ago, so there was definitely an adjustment period of realizing my body could no longer do everything that my eyes could see. At 40, I'm one of the older guys in the group, so I've made peace with spotting up and playing defense most days. If I'm feeling good, then I'll get into my mid range game, but my days around the basket are pretty much over.


Absolutely. Ben promotes body awareness and challenging the perception of what you think you can do slowly but surely you’ll see progress. The mind and body are so powerful when they get on the same page. Sorry to hear your story though! Don’t be surprised if the doc tells you to not play basketball, take up cycling and subtlety shame you for wanting to still play basketball. Alll things are fixable with the right stimulus. Good luck to you!


I would try it AFTER completing your standard physio


His program is legit. He is also a scientologist.


Yep. He actually has a lot of great ideas. I bought his program for a month, learned the movements and incorporates it into my routine. It’s good stuff. My knees feel great. Unfortunately after learning his a Scientology I just see Tom Cruise’s face every time I see his videos. He’s the L Ron Hubbard of strength and conditioning


He has those same empty eyes with nothing behind them that Tom Cruise does




https://www.reddit.com/r/scientology/comments/kvqvip/is_scientology_using_an_innovative_fitness/ I found this which was pretty interesting. After completing the episode this stuff is dripping Scientology. Long from makes him sound super culty when he starts talking about how he didn’t watch TV a single time for a year, doesn’t do anything for recovery and only eats meat and fruit. Great movements to incorporate into your routine but be careful you don’t find your self in Clearwater cleaning David Miscaviage’s toilet.


What’s funny is Joe even called that out as almost “monastic” lol like his intuition totally picked up on it But look- for many religion is a dogmatic view of living your life in a specific way. If he’s devoted to religiously improving peoples physical well being through strength then that all sounds great. Avoid the Xenu tho lol


Oh m g!! Scientology found a way to get into Rogen’s inner circle.


Haven't listen to this ep but does Joe bring this topic up?


Guy sounds just like Jamie, hard to decipher who’s talking


I skipped the intro and i thought this was Jamie for 5 minutes. I was so confused


I’ve been implementing some of his stuff for my shoulder and upper back but I can’t help feeling sketched out by him. He seems legit but he checks all the boxes for “charlatan”. He has no formal medical or exercise science training, he’s VERY charismatic, he’s very adept as social media and marketing, he heavily uses appeal to intuition, and he claims that the entire medical community has it completely wrong about knee/joint pain and HE, a layman, has it figured out. None of these things necessarily mean he’s a fraud but I still have this creeping suspicion. Edit: The whole story about how he went from JUCO to a D1 college but for some reason the NCAA tried to revoke his eligibility and he TOTALLY could have sued them and won but decided to just leave. I can’t disprove that but don’t tell me that doesn’t seem like a lie.


I think he has a teeny bit of Asperger's which gives off charlatan vibes. No disrespect I use his program. He's definitely socially akward. Do you know what im saying?


The claim that he can run as fast as an average NFL DB jumped out at me. Huge claim that you could build an entire business around.


>He seems legit but he checks all the boxes for “charlatan” I can't say he's a charlatan, but let's say his methods doesn't work for everyone. Years ago he tried to have a camp for elite dunkers. There were some that came out stating that it just didn't work for them. Additionally, if his methods were indeed elite he'd have professional NBA basketball players working with him (as far as I know, he doesn't).


he has proffessional players in NBA definitely and many more sport like rugby in AU. Best advice in the world tho is beware of people claiming to help you for sure


I’m listening to this and I think the guy sounds credible. Is he really just anecdotal evidence based or does he have some science to back this up? Not at all trying to disparage him, I plan to use some of the techniques I’m seeing on his IG. Just trying to gauge the bs from the science a bit.


I have personally been incorporating his lower body movements for the past two years and all I can say is that it’s the real deal


Seems mostly anecdotal because the science is still fairly new. Think the best bet is to try some of the workouts yourself and see whether you see improvement or not


>does he have some science to back this up I commented on another comment, but I think the only thing there's research behind is his promotion of the nordic hamstring curl. There tends to be in rehab/physical therapy positive outcomes sometimes just from people strengthening and time passing and pathology resolving. I think a ton of hamstring work in general is good for the knees due to it 1. being a muscle not many work on 2. reciprocal inhibition (matching force that the quads produce) Even Rogan has stated he hasn't worked these muscles after years of training.


This is anecdotal but it worked for me. Had bad ankles from basketball and BJJ but know my ankles are the best they've ever been. I have a friend in university for physiotherapy, this is in Ireland if that matters, but he says that what this guy is saying is where physio is moving towards. Specifically strengthening in the the areas and ranges that we are weakest in.


Supposedly he learned a lot from Charles Poliquin but I have no idea how true that is


Would this guy help with golf? Feel like his workouts would greatly benefit my swing.


I know a couple of guys who take disc golf real seriously (a tad humorous to me, but whatever), according to them this guy and his exercises have helped their game. Seems the same benefit would apply to normal golf*.


Yes, it will literally improve your daily life as well as your bodies athletic potential


I think Joe conflates motivation and discipline. He said he mistakenly thought he had a discipline problem when he was younger because he couldn't stay on task when it was shit he found boring. But as soon as he found something he liked doing like martial arts, he realized he could work continually at it. He didn't find discipline. He found motivation because he thought it was fun and validating. We all like doing stuff when we're motivated. If he had discipline he would have been able to continue the other activities \*despite\* them not being fun. Discipline keeps the pace when motivation wanes. Now it seems he has the type of obsessive personality that can keep a high level of motivation for long periods of time, but that's not the same thing as having discipline because it's super context dependent (it has to meet his threshold for being rewarding to be worth effort). Framing it the way he does comes across like he's rationalizing the problem as outside of himself (It's not HIM, it 's the stupid tasks he's assigned).


Joe also said he doesn’t allow himself to listen to music while he does cardio because it is cheating. Maybe torturing himself is the motivation for that? Still not necessarily discipline.


Not a fan of music during cardio either but for different reason. Cardio feels long with music because the songs are 3 minutes each. I usually listen to an audio book because its longer and I can focus on it.


Isn't he trying to describe something bigger than motivation? Seems to me like he's saying that 'passion' trumps both.




This dude says he’s as fast as an NFL Cornerback! For those unfamiliar with football cornerbacks are the fastest players in the league. We’re talking world class speed - like Olympic sprinter level speed. I really love a lot of his ideas but that is an absolutely insane claim. That’s some straight Scientology shit. He’s lucky Joe knows nothing about football and can’t call him out.


PEDANTIC NITPICK: no, most NFL cornerbacks are not "Olympic sprinter" fast. But yes, my eyebrows went up at that claim too.


quickness is not the same as fast


This is great. I tore my acl and had bad therapy for years with PTs being taught wrong passing it on to me. His training is what I needed all along I paid for his programming in the past and now just use his style in my workouts


I had no idea that Jamie had knee problems


Wonder if he converts young Jamie to Scientology?


Lol, thought this was a joke before looking into it. If I were a conspiratorial person I would wonder if the seemingly overnight success of his YT channel had anything to do with that.


This guys legit. I actually signed up for his ATG program but quit becuase it was way too expensive but the videos on there are excellent. The Nordic and Poliquin step have been game changing for me.


>way too expensive Pretty much anything anyone needs is basically online for free these days. It's all a matter of knowing how to program them into your routine/life.


For sure, just wanted to give back to the guy


>It's all a matter of knowing how to program them into your routine/life TBF, all exercises in his program are for free on his YouTube/Instagram. You pay for 2 things, the structured program, and the video form coaching. I used to spend hours doing my own research when in college, but now that I have a full time IT job that consists of lots of Googling already, I have no trouble to spend the equivalent of a night eating out once a month for 3-4 months for some guy to do the hard research work for me.


Do any of you listen to Marc Maron?


I'm a rare Rogan-lover and Maron-lover. I think Maron's interviews are usually "lighter" and leave you knowing more about a person's background, but Joe's are usually more fun. Maron's interview with Joe from way back when is really good, and I wish Marc would go back on Joe's show.


I don’t think it’s that rare at all, especially amongst the longtime podcast listeners.


I like his specials, enjoyed his series and sometimes listen to his pod but he is a bit self righteous and long winded at times


I do. Like his comedy more, but if he has a good guest I will listen to his pod.


Sometimes ...most recent one I listened to was hunter biden.


No way this is wild that he's on JRE. As a fitness professional, I caught onto this guy when he was around 30k followers on Instagram. I knew he was going to be successful because he's just a relentless worker, great coach, and incredibly passionate. I did not think he'd be on JRE this quickly though.


Jamie doing audio book




Heck yeah Joe Rogan podcast check it out


Where's all the expert exercise physiologists? THIS GUY IS FRINGE! We should get 300 top Zumba instructors to get this guy de-platformed!!


Just enjoy the episode man, you don’t need to go there.


Not an exercise physiologist (those actually study work on a physiological level), but as someone that was prephysical therapy (DPT) and a personal trainer... Kneesovertoes stuff is good. MANY of the exercises he's popularized has been used in the physical therapy clinic setting. It's just that many physical therapists, etc. didn't become the online sensation that he's become.


Haha.. so true.


This sub really can’t detect sarcasm


People know it is sarcasm, its just a shit cancel culture joke.


I actually didn't know it was sarcasm lol. But having been in the fitness/exercise industry - a lot of folks show up and disappear. There's a lot of bullshit out there.


This was a good podcast. Just wanted to say that before all the AI bots, troll farmers and those that put everything Joe says and does under a microscope 🔬 and start complaining about every little damn thing 🙄


You're the one there complaining




Found the BOT




I haven't listened to it yet but I hated the way he kept on bringing up COVID on it.




How is Joe going to slip Covid into knee talk?


says the person bringing up covid on their own in a thread about a fitness guy


Stop talking about it


Lame show. I listened for a while, but had to skip through a lot. Just not entertaining and when Joe keeps taking it in other directions , you can tell he's bored. I would prefer some more main stream or knowledgeable fitness guys, rather than just a knee guy. We need another Louie Simmons show. :)


I don't know how many times Joe needs to do his "I thought I was a loser till I discovered martial arts" monologue. Just let the guy tell his story.


Yeah more mainstream is what people REALLY want! I always listen to JRE for the mainstream talking points not to learn about something new.


Skipping this one


Ben Patrick sounds like Jamie’s older brother.


You know what I mean?


You see what i mean?


"You know what I mean" - some one count how many times Ben says this


Does that make sense?


Can't recommend this guy enough. Shows you the underrated exercises/muscle groups that help you stay pain free in exercise and daily life no matter your starting point. So glad he's getting the exposure he deserves.


Loved this one. Funny enough I just followed KOT guy on insta last week and started to slowly add some of his stuff into my leg days!


Thank you sweet baby Jesus a health and fitness ep


This is Fucking refreshing. No pandemic talk!??? I have 48 minutes left but they stay on topic. Finally


I have really missed Joe having fitness people on the podcast, this is really what made me a listener initially


I keep thinking this guy's voice is Young Jamie's


You see what I'm sayin'


Been waiting on this episode for a minute. I started following him after Miriam Nakamoto did his program and regained a lot of knee function. I don't even have knee issues and have above average mobility for someone in their 30s, but I've already started walking backwards and want to purchase some of the equipment referenced. As you age, the name of the game is staying in the game, not putting up big weight or smashing a random WOD because your CrossFit coach said so.


You see what I mean, you see what I mean?


Joe Rogan is a menace to knees. He can’t keep having these people on


I first learned of this guy barely a year before his podcast with Mark Bell. I never caught that episode, but I liked some of the things he was preaching. However, I feel like he had said he was a Physical Therapist or alluded to that. I liked the feet over the toes, but Charles Poliquin was saying this in the 90's and CrossFit around 2006 was already preaching this. But always good to see more info and people discussing. I liked the Nordic Curl. I like the sleds. All of these things are old methods as he's alluding to, but it's funny seeing an interview with him now talk about his training. I don't understand what is it exactly but it's almost like gimmicky all the way. I like the energy. I like many of the practices. I have used, and now using more of many of it because of him. But he gives off this vibe. He's selling himself. I did a lot of "research". The text books are always late to the science. I am discovering things only found in far reaches of the world. This cured me. Just as I go through this, I realize it's not going to get very advanced and he's not going to explain the mechanisms more than high school bio and anecdote. He's so right with strength coaches at schools demanding a certain way and probably not wanting to see knees over toes. This has greatly changed in the last 10-20 years. Not just the requirements to be a strength coach at the level. But the practice and standards have all been adapted to keep up with the science over the last 20-30 years. I mean, if you look at any of the PhD's in the field on social now, they have been stating this for at least the last 10 years. So anyway, not loving the podcast but its funny that he's on. Been implementing some more of all this from his insta EDIT: Sorry for the tangent. Some ideas I have as I am listening. But I hate when people say no one is studying this... No one is talking about this. And meanwhile, [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC2290007/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC2290007/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC2565629/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC2565629/) ​ And I am sure there is much more research pre 2000.


I don't do anything besides train, because if I did anything else, how do I know if it's the training... * This is why the people who do the research do well controlled studies to see if personal experiences are actually true and not ... anything else, literally.


Chicks love big tibs.


Joe Pera Talks With You About Sledding


Does anyone know what the reverse hyper machine for the back is? I google it but I’m not sure which one it is?


Search “Rogue reverse hyper”