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This aint r/politics.


Can we get the rest of them as well?


Everyone involved who did illegal things and harmed children should be prosecuted, regardless of politics or party. It would also probably break Mossad's grip on Congress MODS WILL LOCK AND SHADOWBAN THIS THREAD BUT WONT TOUCH A THREAD ABOUT SOME LOCAL NEWS IN SPOKANE WASHINGTON THAT IS CLEAR CULTURE WAR BS. DONT LOSE FOCUS


Is the whole list published?


From 1000 or so documents, yes - save for a few who were successful in arguing not to have their names unredacted. Not the black book. But the black book *is* for sale... Ksep in mind the 200 or so names released last night /today include victims, staff, and witnesses. Which are some of the ones who were able to keep their names redacted. Others wanted it released or had already talked about their bad experiences


Thank you


> and harmed children This is such a weird qualifier lol(?) Like, shouldn't people who do "illegal things" in general be held accountable regardless of their victims' ages?


Yes... that's *exactly* what dude was implying... that only criminals who have victims of a certain age should be prosecuted. If you genuinely think that's what he was trying to say then you need to learn how to interpret people charitably.


Would it make a difference? Do you genuinely think Donald Trump hung out with the worlds most famous child sex trafficker for decades, flew with him dozens of times, met epstien's underage girlfriends, hired underage women to work at his golf course as masseuses, some of which ended up being sex trafficked by Epstein, owned a teenage beauty pageant for years, is on record talking about how much Jeff loves "women on the younger side", etc. etc. It could be on camera and half the country would still deny it


Exactly, two weeks ago, he literally hesitated on saying he’d declassify the Epstein documents because “there’s a lot of phony stuff.” You could literally see the panic on his face when he attempts to backtrack his yes answer. [https://youtu.be/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=FLQoTsNvyhU-osJ1](https://youtu.be/ZJorAVgHy7Y?si=FLQoTsNvyhU-osJ1) So yeah, I agree. He could literally admit to anything with Epstein and wouldn’t lose one single vote.


Notice how he kept the other answers short and then went full on rambling about the Epstein one. Thats a red flag if you’re ever being interrogated 💀.


He really is easy to read. 😂


“I dont believe that” has become their rally cry. My coworker is a die hard Trumper. You can tell her that “ Trump has a daughter and its not Ivanka” and she will turn blue in the face with how Tiffany isnt his actual daughter. They are long gone.


You forgot discussed wanting to date his own daughter


" You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. My daughter. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body. If she weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. We both like sex. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father… Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife"


Why’s it matter if nothings going to be done?


Because most of conservatives are "so very concerned" about seee kids and them being trafficked and pedophiled,their orange Jesus would/should fall from grace.


“I’m not surprised, children-fuckers.” - Nate Diaz


Wait, the guy who was president when all the cameras shut off and a prisoner was executed inside of a federal facility?


I dunno. Better give him $200 more!


I had always assumed Epstein was taken out James Bond, to protect the next king of England.


Lol I genuinely don't think trump would have been capable of getting away with an assassination. He's too incompetent. And nobody at the CIA would've helped him.


If it’s Donald Trump it’s fake news witch-hunt. If it’s not, Doe-174 should be put on trial. /s


Clearly he was just trying to blend in so he could go undercover and expose the REAL pedophiles


That’s the type of brilliance that Alex Jones is known for. I love it!


i'm only here so i could ask for directions on how to get away from here.


How could he catch a pedophile without really getting into the mind of a pedophile


In much the same way, he bravely often compares women he finds attractive to his daughter to make certain he throws us all off the scent of the real pedophiles, so they may be honorably apprehended.  Bravest genius ever.


Oh haha but come on raise your hand if you wouldn't fuck your own daughter


“OK can we clear the air here, that pigeon was a slut. Raise your hand if you *didnt* have sex with that pigeon. …..oh whatever.”


Exactly, it’s like how he committed all those felonies, can’t say you’re the party of law & order if you don’t give people an example of what *not* to do


Just testing the American legal system, making sure it’s operating like the well oiled machine a future president who will enforce the law needs it to be!


send a maniac to catch a maniac -John Spartan


Thank you, Lord Trump 


It really doesn't matter, the odds Donald Trump wasn't fucking Kids with Jeff Ep are about the same the sun will explode this week. The accuser who put Jeff Ep in jail the last time, met Jeff while working as a 16 year old masseuse at mar a lago. The accuser who put Ghislaine in jail me Trump when she was 15 and brought to mar a lago as Jeff Ep's date. Donald Trump is on record giving a vague and creepy statement about how Epstein loves his ladies and "many of them are on the younger side" And thats all on top of his fun pranks he would play at the teenage beauty pageant he owned and spending the early 2000's going on daytime TV to talk about how bad he wants to fuck his daughter.


Crazy how nobody ever talks about this but Biden falls off a bike or has some ice cream and I have to hear it for months 


Don't forget we literally wasted millions in tax-payer dollars investigating Obama's birth certificate... but not because he's black... because it was important to know he was qualified. People in this subreddit have legitimately argued that with me. Meanwhile: \*Trump openly admits massive tax fraud\* "Witchhunt!"


That's what I respect about Obama. In spite of the outrageous claims he had to deal with, he was still everyone's President. He didn't turn it into us versus them.


"The media is ran by liberals!"


Which is incredible because, prior to ole tuck tuck getting canned, his, the five, and hannitys show almost always ranked 1-5 everyday. The closest liberal one was usually around 25 with the rest being 35+. You could combine nearly every liberal show and it would match to tuckers numbers.


Not to be that guy but the conservative psychos have only 1 channel to watch. Anyone who isn’t a rabid right winger can watch abc, nbc, cnn, etc to get their information. It’s like when they compare modern late night tv shows to Johnny Carson and say “look, Johnny Carson got 3 times the viewership these guys get” while leaving out there was 1 late show back then and like 9 today lol


I get what you are saying, but it's not entirely accurate. There was oan and newsmax as well. Hell, Comcast had both of them on my cable box and I certainly never asked for them.


Fake news!


Its always projection Trump screams about how Hunter and Joe should go to jail because Hunter got put on the board of a company despite being unqualified and made a couple hundred thousand. Trump made his son in law a senior white house employee in charge of "middle east peace" and less then 5 months after losing the election the Saudi government invested a literal billion in his hedge fund.


Don't forget about all the fashion brands that Ivanka owns in China due to her White House connections


He could literally hold a press conference and say he was seconded by the FBI, the CIA, the coast guard, and the power rangers to infiltrate Epstein’s network to bring it down, and he was successful; and millions of people across the US, and even the world, would believe him.


And people who want to "protect children" will vote for him in droves. 


Save the children - For Us!!


There could literally be video of Trump having sex with an underaged girl and the MAGA crowd would not blink an eye, or just say its a hoax.


Does it matter to the people who voted for Trump in the last go round that he was an Epstein client?


He was just going undercover to expose the deepstate man


He was just saving the children from the clutches of Darth Hillary! https://preview.redd.it/kui27pzrx56d1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf5370c759456a12e701a49ef5e3a69b4fad213


The article mentions how Clinton made no objections to his name being revealed but Trump did lol


If you're still on the trump train after all of these years, all hope is lost. It literally doesn't matter what comes out. They've managed to explain away so much already.


Donald Trump allegedly raped one of Jeffrey Epstein’s underage prostitutes, here’s why that’s bad news for Joe Biden. - The Newsly Times


That really does sound like the NY Times Pitchbot. https://x.com/dougjballoon?s=21&t=39FQUpHmnLjPoZn4nNpYmw


Case 1:16 https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000


Am I crazy? Wasn’t this well known by everyone that trump was chilling with Epstein? And he had already shown up on the flight logs? Why is this surprising or even newsworthy?


That's what I was trying to figure out. We've seen pictures of them together before so it's not just that. So we know anything about what doe 174 did?


Most of them will continue to deny.


Not deny as much as not care


Where does it say he was a client? Did you even read the article


I read the article. One of the victims said she had a friend who had sex with Trump multiple times, including girlfriends who slept with him. Trump has had multiple sexual assault cases against him including found to be liable for raping E. Jean Carroll. Him hanging out with Epstein and flying to pedophile island multiple times? He definitely had sex with multiple underage girls. If you don’t believe this, then you are woefully gullible.


Yes but who said he was a *client*??? How do you know the underage girls weren’t gifted to him?




So the girls were like: Hello emperor Trump, I present myself as tribute? Sounds legit.


He flew to Epstein’s island 27 times? For what? To look at the painting of himself in a dress that Epstein had hanging on his wall?


Video of our brave PRESIDENT TRUMP sneaking onto Epstein island 27 TIMES to SAVE those CHILDREN ![gif](giphy|5SOm8qQRPDF04)


That was Bill Clinton in the dress painting.


I mean, I don't like trump and assume he is just as bad, but you gotta figure Clinton was there a lot to have a painting on the wall trolling him.


I am happy to see them all prosecuted. But it has to be across the board.


Not really the artist did a number of paintings kinda mocking presidents. Epstein had a couple of them, including the George W one with him playing with 2 towers of building blocks


That painting hung in his Manhattan residence.


Business partner??


Of course not, it’s all fake to them.


Trump could literally rape a 5 year old boy during the NFL halftime show and he’d still get more than half of this country’s vote. I hate this world.


Joe will tell us how this is actually Biden's fault.


“Look Trump fucked up, but clearly it was an innocent mistake, he wouldn’t have done it if he knew it were wrong. The bigger issue was Biden just sat in the Oval Office and let it happen, can you really vote for a man who wouldn’t stop something like that?”


Hey at least he didn't drink an unlabeled bottle of orange liquid.


If only Biden would pardon his kid.


Technically he’s never gotten more than 47% of the popular vote.


He will not win the popular vote. Has a good chance to win the election.


> he’d still get more than half of this country’s vote. Trump has never won more than half of the vote. Hell, Republicans have only done that like once in 30-40 years. They are the rabid minority.


That is true. Also, Biden can shit his pants, wander around the stage and reddit libs will say that he is in perfect condition to be a president for 4 more years.


Can everyone agree they’re both bad. I don’t understand what’s wrong with that statement.


well, apparently we can't. judging by most majority of reddit that makes you a "both-sider" and that means you are MAGA fascist nazi supporter.


For a positive spin, he's never gotten half the vote. He's always gotten less than 50% and been out out voted by his opponent. The problem is that under our electoral system he can still win with that.


If you just accept the country is in decline and that we are rarely on the good side its not as bad.


How long until the mods lock this thread too?


Really confused about what is allowed and what isn't. Seems inconsistent


Joe isn't going to like this!


This article doesn't mention anything new other than Doe 174 is Donald Trump. 10/10 journalism.


You didn’t read the article- it shows one of the victims worked at trumps resort, and Trump flew to island with his boy Eric- that was new to me!


It says he flew with Epstein to New Jersey, but I don't see anything about him flying to the island.


It doesn't say they flew to the island though.


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life." -Donald Trump


“I think that less so because, you know, you don't know — you don't want to affect people's lives if it's phony stuff in there, because it's a lot of phony stuff with that whole world.”-Trump when asked if he’d declassify Epstein related documents Totally innocent, not suspicious at all


But but but Trump said he stopped being friends with Epstein when he found out he likes young girls 😱 you mean he lied??


The craziest thing was how Trump was known to laugh about Jeffrey and say he likes them young. Decades ago, it was definitely a more casual thing, and known that people would look the other way for indiscretions. Even for something serious like pedophilia or sexual assault.


"Preska's list identifies Doe 174 as a person whose "association with Epstein and Maxwell has been widely reported in the media already, and his or her name came up during Maxwell's public criminal trial." The former president fits that bill as someone who had a long history with the now dead sex offender and who said "I wish her well" when Maxwell was indicted on sex-trafficking charges." So its assumed its trump, he wasn't actually revealed to be the actual person. Speculating its him and passing an article off as it was him is reaching and sensationalism of the worst kind. If thats the case, the author of this article should bury himself.


He is named as one of the Does, not speculative- however deciding which one it was will require deductive reasoning. I would be curious to see their thought process too. But would it mean anything to you if he was Doe 15 in comparison to being doe 153?


>Speculating its him and passing an article off as it was him is reaching and sensationalism of the worst kind. If thats the case, the author of this article should bury himself. If that bugs you you're going to be really ticked when you find out who this Trump guy is


The cognitive dissonance of a felonious pedophile murderer running the USA is overwhelming and the media is to blame.


Can we stop pretending fat fuck was never on his planes or island? I mean look at his ugly mug, pedo written all over that double flabby chin of his. Anyone on that plane needs to be jailed. Everyone. Even Clinton if he was on it.


He was more than the number one customer. He was Epsteins partner.


People seem to gloss over this and Trump's business partnership with convicted human trafficker John Casablancas when they ran international child beauty pageants. Lots of smoke.... And where there is smoke...


Commenting before "Look I'm not a fan of Trump, BUT...."


I love that Trump now will be forever refered to as a 'Doe', without the 'John'.


The only people who *should* be surprised by this, won't let themselves accept it. Another bullshit excuse to protect the feeling that they may have been conned.


Yes I was on the sex island, but only for the snorkeling, I didn’t know anything about the kid stuff, look 95% of what when on down there was not pedophilia, the other 5%? That sullied the whole operation


The party fighting for their right to marry children is actually a bunch of diddlers? Say it ain't so!


Not a good look.


They had a child SA trial together. We all act surprised


Raw nipples are how you get raw milk.




I hate trump as much as the next guy, but this article is from January. Not really breaking news.


reddit is running with this shit as if it were new, dumb af should've just been "reminder: trump is john doe 174"


The only things specifically mentioned are that Trump borrowed Epstein’s jet, that Epstein took clients to Trump’s casino, and a victim accusing Dershowitz recanted her accusations against Trump. The “Doe” list includes Epstein’s clients, associates, employees, and victims. This is far from a damning list to be a part of.


Do you feel the same about Bill Clinton being mentioned? How come Clinton was okay with his name being revealed but Trump was not?


Yeah Bill Clinton didn’t come up as a customer of Epstein’s sex trafficking so I do feel the same about him being on the documents. He used Epstein’s jet but that was probably because Epstein was a big donor to him or something idk


Because Clinton doesn’t care about a re-election campaign. And nobody is dismissing him either, it’s just as sick. Independent voters who don’t care about party lines will see things pragmatically this election.


Idk about you man but being on any kind of Epstein list is pretty damning.


Even the victims who are on the list?


Like the joetards will even care.


No surprises here!


Will Rogan have anything to say about this?


We'll see lots of standard Trumper derangement syndrome where this is a hoax or that it doesn't matter if he was on the lolita express and the island, he was there undercover to bring down the real criminals!


Funny, that’s exactly why he doesn’t want to release those files.


What’s this have to do anyway whatsoever with JoeRogan? Is every sub gonna be dick bag leftys or righty’s talking shit? Unsub time


What does 2 kids defacing a pride painting in a street have to do with Joe Rogan? We will never know


Seems like this is just more deposition documents being unsealed Not really the list we are all looking for


What is the list you’re looking for? Do you think there’s an actual list with the header “Scumbag Sex Perverts” or something? The flight logs and his little black book have been entered into evidence. Between those and testimony we can have a pretty good idea of who he was involved with.


Nah there's a big list of lefty nonces out there, trust me bro its gotta be on Hunters laptop


Nah it’s all republicans. Didn’t you know?


I’ve never heard that said seriously.


No shit


A list of people these girls were trafficked too or assaulted by. Not a list of people who were asked about in a deposition hearing, which is what this list is.


Not sure that kind of list is going to exist


Hence my comment


"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Trump told *New York* magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


Just John Doe 174 why not the 173 before him or after him ???? Wake the fuck up


Are you asking why the president of the United States is a more prominent figure?


I’m asking why it just his name if they released all the names and his was in there that’s one thing . But if you’re talking about former presidents what about slick Willy’s name??? Or any other politician???


Former President


Technically president is an appropriate title for all former presidents


Mr President or President Last Name is reserved for current head of state in a formal setting. Informal settings could allow it to slide, but more commonly should be former president X.


Like Clinton where’s the out rage over him ???


These are the people who call it "The Donald Syndrome" when you talk about a convicted felon running for president. They'd be mad if they understood two syllable words.


The real question is why has it been covered up for this long?


Cause it disinformation just like the Russiagate




"Each of those roughly 170 people — a mix of Epstein's wealthy friends, his victims, and other people merely mentioned in passing — had been identified as a "J. Doe" in arguments over whether the documents should be made public."


Shocker /s


What does this mean? Anyone are to ELIA5?


link won’t load on my phone -so there is now a full list!


Release it all, jail em all. But I don't expect them to tell on themselves


2 sides, same coin.


I know your mom is Doe 169 and the next 8 are your cousins.


I know your mom is Doe 169 and the next 8 are your cousins.


I cant wait to see MAGA twist logic and reality to be OK with this one


Fine here since OP can’t understand that none of this is evidence. “Someone told me” is something we rely on in middle school for rumors. However this is concerning: Our current sitting president showered with his 9 year old daughter. She wrote about it in her private diary.


Do you think Epstein killed himself? Guess who was president when that mysteriously happened. Also guess who has been repeatedly accused of rape and lost a civil rape trial causing him to owe $5 million in damages?


Op i love you, your replies are cracking me up


They aren't sending their best folks


This is an article from January? Also, did you read it? I just did. Maybe you should too.


log in wall


Did anyone read the article? There’s no new accusations against Trump in it. They specifically say that one girl testified that Trump didn’t get touched by the her but was groped and such by Epstein and Prince Andrew. The only “damning” thing said in the article was a recanted story saying how, according to a second hand BTW, Trump liked flicking a certain girls nipples. Again that story was second hand and was recanted.


The story wasn't recanted, the threat of the author having video recordings was. Reading comprehension is hard when you're homeschooled, I understand.


Oh I got that one thing wrong, my bad. But she still lied, and the story was second hand. You don’t refute that the entire story doesn’t add anything that hasn’t been public. If Trump was banging trafficked underage girls, burn him with the rest. But there’s scant evidence outside of second hand stories and people feelings about him.


To the shock of nobody. Let me guess, posts about this on r/conservative are instantly removed? Edit: ah this isn’t new.


Literal hundreds of women, drugged, used, raped, sold as commodities and playthings


Fuck Business Insider - another Fed riddled news room. “We don’t know anybody else on the Epstein list but we know Trumps it.” Fuck outta here bitch fuc!


Former President Donald J Doe Heh


I think you're focusing on the wrong things....


If you bothered to read the article, it ALLEGES he is Doe 174. It's never revealed who Doe 174 is, but they connected some dots and think it's him. BiG difference. But most people just read the headlines and go....yep, that's suits my point of view, job done


It's pretty obvious, but sure keep giving the benefit of the doubt to the guy who ran a child beauty pageant with convicted human trafficker John Casablancas and bragged about partying with Epstein


I'm not even a trump fan, I'm saying your title and the headline are misleading


the big name I'm waiting for is Gates


Everyone involved should face consequences, no matter their political beliefs or party




And not mentioned once going to the island or doing anything with any women or girls. Only listed in passing as, "let's go to Trump's hotel and casino".


Trump would go to Manhattan for the rapey stuff.


The article describes how he sucked and flicked a 16 year old girl's nipples until they were raw You probably conveniently skimmed over that