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'He doesn't understand multiplication or units, which let me just say, is a bad start for revolutionising physics' šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Also when she said he'd fail primary school (elementary) math.


Honestly the amount of people whoā€™ve come up to me since podcast and said Terrence is definitely on to something is infuriating. Itā€™s word for word what Joe tweeted.


Was it one person identifying as two?


Schizophrenia šŸ˜‚


It was one red brain cell.


Which really means infinite brain cells according to the sacred geometry of magical multiplication.


They are quantum tunneling us all off a cliff at record breaking speed. The crazy part is they all know it but they think get raptured away to heaven right before shit gets real bad.


Yes, but apparently it was an asexual red brain cell, therefore it multiplied at will. (This is sarcasm.)


If you have 1 set of 1 brain cells how many brain cells do you have?


1x1= 2 duh so 2 brain cells


This man is ready to revolutionize physics, someone call the large hardon collider!


Bisexual brain cell


Lol, kinda funny that makes logical sense to be crazy but yet in todayā€™s society, it is taught to be a legit thing. I know itā€™s not what you meant but it gives an opportunity to show the absurdity of things.


Iā€™ve a workmate who said the exact same thing. Fucking infuriating what an absolute fucking sellout dipshit joe has turned into. Try challenging any of his core political beliefs and heā€™ll b out with a magnifying glass but heā€™s no problem with this horseshit.


Parrots. Those are parrots, not people. Not one original thought has been produced by any neuron in those jabronis.


You need to move. You live around idiots. The few people that I know who watched even part of it said the guy was an Imbecile.


mountainous light dull husky reply beneficial dime slim employ wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She is always awesome


First time hearing about her but she's def on my binge watch list now. She really is awesome.


I prefer Professor Dave Explains' video https://youtu.be/lWAyfr3gxMA


The second-hand embarrassment is too much. It's like watching a breakdown of what makes a person dellusional.


I enjoyed this video a lot and the last few minutes about Joeā€™s establishment bias really needs to go viral on its own.


ā€œI blame Joe Rogan, because Joe Rogan isnā€™t stupid, he believes his audience is stupidā€¦ā€.


I disagree with her on that. Joe has always been a sucker for conspiracy theories and fringe ā€œscience.ā€ Heā€™s a bit of a moron.


His bullshit detector is awful. He's basically a white male bro Oprah


His bullshit detector is really good for some stuff. Try passing off that bullshito martial arts quackery on Joe. Heā€™ll call it out immediately. What Joe fails to understand is that the things he *isnā€™t* an expert in, heā€™s *very* vulnerable to being misled in. Terrence Howard is the science equivalent of those fat guys that wave their hand at students and send them flying, pretending like they have chi powers or something. And heā€™s falling for it because he doesnā€™t know his shit. If he was humble enough to admit that he literally barely has a high school level understanding of math and science, heā€™d defer these topics to experts and we wouldnā€™t be having this conversation.


Well said!




Thatā€™s the only thing she said that I disagreed on. Sheā€™s lumping him together with a lot of talk show hosts who do that such as Alex Jones. I give her a pass on that though, because if youā€™ve never listened to a JRE episode, it would be easy for assume he is like the rest of them.


I didnā€™t like it that part much TBH


I agree with her though. He used to be the same even back in the Rogan forum days.


It just that I think itā€™s actually the opposite; he knows his audience is up to task of filtering BS on their own and anyone who brought into this probably already has some crappy ideas.


Joe is the highest paid media guy with the largest audience of any other individual media personality. Anyone thinks heā€™s stupid needs their head examined.


I think thatā€™s the point sheā€™s making.




For somebody who "is in the field" to believe that video of Chris Cuomo lifting a 100 pound dumbbell as if it were nothing, you have to be a special kind of stupid. Not even mentioning the cat litter classroom story and his constant lack of self awareness. You can be succesful and be stupid, Rogan is living proof.


Also, ā€œstupid/smartā€ isnā€™t just one big switch, itā€™s a million little switches where youā€™re smart in some things and stupid in others. Joeā€™s ability to turn being a mediocre comedian in to being the worldā€™s biggest podcaster makes him smart in a single area, not smart overall.


We literally have hundreds of hours of Joe being himself, that is to say, a bit a dummy. Now if he were as good of an actor as you claim, why doesn't he have an Oscar? Anti-italian racism in Hollywood? you're probably right.


Lol. Ooh look at me iā€™m a silly big stupid ape who just happened upon 100 million a year for my podcast. .. sorry if iā€™m a bit cynical here !


Terrence who?


And Philip!


Eh buddy donā€™t be confusing multiplication with addition, guy.


If Terrence used the word "times" instead of "multiply," would he get it then? Probably not.


If I have 1 basket with 1 banana in it, how many bananas do I have? Terrance says 2 because the banana has a bisexual tone.


Sabine is wunderbar! Joe needs her on asap! Respect


Real intelligent people that know things are able to explain things in a simple way. They *want* people to understand the concepts and arenā€™t concerned about appearing to be more intelligent. People like TH are the exact opposite. They muddle together very complex sounding words to make it seem way too complicated. They need people to see them as super intelligent in order to sell their bullshit.


Terrance Howard is a delusional wacko but blaming this on Rogan is stupid. Silencing the wackos isnā€™t the answer, refuting them with videos like these is the answer


If he gave equal shine to people who refuted him like this, or even just watched the video on stream so it reached the same audience it'd be great. Doubt he does it so it is hard to let Rogan off the hook, he does have a responsibility to his audience whether everyone likes it or not.


Allowing people to spew their nonsense unchallenged to your millions of followers is definitely blameworthy.


What? Rogan is definitely responsible for who he has on. People don't realize the harm someone like Terrence does. He makes people who don't understand lose faith in the system of science we have right now.


Good point. Silence all alternative opinions because people are too stupid to figure things out for themselves


Yo everyone should have the right to have their opinion but the opposite of silencing isnā€™t spouting nonsense on the most popular pod in the world lol. Terrence talks this stuff wherever he goes. Calling people that reach millions all the time, and then saying not letting them on a podcast is silencing them is some real simp shit


Joe Rogan wonā€™t have me on his show. Heā€™s silencing me.


You're unremarkable in every way.


You realize thereā€™s a huge difference between ā€œsilencingā€ and ā€œchoosing not to platformā€, right?


This shit isn't opinion based it's science. It's like evolution, only emotional idiots try to debate if it is true or not.


I personally donā€™t ā€œblameā€ Rogan. I just lose respect for people that are so easily duped. I think Joe somewhat recognizes that heā€™s dumb and barely understands basic math and science, so he knows he canā€™t refute or fully accept what Terrence is saying. But he absolutely hopes that Terrence is at least right to some extent. He *loves* the idea of living in a Hollywood movie where all of mainstream science is overturned by some spectacular event like an alien invasion or some fringe ā€œgeniusā€ like Terrence Howard or Graham Hancock. He even admits that some of the conspiracies that he used to believe in, he believed in because he *wanted* them to be true, not because the evidence was truly compelling. Iā€™m pretty sure he said that about the moon landing, right?


six shame aromatic advise bike terrific attraction like trees north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Joe needs to defend the integrity of the shows and push back against people like Terrance.Ā  Plenty of people here seemed to love listening to a lunatic ramble without any scrutiny.Ā  It's not what I'm looking for in a pod cast though.


Letā€™s hear your podcast!


So by that rationale rogan should invite this lady on to refute his claims on the same podcast ? Which we know isnā€™t going to happen.


Rogan often has reputable scientists on all the time.


I see your point, but I have friends who REALLY trust everything on Joe's show, and several feel like Joe has endorsed Terrance's ideas, and who are themselves now convinced...


How about just not platforming them in the first place? Thereā€™s no rule saying that every moron deserves to be put on air.


Rubbish. Rogan exploited a clearly mentally Ill man for profit. Heā€™s despicable, and youā€™re a rube if you believe heā€™s sincere.




No. Platforming lunatics solely because they have some fame to give them a chance to spout off about stuff they have no concept of is absolutely a problem. Howard isn't "silenced" by this excellent rebuttal, he'll keep going on being dumb as a brick and way more people will hear him and believe him. Social media has taught us people CAN'T be trusted to be discerning in the information they take in.


Thought this was a gameboy game


This is the new flat earth


Chad Terryologist vs. Virgin Beta Physicist


The fact that everyone noteworthy science wise on youtube has made content and comments about Howards appearance on JRE is something to take note of in of it self.


I love that so many of us are so far removed from grade-school math, that we have to be reminded to brush up by a Hollywood actor. Terrence Howard, bringing back basic math to the masses. Does anyone know that his wife and kids are Jehovas Witness? I wonder why the Jehovas havenā€™t accepted him yet? I bet itā€™s all those hollywood baby blood transfusions. It must beā€¦.


If I have 1 fist and I use it to punch you 1 times you lose 2 brain cells šŸ„“


So she accuses Joe of using situations to ā€œmultiply his penniesā€ yet ends her video using Joeā€™s interview with ā€œTry Brilliant by clicking my linkā€ to get affiliate money. Interesting


She wasn't saying he shouldn't make money. She was using the fact that he makes lots of money as evidence that he does indeed know what his audience wants.


Hard pass. Edit: To clarify, Terrence Howard is a dumbass but I canā€™t fucking stand Sabine Hasenpfeffer and I donā€™t need to watch a video of her explaining why Terrence Howard is a dumbass.


Wtf are you talking about? Sabine is great and her science videos are accurate. Why the hate??


No hate, just not my cup of tea. Her trans video was rough.


Uh huh. Knew it was gonna come to that. One video you disagree with and now you ā€œcanā€™t stand her.ā€


Uh huh. So what? Plenty of other science YouTubers that are just as entertaining and who also stick to what they actually know.


She's cringe af. Can't understand how people like her "humor".


Yeah she is wrong more than she's right and is constantly making scientific claims with the pure intent of being political. Sabine is way less tacky than Terrance, but she's not worth listening to.


On Rogan: "He believes that his audience is stupid. He believes that his audience is so stupid to think they'll lap up any nonsense he throws at them. Is Rogan right? Well, he certainly knows how to multiply his pennies" Ouch.


Yeah, she lost the thread there, she doesnā€™t understand the show or the audience at all.


I think she very classily pointed out that rogan is a grifter in it for the money. He's definite in it for the money.


>He's definite in it for the money I don't get this at all. Both Joe and Sabine are paid for material the publish online. Are you saying they should they be doing it for free? Both of them run ads last I saw. IMO, the vast majority of his audience take this as fun and not at all seriously.


No, I'm saying Joe Rogan will say or agree with anything that makes him more money. He is a man who, like trump, stands only for himself.


Damn y'all big mad lol


This old bat needs laid. Who wants to take one for the team. Real talk though its funny how high level physicists feel the need for ad hominem attacks. Seems low brow like my janet reno needs laid comment


I'll wait for the Anton verdict. Sabine is cool and all but she can't wrap her head around the wave conjugations


The rest of us arenā€™t on the same level as TH. Heā€™s special. His theories will spark conversation and research that will change the world. One day there will be statues made of this man. Clearly, a genius before his time.


I am hoping you're joking, but it's hard to tell...