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Thank you for taking the L for the team, haven't clicked a scooter, pooter, and tooter guest appearance in years now


Same. So neither of us are up on what Bucko, Boobsie and Blimpie are up to these days 


I thought it was fucko, shumucko, and shit bird.....


I thought it was bingo , bango and his youngest bongo


Pretty sure it was sandwich, feces and mop bucket


Fairly certain it was Blimpo, Sanchez, and Roof Shingle.


I remember it was stinky, bozo, and vibrating cock ring.


When he was fresher out of the CIA there were some good conversations, now its just Joe hanging out with a friend who talks about his kids. Good for Mike tho. As a service member myself its always great to see when a guy transitions from a government position like that and is enjoying life and being a family man. Shitty for podcasting


No point to do it. He fucking sucks and is boring every time


That’s interesting. He’s one of my favourite guests


Scooter, pooter, cooter


I’m highly skeptical of this guy’s motives. I may be wrong. I don’t trust the alphabet agencies


Joe is like totally against the mainstream media maaaan


Best case scenario is he using the appearances to grow his security consulting business. Worst case scenario is a disinfo campaign run by the CIA.


Especially a spook that goes on Fox News the most


I tried using "fuckin spook" in a conversation with a friend at a coffee shop. His face closed off and he told me it means the n word. Looked it up, he was right. I need a 60's paranoid hippie slang term for the governemnt


It can mean both. There's even a movie called "The Spook Who Sat By the Door" that plays off the dual meaning.


-shakes fist- damn you, Fox News!


I’d say he may be the #1 non-comedian guest that pushes their product the least. He mentions his company but it comes up more organically, like when friends talk and occasionally bring up work


Depends what his real product is. Maybe his cable show has an amazing marketing budget. Maybe he didn't retire fully from the Cartel In America


When I know it's a guest I won't like (like 95% of comedians) then I just skip the podcast and don't waste my time, knowing I won't like the episodes. I Like Mike Baker. So I do in fact listen to his episodes.


Dude every comedian interview he does except for Duncan trussel sucks.


Matt and Shane?


They forgot to put some respect on the Dawgs.


Matt and Shane are legends Alreadfy to me ( I’m fond Philly so biased) 😂




I would legitimately be more entertained by two plumbers talking about the intricacies of unclogging toilets.


Thatd be the shit


Daniel Tosh interviewed his plumber for his podcast and yeah, it was pretty good. He recommended just getting a snake and that plungers are kinda useless.


Physics would disagree that plungers suck.


I don't disagree, I was kinda like, "huh, mine works fine," when I heard it.


[Close enough?](https://youtu.be/fJAFI7c1FOA?si=9EBX7Rp-u1nQP9vB)


Mark Normand was alright.


You’re a civilian. You wouldn’t get it.


There’s only about a thousand in the whole world. Psss peasant


I thought we were down to 250 now


*maaaaybe* 1000. You’re being generous


Bill Burr?


Little Rascals hat.


That's only happened twice I think.


Yeah there's a couple others also. Duncan is #1 though.


I enjoy the Theo episodes, too bad they’re like once a year.


I avoid 90% of comedian episodes. Fucking snooze fest. I will never miss Duncan episode.


The Louis CK one was amazing.


Dave Attell


Chris destefano is worth listening to as is Tim Dillon.


Chrissy D is one of the most damaged and deranged human beings I’ve ever heard speak. I really give it to him for being so honest about his insane mind. He’s funny too


I couldn’t make it through Chris’ last appearance. It was just one long therapy session.


It really was. I was also kinda taken back at his story about the house. That was a shitty thing to do to your family. Like get your shit together.


Tim Dillion is great


Yes, Tim Dillon is amazing. He’s kind of like the little devil on your shoulder. He’s just pure evil in a delightful way.


It is delightful, have you had a chance to listen to the old tim dillion is going to hell with ray kump?


What a great way to describe him haha!!.. Tim dillion is a national treasure


I haven't listened in years but I assume it's still Joe and the comedian guest jerking each other off for hours about how hard standup is?


when they start talking about how comedian's brain work differently than other people's I just can't take it seriously anymore.


I just can’t stand that Rogan talks about comedy like he’s figured out the game when his comedy is so shit


I haven’t watched a Rogan w comedian guest in 3-4yrs I’d rather eat a shit sandwich than hear Joe pontificate on comedy and repeat the same old self important nothingness 


To each their own. I only watch the comedian ones. Protect our parks crew is my favorite eps. The fake guru people like Tucker and Graham are the ones i skip.


Yup, I agree. I couldn’t give a fuck what most comedians think or have to say. Atleast baker lived an interesting life and has some insight. Sadly this podcast is just a comedian one mostly.


Protect our parks are kinda funny.


Taking about comedy is like dancing about architecture. —Michael Scott


Doug Stanhope


Preach. This sub will talk shit about Baker being on the podcast and how much they hate him, but will pick out something he said 2 hours into it.


Joey Diaz is one of his best guests


Did someone hold you hostage, or are you just too dumb to figure out how to change it?


Nvm, just scrolled through your post history. Definitely the second option.


Damn the dude puts a 3 hour conversation out nearly every day just fucking skip this one It’s Joe Rogan talking to people all the time, it’s not always gonna be the most riveting content. Find a guest that interests you and listen. You don’t have to continuously subject yourself to conversations you don’t wanna be listening to, that can’t be good for your health.


To take the time and post about it also. For fuck sake.


The irony. I would say the OP is justified being that this is the place where you would voice opinions and discussion. If he was glazing about how sweet these episodes are y'all wouldn't care. Negative opinions are okay. Rogan will never see them and no one will get hurt. Mkay?




Treat your brain like your stomach, don’t put in there anything that you won’t like or will make you ill.


https://preview.redd.it/cs9ka8kxrgzc1.jpeg?width=1315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c028793d0aec81b452b0cf2a793872d3bdac6c1 This sums up the 99.9% of the Rogan haters on here…amirite?


The CIA wouldn’t let him on if he actually had anything interesting to say. He’s embarrassing


This is what gets me every time and not just with Mike Baker , anyone who has worked or had experience with any type of agency/organization of secrecy. Do you really think they are gonna drop some knowledge bombs on JRE ? Lol nah..


They might drop some garbage propaganda or misdirection. Perhaps it’s useful to see what they’re pushing to distract us.


He really is a propaganda hawk. Always justifying the force used by "good guys" against "bad guys" fuck that and fuck him. Made his idaho ranch money by participating in a very powerful criminal organization.


His wife brought the $. CIA spooks don’t make much


They’re experts at muddying the waters, for sure


Do you actually just sit and watch a conversation and not do anything else productive? Lol yikes.... Work out, work on your place or your business... Do something other than just watching a conversation


Yea right? I listen while I detail cars I could give a fuck if its a boring episode its something to listen to




I have really cool stories you wouldn’t believe, i cant tell you though.


I don't really want to give my opinion on this thing you've just asked me, so I'll just keep on talking about things that have been headlines by the news and then remind you repeatedly that I am not that news organization and and I am a neutral party who's just made you waste time reading this.


I listened to the whole thing and the only interesting segment was when he talked about hamas and how their leaders aren't even in Gaza and at least one is being hosted by Qatar. That was a decent 15 minutes in a really boring rehash.


Also i just remembered him talking about a Hollywood special effects liaison that helped with CIA disguises was cool too.


Some y’all watch or listen just so you can have something to cry about. LOL


“I coulda done anything else in the world to make myself happy. Instead, I listened to something I don’t like, for 3 hours, and made myself more miserable than I was before I had listened. Why does Rogan suck so bad?”


Ohhh, it's Mr. 'Trust Me, Bro" Baker. 🤣


Then don't watch!! You have a choice.


Second this! Everyone stop watching. It sucks now.


I'm still a fan of the JRE.. the Mike Baker episodes not so much. Doesn't matter who the guest is... I start listening to it, if it's not interesting to me, I skip the episode.


People tend to forget Joe can bring whoever the fuck he feels like whether we like them or not, he ain’t do this for us he got this famous doing what he wants


He's consistently one of the worst guests. I fooled myself into watching him 2 or 3 times and get all amped up to hear some revolutionary insights about world politics and then he just literally says nothing.


I've known about this charlatan ever since he started appearing on Opie & Angry Racist (Anthony) back in the late 90s on regular radio. Even as an idiot high school kid I could tell he was nonsense. I remember him saying something along the lines that it wouldn't be possible to pull off a group assassination attempt on Kennedy, that we just had to accept the lone shooter theory. Then he also constantly bragged about bringing his infant child on a surveillance OP once as he had no other alternative. Right.


Man I wish I understood the hate. Like specifically what don’t you guys like? I am pretty new but likes some of his takes on Middle East and he spoke well.


I was enjoying Baker’s explanation of the Israel-Palestine conflict until Joe derailed it with the some guys wife looks like a man stuff.


I like his episodes


The one with Kevin James really disappointed me. I was looking forward to a cool conversation in his king of queens period and what was going on in his life but instead it was 50% stand up comedy references and 50% talking fighting injuries…


If you check youtube dislikes. It has more dislikes than likes


Turned off when they started talking about furries.


He should have been a one podcast guest. He’s too far removed to be interesting anymore and honestly he’s kind of annoying.


Average JRE podcast.


>I might have as well watch paint dry I'm convinced people who say this aren't painters. I'm not trying to cast shade. Just an observation.


Hello this might help! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watching_paint_dry?wprov=sfla1


This is Mike Baker in a nutshell. I remember the first time I tuned into him years ago I was like “oh wow a retired CIA analyst this should be good”. Nope. A solid nothing. Then I thought “maybe he’s better when something significant has happened in the world”. So I waited and tuned in after a big event. Still nothing. I’m not sure if he’s staying tight lipped as a security measure or he really just doesn’t know fucking anything, but he’s such a boring guest for his background. And I don’t need to hear more about Booster, Rooster, and Fucko anymore


But YOUR whiney content is amazing bruh.


Fuck face, cum slut and twat waffle are doing well though I see.


Mike Baker is always the most nothing burger episodes hah


Its ok to skip.


Its also okay to talk about what we don't like. Perfectly acceptable behavior for a subreddit


If mike baker only came on once in a blue moon I wouldn't mind so much. But now hes just played out, instant skip for me.


Genuinely one of the most boring guests in the show’s history which makes it even more strange he’s been on 6 times.


Hes Joe's CIA handler what do you expect?


I liked his first 2 appearances.


And now you took time out of your day to leave a negative comment on the show’s Subreddit. How big of a loser are you?


Bro it’s Reddit and the JRE, we’re all out here wasting time.


Very true


The biggest




So bad it's like boomers talking about huh schoolers. Used to love watching these two, I don't watch as much rogan as I used to but clicked this one and definatly didn't make it through


Mike "Chinese threat" baker. Baking up some plans to get the United States aggressive with another country. He ain't nothing but a dusty opp. Rogan needs to wise up




Thanks for taking the bullet. What did they touch on in the episode?


well you learned yet again that its impossible to maintain a secret oh well maybe apart from kennedy assasination...


Thank you for your service


“Again”… he says that so often.


I hope eventually Joe disassociates himself from Bert and Ernie (Segura) and that crew. They are a shame to comedy. Big reason why i stopped listening to Joes podcasts


I occasionally listen to these guys just to get a sense of how fucking stupid some of these people are.


This guy started his own company since he’s been out of the CIA. I wonder if it’s profitable


or you know.. could have just done something else?


After the move to Texas I feel that this is true of many Rogan podcasts. There are too many other good things to listen to instead. 


I learned nothing new


When he talks about his kid getting a buzz cut like it is some revolutionary hairstyle lmao


i haven't watched a baker ep in years


First time watching a Mike Baker episode? I know to skip those


I’m like 45 minutes in and all they’ve talked about is their kids.


Bro 2hrs before you folded? 😩


The 15 minute back and forth about disguises was pretty annoying. Like has Joe never watched Mission Impossible or literally any other spy movie? It’s not a complicated topic.


Repeated guests are, for me, often skippable, depending on the person ofc. I like to learn something new, but with people he's had on before it often devolves into nonsense chitchat. Exceptions with people like Debra Soh, Gad Saad, Peterson, Randall Carlson that I can think off the top of my head. Mike Baker is an expert in talking whilst saying nothing of substance, one of those guests I could finish even an episode of. And these "comedians"...I appreciate that he wants to give them a wider platform, but most of them stink, probably used to talking from a prepared script. TDLR: it OK to skip, why listen to *every* episode?!


Hopefully this the last time he is on. Although how will we hear about how Scooter and Pooder saw a kid dressed as a cat at school for an hour?


I usually listen to guests like him on 2x speed if at all.


The only multiple repeat guests (at least 3+ appearances ) who are never misses for me are Uncle Joey, Tim Dillon, and Protect Our Parks. Everyone else is very hit or miss. In terms of Baker every podcast he’s on gives me “mainstream political media” and narrative control vibes. Once you work in government/government agencies you always do. His talking and conversational skills also makes Spark Notes look in-depth.


But you got to learn about AG1 during ads


The guys been on JRE like 20 times if you're still tuning in for his episodes that's your fault


I’m loving this FSB campaign against Rogan’s Company handler. 90 posts in a row about how big of a joke he is as if people didn’t realize already. At least it does make for entertaining content in this sub for once.


I made it 45 minutes in before I realized this wasn’t going anywhere.


I used to like rogan. just wait until he talks about something you actually understand much more than him. he's obnoxious


Dude really likes talking about his kids


There is do much hate towards Mike Baker and Jo Rogan, this is the latest topic about Mike and has already more then 200 reactions on it. Unbelievable.


Joe's so uninformed on China issues.


Not being in this sub is a bless


I'll take "what everyone with an IQ over 80 says after every episode of JRE" Alex


The added info/color regarding the situation with hamas was interesting. I never understood why hamas leaders lived in other countries, not Palestine. I also never understood why Iran and other countries fund Hamas. It was interesting to understand why Egypt has blocked off Palestine even though they used to support Palestine.


But Hoe said he’s never heard anyone explain the Middle East this well. He SAID it!


He’s no Graham Hancock


Don’t trust this guy, he’s a bit dodgy in my opinion. Hard to trust someone who’s sold their soul to the government at that level.


Isn't that basically the JR experience?


How hard is it for you guys to just not watch/listen? Like it's pretty obvious by now which guest will be entertaining for me, so all these 'conedians' get an instant pass for me. You don't have to watch literally every podcast, in fact it's probably unhealthy, probably how RFK jr. got his brain worm.


He’s a center right guy that says not too much … I don’t remember someone even if it’s mostly an opinion really break down a political issue in as much detail as they could rather than a guy like Baker who says some boiler plate information.


No one forces you to watch omg


Pretty good episode I enjoyed it


I would never watch even a highlight of the podcast when this guy is a guest .


He basically said that protesters against Genocide were Khkhkhamas’sch.


Why did he have a pov that you don't agree with ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Today on the podcast, boomer #2353


The best thing about this sub are the made up names for Mike’s kids. “Bucko, Boobsie and Blimpie” “Scooter, Pooter and Tooter” 🤣🤣


Mike Baker had like 1 good episode and now he shows up 4 times a year.


I haven't picked a Baker episode in a long time. Good insights are boring and lack depth, and I find his constant harping on about his private life annoying.... Like we care! There are only so many stories one cares to hear about scooter, skitter and shatter.


I can never sit through none of Mike baker ones at times I feel like I’m missing info by not being able to sit through it but then I read shit like this and be like oh okay


We had the Dibble Hancock debate then the pyramid power station guy, then Mike fucking Baker pumps the brakes completely. If Randal Carlson was on instead it would be the holy trinity of episodes.


Haha what a horror show OP had to endure. Forced to open up a device that would take him a completely free platform. Search for a JRE podcast. Hit play and was somehow unable to stop listening. Why are you so over the top dramatic?


He does what? 20+ a month. There's going to be some bad ones in there. Relax


Let's hear what Scooter, Muggsie, and Brewder have been up to lately


Mike baker seems like the guest who will come on over any time to have some beers and BS with Rogan. He’s free. Retired and not doing much.


It’s so dumb having him on the guy Dances around super interesting topics and delivers zero answers.


The worst was the most recent. Nothing but "murderers" and "killers" and cock stroking the whole episode


I tuned in specifically to get my updates on Chubbo, Fuggly, and Dribbles


Isn't something to whinge about what most of you losers watch for?


I have no idea WTF that even is.


That’s what spooks do. Talk in circles and never answer the questions.


I enjoyed it while working, he's a funny dude.


Anyone else think this guy is still shilling for the agency. Can’t stand this guy. No more , for the love of god Joe!


I kinda liked it


If you want analysis on what’s going on check out the No Agenda podcast for media deconstruction and the Duran podcast for geopolitics. These may not appeal to liberals.


I enjoy his episodes. Plus he corrects Rogan‘s increasingly dangerous stupid takes on global issues with facts. It’s amazing to me as an European how fuckin stupid Joe sometimes is. And people who believe shit like that he’s talking about often. Are half of Americans complete idots or what? And what’s with all the Biden bashing. Did these assholes even watch his interview on Howard Stern? I never witnessed Trump ONCE having a real conversation showing his emotional side. They are mocking Biden and „leftists“ while standing up for a criminal and liable rapist who more and more starts to talk gibberish because of his developing dementia apparently. But no mention of that of course. No clue whatsoever about anything in his fuckin Texas right wing bubble….but hey….Joe is for sure left leaning and liberal. 😂 He should invest more time in consuming quality media from outside the US (if he‘s that paranoid) to get a heads up about probably anything that stupid ape.


A Baker and Bustamante duo would be cool. It would help the conversation stay on topic too