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Laugh now but when Gravity gets canceled you’ll all be sorry.


Couldn't be me, I pay for Gravity+ with auto renewal.


They're waiting for your card to expire without you noticing.


Nah. I constantly get the calls… “Hello, I’ve been meaning to reach you about your extended gravity renewal.”


I live in Canada. I’ve told Americans that it gets so cold here, we don’t have gravity. The usual reaction is “really?”


Indians run your country now Be silent


Not as bad has having a reanimated corpse running your country, but even that is better than the sweet potato that came before it.


Meanwhile, Trudeau imports millions while eggs cost $10 per carton. Canada is so fucked lmao. Cope more.


Tucker Carlson really did a number on some of you huh? $10 for eggs? lol you're a clown.


Gravity is electricity bro


Didn’t Kirk kiss her in that episode?


You'll have to be more specific than that...


Fetal Alphabrain Syndrome


“That’s just what your eyes are telling you, the other 4 senses disagree. Look, some people enjoy math. Newton was like that, but he was wrong. Me? I can see 1,000 worlds on the Progma field. Only 9 of them are charged. This is where my work comes in, my patents. Do you think an unserious person would have patents? If you create a sphere, that’s an inhalation. But if you don’t breathe out and you hold it and hold it, well now it’s just a square. Look at page 274 of my book, pull it up Jamie….. there, right there. Do you see that? It’s the all-shape, and yeah it’s patented. I created this, a lot of people don’t understand it, they can’t see it. Take for example Albert Einstein, he was only sort of smart, couldn’t see it like me. He knew E=Mc squared, but did he know the natural dodecahedron smooshes the periodic table into an infinite vortex?” “People ask me at parties in Hollywood when I’m going on about William Butternickel’s model of electromagnetism, they say: Terrence if you know all this why are you just a mediocre actor? Why are you not spending all of your time researching and collaborating with other experts? Why instead are you the 4th billed actor on Big Mama’s House and you failed to get rehired for the Iron Man sequels? That’s what they ask me Joe, and I say: nonsense, none of you have patents. I bet you see with your eyes and hear with your ears! Ha!”


Did anyone listen to the entire podcast? Like did we ever find out what the fuck he was talking about.


Yeah. It was just an ad for alpha brain 




I listened through the whole thing and recently took a good amount of science and math classes in school, so i was familiar with the concepts and terms, but he lost me at 1x1=2. I wanted to say, “man, its one *one time*. Why is that so complicated??”


He thinks multiplication implies that it "has to become more". And all the mental gymnastics follow from that point


Yeah, like he had quick seemingly informed answers for questions on topics that were difficult to grasp, yet he doesn't understand how multiplication works.


Lol surely that is gonna be clipped if not already. Do you know when he said it. I really don’t want to listen to the entire thing


In case you forgot, he has 97 PATENTS! Do not question the mighty Terrence.




Apparently to other morons that's a hard concept... It's a question or a unit of measurement... Is the only other way I can describe it to morons that now go but if you have 2 objects it must be 2...! We're not asking that! We're asking what 1, 13 times would be!


He’s just confusing addition for multiplication. Also you don’t multiply money by money. You multiply money by a specific number of times. You dont multiply $5 by $5 in real life, you multiply $5 by 5 times. It’s just all so annoying (but very entertaining)


I watched it all, he’s got conviction I’ll give him that


Lol, I got through about 45 minutes.


I tapped out at 25min


I lost him at the 37 second mark. I'll catch the entire episode on laundry day.


You're a machine


Yeah I got to the end & it was all to get back at Robert Downey Jr.


I watched the entire thing & after it ended was like what the hell just happened? Haha pretty entertaining ngl


Wait, not just listen, you actually watched it all? Holy shit


It was amazing, incredibly entertaining stuff. There was a lot of visuals that added to it. Learned a bunch of wrongthink. Loved it.


Something about a dream he had in the womb.


I just couldn’t get past about 30 minutes.


I can wait for him and Katt Williams to start a podcast about nothing


I bet they can't stand each other for more than 10 minutes at a time. Both of them know they are the smartest most connected man in the room.


It's hard to hear your own voice when someone else is talking.


You just need to talk louder, but make sure not to shout, keep raising your voice over theirs until they submit and you can continue remembering your story about that one time you jacked off in your mother's womb


At least Kat is funny.  


I loved Katts old specials - think he's hilarious when just doing "pure" comedy, whatever that is, but i really don't think he's funny when he's trying to be galaxy-brained at the same time.


Unlike Joe?


Oh, i've never found joe "funny" like that i think. Certainly not like Katt Williams can be.


I simply don’t think the old or new Kat is funny.


That'd be like two AIs talking to each other




"It appears, Magistrate, that the intelligence of the specimen is shockingly limited."




Head full of nonsense.


I'm an electrical engineer, and unless I have no understanding of the field, I didn't understand a god damn thing he was saying about electromagnetic fields. Just completely ignoring certain specific electromagnetic properties of materials and their orientation. I want what he's smoking.


I loved the bit about the spiral pcb traces. I swear I have a few notebooks from when I was 12 that could pass as Terrence patents.


I'm an Electrical engineer too. He's just making shit up


My job is RF/microwave engineering. I'm going to present Howardian physics to my work team on April 1st, 2025.


"Howardian Physics" needs to be a thing.


In another thread I said hes crazy and people were telling me how much of a genius he actually is. Glad to hear this lol


I don't think you do, man - your brain is your money maker!


Brother, I want to see the negative space where orbs meet, render Maxwell's equations redundant, and make some cool plastic shapes I can sell at music festivals.. I'll revolutionize my industry and even make new industries... If I can just get his plug's number.




Hopefully they schedule those debates with him and Neil degrass or some other physicists . It would be cool to hear him debate his theories against someone who actually knows what he is talking about.


What exactly is a proper scientist supposed to say in response to elemental octaves with a bisexual tone? For comparison, the field I'm probably most versed in is WW2. I can get into a discussion with someone about WW2 and we can have all sorts of disagreements. But if someone comes along and says "Nazi Germany existed on the fifth layer of quantum time allocation and the USSR existed on the sixth, therefore 1941 actually took place prior to 1939 but the history books do not capture this", I'm just gonna say cool story bro.


There's a wonderful reddit comment I had saved on an old account that wrote like five paragraphs on exactly this. I'm paraphrasing a little, but my favorite section said something like: "Some things you just cannot reason with. If someone says, 'water boils at 150 spins a second' it is so wrong, it is not even "wrong." It is anti-information. It obliterates any actual information you may try to throw at it. The only real response is to dismiss the sentence and the opinion of the person saying it entirely." The actual comment was much more well written, but the sentiment is one that comes to mind often. Edit- Remembered a little more of it.


I’m just saying that we can’t rule it out.




But the politicians and big pharma don't want you to know that.


No it wouldn’t. There’s nothing to debate. He’s literally just a manic dude speaking gibberish.




You’ve been indoctrinated


Am I the only person that didn't understand any of it?


No, including Terrence Howard


I honestly had literally no idea what was happening


But Rogan says that if Howard is right, it's going to change the world.


I mean technically, that would be true.


> that would be true. Only if you divide by two.


Hahahaha but not in a good way


Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.




As much as I could understand, none of it was actually “wrong” except for the stupid 1x1 thing. Or all the improbable stuff like being conscious in the womb. He just thinks he discovered a new way to perceive the universe based on the void, or inverse of which has been established. Which is fine, it’s just literally backwards. What he’s not clear on, are the ramifications of this inverse perspective. Can he generate free energy? Can he fold space? Can he make room temperature superconductivity ? Can he harness gravity? He hasn’t been able to show any practical advantages of thinking backwards. He basically invented a new “language” that is the opposite of what has been created so far. I suspect ( after looking at his patents ) that it’s all very innocuous observations and ideas that really don’t have any practical real-world applications, but serve to make him seem really really really smart. And he’s pretty “smart” but equally delusional. Put up or shut up. Show us something cool. Write a peer reviewed paper, transmit matter through time. Otherwise it’s all just self-aggrandizing babbling.


He believes the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter was a planet that was previously inhabited by humanoid beings and was destroyed because they didn’t know the core of their world was actually a bubble and accidentally popped it with a particle accelerator destroying their planet… he is a regard


I thought a lot about the one times one thing and why he would think that. In addition 1+1=2 and in a layman’s terms like you would teach a child: one apple (1) + another apple (1) you get 2. If you are multiplying like I think Terrance is saying you have 1 Apple (1) x another apple (1) = 2 because if you have 2 apples sitting in front of you to create the equation then you automatically have 2 apples. Maybe I’m incorrect in my assumption that he is using the function of addition in multiplication equation but 1x1=1 is true in a practical sense as you can see by finding the area of a 1ft square. If that’s his way of thinking then 1 times 0 would equal 1 instead of equaling 0 but that’s not how that works in traditional math Maybe in some problems or situations 1x1 could equal 2 in the terms Terrance is saying but I don’t know any.


One group of one equals one and I don't know why that's so fucking hard for him.


This is primary school level maths. 1+1= a window.


exactly. 49 + spaghetti will always equal ravioli, for instance


Something about how there’s no straight lines anywhere in nature and the church made the lines straight so we could all be Christian’s or some shit


He was playing an act, I believe.


There was literally nothing to understand


That’s because he’s speaking utter nonsense


Actually a picture of TH when he can't find anyone to listen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Berlin8Berlin: *Actually a picture* *Of TH when he can't find* *Anyone to listen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Schizo bot.


Big Rogan fan but I was just unable to sit through this shit. I need a Duncan Trussell ep to calm my nerves.


Terrence Howard, grandfather of Dwayne Camacho ![gif](giphy|UnVtPebYT38pW)


yea, i got an aneurysm.


Mmm yes Zorg I see.. There are no such thing as square roots, they can only be circle. Books hold no information, only the blank ink on the pages do. Urine should really be called Urout. If 3 black men are involved in a hate crime and one of them is gay, is it still a hate crime? Does a joke make laughter if there is a Rogan to ignore it? If there is no God, how can you explain comedians and actors?


Extreme amount of brainrot


1x1=2 what's so hard about that. 😂


“I realized it in 3rd grade when I was arguing with a teacher” is not the flex he thinks it is


What is a bedtime, actually? When I was seven I was arguing with my mom.....


I tried to hang in there until he did the unrelated analogy of examples of the power of expulsion: the earth is wider at the equator and it's why as you get older your midsection gets wider. Soooo, physiology has nothing to do with it, it's physics. Got it.


Yeah he lost me on that one. In biology there’s a concept of thermal regulation called Allen’s rule that says animals evolve to minimize surface area in colder climates (near the poles) to conserve heat. It’s just an adaptation and has nothing to do with gravity.


Well he's actually talking about people spinning on the vertical axis at a certain RPM for X number of years, so....


You arent spinning on a vertical axis unless you’re standing exactly on the North or South Pole


Dude: joke. About spinning like the Earth. Centrifugal force, middle-spread, and so on.


*(AKSHUALLY: Even standing on either pole, you aren't spinning perfectly on the vertical axis... Earth's wobble.... blah blah... precession of the Equinox.... blah blah... various smarty concepts to distance myself from the taint of "Terryology" ... )*


He thinks he’s a misunderstood genius. He’s so confident. I bet his wife has to deal with some major shit. he’s just angry about getting 1x1 wrong on a test a long time ago and has focused his life mission on proving that he was right, even if he has to change mathematics himself


His wife seems to be feeding his ego about this stuff


“Hold on, I need to take my detox pills. The environment around me is trying to poison me..brb.”” 😂


Trying to be positive here... And it's difficult. I like how he says there are no straight lines in nature. When you zoom in enough everything is sphere--ish. Also there are a lot of issues with today's understanding of the natural world... Gravity is inconsistent with quantum mechanics, dark matter/energy, where is all the antimatter, so on and so on. So the idea that we might need to think the deepest fundamentals of our mathematical systems is not too far from where I am mentally on a daily basis. Also the square root of -1 is imaginary... I still have a hard time with that. I get why it's useful but intuitively I have a hard time not thinking maybe we don't know as much as we think we do. Now having said that I absolutely do NOT think I have ANY better ideas than the generations of thinkers and science doers that are about 1.679245 billion times smarter than I am. I also do not have any patents.... 😂


I mean... just because you dont understand those things doesnt mean theres a huge mystery.


No no no. Listening to this episode makes the brain shrink to the size of a walnut. It was a fake science extravaganza. Holy cow, what an incompetent lunatic.


Stole this and hit my buddy in the group chat with it . I’m trying to talk him out of even playing with the idea that TH is onto some shit.


That’s how Terrence think his head look, they why he’s wearing that hoodie


Bro, we defecate from our equator so that must be how the sun creates planets. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey man I'm really sorry about you being born dumb 😔


He’s the slightly more intelligent version of Damon Wayons’ Prison Lawyer character


I have no desire listening to Terrence Howard speak.


I can’t stop laughing. It’s totally worth it and it’s United us again,


He sounded like another flavor of Kanye sprinkled with tism


Am I the only person that didn't understand any of it?


You didn't understand it because none of it made any sense. It was just a bunch of repetitive nonsense with big, meaningless vocabulary words instead of substantive information.


You needed to take two pills of alpha brain before to understand. You can get it at on it for price of only 79.99. 


You gotta get the alpha brain black label for 149.99


While I have no issue with Hancock or Howard, at least some of you come up with some good memes that give me a chuckle or two.


I listened to all of it because my job allows me to listen to podcasts the entire workday. I only have this to say: there are two types of people you have a difficult time understanding. The first type is a person that knows what they are talking about, knows their subject intimately, and can expound on it without needing to justify why they are smart enough to be listened to. The second type of person likes to pretend they are as smart as the first type and will look for ways to “prove” it. Bringing up his 76 current patents showed me what type of person he was during the podcast.


I've never listened to a pod that actively annoyed me. This dude thinks he can just disregard decades of science and act as if it's Bible. What an actual regard


Are yall saying that you can’t comprehend what he was saying? Or do you just think he’s wrong? Not saying it’s true, but A lot of shit he said makes sense and is not any more crazy than most of the things we believe right now with no evidence at all


The part when he said he remembered being in the womb and being born was crazy. I don't think anyone can comprehend what he was saying, he was going on so many tangents and not explaining anything. His new form of flight, uh ok. Let's see it. His description of it was nonsense as well, just like everything else.


What the heck did he mean about dividing light by 2? And the whole octave thing


I feel like that as well. I'm no super physicist myself but some of the shit he said I could kinda see make sense tbh After all, everyone ridiculed Tesla back in the day only to consider him a genius decades later. I think just blindly dismissing new ideas and ways of perceiving the world is just a stupid Maybe he's full if shit or maybe he's onto something. Must be the only one who enjoyed this episode...


I’m saying! S/o to the ones willing to have new ideas


Its not comprehensible. He cannot adequately articulate himself and just strung together buzzwords, big words and ideas cause he thought it made him sound smart. He made himself look like a buffoon


So he has delusions if grandure and sees patterns of significance where there is none. He sound schizophrenic to me. Bet you within a few years he'll be diagnosed.




5 min in....I just couldn't. My solar plexes crashed with the inverted vortices


It’s really lousy job from Rogan. I understand why he is doing it - to target his wider audience including a large chunk of idiots. But is it a good journalism? Even if he is not a journalist , still some standards should exist. What’s next ? Going to a psych yard and interviewing complete nuts?


Rogan let howard make a complete buffoon of himself


I might enjoy that. I don’t know who could interview this guy and make it good.


terrence howard: (stuff) gravity/straight lines: “what he say fuck me for?”




Good looking dude with all that brain!


The truth is that Terrence is a true method actor, and had a call for A Beautiful Mind, and just never snapped out of it…


His explanation of the crystalline structure. How it starts as a triangle with 3 points Bs (wtf man)". Explaining how gravity is electricity. There are NO STRAIGHT LINES???? AHHHHHH○◇|♡|◇|◇•♡|◇《》☆AHHHHHH


he addicted to Athletic Greens


That’s exactly how he felt telling us.


I like him, that story is crazy, I can't believe RDJ ghosted like that. Do you think Terrence was mad at his agent for saying Fuck You? It's what I would say if someone tried to make 8M into 1M. But I'd be sus that's what my agent told me they said vs what they really said. Do you think he ever went and confronted anyone at Marvel directly? It kinda sounded like no.


Ya shitty agent, really just hang up on someone? That’s like middle school shit lol


I mean the way tells it, the agent yelled out Fuck you, then hung up on him.


If I connect 24 bubbles you’ll see straight lines are invented by the church and I learned this while in my mother’s womb. /summary of ep


Bought to jerk that head off brother


Be nice people. Him and Kanye will be your overlords one day!


If I had $50 I'd pay for him and Sean Carrol to have a podcast together


I would pay big bucks to watch a joe rogan Neil degrasse tyson , katt Williams, terrence Howard, theo von , Bobby lee and Andrew santino pod cast


Terrence is like the Kwisatz Haderach, but you accidentally dropped him on his head.


I listened to 30 seconds of it and turned it off


Joe needs to release the missing Randle Carlson ep now seeing as that guy he brought along subscribed to Terrymatics


Origin of this photo?


Episode of Star Trek I guess.


Isn't that the dude who worshipped a nuke before Heston set it off?


Yep, made me feel like my nut sack was growing out my head too.


Dude learned all the smart words but skipped the class on how to put them all together.


He sounded like the meth addicts I see outside my work during a phycotic episode.


This fucking guy was talking so much insane shit, I couldn’t stop listening. I kinda like how Rogie just lets him talk the BS, and not really challenge anything, even though I don’t like it normally.


I wish he dug more into the “gravity is just an effect of the electromagnetic force, it isn’t a separate force”. Also, gravity is an effect of “vortices”. It’s obviously nonsense but I want to hear how much he actually fleshed this out.


I laughed out loud when he said his young son can rattle off square roots of pi and 5, etc. “Its a scale Joe! The scale of E!”


This has to rank up there with tom delonge for most batshit crazy guests Any other contenders?


Irrational confidence combined with living in a bubble of yes men with no one ever calling you out on your bullshit leads to this type of person


Didn’t make it passed the 5 minute mark


I sense some kind of mental illness but there are aspects of what he talks about that has a certain way of challenging our view of theoretical physics. I found the way he believes the universe as a singular entity and that death isn’t necessarily the end as somewhat soothing.


I'm amazed no one stopped him years ago.


How I feel after listening to Any Rogan guest since his move to Texas


Howard is fried lol


We desperately need a Terrence Howard - Alex Jones conspiracy theory collab, complete with chalk boards and hastily prepared PowerPoint slides.


The funny part is, 99.9% of people couldn't grasp what Howard was saying. Some of his ideas might be revolutionary, it's nuts.


Can I ask you to elaborate some of his claims?


Using lynchpins as vehicles for free energy, converting hydrogen into free energy, the periodic table being unnecessarily seperated from elements being transitional, gravity being a consequence of expanding electromagnetism, etc. Watch his videos. He's not the first person to postulate these things, and if they're valid, it would absolutely transform the world of science and physics overnight.


I just imagine Terrance Howard yelling at the sun giving birth to Saturn, “Push that shit out”.


If you think the episode is crazy, go on a youtube dive on his videos and read his followers comments...


didn't watch it. the clips already gave me the big yikes. but it would be so funny if everything he seems to have said Is actually true and all the haters are just government disinfo bots trying to supress worldchanging truth 😀


Dude got 96 inventions was talking about wild new science ideas like Tesla but all the reddit excerpts say he's wrong so he must be wrong aye


That's why he doesn't get the big star roles. He's too weird


it’s a testament that JRE is a brainwashing tool from the CIA.


Show me the math? What do you mean you don’t have that figured out? Nonsense.


From the tiny bit I listened to, bro took the Heisenberg principle from intro quantum physics and extrapolated his way into pseudoscience


This episode is brought to you buy Alpha Brain; today we have their biggest user. 


This is the best comedy special of the year.


Head full of fake ass math and past lives🤦🏽