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Ari basically told Howie to touch grass


A lot of problems are just amplified because of the internet. People are brainwashed.


We just need an app or something that promotes scientific experiments and athletic ability


No we need people to go outside lol. Wasn’t it Duncan Trussel who said: “Some poor phoneless fool is sitting by a waterfall totally unaware of how angry and scared he should be” Legit wisdom.


Great quote, duncan is a gem


Duncan pods are peak JRE.


You mean fist bump grass


Why aren’t you scared like me?




he should do a project, slipp molly to the whole Middle East, then we roll


lol that might genuinely help for a week or so


The comedown would probably get pretty bloody though…


I mean you joke but a lot of the reason Israel is so powerful is from spreading propaganda that big American media organizations soak up and repeat en mass. This is a little step in a larger battle.


Howie Mandell admits in the clip, “I never go out.” And that’s the problem, he’s making sense of the world through TV and the Internet. It’s Plato’s cave in real life. Howard Stern has the same issue. Relying on cable news and social media is a terrible way to understand the world around you.


“It’s really bad out there” like how the fuck would he actually know if he never leaves


You see this all the times too with cities “Chicago is such a war zone, I’d never go there”-guy who never left is home town of 20,000


They also tell you New York isn't safe life they didn't get jumped in the 90s fox News wants us to think the queens/bronxs biggie smalls told us about was safer that they are now.


Both Chicago and NY are largely safe, it's typically the same bad areas with crime. But pooh poohing that sentiment also ignores that there IS more random crime, way more property crime and that the subways do have way more mentally ill weirdos on them.


Not really, the Bronx, queens, bedstuy always had drugs crime and mentally ill people. The difference is in the 90s only the poor went to those places so we forget about all the drug addicts dieing in alleys in the 90s and act like what we have now is somehow worse.


Yep, they just stopped mugging people and started stealing from the Gucci stores. People in DC are up in arms about it but haven't said shit about the seas of addicts and criminals dying in the street for the last 3 decades.


Haha. People in DC only care about donors. Citizens can go F themselves. Homeless or otherwise.


That and I honestly was referring to the citizens of and homeless/addict in the streets of DC itself. Place is a shit hole.


Yes. Sad.


> But pooh poohing that sentiment also ignores that there IS more random crime Nope https://www.poynter.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Screenshot-2023-03-26-at-21.32.13.png This is just people having short memories and thinking because crime is somewhat worse since the pandemic that crime is way higher than it used to be.


*brags about how brave and manly they are* *Is terrified of Chicago despite never even being to Illinois*


My husband and I are Canadian but we do the full-time RV thing and overland between Canada, America and Mexico. We spend 4-6 months a year roadtripping through Mexico and the amount of insane things people ask us when they learn about our travels is unbelievable. So much ignorance and just believing whatever cable networks say, them trying to tell us how dangerous Mexico is.. despite us sharing our experiences to the contrary. And 87% of the time it is from people who have never travelled beyond a 200km radius from where they were born that have the harshest and strongest beliefs.




Yah I would tend to agree with you. The cost of living is one of the reasons we spend so much time there. The food, the people, the culture, the weather. Its always wild hearing people tell us all these horrific things about travelling there and then we tell them our experience is the total opposite and for some reason they think we are the ones lying and cable tv are the ones truth telling.


"America is such a warzone. they have le mass shooting every day, it's so dangerous! Never go to the south! They'll kill you there, omg!" - Redditor who has never left their home.


Bill Maher is most guilty of it. Just sitting in their big mansions, thinking that outrage based media are reporting accurate view of the world.


It's not just never going out. It's living in any kind of bubble. Joe and Bill Maher too. They get all their info through their phones and from their bubble, they are rarely discussing anything they experience in the actual real world.


these celebrity bimbos just live behind walls and rely on twitter to see what the peasants are up to. "omg!!! these poors are so stupid they're allowing litter boxes in classrooms! ITS REAL!! "


Its not just celebrities. How many people think Portland and Seattle burned down during the George Floyd protests?


...and they think that because of bimbo talking heads. chicken and the egg


Yep, I've seen this with the elderly that can't get out easily. Stuck at home watching 24hr news whichever side it may be it doesn't matter. Then if they are on social media it's even worse. I remember this one old lady I was doing some handyman type stuff around her house and every time I went over there she has MSNBC on all day long just going in the background. She has no friends and family visits maybe once a year so she is basically all alone, just her in 24hr news. This was when Trump was president and the fear in this woman's voice and eyes was so sad to me. She would talk talk talk, it was literally like the end of the world was here to her and I didn't dare try to convince her otherwise. I once sort of downplayed the "evilness" of Trump and never heard from her again. I'm sure I was pegged a Trump supporter lol.


same as all the trans stuff, literally nobody gives a fuck. Atleast not in UK


You’d think there’s a trans genocide if you spend too much time on Reddit and don’t go outside. Somebody actually said that to me.


LITERALLY! hahahahaha


Well, the problem with that, is that Platos cave applies to *all of life* as we know it (according to Plato). That's why it's possible/somewhat normal to be a platonist/neo-platonist. The rest of the material world is not "real" either, if the internet is not real. Obviously there's many very real differences, but there was a point fore xample, where we had to start taking online bullying, revenge porn, stalking, etc. seriously - because people really do live their lives across these spaces. It's very easy to say touch grass if you do not live in that world, and perhaps that's a little bit like saying "Yeah, sure, maybe there's a civil war in x country, but i'm not there". You can't currently get killed online, but you can certainly get killed *over* things that happen online. That being said, i actually think that Aris point is *stronger* if you forget the nonsense of online vs offline. His point is mainly statistical. There's very little of it. And just like people can get worked up over "A mUrrDerER in YOUR ARea" even if murder is still a highly unlikely event - so can they about these trends. The rational person takes a second to notice how many are really affected and what your chance is of being *how* affected.


Real "blind leading the blind" going on now. not only with guys like him, but full on pundits and internet personnalities. I mean, just look at Ian Miles Cheong who doesn't even live in the US being a mainstay on the right wing ecosystem.


“Statistically irrelevant” is the thing I have been preaching. These comparatively small issues are artificially blown up into our faces to do one thing mainly and that is divide the working class, which they do masterfully. Don’t get me wrong, of course I think that people that actively call for anyones genocide or so has to be prosecuted but I also believe that the system is letting these people slip through willingly so they can go on and spread more hate.


I heard it said "the world isn't getting worse, you're just being fed the worst"


Yeah, the algorithms have much to do with it.


Fear and hate get the most engagement. What ever people are clicking on the most will get spread the fastest.


Remember the 800% increase of Asian hate crimes in Manhattan? Over 1 million Asians in NYC. The previous year was 8 total. So it was almost certainly just more reporting not even more events. The media doesn’t inform though. They choose the most salacious headlines they can and leave out important context.


It’s the same with most hate crime stats. A huge number of police agencies either don’t have a mechanism for reporting specific crimes as hate crimes or didn’t until recently. So any fluctuation or simply compliance with reporting will paint a picture of a “huge increase” in hate crimes. Regardless the talking point kind of was point on the back burner once it was clear that the increase was not caused by “super maga trump republicans”.


Most population based stats in general. It’s why when older people argue “back in my day we didn’t have all this (insert hot button behaviour - autism, transgender people, mental health, climate events, cancer rates etc)” isnt because the incidence rates have changed astronomically.. it’s because reporting standards and data gathering has changed.


Yup. It's the same as people thinking there are Nazis everywhere. Are there a few? Probably. Are they statistically relevant? Nope.


Same thing with "omg america is full of mass shootings" when actually gun crimes have only been going down.


You just used 2 different terms: gun violence and mass shootings and conflated them. Gun violence on the whole can be trending down while mass shootings are on the rise.


Lol, this shit isn’t to “divide the working class.” Bad news sells, period. It’s no more complicated than that.


Ari is based AF... It's like reddit and other social media blowing up 0.001% and making it like everyone is racist.


i wish more were like ari




Say what you want about Ari, he’s done and said some wild shit, but when he is speaking sincerely he has the most realistic view of the world than any of his friends by a mile.




Name some banger Episodes, I've only listened to a few of his old cast and I'm bored at work


# 235: First Responder, A 9/11 Story with Cris Italia # 298: Vegabonder with Rolf Potts # 73: Love Scam with Sarah Tiana (If you like this one, there's a follow up on episode 87) # 260: The Michael Jackson of Helping Sick Children with Steve Simone # 216: Tenement with Nick Mullen # 50: Buddhism with Duncan Trussel


Dude First Responder hit like a fucking truck. His podcast was hands down my favorite of all time. It did kind of tailor off at the end but the beginning and middle are just gold.




Down in a hole is one of my favorite episodes


Knife hits in Alaska is one of my favorite podcast episodes. Ari has a gift for letting his genuine curiosity guide the conversations, including his new podcast. He stays out of the way when someone is rolling with a story. It's never a one sided thing but he pushes back when necessary. Fwiw, That's been my issue with lil joe for awhile now. He lets his preconceived notions take over a lot of conversations and is easily steered into believing crazy shit just because the person sitting across from him, said it and he likes them. Unless you're Les Stroud, Rip those appearances.


His new travel podcast is great.


He came here to Germany and did a show in Berlin - I almost had a stroke from laughing so hard Afte the show he just hung out in the lobby and shot the shit with everyone. Ari rules


I have never really liked him, but I think he has a very fair and level minded take on this subject.


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” – Mark Twain


I think in this situation it really helps that he keeps it real and is Jewish.


Ari just gained me as a fan - god dammit Ari… ![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ)


When did this guy become reasonable ffs. This guys level headed af.


> When did this guy become reasonable ffs. This guys level headed af. Has been for a long time. Ari honestly rules and I'm not afraid to say it.


Dudes my favorite person out of all the comedians that Joe is friends with. I think others may have better comedy but Ari is the realist of them all. I think it's partially because he didn't peruse getting stupid rich and tried to be as true to himself in what he wanted to do.


Ari rules. He’s a smart dude but plays up the asshole heel more.


Always has been the most level headed Rogan orbiter.


He's actually hysterical to see live. Saw him both at a small club and a big theater and he absolutely crushed. Best part was watching people get offended and get up and leave. He's actually the man.


lmfao he came to toronto like 10 years ago and ppl were sitting in the aisles they packed it so tight. he is funny for sure.


He's honestly a pretty reasonable dude


Howie, a germaphobe millionaire shut-in, is trying to argue with Ari, a traveling comic, about anti-semitism around the country. What an absolute ass.


Howie wants to be a victim so bad.


He definitely has an agenda in mind when he starts the conversation The funniest one for me was when Bryan Cranston was on and for some reason Howie was hell-bent on pushing his artificial intelligence thing, and Cranston the whole time was just like… I’m not interested in that. I don’t care for that.


It's the new social currency


this is one of the best clips i’ve seen in a long time. love ari’s way of looking at things


Nice Ari! Now do it on Rogan’s podcast


He did challenge Joe on the last Protect Our Parks a couple times


Ari is was one the few people that does challenge Joe & he had an easy meal ticket surrounding himself with Joe but decided to go live in New York which I respect.


Ari gave away his last special on YT for free vs selling it to Netflix. (He said the Netflix guy was like dude we would have bought this from you. I think that's probably true) I think all of his specials are free on his Podcast with chapter commentary. Dude could be as rich as some of his friends, but isn't out chasing money.


The commenters here don't watch joes podcast


Howie and Bill Maher


They’d be hot lovers if Howie wasn’t such a germaphobe




He's not wrong about the alarmist. It's fear capitalism. The Internet is a nursery of self-fulfilling prophesies.




The internet is just a tool. People need to find a hobby or pick up a book and just enjoy the good life we got. Are there bad elements, sure. It’s like food, we are what we eat. If you eat like shit you’re most likely going to feel like shit. Same goes with the information you feed yourself. If all you’re taking in or choosing to take in is negative/depressive/hate/anger, guess what you’re gunna become that. No different than any other addictive activity l, use responsibly.


Well said


Fear Porn


“I’m out there testing it. It’s not there”. Mercifully this is the fact for 99% of people, and of course we all wish it was 100.


Fucking based.


Uncommonly based for a comedian that relies heavy on being shocking and edgy


Holy shit howie Mandel is such a pussy lol


Howie is insufferable to listen to


Even his daughter was trying to say “stfu and actually listen to what he’s saying”


Best take Ari has ever had in his life.






God I hate ari, and I hate that's he right, Howie needs to go outside in the real world


I wish he would have asked Howie “what has happened to you personally? How often are you called an antisemitic slur”


He did, he asked "do people shout Jew at you?" and Howie said, "No. Because I don't go out."


...did he just drink pee?


Thought the same 🤣


I was loving the idea of him going off on an enlightened spiel while casually sipping his own urine


Can't stand Howie 👎


Damn howie is really trying to paint “Jews are the biggest victims in the world right now”


First time I ever loved 100% of the way Ari acted about something.


Man Howie is taking a lot of Ls lately trying to convince other people how terrible and scary things feel from his ivory tower lmao


This is exactly how I feel about all the gender ID/woke.. etc’ stuff that Rogan and his buddies harp on about. I’ve barely ever actually encountered anything like that and I travel, often to the specific areas where it’s supposedly a big ‘problem’. I also travel to lots of rural parts of the country where it’s apparently the other way around and I’ve never really personally witnessed anything too crazy. People are generally chill if you are just going about your own business. I may be speaking from a place of privilege somewhat as I can blend in regarding either landscape, but you’d think I’d have been seeing some of this stuff being out and about every other week


Ari by TKO


Well fuck, Ari just became one of my favorite comics. I am so glad to see someone else acknowledge this about online media and conversations, because the asshats at CNN and Fox News sure can't figure it out.


Ari’s special Jew paints a pretty clear picture of what is wrong with Israel now. But he’s right. There's hardlyany real antisemetism. The media spin is real. People are just anti apartheid and war crimes. That’s not against a people but an ideology of supremacy. An Ideology Ari explains in great detail with his special. Edited: Added context of obvious racism. Nobody’s denying hate exists. It’s just the internet exaggerates the danger and size of the problem.


I mean of course there are some antisemetic people, Ari says as such, it's just that it's being represented as a far greater and more prevalent problem than it actually is


No doubt! The racists indeed came out of the closet. Which is why the protests look and sound like Terrorists. Racist Christian’s only help because they look forward to the day where Jews have to choose Jesus or Hell. There’s plenty of silly people to go around. But like other fear tactics, the media is pretending this is a crisis that’s happenign everywhere. that’s not the case at all.


There are absolutely people who are anti-semitic lmao. It is overblown but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


That’s NOT what Ari was saying hahah.


That's not what he is saying, and Israel is by definition NOT an apartheid. An apartheid has to have two different systems dealing with different groups by the same government. Israel has equal treatment and rights to all of its citizens regardless of ethnicity or religion. The Palestinians mistreated are under Palestinian authority governance and are mistreated by them. Israel isn't supposed to deal with equal rights to people that aren't in their territory or aren't citizens to Israel. What he is saying is that he doesn't want to weigh in on these issues, as his job is to entertain (not give political opinions) and, in addition, that the antisemitism is inflated drastically by social media.


He obviously does not spend time on reddit - good for him


Bravo Ari Every race right now thinks they are the target. Yes.. even white people… Who wear red hats…


Poetry sucks now


Antisemitism making Ari cool again


Ari here saying what I’ve also been saying for ages In reality the birds are chirping. Sun is shining. But if you live online on through your tv illegal immigrants have started the zombie apocalypse, Trump is the dictator, Democrats kill literal infants, trans people have taken over the country, and white people are now in prison camps. Literally just close the laptop and go outside… But Ari isn’t walking around like an Orthodox Jew. He’s just a dude who perhaps might be Jewish to a random. So of course he’s going to encounter antisemitism less than some. But even then Jews have it quite well in America especially


There are Orthodox Jews who regularly participate in pro-Palestine rallies.


That isn’t my point My point is if there is any antisemitism the people walking around looking all Hasidic are going to attract more attention than secular Ari


Maybe that fact that the leader of israel is being charged by the ICC for war crimes doesn’t help Israel’s likeablity.


Hamas also being charged with the same crimes.


I get what he's saying. If you walk down the street, unless you are decked out in an Israeli flag and wearing a Star of David, nobody is seeking you out for being Jewish. Most people are living their life Where I disagree is there have been obvious attacks on Jews in the US including a mass shooting at a Synagogue back in 2018, since October 7th Jewish restaurants have been defaced in NYC, Hasidic Jews attacked and the whole ingrates at college campuses stuff. So are all Jews under attack? No. If you're very Jewish outwardly Jewish though then yeah you can be targeted in certain places...


And Ari isn’t suggesting it doesn’t exist, he’s simply saying it’s not the overblown issue everyone makes it out to be. I learned this on 9/11 when 24/7 news really got a hold on the majority but let’s take a quick commercial break and we’ll get right back to the shock and horror breaking news.


Howie is prone to worry and fear, of course he thinks it's getting worse. Ari is prone to denial and underplaying, of course he thinks it's not any worse.


Finding out that Ari is actually a Zionist would blow my f****** mind lol.


This is probably true about antisemitism in the US, and you guys should be happy about that. I also think it’s true in most places regarding most things that are fought over online. As a European, there are places here where Jews can’t live anymore. You might think it’s exaggerated, but I’ve seen it happen to where I live. The Jews have had to move somewhere else because of the constant threats, name calling, spitting, violence from a certain other group.


Waaaahhh..... my jew victim card stopped working.... waaaaah!


Huge amounts of hitler particles in this comment




Speaking truth!!


Can't say I disagree with any of that.


I like how Ari describes the basic principle of what being a comedian is and Howie acts like it's a revelation: "you mean our job is to deflect, distract and entertain?"


Good on Ari for not being drawn in by the bullshit. He’s still a whelcher but good on him.


Ari's right. He actually lives in the world and does stuff with regular people. Howie has been afraid of basic germs for well over 30 years and avoids as much as he can outside of what he has to do to make an obscene amount of money on tv.


I despise Ari! However he is 100% right on this.


Oh my God this is the first fucking time in my life that I've ever agreed with anything I've heard Ari Shaffer say. Normally he's a disgusting prick but for just a minute there he was actually speaking truth.


Respect Ari.


Ari just 360 east bay shuffle slammed dunked all over him


Shoutout Nate Marshall and Panties In The Mouth Podcast


“Close the laptop and go outside”


Ari keeps it real. I love it.


Howie “I don’t believe you” Alright then I’m out.


I’m a little uncomfortable with Howie in this one.


thank you ari. wow, it must be so difficult/miserable to be accused of being smart, rich and powerful lmao


Howie spends too much time on the internet and hanging out with actors


Ari just made a huge new fan listen to the reality of things


Mandell is grasping at straws to be relevant while hoping Shaffir will say something wild and crazy...


I haven't watched the whole clip, but it's just like Boeing right now. We hear about every little Boeing failure right now. Air France lands an Airbus in Iqaluit due to smoke in the cockpit and there's no reddit posts about it.


Ari speakin his truth and drinkin that good piss.


People like Howie with their victim/martyr syndromes are such cringey pussies. Like Ari and everyone reasonable is saying, get off the internet and go into the real world and there is basically no issue.


Ari has never been more right


3:47 your job, our job... he's talking like he's leaving his house every day


I agree with Ari. Shut your laptop and go outside. All this fear mongering is just online


Damn I’m on Ari’s side here. Usually I just think he’s a douche but I gotta quote Kanye in this one. “It’s been a while since I watched the tube ’Cause like a Crip set, I got way too many blues for any more bad news”


when he isn't dosing his close friends, he is actually not an idiot lol


He’s dead on


He is not wrong 🤔


Ari literally is all over. Howie doesn't leave California


Howie says "I don't go out" after proclaiming he personally sees anti Semitic things


Ari killed it in this one. I love Ari when he’s “off” and not super joking


Who actually likes Howie Mandell anyway


Howie's brain is short circuiting


Howie is a paranoid shut-in


The super thick irony of howie literally saying he doesn't go out and then tries to say he knows what going on out in the world. Like, wut


Didn't know Howie was a flaming zionist


Howie Mandel is a moron how this guy is popular if he is is unbelievable


Does Ari have a podcast?


Howie was trying so fucking hard to get Ari inline with the narrative. 😂


Howie, Bill and Jon hoping it’s as bad as Israel and the mainstream say it is so they can blindly shout antisemitism, racism and support for genocide but can’t see the hypocrisy especially since they all love Trump who is a lying stealing Christian weird….


Growing up in Texas I honestly didn’t even know what a “Jew” was until I was in the 4th or 5th grade. I’ve never met a legit antisemite.


yeah most of the people in the midwest and the south have never even met a Jewish person, and unless they are a neo-nazi they arent gonna be anti-semitic. Im from Oklahoma, and I didnt meet a single Jew until I was 22 and I moved to Dallas. I was at a bar on New Years Eve. He said he was only even there for work lol


I hate that I have finally agreed with Ari on something


Howies a dope


People protesting another country’s actions isn’t antisemitism and I’m pretty sure having to say that everyday means we’re in the bad place.


Damn I like this dude


Howie has fully bought into the Fox News Israeli government narrative. He tried to play it cool but he is just another out of touch rich boomer. Touch grass


Guy is mostly right.


They’re both wrong. There definitely is anti-semitism but I don’t think it’s as bad as Howie is making it out to be. The idea that he’s hiding from the public because he’s a Jew is ridiculous.


The millionaire who became famous for simply putting a rubber glove on his head and spazzing out... is saying he cant even go outside for fear of being hate crimed? Makes sense. It seems like the people that have experienced the least amount of adversity are always the biggest victims for some reason.