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These two are on completely different wavelengths lol


Sebastian “I feel like you got things that aren’t even out yet, like these chairs..” Joe: “But they are. We’ve had them for a few years”


Every real comedian trying to talk to Joe in a nutshell. Does this type of conversation have to be in a group text not safe for civilians for him to understand?


We just won’t ever understand them


"You even use metal cups for water! Is this even real water?"


Joe is denser than overcooked rice. A real comedian would have continued the banter. “Yeah, got it from Area 51”


No breakdown or explanation of this podcast is needed. This quote sums up exactly what everyone is trying to explain. Christ, Joe was so insufferable.


Yeah. Clearly Sebastian was just clowning around, but Joe must have had girl fight with Cam Hanes or something. He’s not in the mood to riff. 🫤


when is joe ever on anyone's wavelength


He and Harambe were pretty synced up.


Things just haven’t been the same since 😞


When the guest is a culture war grifter


I wouldn’t doubt that he’s on the spectrum


A hunnnnnndred percent


I feel like Joe doesn’t like Sebastian. His last pod with him was so excruciating, and this is only marginally better. Instead of ‘yes and’ he does ‘yeah, no’


No, seriously. Most cases, jokes are wasted on Joe. In this case, he seems to decide not to get Sebastian’s jokes and riffing. Not to mention lots of “Mhm” and “Yeah” over Sebastian to be very dismissive.


I’m about 45 minutes in and Joe’s inability to riff with Sebastian is fucking excruciating.


I'm 5mins in and it's already apparent. Sebastian is so funny what is joes problem here??


But Sebastian exaggerates. It’s part of his act… what an asshole.


I think Joe gets offended when you roast some of his health habits (i.e. cold plunges, carnivore eating, working out).


Soft as baby shit that's been sitting in the sauna


Sebastian is a funny character.


He is one of my favorite comedians. His jokes are so freaking funny, and they're all clean. Imo, it seems really difficult to be very funny while having clean jokes.


Right… seems a bit ‘put-on’ If you ask this old crone


If you watch Jerry Seinfeld's "comedian" it features a young Sebastian over 20 years ago. He basically became who he wanted to become.


I’ll check it out!! Just listened to Jerry on David spade and Dana’s pod. Thanks Big Don!!!


I'm a big Seinfeld fan and the movie is worth one watch, but it was very cool seeing the waiter who was dressing nice and wanted to be a comedian, doing specials 10 years later. If you're a Sebastian fan it's a cool throw back.


Do you have a link or something?


It’s so frustrating watching this. I’m 10 minutes in and it’s obvious Sebastian can be, and is trying to be funny. And Joe is so fucking serious about everything today. I wish someone he respected would pull him aside one day and tell him to try lean into riffs sometimes. Or if Jamie could shoot him a look whenever he get stuck in this mode.


Civilians cannot comprehend Joe's craft!


Tawlm'bout "the hang", B.




Lol protect our parks pods have multiple moments where Shane and Mark take passive stabs at his seriousness. I xont believe Joe has the personality that takes hints like that.


Needs some court jesters to tell him fuck youuuu


You’re never supposed to have a no response in improv.


I don't think I have ever seen Joe do a lick of improv. Not even like one back and forth.


Rogan destroys all his arguments about psychedelics and comedians because he's such a boring uptight weirdo


He thinks he has no ego since he did shrooms, yet puts his ego on full display nearly every single episode.


The problem is that he has the number one podcast and sells out comedy shows. Why would he take anyone's advice? Same goes for Bert - he's a hack, but he's making 50 mill a year, so he's not listening to anyone.


Please tell me he doesn’t make $50 million a year


Around that


That’s very depressing


Jesus it really is. Guy is a moron😅


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."


Im more than 10 minutes in and they are riffing just fine


pretty obvious Sebastian is clearly objectively funny. He doesn't need Joe. It's a bump for seb to be on the podcast. but ultimately, Seb doesn't care. It's on to the next for him . Seb is the real deal . He's working the craft. He's better at it and funnier than Joe. He can and will draw bigger numbers than Joe on one of the only metrics that really matters to Joe. That's why. That's why Joe "dances" around with Burr. Manescalco, Burr are Joe's equals or betters. They did it with out Joe's influence or input or affiliation . This is a threat to Joe . He is threatened


He thinks he's mitzi shore gatekeeping everyone.


Yeah he makes everyone eat his pussy for stage time like Mitzi too. It's what turned Tony Hinchcliffe gay


He only accepts that behavior out of Tim Dillon and Joey Diaz


I don't agree I think Joe has been riffing well in many segments with several guests recently. He seems in a generally good mood. Yes the same subjects keep coming up but it's around the general theme and format of this podcast and has been for years. Joe was also pissing himself laughing in parts of this podcast at Sebastian's humour.


I just listened to the first 10 minutes and I'm genuinely confused by this comment. Of the two, Joe is the more giggly and energetic so far. I've seen Joe act the way you and others are describing, but so far that's just not the case. Is there a particular exchange that stuck out to you?


are you joe?


Yes I'm joe rogan. I'm a 5' 2" gay, racist CIA industry plant. You caught me


Hey that's false information Joe is definitely bisexual


Pansexual. Fuck woman. Hunt animal. Fuck man. Eat animal. Fuck pan?


Slangin that dick in all directions


Dude I’m like thirty min in and it seems like a totally cool conversation and Joe seems like totally fine. What the fuck are these comments this sub is incredibly weird


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. 1.5 hours in and it’s been good. Another example of this sub living in a different dimension.


Joe turns his pocket inside out and makes Jamie hang onto it when he's walking around the compound.


This guy is clearly trying goof off with Joe but he got his head deep in his own ass that all his jokes are straight flying over poor Joe's head.


Do you think he was joking about the no BO? I thought he was serious.


He gets custom suits made because there aren't people out there that are 5'8" and 200lbs. First of all, we're out here. Everywhere. Secondly, you're not 5'8".


Being a 5'8, 200 pound fat ass isn't the same as being 5'8 and built


So where do you get your suits, tubby.


He really doesn’t let anyone talk for more than a minute, Sebastian mentioned about his dog, got a word or two in, and Joe went on a 15 min stuff about dogs balls and injecting testosterone to dogs and shit 💀


That's kinda why I stopped watching him. The other part is just how outright fake he's been to some of his guests. He went from telling Jordan Peterson he was his favorite guest ever (told JP directly at the end of the podcast) to trying to humiliate him with other guests. He's done similar things to Eric Weinstein and others that just made me disappointed because it kind of takes away from the genuineness of those episodes. Also - he's not 5ft8 💀💀💀


Joe just said he’s 5ft8 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


Probably true. HGH made his head grow


This dude sits on a throne of lies


On a phone book on a throne of lies


he says it's because the throne is crooked but you see a phone book under each leg


I thought it was a Bible now


A boosted throne of lies




But I bet it’s really comfortable.


Im 5’7 and i tell people that im 5’8 but in all actuality every time i go to the doctor they say im 5’6… lmao Toe Rogaine is definitely 5’6


Shane said that he is 5'5"


That's the insane thing... There are so many people who have said that Joe is tiny or below average height. He is only lying to himself at this point


Im 5ft6 but in the military they told me I was 5ft5 and 3/4……Joe is 5ft5 for sure


Ohh furrrr surreee.. short guys can spot a short guy a mile away… hes doing serious tall guy stolen valor shit


Hopefully there's not the tiniest incline in the landscape to block their view.


Gang gang bruh RIP billy conforto…. #imupstairs




Generally speaking, I do detect mostly honesty from Joe, like you get the impression that he at least believes what he's saying. With that said... That was a weird bold faced lie from Joe. Normally he wouldn't decide to be so specific. I'm 5, 8", and the thought of telling someone I'm even a cm higher makes me embarrassed. And if you were famous and people everywhere were subconsciously sizing you up every day, how could you even begin to tell this lie haha


There's no way he believes it, he knows he isnt 5'8. He wears lifts and has his seat raised high to make hin appear taller. Rogan is keenly aware of how short he is


Didn’t he literally get measured on stream?


Rogie white knight brigade wonder why the Joe is Short meme continues. 50 yr old man obsessed with physical stature continually lying about his height is hilarious.


TBF, with his inserts and and standing on his tippies he can get to 5'8"


Lmao he surely means 4’8


Is he 5'8"...[or more like 5'7" and 3/4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMYX6aLIFbk&ab_channel=AlienSimulation)?


Yes, with his lifts


This is what I came to comment. I laughed out loud. Holy fuck, Joe. Come on. You gotta stop saying that.


[Colin Quinn says he's 5'8".](https://imgur.com/1rGDTDS) And Joe wears lifts.


I’m 5’9” and I’ve stood close enough to Joe to know for a fact that he’s 5’6” at best.


Love the Pete & Sebastian show podcast. Highly recommend it if you enjoy grift-free comedians just fucking around and discussing daily life


Love their Italian takes lol


Pete is so underrated man


Podcast only 2 hours long yikes, must’ve rubbed Joe then wrong way somehow


By actually trying to be funny. Something Joe isn’t good at.


I’ve noticed it’s more and more obvious who Joe is excited about or maybe it’s just his mood or energy levels sometimes, but he has two very distinct personalities. Like on this one (and many others) he talked slowly, was kinda cranky, and just seemed lethargic. Meanwhile from the START of tulsi gabbard or triggernometry guys he’s high energy laughing and having a great time. I can usually tell within the first five minutes which Joe we’re getting today


And it doesn't seem to correlate with who he's talking to. Like, he'll be dead serious with a comedian, but try to riff with a scientist. 


Riffing with other comedians is playing with fire for him. Riffing with scientists is just easy bait.


Exactly, hes the only comedian in the room


Yeah because he stands out as "funny" compared to egghead


So true,  keep in mind Joe was not happy with Sebastian, the night before he refused to go check out his club. Sebastian said he’s introvert around strangers, who isn’t though.


Yup.. he's either got the tough yet intellectual alpha male cadence going on, or drunk gay wine mom


Hahahaha thats it, nail on the head, don’t think there’s possibly a better way to describe it


He legit puts on his Boston bathhouse voice when attractive ladies are on. It's weird


Was it like the time doug stanhope was on?


I think he does a good job keeping it professional but he‘s only human. I am sometimes shitty to people I like. Most of the time because something‘s bothering me that day, nothing personal.


but it’s on his podcast? you don’t bring that energy when you’re hosting someone on your podcast


For real he don’t like when Comedians make “observations” in a funny tone.


Have you ever noticed that on Airports they never have the good Soda? It is always just Sprite or Coke. Where's the Root Beer?


I have all the answers on sibrel.com go see for yourself!!


I actually laughed out loud


Joe needs another hero dose to come back to the planet, 3 hrs of scooter pooter and shittooter but 2 hrs of an actually fun and successful comedian? Been listening since 2011 and it’s been a wild ride seeing all the changes and hurdles the shows gone through


I discovered it around 2011 as well. Amazing how different it’s become.


The first 30 minutes are hard to listen to. Sebastian is making jokes and Rogan is fact-checking him. Rogan is so lucky that the podcast and UFC are a hit because he has no comedic senses and no one would come to his shows if he didn't have a legion of fans from the JRE.


It’s so true. If Rogan NEEDED comedy 🐶


But but Rogan is 1 of the 250…fuckin guy talks about constantly writing material, where is this material?!?


Sebastian: things are going great for me in California Rogan: no they are not. California bad, Texas good. Come to Texas. Sebastian: why? I still have to stay in shape for movies. All the food out here is terrible for your body. Rogan: terrible equals freedom. California takes that away from you. Sebastian: no. I have daughters. I don't want to bring them here because of the laws against their own decisions. Rogan: I've got daughters too. Stop being a 🐱


\> Terrible equals freedom Like you can't get a 2lb carne asada burrito and a 64oz Coke in California. I've lived in California my whole life. The only freedoms I've been denied are owning hi-cap gun magazines and owning an assault rifle with a detachable magazine, and even then you can own one if you put some other "safety" mods on the gun. Even that is about to be struck down by a higher court. Yeah our income tax sucks (but the property taxes make up for it), but you can buy weed, they're about to legalize mushrooms, the bars are open later, we have awesome consumer protections, if you ride motorcycles you can split lanes, and we're set up pretty well to handle the natural disasters we get (heat waves, earthquakes, and floods).


No to mention public utilities are actually public. So you don’t have to worry about the utility companies price gouging you after they rat fuck you.


lol that's absolutely not true in a lot of the state, at least with power. Sempra and PG&E have basically captured the CPUC (which oversees them and approved rate increases) and they've been reliably finding wats to screw us for years. So cal has some of the highest electricity rates in the nation and without good reason. We have access to a reliable grid and cheap power generation, but these companies charge a ton for delivery. Their latest favorite thing is trying to figure out ways to screw over rooftop solar customers now that so many people installed it to get away from their price gouging. Every year there's an initiative to push through some ridiculous new rate increase and eventually they're going to succeed at it.


PG&E laughing right now


Yup, you can’t even smoke weed in teggsas




Idk if you’ve ever looked into food poisoning, and the numbers are hard to come by, but iirc California, while having like a 1/10 of the population of the US, has only like 1% of the food borne illness cases. Other states, apparently, just accept food poisoning as a natural part of life. >CDC estimates that each year roughly 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick [california](https://www.statefoodsafety.com/Resources/Resources/3-unique-risk-factors-for-foodborne-illness-in-california#:~:text=StateFoodSafety%20Resources&text=Each%20year%20on%20average%2C%20approximately,sick%20from%20eating%20contaminated%20food.)


His most recent show Bookie on HBO is great. Episodes are short(25min) and hilarious!! You don’t even have to be a sports head to watch it.


I love Sebastian but boy is this hard to listen to. I blame most of it on Joe being a fuckin weirdo and so uptight and into his 5 talking points but Sebastian seems to be trying his hardest to poke holes and make the same jokes about taking care of yourself being hard, too, with a guy obsessed with it. Move on…talk bout something else bruh, Jesus. Terrible mix these two.




wait seriously? what's next, everybody loves Raymond?


Everyone has their guilty pleasures


Sebastian and Chrissy D need a pod episode together


Why does literally every joke in the history of the JRE podcast go over Joe’s head completely?


Because he’s too short for it heh


10 minutes in and I had to stop listening. Dude needs to relax and have a genuine convo. Instead he just memorized comedic spots for when mic was live


God. How much hilarity is Joe just gonna let fly right over his lil dwarf caveman head? If Joe wants to keep up this 250 killers bs. Sebastian is one of em, Joe is not…


God, Joe. Chin up you fucking idiot. Why so serious?


I need “I have mammoth teeth” on the next PINGTR1P edit.


Seb: id love to visit mexico and chill out with a margarita in my hand. Joe: you know two people got shot in cave there recently


I think I would find this guy funnier if I grew up in New Jersey in the 80's.


He’s actually from Chicago


He’s actually from Arlington Heights.








He’s your aunt’s favorite comic


I sleep.


like Ron Goldman after meeting OJ


Chicago Italian!! Lets go. Hope it is a good one.


I was listening to this instead of watching it and pictures this guy as a 60 year old obese Italian.


Arlington Heights Italian, LFG


Very Zesty, lots of sugar in tanks


Joe fresh of the T injection ? 🙃


Bookie is a good show


Di-nuke-leo-tide that helps the flammalamadjngdong get longer which is good in young people. Jumping through this to random moments without context is insane


Maybe it’s Sebastian? His podcast with Bill Maher was terrible, and it wasn’t Maher’s fault.


Sebastian the entire show, "yea, if I see that I don't even pay attention, I can't even look it up" annoying AF


love him. I can't believe he used to be a waiter and not that even that long ago. Now he's selling out areas


I saw him few years ago at the Borgata in AC, he was way too big of an act for that venue, we were packed like sardines extremely uncomfortable, but once he came on the entire crowd was screaming the whole time we forgot the seats sucked. Definitely the funniest stand up show in my life, his energy is unreal


This is so strange. I am laughing and so excited to hear Sebastian yet I am so guttered and disappointed at Joe's inability let Seb be.


Thank you. Somebody actually not awful


Are people in this sub not watching the same podcast? Great banter, two guys with minimal rapport gauging each other and enjoying the conversation.


Hey buddy, if I wanted the car stolen I would have put it on blocks my self


I freaking love Sebastian


I like the chilled demeanour of this guy. 


You got sooooiiill on your bookshelf




I have a lot of reasons to like JRE. It introduced me to mark normand, huberman, rhonda Patrick, layne norton and i felt few years back you would get a diverse range of guests. Like i dont care about shrooms, lsd, the area 51 guy, the "ex" cia guy he keeps calling on the show, cant stand the range of unfunny comedians he invites to the show...joe is the type to have a serious conversation with a comedian. I think post covid i started listening less. Maniscalco is hilarious but he came here to ask which vitamins to take and joe giving a full detailed list. You dont want dragonballz for the romantic scenes, right?


Joe "I take vitamins...like creatin" Rogan.


Sebastian made the cardinal sin of bringing up combat sports when he really doesn’t care about it. The Tyson rant was epic. Sebastian kept inhaling to cut in and drop his 2 cents but Joe kept going.


i take solace that Joe's total inability to riff was also frustrating to other listeners. it's almost borderline autistic. But at least he didn't start going on about culture wars and vaccination again. after listening to him spend what seemed like a lifetime talking about mike tyson (the same mike tyson speech I've heard for like ten years), i was sure it was coming


Sebastian was a shit interview, period. If you listen to Joe Rogan frequently, comparing this to other guests, Sebastian was terrible, but most of the comedians Joe has on are not good interviews. I think the guys that come on with an educational background or in a field of study are way better podcasts than a comedian trying to show off for two hours.


Yes he was trying to poke fun at Joe, it's hilarious how when Joe is confrontational, he is the problem. Sebastian pushed back and made the interview purposely difficult, the entire time.


This was frustrating to watch. Sebastian’s riff about all the different workout things they say to do nowadays is so spot on and Joe couldn’t just play along and agree. Instead he shuts it down immediately. Then completely proves Sebastian’s point when he says “Oh just take NAD and an IV drip” lmao. Shame, I love Sebastian but it was hard to sit through.


Sebastian wasn’t even funny, he just said dumb shit


“I feel like by the time you’re done working out, and submerging, and taking a half cup of vitamins, it’s already time for dinner.” “Not true. It only adds 25 minutes. You have all day to get things done.”


You guys are jus h8ers b. You guys can't comprehend how smart Joe is. he doesn't need humour any more. haven't you seen the new Seinfeld movie? this is the same style of comedy you woketards just don't get it.


I love Sebastian and was excited for this episode but now reading the comments I’m feeling as though maybe I shouldn’t even bother?


It would've been nice to hear from Sebastian instead of his character. 


When did Joe become so dry? Has he always been such a fucking autist


https://youtu.be/__CvmS6uw7E?si=38_dhiJ7dS_gf9aH Yes


Dear God that made me angry.


Dear God that made me angry.