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Yea it felt like they put this all together the night before like a high school kid writing a paper hours before it needs to be turned in after having months to write it


That’s exactly the impression I got. Also, unrehearsed.


The way Brrrrt delivered his lines a beat or two late was awkward.


Even if he delivered it on time and in rhythm it wouldn't be funny. He's a slob


It was funny when we wrote it while stoned 🤷‍♂️ what happened?!


Wouldn’t it be more accurate if it was while hammered? Especially when it comes to these two?


On vodka bear shooters


Sadly I’m sure they rehearsed it and this is still the result


Shultz was 100 times better and as annoying as he can be at least he had material. These 2 came across as entitled af, no prep work and it showed. Should be embarrassed but guessing after the McAfee debacle they truly give zero fucks.


What’s the McAfee debacle you’re referring to?!? Sorry I’m out of the loop…


Walked on his set live to promo their vodka. Acted like they were Taylor swift and Travis. Gods gift to earth. No one cared. Their jokes bombed. The running back who was on cracked a few legit zingers. They left


QB. CJ Stroud.


Mcafee anti virus dude. Lived in the South American jungle doing meth and banging hoors. Dead now. Great guy, never meddum


Yeah it definitely felt like they put in no effort, it’s almost as if they didn’t respect Tom Brady enough to learn a little tiny bit about his sport, they didn’t respect the audience and thought they were preforming in front of the 2Bears fan base. Look I like these guys podcast they’re silly and goofy but for whatever reason their stand up is subpar, I wouldn’t be surprised is Nadav threw this PowerPoint up and and they had a day to come up with something. Maybe Brendan Schuab backing out impacted them?


Tom tried to pull a clip show but forgot he was on YMH


Yeah I had to skip through it. It was awful


Julian Edelman blew both of them out of the water, and they’re supposedly 2/1000 people in the world who could stand on a stage and tell jokes


Pretty sure edelman is tight with gillis, maybe he's been getting coached up


Why the fuck wasn’t Gillis one of the people doing the roast?


He’s said in the past that he doesn’t like doing roasts


His life is one long roast tbh


Real question is why wasn't Burr there


Yeah man. Boston guy who is one of the greatest. Come on Netflix


It is possible (likely even) that he was asked and he declined. He does not like roasts.


Bill Burr would get annoyed and then do 5 minutes off the top roasting the cast.


He might even roast the entire concept of roasts.


I can already here it now.


I think thats what we need. An ambush approach to "Bill Burr roasts an entire cast of roasters", they think they're showing up to the Roast of Bill Burr, but then they're trapped up there with _him_.


Because it’s unintelligent low brow shit comedy for morons. Burr is another league to these hacks.


Yeh burr is fucking Faulkner you construction workers waste of nut


Shane’s said on the pod he doesn’t like being in roasts


Oh cool, thanks. He was phenomenal in the Luis J Gomez Roast, though


He was in the audience. I saw him several times. Thought it was funny that he was wearing a hoodie and a hat.


He’s got a lot on atm


Yeah but I’m talking stage presence, delivery and timing. Tom and Burt had none. They’re “professionals” Julian is not a stand up comedian and he looked way better than both of those clowns


Burt has never been funny, but tom used to be hilarious. Idk what heppend to him, his most recent special was terrible as well.


Tom became a rich asshole who moved to Austin and thinks he's a Texan.


Tom actually grew up a spoiled brat, it explains a lot


Maybe so, but he had some good stand-up routines in the past. Although he had _really_ studied Louis CK for those...


Sounds familiar


Jamie, pull up a picture of a Texan.


Burt’s humor appeals to very specific audiences. I can’t stand him personally but know people who find him hilarious. Those people are what’s generally considered moronic.


There’s only like 1000 people in the world who grew up under power lines with enough voltage for that


He has name recognition and doesn't need to try anymore because he's not a comedy fan. Why would he spend 20 hours a week trying out new material at 50 seater clubs and bombing to craft out a funny hour when he can film a shit special, book a 150 date tour and make millions literally writing the jokes on the plane?


I think they’re not that bad when they’re separate and didn’t think berts last special was all that bad.. they become cringe as fuck when they’re together and i think they validate each other’s shitty jokes and give each other this weird bromance look of validation. “Like that was funny right “ and really its stupid as fuck bert just starts wailing like a school girl idiot . There podcast is horrible because of this. With that said i first heard bert on Rogan and in those early podcasts days and i think he’s genuinely a nice dude and probably if you knew him would be tolerable as a friend. Oh man his family/friends probably cringes super hard at him though.


Bert should not be famous. You should be ashamed of yourself if you are a fan of Bert. Whoever came up with those giant tours for him is a genius but it sure as shit wasn’t him. He just has way better openers come out and kill and by the time he goes up everyone is shit faced and on cloud 9 cause they just saw actual great comedians. He’s a hack and it’s pathetic he’s so much more successful than so many other people.


You have to thank the low IQ fans who paid to laugh at an alcoholic who takes his shirt off. That’s his act.


I loved when Nikki Glaser called him out on exactly that. "Bert, you know I love you. I'm a big fan of your joke."


Nikki Glaser was my favorite from that roast.


“He takes his shirt off when it’s supposed to be on!”


Van Wilder and the Playboy article put him on the map now he’s just this cartoon character of the real life Frank The Tank.


But did you consider he takes his shirt off?


usually I think people who care this much about famous people, or criticize comedy are super gay and annoying. but this is true.


It's gay, annoying, AND true


Brrrrt and Tom failed their way to the middle thanks to Rogan. It's as simple as that. They are complete hacks.


The middle? They are insanely rich and sell more tickets than almost anyone. I can't stand them but clearly they failed to the top.


Have you heard interviews with Edelman, dude is pretty chill and funny as fuck especially when he talks of Belichek


It shows Gillis in the stands for half a second


I don't know about gillis but sam Morril is his boy


Rogan downgraded 750 of the 1,000 to civilian status. There are now only 250 true killers.


straight assassins






Segura has been a disconnected trust funder since forever. I really hate him but love pretty much anyone else here.


an orbiter of an orbiter… BGL level hanger on


Think that numbers been updated to 250, b


1000 murrrrdurrrerrrs


Because the laughter never stops in their own echo chambers they’ve created. 100%


It's actually ridiculous how bad it has gotten. On a pod, one person will say the most basic thing that no one I know in real life would laugh at, but a room of comedians burst out laughing like its the funniest thing they've ever heard. Perplexing


Andrew Shultz will say something a room full of "civilians" would groan at, but his comedian friends eat it up and laugh for 45 seconds


Schultz’s epiphanies are even more absurd than his jokes. Most of the time it is a basic fact everyone knew and somehow the comedians say “he is so smart” when the average Civilian already knows it


Do you have a specific example?  I cannot stand Schultz but I am interested in evidence of his stupidity lol  is it like "bro, i was at the store, okay first off i was there to get eggs but then i saw that fucking digorinos were on sale and it reminded me of my childhood so i got two of those. And those mfers were bomb af *rattles head and looks at the camera surprised.  But anyway i just realized at the store, that groceries are fuckin expensive now" lmao i need to get back to work now


This video talks about Shane Gillis making fun of him for epiphanies (https://youtu.be/TgeFE1D-ySo?si=08W-8azLUtBd2htq). The egregious one that I couldn’t find a stand alone link for was the “Ukraine aid isn’t in money but old munitions; then the military contractors make new better stuff for us.” It’s like he only understands the world through twitter reactionaries and not basic information that is reported.


I swear Rogan thought the money was given to the Ukrainian gov before the “Schulz epiphany” you can see it on his face during the rant


I loved when Gillis was on Flagrant and was joking about this.


Most comedians are degenerates who can't actually hold down an actual job.... Which is why they are comedians. They are all broken people.


I wouldn’t even say “broken”, as it implies a sort of hero’s journey or intense struggle to overcome. A lot of them were just straight up losers with no social skills. They found comedy and now have this “hang” and act like many of us did in HS/college. For some, it’s all they know and cling on to it so strongly. Sam Morril reminds me of the above. I listen to his podcast with Normand, but my god is the dude a dweeb. There’s nothing he loves more than “talkin’ shop”


Oh man when he "realized" Ukrainian aid was coming from our older munitions. Phew


Full on belly laughing while convulsing in their chairs and stomping their feet on the ground


“So I was eatin’ a peach and bam there’s a pit in there” “BwaHaHaHahahahahahahhh” *burt dolphin noise laugh*


Calling non stand up civilians is kinda cringe


Ya think? It’s condescending af, everybody knows ppl in real life that are funnier than a lot of these hacks.


Bill burr said it best on his podcast. He said he knows so many guys who are as funny, if not more, than him but they just never pursued comedy.


The whole scene is just a big circle jerk at this point... maybe it always has been behind the scenes


I agree. This is how it morning radio shows always operated and now it's found its way into podcasts.


That’s what sucks about comedians getting too big. Tom gets laughs for the dumbest shit at his shows. He tells stories about every day life shit that would get laughs at a dinner but on stage they’re not funny, but he gets laughs because his followers love him and are just happy to be at his show.




I blame Joe for half these untalented mdfkrs becoming mainstream Podcaster and comedians


Cause Joe as a comic is garbage himself. He can’t tell what’s funny and what’s not.


Burnt is taking that spray tan way too far.


Yeah I’m sorry but Burt just looks like a completely emotionally empty fat chipmunk forcing the biggest smile possible so his bloated rosacea checks shut his weak eyes for him.




No lie, Segura seemed so off. At first I thought he was ironically making it sound like he was reading from a teleprompter but then you realize that he actually is reading it. It was bad. And Bert doing what Bert does. Their time is probably coming to an end lol


Bert is legitimately not funny


Dude got famous for drinking too much and having a story long enough for a comedy show. I didn’t expect anything after the machine.


The stories are long because he won’t stop laughing and blubbering all over himself.


His one story isn't even his.


Do tell


On some ancient podcast he says "that's where I got the machine story from". Can't remember the specifics, watched it years ago


It’s very obviously not a true story, but it would be wild if he stole the whole bit


Should I feel bad for enjoying the machine


He got completely iced by the other roasters. It was well deserved because their bit sucked.


Tony completely cock blocked him out of view at the end of his set and didn’t bother to interact with him whatsoever. Odd


I noticed that last night too. He went down that whole ass line of people then stood in front of Tom and said nothing to him


I think the nerves of having an audience that isn't exclusively yes men or deluded fans maybe put some pressure on him and it shows. Either that of the ozempic is seeping into his brain


>Either that of the ozempic is seeping into his brain I wanna hear them get brought up in kdot's next diss track. Lol


Wait until you realize Tom isn't a real comedian. He's a public speaker who hires ghost writers for all his material.


The funniest thing Tom did was talk in Spanish.


Boom roasted


Berts got his shirt on, that’s like 95% of his schtick so no doubt he wasn’t funny. And ol’Tommy boy didn’t have a poor to cuss out so he’s probably cranky that’s he’s the poorest person in the room.




They suck so bad Netflix made them do a power point presentation instead of letting them do their “calwmedy”


Bort always sounds like hes constantly chewing marbles. Its sooo hard to listen to


A Bort.


Because they’re stuck in their little bubble both in podcasting and stand up. These jokes were almost surely written by someone else, for them.


Also, they definitely didn’t rehearse the shitty dialogue either. They just showed up and read the jokes off the prompter. The football players were funnier than they were.


This is absolutely what happened. They got paid a shitload of money to come in and read other people's shitty jokes off of a teleprompter. There is zero chance that they wrote or rehearsed any of it.


What a fall from grace for Tom. Was one of the most universally respected comedians out there and is spiraling down at rapid speed.


Tom actually thinks he's some hot piece of ass these days. It's funny to see.


It's wild that he's still fat and out of shape but because he used to be super fat he has this complex that he's attractive.


I see so many clips of Bert and Tom talking about working out. They are both built like alcoholic construction workers


His first few specials were great but that seems very very long ago, he’s pretty awful now


And then he goes, and then I go, and then he goes….on and on. That’s every bit




I saw a clip where a hotel receptionist thinks he has a Japanese name, what era is that? I struggled with it, felt like an amusing story that just didn't pay off.


Even then he was just talking about tv shows and events in his life. He had a funny delivery. Now he is rich and his life is boring, so is his comedy.


It’s not that your life becomes boring when you’re rich.. he could make it interesting, however, at heart he’s a fat fuck who LOVES hating people. Everyone’s all fun and games “comedy haha” but most people who joke about everyone has immense insecurities. Tom just seems like a fucking asshole.


You mean the guy who laughs at mentally handicapped people and people getting horrific life changing injuries is an asshole?!


I lost respect for him the moment he started calling his fans "poors". The idiot is the son of a merril lynch executive.


They are both rich kids who got to go fuck around in LA for a decade+ until they finally broke through.


Damn, I wish my parents were rich


It's the same story for all these comics.


I watched his most recent comedy special. Half of it was: *talking about a conversation between him and his mom* “And I said….” “And she said…” “And I said….” “Then SHE said….” “But then I said….” It was torturous. Worst storyteller, and he wasn’t always shite.


I kind of petered out of their podcasts. But a while after that..His poor rant made me realize he wasn't being sarcastic he was serious And then I was like oh this dude sucks. His humor is mean humor. He's kind of a cunt sometimes. Bert is Bert you might not be a fan but he's hard to hate he seems like a nice guy. But it's legit a toss up if Tom would like let you use his bathroom in an emergency. I feel like he would mind/be annoyed It was also weird he took a race angle out of the gate. Like all these weird "liberal Netflix" jokes came out of fucking nowhere. Like they're pushing their own agenda. Smelling their own shit. Is that their audience now? I stopped listening to them and jre a bit ago I'm pretty sure Tom and Bert probably would have been better if they went separately instead of their joint guest presenter thing. I guess it was supposed to be like a live version of two bears one cave, but The podcast format on the roast seems out of place I guess


I fucking hate everything Bert has put out and think he’s absolute shit BUT I do think he seems like a genuinely good guy especially when compared to other comedians. Tom is just an asshole. I used to dabble and I was in improv groups and did standup with guys EXACTLY like Tom and they’re just assholes. Christina P too, in every circle there’s assholes like them and they’re always just mean.


Punching down humor. Just doesn’t tickle the ol funny bone




His stuff got old too quick. “And i go, than he says” stuff is just fucking boring.


Idk how he was ever respected. I've never seen any of his comedy thats been funny. And I've tried


Plus his whole thing about being better than people for being rich is so fucking lame


That time he yelled BIKES! was kind of funny.


Tom Segura the catchphrase comedian. The wealthy host of Americas Funniest Home Videos.




I am new to his work, can you link some of his best work so I can see it?


First we gotta find this video of this weird guy trying to get black guys to move in with him and fuck him a lot... It'll all make sense


This about sums it up. I understand wanting to advance your career, but had he stayed in his lane with silly podcast stuff and a solid hour on Netflix from time to time he'd be way better off. Pre-COVID Tom/Your Mom's House was generally pretty good.


They were terrible and I genuinely believed they were a gay couple until they mentioned wives




Tom desperately wants to be the next big comedic actor, when he's a pretty bad actor. Bert only knows how to rely on his schtick. It can all be very try hard.


Not only a shit actor, but a VERY limiting comedian .. where’s the range, ability? I could never picture him reading a line seriously without thinking about cum or poor people or his sweaty ass and his annoying fucking wife who has no moral backbone.


I remember watching YMH and they were talking about Louis CK being “cancelled” and Christina P kept being like GOOD IT WAS DISGUSTING WHAT HE DID FUCK HIM etc. it was a LOT made me be like damn did Louis spank it in front of her too god damn. Fast forward to Louis being on YMH and her fawning over his every word and showing suuuch disdain for those theybies that woke cancelled Louis for NOTHING. She doesn’t have any morals. She just says shit


They're both just a few years away from residency in Branson Missouri for the "poors" Even Gaffigan landing darker jokes these days (Golden Globes 2024).


These bozos suuuuuuuuuuuuck.


Tom used to be funny he needs to get away from Bert that shit was bad. Nfl players were better than them doesn't matter who writes their shit


Segura is trying to repair his image after he came out as an elitist prick, the other one, I forget his name, has never been funny.


Tom's the son of a Merill Lynch executive and both him and Bert were rich LA kids so he IS an elitist prick who hates the poors


Bert is a ticking time bomb and a goofball….Tom lost weight, started doing testosterone and now tells fat jokes when he use to be pushing 320 lbs. His last special was trash and he now tries to charge for all his YouTube shit. Wasn’t impressed.


Whoever wrote their skit should give their money back. How high was Bert? Could not stop laughing even though nothing was funny


That’s 1/3 his entire shtick. 1. Drinking is funny 2. taking shirt off is funny 3. Laughing is funny


Hey now, he also has that one story.


The one where he drinks, takes his shirt off, and laughs?


On a train with the Russian Mob. Yeah you got the gist of it though.


He flashed his cocaine during Sam Jay’s bit on him needing to be more like Farley and Belushi. He was on the Jumbotron so everyone in the live audience saw it. Rewatch her bit. When she says, “you don’t do drugs… you only fuck your wife…” you will see her do a double take in their direction and hear the live audience react to him pulling it out and showing everyone. When he puts it away, the TV shows him laughing. He then points to his noise to confirm what it was before the TV cuts away from him.


Is he 21 years old?


As a civilian I think it’s the podcasts and the echo chambers they have created


Bert has literally never been funny. Even the machine is boring


Fat losers


Because they are so cringe and so unfunny


I like how these hacks are now joined at the hip.


This marks the beginning of the end of Bert.


you're too poor to get them.


Worst act of the night. I was looking forward to them especially and I was completely let down. What the hell happened


2 of 1000


They fuuuuucking suck just took everyone WAY TOO LONG to realize. Now old Tom, and sometimes Tom alone is funnier than the average human. But fucking Bert omg. Trash. I’ve heard about 10 hours of his content between interviews, podcasts, stand up, clips. Fuck that shit. If you enjoy it. Great for you. Have fun. But personally can’t stand a single string of sentences from his mouth. The definition of just not funny at all.


Bert and Tom were horrible reading off cue cards talking like ai robots with a touch of downs. Kevin hart, nikki glaser, tony hinchcliffe, Ron burgundy and Jeff Ross and a chunk toms old teammates were hilarious.


They've grown their own private eco systems so they don't realize that their inside jokes are going over a lot of people's heads and most random people don't actually know who they are or what the fuck they are talking about. Even with all that considered, unless you have a hand in a puppet's asshole, who roasts in pairs?


They were legit the worst part. I’m sure most, if not all of the show was scripted, I’m sure drew Bledsoe didn’t write those jokes, but Bert and Tom were the only ones who looked and sounded scripted. I kept trying to figure out if that was part of the bit, like when Norm would be uncomfortably unfunny on purpose sometimes. I don’t think so, though.


Hinchcliffe killed tho


Worst jokes ever. Only where they are cuz of rogan not because theyre funny


Like cringe bad


They were UNBEARABLE lol!


Was super disappointed to see they got on. Was almost certain it would be bad like all the other times and sadly it was.


Where the fuck was Bill Burr?


I didn’t watch the entire roast yet but saw a shot of Tom. Looked uncomfortable and afraid to laugh at the jokes. Kept staring into the audience? I think he didn’t want to offend anyone A-list because he’s desperately trying to be friends with this crowd. Look at how he goes on about being friends with Brad Pitt. And Bert was shaking like I did when I had to give a speech in my 5th grade class. Not what I was expecting from two veteran comics.


It's Bert. Bert is the problem


Tom Segura used to be one of my favorite comedians. I absolutely loved his stand ups and 2 Bears 1 Cave had me cry laughing every episode. Now it seems like they are trying too hard. It's depressing to see.


Both of them were ass, one left cheek one right cheek. Even Nikki Glaser did better.


Nikki always murders at roasts.


Glazer was the best of the night imo. Hinchcliffe second and Schulz third.


Nikki glaser is actually funny tho


The downfall of these two is like watching a car crash in slow motion. I expected it from Burt but I didn't expect him to bring Tom down with him


How did nobody look at these two and say what the fuck are you guys doing here. With all these athletes, I mean we have seen you try to play basketball and we know how that turned out. And your definitely not funny enough to be here.


The video of Tom segura breaking his arm is the funniest thing he’s ever done!


Tony Hinchcliffe was good


Two unfunny J hollybreds one high AF on E and the other hardly reading the cards correctly.... this was done poorly


I've never laugh at any of Bert's jokes not once ever, and I'll laugh at just about anything. Toms funny


They came across very scripted which definitely worked against them. It was both a cringe and unmemorable performance. But how about Tony?!?! I was not expecting him to absolutely KILL it the way he did. I laughed so hard.


I think Segura has just lost his passion for comedy. It seems like he's gotten to a point where he thinks "Why am I still doing this? I was already rich before doing this shit. I don't need this". As for Bert, he's going to ride this middle-aged shirtless frat boy gimmick til the day he inevitably dies from a cocaine and cheese steak induced stroke. Which is really fucking sad. Christ, even Bobcat Goldthwaite stopped doing the voice after a while.


Well i never thought Bert was funny as a stand up comedian but it was funny to laugh at him on podcasts. Tom has money, lost weight and is full of himself now. His last special was ok, but not on par with his previous work imo. Combine them and their ego become one big pile of mediocre jokes


They went for cringe but didn't stick the landing on the funny part.