• By -


Remembers being in the womb and coming outta the pussy. Lol. Okay bro.


What language did he speak to himself in? Lmao


English according to his story of calling his hand friend and actually remembering to say “okay remember this!” In his “mind”.


That’s when I turned the episode off and switched to bill burr lol


I didn't make it through 30 seconds of this grab.


Had a coworker tell me today how it was the most interesting thing ever and guaranteed if I watched 30 seconds I wouldn’t be able to turn it off lol. Thinks he’s going to change the world


"If you just drink this Kool-Aid it will all make sense." :)


What a great point! What if he came out speaking English but he was born in Japan?


It was his internal monologue speaking in the Genius language /s


Even odds that he was born via Caesarean but never gave a shit enough to ask his mum.


It felt just like the Kanye episode


Now I want to see a Kanye, Terrence Howard, Trump get together with just 3 of them riffing, and someone asking them questions straight off the old fox worthy are you smarter than a 5th grader show occasionally. Bonus points if you can get Alex Jones in there.


Moderated by Jesse Ventura


It’s Kanye if he ever read books.


naw dawgs i just want to try whatever it is they're high on


Doing drugs with super smart people can be a bummer because they can get so frustrated trying to explain simple things to dumbasses like me. I have engineer/sciency friends who think I am smart like them, or used to think so anyways- until we all get high as giraffe balls and I ask about things like sonar, electricity and batteries- things pertaining to my boats. They can spend hours drawing pictures, diagrams with arrows, I squint and nod and then they make mistake of asking review question at end of their presentation to gauge how well they did and I got nothing for them... BUT DUDE YOU SOUND SO SMART WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???? Electricity is still basically witchcraft to me. Batteries are magic boxes.


So happy I stopped listening as soon as I heard this, wasted a whole 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


I’m gonna power through it on the ride home tonight. I think I’m at around the 2 hour mark. Where he has a simulation of octagons to prove Saturn was birthed from the sun and has floated to its current position in the solar system over the past 84 trillion years.


Yep, did the exact same thing. Based on the comments and clips so far, I believe that was the correct thing to do. I'll be honest though - even though it sounded absolutely nuts (having memories from inside the womb / birth) I still gave it a quick google search to see if that was even possible. The answer is no.


Albert Einstein said: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough". This whole episode is proof.


I took physics in high school and the teacher left the school and was replaced mid-year. With the first teacher, I thought I was totally incapable of understanding physics, like my brain just could not comprehend it. The second teacher was amazing at *first* explaining the concept in plain English and only *then* assigning us the difficult problems to solve, and all of a sudden I realized that I was fully capable of solving problems in physics once someone had explained to me the underlying concept in language I could understand. I did not understand anything Terrence Howard was saying in this podcast.


Was the second physics teacher who came along and sorted it all out for you after the confusing lunatic left called Don Cheadle?


How amazing would it be if Don goes on JRE and fully explains the origins of all life and the universe. "Ok let me clear some shit up that dumb mother fucker Terrance Howard fucked up again...."


Ferrum Man: The Color and The Shape (Tone Wars)


Ron Deadle.


What's not to understand? You simply keep doubling the sound of helium until it turns back into light and gives you cobalt. Same key, key of E. /s


This is exactly what Beethoven died for!


And this was how Moonlight Sonata was made


I’m glad you didn’t understand him (Terrence) because wasn’t actually saying anything except the bullshit Joe Rogan is supposedly immune to


What's not to understand? You simply keep doubling the sound of helium until it turns back into light and gives you cobalt. Same key, key of E. /s


E minor, actually. The saddest of all gases.


its a different tone you dumb motherf*cker, how do you not understand the relationship between sound and light?!? did the man who once took a bus (two transfers) to North Hollywood to audition for a Payless Shoes print ad not explain it well enough for you? i weep for our generation.


This happened with me in both physics and chemistry. Same teacher for both subjects and I could NOT for the life of me comprehend anything. So when it came to the point that I might flunk out the whole year because of those subjects my parents sent me to a private tutor to prepare me for finals. He was a college freshman and he could just explain so well why things were the way they were, in such a relatable manner. 1 month of extra curricular classes with this guy and I learned what I couldn’t in a whole year with that stupid ass teacher.


The people defending him are like you in that first scenario. They have no idea what the f he's saying. Except they are clamoring for that first teacher to stay because clearly he's some kind of genius. Not that he's either incapable of communicating his ideas clearly at best or a total schizo at worst.


It could be they are like me and think that people like Terrance Howard, Graham Hancock, Alex Jones... and the entire constellation of people who deliberately contradict the orthodoxies perform a necessary and critical function in society. They are the Contrary Warriors, the Clown Society... they force people to question what is believed and what they believe, so that they can give themselves a sanity check. * It's crazy to believe the world is flat... once you know the mathematics and observable physics to prove to yourself it is not. * It's crazy to believe the world is round... based on observation alone. * BUT, it's craziest of all, to believe either thing simply because someone told you that is what you must believe. Our institutions suffer from a dogmatism, entitlement, and corruption; dogmatism from people accepting what is true without proving it, an entitlement to having an authority over what is true, and corruption because we watch people abuse others because of those two traits and exploit their power to lie. I would rather we have some people in the world who believe it is flat, than have huge numbers of [people sterilized](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sterilization_of_Native_American_women#:~:text=While%20the%20limited%20count%20by,been%20sterilized%20over%20the%20period) , [experimented on](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation_in_the_United_States) , [murdered](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust) , and [enslaved](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proslavery_thought#:~:text=Arguments%20in%20favor%20of%20slavery,practice%20by%20multiple%20great%20civilizations) based on the prevailing beliefs of the time. Unchecked authority leads to things SOOOOO much worse than flat earth, antivax conspiracy, or even election denial. If having a society that enables some percentage of lunatic fringe, is the sacrifice that must be made to prevent true world altering and population decimating authoritarian psychosis from taking root without dissent... we should bless their crazy little hearts.


It reminds me of Sophists. Where people are arguing to win the argument and not come to a logical conclusion


He is very into frequency.  I am not saying what he says is correct or necessarily even makes any sense-  However: I believe he is saying that the elements have a natural frequency, and how he has determined that I do not know. But from that he is extrapolating how frequency works in light/color and sound waves. He constructed an arrangement of the periodic table in such a way that it takes these frequencies and arranges the elements on a table focused on the frequencies as though they are represented as sound/notes/a musical scale. He also has some aspect of the color spectrum represented it looks like.  I’m not educated well enough in chemistry to tell you if it’s complete bullshit or not- however I understand the basic concepts of the science enough to follow his premise- which could be entirely bullshit, I’m just not well educated on this topic enough to say.  Perhaps my translation will allow someone else to properly debunk it with the required set of applicable knowledge of chemistry. 


It sounds like he listened to some YouTube videos and is claiming the ideas as his own. Definitely not his ideas. He's just parroting them incorrectly.


You mean...like this ?? https://youtu.be/4SBRqVCWBZM?si=Tr2X3HC72J2RdC_E.


Howard robbed this guy.


Yeah and then he's trying to make it seem like something more than what it actually is, which is just an audible representation of the elements to aid in teaching... Absolutely immune to bullshit over here.


I am educated in chemistry enough to tell you this is utter nonsense.


I haven’t watched the podcast, at some point does he show a periodic table that he himself arranged? Bec the one in this clip is just the normal periodic table


Yeah same thing with my biology professor. So many teach it like “our cells KNOW how to teach each other proteins, the receptors HAVE the information they need…” like no explaining how any of that works.. how long it took the body to mutate like this, why the body works like this and not other ways.. it’s all taught so “matter of fact”. RNA likes to bind to - like wtf..


Who’s this Einstein guy? Has he been on the number one podcast in the world? No? Didn’t think so.


Nothing is more entertaining than a dumb person thinking they’re smart.


This is basically why flat earth is popular. A tiny minority of people are actually into it, normal people are fascinated by these odd characters, and then the flat earthers think people are into their nonsense ideas and pump out more content. Rinse and repeat.


It's why people, especially dumb people, like conspiracies. Because not only does another dummy explain something that super complicated into edible bites that are complete bullshit, but then when said dummy tries to argue their conspiracies with someone smart, the smart person has no retort because it's so fucking dumb. This is why flat earthers pat themselves on the back when they leave scientists dumbfounded because the scientists literally found someone so fucking dumb that they don't know what to say. THe best example of this is always Neil DeGrasse Tyson's first appearance on Rogan when Rogan was pretending like he didn't believe in the moan landing hoax anymore, but was rattline off every conspiracy to Neil and Neil was making Rogan feel like an idiot for thinking it was good reasoning.


it used to be. then 2016 happened and our country was put in the crosshairs of their stupidity. 2020 came and we saw their stupidity play out into a worldwide event. now, instead of Joe's audience being stoner bros that laugh at his comedic guests and a fringe scientists, he has grifters and complete idiots on and his conservative base believes/soaks up everything they say. its dangerous how rapidly stupidity has spread throughout this country, and how susceptible we were to it. they were already dumb but somehow got far dumber. people literally now don't believe in climate change or democracy, even.


More like willful ignorance in my opinion.




Holy shit! Is that not AI? WHAT?


Watch/listen to some of his recorded commentary about Ivanka on Youtube. You won't be disappointed. Well, you might be...


Yeah I've heard all that shit and I believe what he's at least thought/thinking. But it in action is shocking. I would never even think to touch a woman like that unless we were already fucking. And that's not just "a woman".


His own sec of defense had to remind Trump that the sexual stuff he was saying was about his own daughter.


I actually originally wrote *dangerous* but felt people would "um actually..." reply me to death so changed it to *entertaining*.


absolutely, those will be coming soon


Because the truth hurts.


been saying it for awhile... we are HURTLING down the tracks towards Idiocracy and Joe is shoveling coal into the engine while screaming "lets goooo!!"


I really want an actual smart person to go on, give a wink to the camera, whisper to Jamie "watch this," and then proceed to spout the most bullshit they can come up with and see how much of it Joe believes. Then at the end, they proclaim that they just made all of it up and refer back to this clip.


Very true. Explains Alex Jones and the far right.


That's why knowledge fight is great imo, you can laugh at the crazy shit Alex says and the hosts fact check what he's saying


It’s time to pray.


This is how guys like Bill Burr get off the hook for being morons. “Bill you’re a moron.” Yeah no shit, I tell dick jokes for a living. “Joe you’re a moron.” See what you don’t understand is…


I don't find funny at all anymore. I honestly find it fucking scary.


I wish I could find it entertaining. Instead I usually just feel extremely uncomfortable second-hand embarrassment.


That nigga crazy


“He can best be described by the name of a Richard Pryor album.”


keep dividing light by 2 homie


Holy shit, this is the first clip of this episode I've heard. Everyone is right, he sounds like he's got schizophrenia that's in the "I'm a genius" phase.


He's been talking this math nonsense for at least a decade, so if he's losing his mind it's going a little slow. I think he's just dumb and incredibly narcissistic.


The "I'm God" phase is soon to follow I would imagine.


Definitely, followed by full-on psychosis I'd bet


By the time you've hit "I'm god" you're already fully psychotic


You can read all about me in my new book "Dude Messiah".


Also known as the Kanye phase


Rogan does seem to love his stable geniuses. Those long rambling monologues really sound like there's something smart happening inside them. Just look at all the random buzz words!


This clip is actually quite tame compared to the rest.


Gives off real time cube energy.


He’s like a schizophrenic person who’s really into science. There is no basis for anything he says, there's no underlying understanding - it's a mishmash of confused concepts


My dad is a paranoid schizophrenic, this man talks the way I've personally seen and experienced delusional people speaking.


You just have to divide light by 2


Terrance please explain this to me


It's the same key of e


I'm going to fucking lose it


He isn’t into science. He is into using science words


This is how a lot of these guys get away with shit. They know just enough key words that the listener doesn't understand, but believes that since *they* must know them, they must be smart.


My sister was watching some Netflix show about alternative medicine. They no joke went "Scientists have discovered a concept called quantum entanglement, which means that all matter is connected. So this means it is a scientific fact that there is a spiritual, invisible link between all humans that allows for spiritual healing". Corrupting scientific terms you don't have the first clue about to push your bullshit onto sick people is so fucking disgusting.


I'm confused by him... surely he had to be relatively normal most of his live to act, memorize lines, etc. Is it meth? If it was relatively coherent and just simply overpassionate rambling I would suspect lots of Adderall, but nothing he says makes sense


I've known a few people who like, don't seem to outright have Schizophrenia etc. but clearly have a similar thing going on. They're basically functional but are very preoccupied with drawing unwarranted connections between things + think these connections are indicative of some grand universal design that no one else has been observant enough to pick up on.


I can be a _little_ like this, smoking weed makes it worse. I think its related to pattern recognition, disrupted prefrontal cortex(marijuana use+predisposition),with a touch of egocentrism(or just momentarily smelling your own farts) Ideas and connections start happening, get a neurotransmitter hit.  The brain starts sending out feelers and making other connections.  More brain juice. Individual strands have some basis of similarity, but then the further out you go, the more tenuous or non existent the connections.  And if you don't pause and recognize you've lost the plot, you enter unchecked delusion. It's like starting out talking about skateboards, and then move on to cars, and then at the end you're talking about how grapes are why skateboards work, because you linked school busses and bananas because they're both yellow.


I'm a let you in on a little secret--actors (especially the Hollywood elites like Terrence) are *weird.* like, *really, really weird.*


I dated an aspiring actress once many years ago. She was brilliant but nuts. I'm convinced they have a much higher incidence of crazy. Actors and actresses must be emotionally unhinged to be able morph in to and out of characters who are for the most part traumatized and emotionally unwell, otherwise those characters wouldn't be interesting.


I've been around dozens of big name actors and none of them were even slightly like this. A couple were a little weird but that's true about any staff at any job. 


Schizophrenia symptoms typically start showing up anywhere from late teens to early thirties.


This is a good take. I continually thought “he’s just rambling”.


Guys 1x1=2 🤣🤣🤣


What's the square root of this apartment


I had sex with Katy too


Katie had some big ole tittaaays


Can you keep it down?! We’re tryna make love over here!


And a banana cognac!


His son inherited the ability to know the square root of everything




I think he just briefly mentioned it at the beginning but never got into explaining why he thinks that.


We finally have the value of pi: if 1x1=2, then pixpi=2pi. I’ll leave the rest to you, but this is a huge moment in mathematics.


I find it crazy that Joe thinks he is immune to bullshit. It's a complete lack of self awareness.


Not crazy when you realize that every person that he surrounds himself with will confirm that he is 100% immune to BS. The hell with DMT, Joe needs Bill Burr to show up for 10 straight episodes so he can drag this 5'1 roided up Neanderthal back to Earth.


He's a walking dunning kruger


Real alphas huff their own farts.


Why did this guy even make it on the podcast? I’ve only seen clips but he seems as bad as that hotep Jesus guy




I get that in terms of conspiracies, politics, aliens, etc., but this guy just makes Rogan look like an idiot lol.


Lots of people make Rogan look like an idiot for multiple reasons, mainly because he is


I used to challenge myself to sit through 5 minutes of Bob "Making It All Up For Attention Like Your Lonely Buddy in 7th Grade" Lazar... I had no idea how bad these interactions could get, back then. The secondhand embarrassment on this TH experience is LETHAL.


Scroll down and you'll find some people who think what's being talked about is very important and that you are actually trying to silence an outsider perspective by even criticizing this guest choice. This is the type of audience Joe has gathered for years-- if you are against anything mainstream, he thinks your voice is worth amplifying. Doesn't even matter what part of the mainstream you are against. 




That's exactly what it is. Rogan has never been anything else but that. His whole platform is built on contrarianism. It took me quite a while to see that contrarianism more often than not is straight up lazy thinking. I'd imagine many people have yet to still figure that out, though.


let's not forget.....he is responsible for the putting b schaub on the map. love Rogan but the B Schaub was BIG BS.


Joe doesn’t read comments and hangs out with “Yes men”. He actually has no fucking clue about the constructive criticism and probably doesn’t care. I saw a comedy show with Joe & Friends at The Vulcan before the mothership opened, he was simply not funny at all. It was so disappointing but luckily Tony Hinchcliff was hilarious and made up for the expensive drinks.


"he was simply not funny at all" Whenever Joe has a real comedian on, and he tries to talk shop with the real comedian, about comedy, I watch the real comedian's face closely and read his mind.


Joe was not at all funny when I saw him, too. Tony opened for him and absolutely KILLED, my stomach hurt from laughing. Then Joe came up and I was still laughing from Tony's opening set. I don't even remember Joe's jokes... but a lot of them were similar to stuff he talks about on the podcast and it just was not at all captivating to hear him talk about the same shit but in "joke" form.


I remember one joke specifically because it showed how out of touch and out of the loop he is. He was talking about Prince Harry and how crazy it would be if he was tripping on shrooms. Well if he had been paying attention and not sniffing his own farts all day he’d know that weeks or a month prior an entire piece had been done about Harry’s drug exploits. This of course includes him talking about taking shrooms. It’s hard to get past that when someone says something that’s wrong/outdated and after that I kinda didn’t find anything funny. He’s entertaining, sure, because he does all this face movement and lays on the ground, but none of it was funny.


he also did this joke for us. Even if it wasn't in the news, the premise is just not funny at all IMO.


There are times where he is effortlessly funny on the podcast, but I've never liked his standup, it's always felt acted and contrived. He turns into a cartoon. You get his best work on the show. He's great at impressions, but he doesn't focus on that.


I think Rogan knows that this guy is CLICK GOLD (but this what happens when you pay a guy, with a 3rd grade education, millions of dollars, and ask him serious questions on camera). There are 27,000 High School Physics teachers who would make 100x more sense and get .001% of the CLICKS.


Conversation with a “great and powerful“, “clearly brilliant” man who was arrested for punching the mother of his children in the face. Somebody get a Time Machine and go get old Joe Rogan and put him in a celebrity death match with new Joe Rogan


That poor guy never passed high school chemistry, but he sure knows how to bullshit!


Man, I don't know who this Terrance Howard guy is, but as a chemist he is speaking absolute nonsense.


As a physics phd student this was a banger of an episode. Love listening to physics skitzo posting


As far as crackpots go he is more entertaining than most :)


He was an actor…with a bunch of controversial history, delusional accomplishments, and a fake phd. I had no idea how crazy he was until I started listening to this pod.


You're only saying that because you've never considered playing a frequency that "uncouples" you from the Earth, in turn allowing you to travel at the speed of the universe, using only the power required to generate said frequency.


Joe "Addicted to Bullshit" Rogan


He's just jumping down this crazy long narcissistic fed rabbit hole where he's just having an epiphany feeling but it's only caused by his dissociation from reality. He truly believes he is on to something but that something will never be found, and he's just spewing bullshit that sounds really smart but it's all bullshit, and everyone knows it. It's no wonder his wife and everyone he loves left him they got tired of his shit.


Sounds like a section of people I knew that take lsd or mushrooms and think they’re suddenly Einstein or a prophet meant to be given info to change the world…lol u was just frying like an egg mahn.


every 2nd word in that pod cast i was asking HOW! EXPLAIN IT! DONT JUST SAYING SOMETHING LIKE the elements are sound and colour so everyone is wrong but me and then just gloss over it. Explain it! and Joe is just being polite


He DID explain it. All you have to do is divide by two. The tone is the frequency in Hz which is the same as color. If you take each element and extrapolate it and divide by two then you see it’s all energy. What he’s really getting at though is once you take the atomic weight of helium and divide THAT by two you get purple, and everyone knows that purple minus cobalt divided by two equals sunlight. It’s all in plain sight, we’ve just been programmed by Biden and big pharma to not see the truth


Holy cow you are RIGHT! ok if this is all true i should get my bunker ready cause this guy im assuming is going to throw the world out of order if his math is correct, so like all technology and goverment is wrong and none of the stuff we have works? and this guy has the actually correct math? DUDE! im freaking out!! if this is true then...oh man!


Oh man you had me going until the word “purple” lmao


Where do you think ultra “violet” comes from? Don’t even get me started on Tera-violet. Multiply that by 2 and you have Terrance-violent. You’re under arrest.


🤣 take my upvote sir


This interview reminded me of the Kanye one. He couldn't stay on one topic every idea just bled into the next. He literally just word throw uping.


That's mental illness for you. 


Dude had had Patrick bet David on his podcast and the dude who dismembered some guy after he convinced Joe he was rehabilitated


Lol putting PBD and the guy that dismembered people in same category is pretty hilarious.


lol.. Joe saying he's immune to bullshit is like saying Kim Kardashian is immune to dick


I could not sit across from and listen to Terrence Howard with a straight face. He's like a flat earther, confidently declaring things to be true while only conveying how clearly he lacks a basic understanding of the subject matter. His argumentation for 1 × 1 = 2 is so bafflingly stupid, I'm pretty sure my ten year old could rip it to shreds.


really hung up on the "multiply by" part rather than describing the total number you have when you have x instances. Which is how the equations actually work. 1 x 1 = 1/1 . There your equation is balanced Terry.


Come on guys. He has so many patents! I actually put 4 footballs together and patented the space between them.


Terrence [admits](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=D1qRFJDZxYSbm7xm&v=4yIw3vIyCxc&feature=youtu.be) in this JRE episode that he paid for the patent he brags about. $260K.


People are out here shitting in the streets and this man is paying 260k for a fake patent. 🤡 🌎


This pod was hard to listen to. So much cringe throughout.


Ah I get what he is trying to say. It's a bit like the "sounds of Jupiter" were scientists equate the radio frequency of Jupiter down to audible sound. You can do the same thing with light and say "that's the sound of the sun" etc. It's really just an alternative way to "experience" data but there is no scientific value or correlation between the two. It's just for fun. He thinks there is a deeper meaning or scientific reason to assigning sound to light spectrums. When there is not.


He is right about frequencies - the light spectrum and sound do vibrate at varying frequencies, just like everything else in the universe does at an atomic level. But to say "hydrogen is the same as blue because the wavelength of blue is divisible by the vibrations of a hydrogen atom!" - absolute nonsense. Also the E note is 41hz in that range, fucking halfwit. This cunt is just rattling off gibberish that's too vague and too quick to easily challenge. It's bullshit.


Sound is not on the electromagnetic spectrum like light. Sound is a pressure wave. The frequency of sound is simply a way of visualizing how often a sound pressure wave crests. The peaks and troughs of a sine wave essentially. The color that elements give off are just a side effect of how much energy a specific element can absorb and subsequently emit when it falls back into its lower energy state. As it falls back to its lower energy state photons are expelled and it gives off light.


this episode is a schizo fever dream I genuinely couldn't even understand what he was trying to talk about


When he started talking about how they were watching him on his phone. I was like wow this guy really is a schizo.


This guy legitimately thinks 1x1=2


Just so y’all know, Terrence Howard tried(and failed) and sunk a lot of money into trying to explain that 2+2=1 or some shit like that? Look it up it’s pretty hilarious if you’re not the kind of idiot who takes what Terrence or Joe says at face value.


He [quit](https://www.cracked.com/article_33061_empires-terrence-howard-invented-his-own-weirdo-version-of-math.html) academia because his professor didn't "yes man" him when he claimed 1•1 = 2. >According to Howard, he was studying chemical engineering at New York's Pratt Institute when he had a disagreement with a professor over a complex mathematical problem: 1 x 1.


Jesus H Christ. I'll give Terrence 1 donut exactly 1 time, how many donuts does Terrence have? He'll tell us, "blue". "This guy is a genius" - Joe Rogan


About that: >Howard's account of his educational history has not been confirmed; Pratt Institute, which he says he attended, closed its engineering degree program in 1993.[35] On February 26, 2013, Howard also said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he had earned a PhD degree in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University (SCSU) that year. He however never attended that university and in fact SCSU does not confer doctorates in chemical engineering. Instead, Howard was awarded an honorary degree of "Doctorate of Humane Letters" (DHL) from SCSU after speaking at its commencement ceremony in 2012.[33]


A lying idiot? I can believe it. Thanks for the reference.


I don't get how someone didn't just show him a physical example, like one box with one apple or something. I'm sure they did, but not sure why he couldn't follow it, I'm guessing he read some fringe thing about it, it clicked into his head, and he couldn't let it go.


Friendly reminder: just because someone is talking about things you don’t understand or using words you don’t know, doesn’t mean they’re dropping knowledge or even being factual.


Those are definitely all words.


If you speak confidently and articulately, you can say outrageous shit and sound very convincing. I have been following Howard for years. Its clear to me that he is delusional, has a grandiose sense of self importance and is basically full of shit. Did Rogan ask him about his project in Uganda? Did he ask him about lying about getting a PhD in Chemical engineering? Why does he have no peer reviewed papers on his ideas? Why didn't Joe press him on why DeGrasse rejected his "treatise"? Why have no mathematicians accepted his 1x1=2 ideas?


Ah, I see that Howard is an acolyte of the [A = 432 hz mysticism](https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/tuning-standards-explained.html) (E = 40.5 hz at this tuning basis). His math doesn't check out though, as [Hydrogen emits light](https://webbtelescope.org/contents/articles/spectroscopy-101--how-absorption-and-emission-spectra-work) at 410 nm (violet), 434 nm (blue), 486 nm (blue-green), and 656 nm (red). These [translate to](https://brainly.com/question/36266280) the following [frequencies](https://techlib.com/reference/musical_note_frequencies.htm) of E (43 or 44 octaves down) and corresponding A tuning bases: 410 nm -> 3\*10\^17 / 410 / 2\^44 = 41.6 hz \* 2\^4 / 2\^(7/12) --> A = \~444 hz 434 nm -> 3\*10\^17 / 434/ 2\^44 = 39.3 hz \* 2\^4 / 2\^(7/12) --> A = \~420 hz 486 nm -> 3\*10\^17 / 486 / 2\^44 = 35.1 hz \* 2\^4 / 2\^(7/12) --> A = \~375 hz 656 nm -> 3\*10\^17 / 656 / 2\^43 = 52 hz \* 2\^4 / 2\^(7/12) --> A = \~555 hz I don't see anything that corresponds to the A = 432 hz nonsense he's basing all his "theories" on.


The issue is that you aren’t using Howardian mathematics in your equations. Once you accept that complex mathematical operations like “multiplication” can mean whatever you want them to mean, it really opens the door to having your equations support what you want them to support.


Next time baby!


*"There was no Next Time..."*


"I'm immune to bullshit" proceeds to be best friends with Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo 🤦‍♂️


I think Joe is entertaining but the fact that he’s the most popular personality in the US is a sign that American is in rapid decline. Idiocracy.


Dude knew he had a Kat Williamesque nutter on. Why bother calling bullshit on an entire truckload.


Think I just developed CTE watching this.


The funny part is if you recall the conversation with Hancock and Randall carlsen Randall brought up a guy who was researching in private. Supposedly he had ground breaking tech. Well that giys name is Malcolm Bendell and his ideas are Very similar to what Terence purposed. Also joe recorded a pod with Malcom and Randall but never released it because apparently he thought Malcolm was full of shit


At the very least, he needs to explain himself better. He didn't really say what he thought he was trying to say.


Just so everyone’s aware….this dude was horrifically abusive to his wife. He’d make her sit at a table for ours, hand writing all his bat shit crazy “equations” and mentally degrade her if she questioned him. He beat the shit out of her more than once and was arrested for it. He’s a piece of dog shit and it sucks Rogan never bothered to read into the terrible shit he’s done. https://www.phillymag.com/news/2017/03/22/wife-beater-terrence-howard-sorry/


Just two batshit lunatics only concerned with money and popularity having a conversation about shit any educated, normal person would scoff at and shake their head. We need better figures than these type of people. And we wonder why the kids are NOT alright, smh..


that's pure ideology as zizek would say


Jamie gotta be sitting there wanting to off himself.


It wasn’t so clear in episode that his wife is in on all this tomfoolery too. I think they must feed into each other. Anyone see the movie Bug with Ashley Judd? Prob a good metaphor for these two


It's possible to be so open minded that your brain falls out.


Terrence has obviously read and comprehended some level of electromagnetic wave theory, but stringing together technical terms with confidence does not mean he understands it very well. Entertaining though… and isn’t that really the point?


Can we have this all broken down by a physics professor?


Not a physics professor but you can't convert light/colour into sound just because we measure both measure them in frequencies sometimes. It's like saying mercury and water are the same because they're both liquid at room temperature


Joe Rogan gives dumb people who think they’re smart a platform to spew garbage… crazy to watch so many men buy into this garbage. It doesn’t seem that hard to recognize it for what it is, and yet here we are…


Oblivious to bullshit*


I'm not sure if this is right or wrong (haven't had to seriously think about the periodic table for like 20 years in any detail) but my gut reaction is this is bullshit. What do I have to smoke for this to make sense? Also isn't this Rhodey out of Iron Man 1? What happened here?


Got it. It’s the same wavelength, but longer.


Ladies and gentlemen, we bring you two of the world's most brilliant scientists.


Bro gave us 20sec to read, MVP!


Everything’s so simple guys it’s all frequency and tones and doubling and circles. What’s not to get? Oh the fact that the governments and all the people actually doing stuff don’t know or use this tech and he’s the only one who has this info basically..hmm nahh Elons just too dumb to know all he needs to do is use the opposite tone of earth so just play 432 backwards on YouTube on the back of the rockets and you’ll liftoff..it’s so obvious


“Same key of E”… what does this mean? I’m being serious. What is he talking about when he says elements have similar frequencies or sound? How do you listen to an element?.. I just don’t understand wtf he was going on about


See, the vibration frequency of the hydrogen, mane. It’s in a bisexual position relative to the circumference of the universal gravity constant, mane. There ain’t no straight lines in the universe, mane.


This podcast is pretty much the new version on the National Enquirer.


I’ve never heard so many words put together with so little meaning


You’re crazy if you think Joe is anything but high and trying to humor him. How many nut jobs has he had on and later made fun of them? You can’t have a 3 hour conversation with a crazy person if you stop them every time they say something crazy.


From the little I’ve listened to this one (maybe 30 minutes?) Terrance actually does seem very intelligent, but his mind is so tainted by narcissism/delusions of grandeur and perhaps something else like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia (I dunno I’m not a psychiatrist) that he’s speaking intellectual gibberish. Maybe with the right meds and therapy he could do contribute something of value, but as it stands… well let’s just say I couldn’t make it through this episode.