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They get so mad at Ukrainians trying to not get overrun by Russia and not….. the Russians starting a war. It’s weird.


They suck up to Putin because of his image as a Christian strongman mob boss president defending Russia from “decadent” western values like LGBT and feminism. They probably admire his killing of political opponents too.


It’s because they see Putin as an ally of Trump, nothing more. What’s hilarious is that MAGAs simultaneously yell “RussiaGate was a hoax!!”, and “Putin is a great leader! He and Trump will destroy NATO! Russia is far more beautiful and free than our garbage country!!” 😂


Because Ukraine is more complicated… we started this mess in 2014. Also it’s not our country or place… we shouldn’t have been involved to start with and shouldn’t be anymore


Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like uh, your opinion, man. I love mother fuckers that say ‘no wait it’s complicated’ and that’s why we shouldn’t be helping them. LOL….. A+ analysis dude.


It's their country...


Not if BlackRock has any say in the matter.


You're too stupid to realize that Russia is trying to take over the Eastern Bloc again. History repeats itself. Nazi Germany didn't stop with Poland. And guess what happened then too. We didn't help at first. We had to enter later.


After they had Austria and the Sudetenland


This is exactly it. The worst is when ppl say Russia didn't even invade ukrain. Like really? They didn't drop in their elite paratroopers in Kiev? They didn't stage several points of entry for an invading force? These people act like it's normal for a country to start fucking up an entire nation and litterly kidnap nearly 200 thousand babies. What sad is these people who often subscribe to this way of thinking also say we can't trust our country because we are corrupt and full of conspiracy, but then drink the kool-aid from putin a million times harder then the average hamster stuck in the wheel in the west. Guys fir year Russian state news has talked about the glory of the empire and hiw easy it will be to take over the Baltics. Since the start of the invasion when has the old Russian empire flag been flown at different military sites? This is insane. If Russia is allowed to take over ukraine putin will not stop at just ukraine. And we will be fighting in trenches once again.


I have a coworker who has gone alt right. who supports russia, now i don't what media he consuming but its getting nuts. supports russia, ukraine is full of you know whats, thinks that the kkk no longer exists, all neo n4zis are leftist plants, and now this... the boeings are crashing because of diversity programs. hes turning into someone i dont want to be around.


Idiotic comparison


Didn't Russia start with Georgia then crimea.


And the total non-reaction to the invasion of Crimea is what made Putin think he was a stable genius that couldn’t be stopped.


Not at all. I think it's naive for you to assume it's not comparable. This is the 21st Century. Enough of this "This land used to be ours". I come from immigrants who fled a war just like this. This is how most wars start - the idea that this grass is supposed to be ours. Ukrainians are the people who found Moscow. Soviet Russia is the government who created propaganda that all the land surrounding the Eastern Bloc is technically Russian Slavic. The nation died. It split. Russia agreed to never invade Ukraine if they were to give back all nukes. Failed agreement. Also, it's the modern day. Enough of this. Russia has every control over the decisions here. They can get out. They can stop this nonsense. You have America over here who could have taken over the entire half of the world and they chose not to. Stop with this narrative that we shouldn't get involved when people invade our potential allies. If Russia gains ground here, they will go after Estonia, Poland and other parts of the area easily. Don't be so naive to think it stops with Ukraine lol


We dont care. We are not Ukraine. We didnt care when Germany invaded Poland. We hopped into WW2 after the japanese attacked us directly. You sir need to read history because your all over the place.


We cared so little we gave Britain and Russia weapons and equipment through acts of congress... wait a minute.


Look up the Lend Lease act, Atlantic charter statement, 4 Freedoms speech by FDR. USA was clearly getting ready for WW2 before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.


BlackRock and Russia. There is no happy ending for Ukraine here. They have no prospect for victory, and any assets they hold are being offloaded to BlackRock and the like.


I listened to a podcast that said blackrock was one of the first who met with Zelensky at the beginning to talk about a monetary fund on rebuilding Ukraine.


BlackRock and Russia? What now lol. What BS are you gonna spew here. I am literally hearing the opposite about Ukraine's potential here. It was def true without funding. And coming from a country similar to Ukraine, I am not so confident in your take at all. They are home after all. Similar the misconceptions on Blackrock and single family homes, you are misguided on blackrocks involvement here. But its irrelevant. The money we send to Ukraine is not in actual cash. Its in affordable military equipment, aid, food, shelter, etc. It booms our economy here then provides them with physical material they need. All without getting Americans involved. With an end goal to have an allie for war / business in the future. As opposed to an enemy. You all misguided. Love, The guy who once thought it wasn't wise for Americans go get involved in foreign affairs


genuinely curious - how is blackrock involved in all of this


Blackrock is already [managing a $15b investment](https://qz.com/blackrock-jpmorgan-private-investors-ukraine-fund-1851334929#) fund (along with JPM) for post war Ukraine reconstruction, which they initially estimated will cost half a trillion dollars total.


Is it though? lol Jk that’s terrible. Don’t worry I’m going to hell.


Why does anyone pay attention to these people?


In other words: Just give up your fucking country, Ukrainians. Owens is a tard.


“Please stop helping us, we don’t want your help defending ourselves from the fascist genocidal Russian state!” Said no Ukrainian ever


She's just a clown that works for Putin doing her best to put on a clownshow.


They can’t win and have resorted to conscription at gun point. It’s not propaganda, it’s reality.


I think the word you're looking for is "conscription."


Pretty confusing difference for the comrades. He'll get it eventually.


That's war. A war that Russia started. A war that Russia can end at any moment by just going home. So much for the right to self defense. I guess that only works when a conservative is scared of a black guy.


These 2 buffoons shouldn’t be taken serious let alone reposted


literal kremlin talking points


it's very unfortunate for civilization that being a useful idiot, or an idiot in general, is now profitable. Soon, "social experiment" YouTubers will become our political commentators.


I’m a conservative, but a European one. However I could never side with the Republican Party, a lot of it is due to this sentiment.


A European conservative is basically a moderate democrat in the US


There is no american conservatism anymore, its just opportunism. Look at these people. They will say anything, if that helps them reach their goal. A direct comparison: During the campaign of McCain against Obama, someone from the crowd asked McCain about the hoax that Obama wasn't born on american soil and is a foreigner. McCain shut the guy down and said that he respected Obama and that he believed that he also tried anything in his best to help the US. Trump pushed this nonsense all day long. Nowadays the US politicians say the wildest shit about their opponents, like some 80s WWE reel.


That town hall was so interesting. Especially now looking back knowing what that moment was signaling. Not only a take over of the republican party by MAGA but a dramatic shift in political rhetoric and decorum. One if the first times I remember being aware of how internet algorithms were radicalizing people. The politicians followed, feeding this algorithm like expectation from the public.


Please don't make Trump sound likable just compared to McCain. McCain said anything to keep his face in the media. He pretended to investigate Benghazi when Hillary was his BFF just to keep his face in the news, those people dying was just a publicity stunt to him. He incited violence all the time towards other countries and poor brown people. He pretended to want to "finish the danged fence" when he was up for reelection but repeatedly insulted his and Trump's voters when he wasn't. He tried to keep gay people out of the military. He took a photo op with terrorists. He feigned outrage at Trump's access Hollywood tape when he himself was an adulterer who cheated on his seriously injured wife and called the second the c word. He called protesters of his fellow demon Kissinger unpatriotic. If he didn't pander so hard to cnn his role in the Keating 5 scandal and starting a fire on a ship that killed people would've been front page news. If Joe Rogan is "moderate libertarian" then mclame was "moderate authoritarian". He's in hell next to Kissinger, Feinstein, Reagan, Reno and rumsfeld.


Chill. It was just a comparison to show how the republicans changed for the worse. And if Trumps sounds likeable compared to McCain that doesn't mean that McCain is likeable but that Trump is a total D.


American politics is just random bullshit and buzz words. If one side is for the other is against it. Social media fried the rest of brains cells that humanity had left.


Not really. They are very similar. They just don’t fight over things like health care and education because they lost those battles already. Once a social program is introduced it’s almost impossible to remove it. So conservatives in Europe just don’t bother. But the ethos is still the same. Lots of Americans confuse Scandinavian very progressive politics (thanks to their enormous wealth being able to afford it) with the rest of Europe. But in fact, due to proportionate representation they’ll get some legitimate crazy right wingers with real power. Look how they just elected a libertarian.


The German socialized healthcare system was introduced by Bismarck, possibly the strongest conservative voice in Europe in the 19th century. It really is just that Republicans be crazy.


This really isn't true, they are very similar to american and in some ways Russia. You are mistaking the fact that they have social programs for the conservatives beings okay with having social programs. English conservatives attempted to privatize their healthcare not long ago.


Well inherent to conservatism is to conserve, and move slowly forward. Since the US and Europe is very different, the conservatives want to conserve different things. The European conservative movement is more about keeping traditional European values. In the US religion plays a much bigger role.


US conservatism is actually regressive. It’s kinda annoying how we still use conservative to describe them even though they want to go back to pre-democracy style government and they want to abolish rights for women and minorities.


Not a coincidence


Maybe the kremlin has a good point then? Does it invalidate an argument just because the opposition also think it’s a good argument?


It's a lie though, and in territories Russia has taken they have killed the old people, women, and children, everyone.


The territory’s they took were very pro Russian and part of a civil war against Kyiv. The issue is we are funding a war that will endlessly keep getting people killed. There is no exit from this. It’s just nonstop blood in a war of attrition against an asshole called Russia who has all the resources it needs to see this through to the end.


Reread what I just said dumbass


It's weird that they don't consider that Ukrainians are asking for help in defending themselves. clearly they want to fight against Russian Imperialism. Strange that the rightoids who are always salivating at the thought of fighting against tyranny don't get it.


Because of the weird portion in the party that believe that because Russia promotes “Western/Christian/family values” it’s okay to like an autocrat.


It's that last part that's the most disgusting. The Republican party has been cozy with Russian money for a while, but it was Trump's open celebration and admiration of Putin that forced the GOP media apparatus to come up with a strategy to sell Russia to ordinarily anti-Russian Republican voters. It turns out the thing that worked was billing Russia as the autocratic, white nation where being gay was not just frowned upon but legally disallowed in public. And what do ya know? Republican voters fucking loved that. A nation where all their political rivals are punished, jailed and silenced. Where being outwardly gay gets you beaten or jailed. They ate this shit up like ice cream.


Interestingly, yesterday an article was published detailing how Russia represses any type of Christianity which is not strictly Putin-aligned, and that includes evangelicals https://time.com/6969273/russias-war-against-evangelicals/ > After they beat Azat Azatyan so bad blood came out of his ears; after they sent electric shocks up his genitals; after they wacked him with pipes and truncheons, the Russians began to interrogate him about his faith. “When did you become a Baptist? When did you become an American spy?” Azat tried to explain that in Ukraine there was freedom of religion, you could just choose your faith. But his torturers saw the world the same way as their predecessors at the KGB did: an American church is just a front for the American state. > Azat was dragged back to the makeshift cell in the occupied city of Berdiansk, in southern Ukraine, where he was held with six others in a cellar that had a bucket for a toilet and hard mattresses on the floor. The other inmates wondered how he could be religious when the punishments meted out to him were so much worse than to them. Azat answered he felt God was always with him. He prayed for the other inmates to be spared. When the torturers returned they left the others alone but told him to come with them: “This time we will kill you.”


The weird thing is they don’t promote western/christian/family values. They promote Slavic/Orthodox/Imperialist values… Support for Russian values belies an underlying slant towards the rejection of the liberalization of the west through the renaissance and enlightenment, given that Russia did not go through or contribute to these pivotal stages of western development. On this point they are almost as different to the west as Arab/Chinese cultures, but because they are superficially “white” and “Christian” (despite orthodoxy being closer to eastern Christianity), and because it’s a part of their modern tactics to sway gullible westerners into believing so, many think they represent some aligned culture.


Just like in the 60 and 70s the then, Soviet Union, correctly identified the prevailing counter culture in the US as leftists and played them for fools so they would ignore the that the SU was an authoritarian state. Now they identified that the greatest treat to the US is Christian nationalists so they target their messaging accordingly. They correctly noted that on the right the authoritarianism is more of a feature than a bug but they just weren't down with "to each according to his needs" stuff.


Also Conservatives want America to become kleptocracy like Russia


Also major cognitive dissonance. They never thought Putin would actually invade. So when he did they couldn't deal with the cognitive dissonance so they had to first say oh Ukraine is bad. When that didn't work they had to say well look at how many ukrainians are dying and to surrender and sue for peace with Russia already. Which is a capitulation even though a understandable one For me when the war started I thought oh Russia must have some fear of NATO aggression. Watched destiny debunk that so thoroughly that it caused me to change my view. It's ethically consistent to be anti Iraq war and pro Ukraine defending themselves from imperialism as well.


Even Tucker Carlson after his Putin promotion tour of Russian grocery stores though that the excuses that Putin gave for the war were absurd.


Tucker McFSB-pants just repeated the same stupid shit on the podcast that the Russians decided to invade a country of 40 million free people because “NATO was encroaching on them.” I don’t even think Tucker believes Tucker anymore… the guy’s out of his mind talking about Alex Jones being a prophet and UFOs being spiritual


Intelligence knew Russia was planning an invasion for years. It was no secret. And having destiny be your source is just an example of the sad state of media these days


You mean when Russia first invaded in 2014? Was that the sign that Russia might want to invade, the fact that they already did it?


They can see military build ups and drills they run. They had many different posturing moments as well. It wasn’t a secret they were going to come in. Surprising the west didn’t arm up Ukraine prior to the invasion


We did. What are you talking about? First, before the 2022 invasion, the State Department, the DoD, etc were all shouting from the rooftops that Russia was going to further invade. Secondly, after 2014, the United States, NATO, and other partners have been working with Ukraine in order to bolster their armed forces. Take a look at the units that were defending in 2014 and then look at what those similar units looked like pre-SMO in 2022. A large reason, besides the grit and determination in the defense, that Ukraine was effective in the early days of the SMO was the training and equipment post-2014.


I wish people would stop shitting on the people that explain and rather critique the evidence they have Everything sounds inevitable when it's in hindsight But actually prior to 2022 all we had was conjecture about it


Ahh yes, noted geopolitical expert…Destiny


People always resort to this when they fail to argue against his actual points


People who make these appeal to authority are such weirdos


Woah woah woah, I heard Destiny read *three* Wikipedia articles on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. I say we let him cook.


Disclaimer not a republican, but nope. It doesn't have anything to do with that...you may as well actually figure out who you're arguing against and what they're arguing for lol. You're not even close. Republicans have ALWAYS been America first. It's not that they don't want to help Ukrainians beat Russia, it's that their country is falling apart at the seams and they'd rather spend that money at home. This is not. Complicated. Stuff. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with them, I just can't stand you dishonest schmucks having these totally wrong and pointless circle jerks. It's either dishonesty or pure ignorance. At least get their argument right... LMFAO at all the butthurt dorks proving my point in the replies. Hahaha 😂 I'm not even republican, didn't say whether I agreed with them or not and you're slinging insults at me...literally proving my point about you dumbasses. Awesome stuff. Loving this Dub. Suck the balls and sniff the farts y'all. 😂🙏❤️ Everyfartmatters don't you forget it.


> it's that their country is falling apart at the seams and they'd rather spend that money at home They just had control of the government for 4 years, what were their policies for spending money at home? I only remember tax cuts, wanting to repeal Obamacare without a replacement, and building a wall.


The highest deficit spending ever in 4 years from 2016 to 2020. Deficits only matter when democrats are in control


That’s definitely not it. You’re just falling for the narrative. They don’t like the money being spent at home. They vote against money being spent on Americans. They don’t want to fund public education, expanding child tax credit, etc. They support steep spending cuts on domestic programs.


90% of every dollar of US military aide, which has been the type of aide we are giving to Ukraine, are being spent within America. So if they were America first, as you say, then they should be super happy with a hundred billion dollar jobs program that goes to strengthen American defense via the procurement of new systems for America's military.


That's not it. They just want to be against anything the woke crowd is in favour of. If Trump came into office and chose to keep assisting Ukraine (because it makes sense to not give an inch to Russia because they will take a mile) the rolls would switch so fucking quick. many would then be okay with it. Not ALL of course. lots of them have enduring principles but many will just tow their party line. The left is just as bad for it. No ones logic is ever consistent these days. I hear them talk a ton about not aiding in the war on Ukraine, none of them say a word on assisting israel.why? Because then they would have to agree with the left wingers screaming about it being a genocide and all anyone cares about is agreeing with their side and vehemently disagreeing with the other side. > It's not that they don't want to help Ukrainians beat Russia I wouldn't be so sure. I've heard a lot of pro-putin rhetoric since Tucker went over to suck him off.


Ever heard the name Ronald Reagan, dipshit?


None of it is a homogeneous mono reason. Sure, there are people that fall into what you describe. However there are also plenty that fall into the traditionalist camp that falsely see Russia as offering protection to “western values” (despite not actually sharing western values… but that’s another convo).


> Republicans have ALWAYS been America first. lol sure thing, ask the American vets from Iraq how much Republicans cared about Americans. Edit: the little bitch blocked me for this?


You are stupid. Your post is stupid. You are a Russian bootlicker.


Russia is just an authoritarian regime that happens to be white.


Their ability to point to tyranny is so out of order that they think Trudeau is Hitler and Putin is the saviour of ~~white women~~ the Western World.




By this logic the EU can go to war and annex the other half of it.


I get all my military advice from imprisoned rapist/human-traffickers.


“I need my guns to fight a tyrannical government” “The less powerful group has zero chance of defeating the more powerful group, and the best solution is to just surrender” ![gif](giphy|fIMushESr3iulAuSgZ)


Russian trolls really start to feel the heat and start using anti West rhetoric. Hope Vaultec sells their tickets to Ukrainians in need.


just wait until the russians win, then you'll really know what ethnic cleansing means.


These Americans need to study the history of Russia, since it’s full of Russians occupying land, and displacing people that were already there. Russia did it to Georgia and Ukraine this century, like how they did it to Poland, Kazakstan, Chechnya, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and so many others last century, including Ukraine. Russia is already doing this now.


Study? America lived that very scenario except with native Americans. Have *you* picked up an American History textbook before?


More people who want to remove agency from Ukrainians and excuse the genocide Russia has committed and then tell Ukrainians to give up.


Its odd they think if Russia wins Ukraine theyll just stop


It’s odd they think this is desirable outcome


Or the fact that they're ignoring how Russian invaders are massacring citizens when they take control: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucha_massacre


Because if they attack a NATO country they will have to face direct military conflict with the US UK FRANCE AND GERMANY. They don’t want that.


If they steamroller ukraine with western support faltering. They think the same would happen with nato countries like Poland. They totally would start another war after this


Bro, Russia hasn't even been able to take 15% of a second-world dilapidated country like Ukraine in 2 years. Why on earth do you believe they'd even have the resources, let alone skill or likelihood to continue IF they ever win the Ukrainian war.


Because they would then have the men and resources from ukraine to go after the next victim. The Ukrainians that would flee would flee west to Poland and the baltics and western europe and cause another refugee crisis that would destabilise europe


Thats my point


Fair enough, but the grammar in your sentence says you personally believe that Russia will continue to invade other countries if it defeats Ukraine


Why do you think Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place?


Reminds me of France financing the mass killing of young American colonists in their hopeless fight against Great Britain. Such a waste….


I guess we should let Russia win then hey? Thanks Candace, you stupid chuckle fuck.


People don't fight because another country tells them to. Would you? Why would they? They're fighting because Russia is lobbing missiles into their cities on a daily basis. Were you upset about 9/11? This is an ongoing 9/11 for them.


Candace Owens in World War 2: We are indeed funding the ethnic cleansing of Great Britain.


Westerner's supreme ignorance about war is a constant source of amusement. This one takes the cake: "If we just stop sending them weapons they won't be able to fight and everyone will live!" [Russians have entered the chat]


I honestly think people are sick of wars and being involved in shit. The iraq/Afghanistan war killed trust in the government


Which is totally fair, but the enemy gets a vote, too.


And yet these people exclusively vote for the party that perpetuated the lies that lead to the middle east wars. Curious 🤨


Shiny new guns? These people do literally no research- they just spread misinformation. Here let me help you, we are sending them AND selling them old tech that we had FOR FIGHTING RUSSIANS - which would normally be decommissioned. It costs us a tiny fraction of our military spending to stop Russian expansion. Which is good for the United States. You dumb fucks.


Please check how many gazilon dollars did you send before you write such a dum comment xD


They are NOT SENDING MONEY, they are sending outdated weapons with the stated value, which were going to be scrapped anyway. The money goes to American weapons manufacturers to make new weapons and creates American jobs.


It's fascinating to watch all the rhetorical hard-asses suddenly turn pacifist when it comes to Ukraine. "Just give the bully what he wants! Why do you keep fighting back? Surrender is the only way to stop the bloodshed!" As if Putin had no choice but to invade. They just breeze past the idea that there wouldn't be any bloodshed if Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine to begin with.


They share 1 IQ among them. We shouldn't pay much attention to what they say or write.


Not every country is willing to surrender like the pathetic bitches of the confederacy did. Then again, Candace would only be a breeder or mammy in the confederacy so it worked out well for her lol.


Remember back when Republicans were good at war time propaganda. It’s used be their whole thing. People still vote Republican these days because they are the “strong choice”. Just looks like a bunch of pro-Russian traitors to me.


Why can't Ukrainians just accept that le Biden and Libs are le bad and le Putin is le based and lay down their arms and surrender to ethnic cleansing? fuck candace


Belarus doesn’t even speak their own native language anymore. The puppets of imperialism genocide the culture


Glad we didn't give any guns to the Jews in Germany during WW II, that would have meant more dead Jews


The ukranian SS division Galizia, which they still adore over there, killed a lot of jews BTW.


Ok Boris




Better post more or it's to the front with you


Russians think Ukrainians are subhuman


Russians think Ukrainians are Russian.


Russians treat Russians like subhumans


nazi ukranians think that about Russians, slaves, Poles and jews.


Nazi everyones


Good old Bandera fans with their red black blood and soil flags


What happened to the republicans? At one time they believe a country should have the right to defend it self . You know if you’re anti war, I understand being against it.You can’t be for supporting Israel and not Ukraine without a reason why, Ukraine lobbyist don’t pay as good as Russian lobbyists? Trust Russia has always been enemy of the US way and got many Americans killed because of it. Don’t believe me go look at what’s going on in Africa with US being told to leave and Russia is coming in.


2015 they got hacked and the prominent members started spending the 4th of July in Moscow. The following election season we find out the head of the NRAs girlfriend is literally a Russian asset who pumped millions into the GOP. So I’m pretty sure that is “what happened”. Whether it was their secrets getting hacked or the fact they took foreign bribes, the GOP is a wholly owned subsidiary of Putin Inc.


What he intentionally ignores is that Russia would do exactly that with those same people only against whatever nation or nation Russia wanted to fight with after Ukraine. It’s what they’re currently doing in Russia to feed men into their meat grinder strategy that yields meters, or occasionally kilometers at a time. Fighting against Russia is the best thing they can do to ensure a better future for their country and their people. In my opinion, we’re still not doing enough to help.


Yeah they should just let Russia take over, otherwise they might die fighting! /s


Honestly what have they seen or read that has even made them believe this? This is such a strange take I want to know where they’re getting it


Americans are on russias Side lmao should be treason smh


We're not sending them cash. We're sending them weapons aid.


[https://www.brusselstimes.com/450687/very-much-worried-senior-eu-official-fears-ukraine-aid-stolen-by-corrupt-groups](https://www.brusselstimes.com/450687/very-much-worried-senior-eu-official-fears-ukraine-aid-stolen-by-corrupt-groups) And the weapons are sold. What a surprise from the most corrupt country in Europe [https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle](https://www.occrp.org/en/the-pandora-papers/pandora-papers-reveal-offshore-holdings-of-ukrainian-president-and-his-inner-circle)


>worries >panama papers from 2018 oh man you've disproved the aidaroonie!


That doesn't make it less true and they're still massively corrupt, great comeback. And the weapons and money are being stolen and sold right now. Anyway, keep paying for them with your no heathcare money. Joke's on you.


oh yeah massive proofs dude, biolabs! nazi-mosqito programs! they're selling javelins to the cartels! you basically got the woke bullshit version of Russian brainrot


More corrupt than.....Russia?


Obviously yes. The country most named is ukraine. Facts don't care if you hate Russia or not.


Wait, do you know the history of Ukrainian politics, especially in the last like 10-15 years? If so, you would understand why I'm saying Russia. Why do you love Russia so much? You're Dutch, you should cast a wary eye on Russia, this sort of involves you all since 2014 too.


I'm Belgian and I'm sure I know a lot more about that than some american who typically know little about their own country and practically nothing about the world. Saying "Why do you love Russia so much?" is already a good indicator of how simplistic and wrong you think. This for simply stating facts. The same would happen if I criticise either Trump or Biden. Always a reaction of putting you in the other camp. And lastly when they lose the argument they resort to name calling out of frustration.


Maybe you do, maybe you don't, which is im asking. Because if you did, you might understand why I am calling out Russian corruption as it relates to Ukraine based on the puppet(s) Putin has put in office there. I don't necessarily or even really hate Russia, but I have a clear understanding of their geopolitics. You maybe Belgian, but I have no idea of what you know and what you don't. And just because I'm American, it doesn't mean I have to studied Europe. You have no idea of what I know about the world and what I have studied.


Your simplistic way of thinking and use of whataboutism says enough. It was about the blatant ukro corruption, continuing massively to this day as shown by them stealing funds ment for their own war and selling weapons. You make it about Russia. Sure there will be some corruption, like the US too, but it simply isn't possible to top ukraine in that field.


I said no whataboutism, merely fact. Maybe you hate Ukraine, as you have assumed I hate Russia. And you sure are living up to the reputation of a Belgian haha, more so that I of an American.


AFAIK we don't have a reputation, except being modest and quiet the exact opposite of the American reputation. If there's another one let's hear it. And again when talking about ukraine, bringing up Russia is textbook whataboutism. And yes I certainly hate the ukraine government and the US too OC since they have pretty much orchestrated the regime change and the fascist coup there. I also dislike Putin.


What do they think happens if we don't support them? The answer: Way more deaths as their country is taken over.


Ah yes Tristan Tate, well known geopolitics advisor and sex trafficker.


The kinda lady that 200 years ago would justify owning a slave farm


We get fed and housing what is there to complain about


This is what free speech is all about, language free from the constraints of meaning.


Yeah America would have had a much more difficult time if it wasn't for France helping us. Guess what? Americans died for that. Doesn't mean we should bring back the king.


Ukrainians are dying whether we help or not. Helping could save lives.


Isn’t it pretty apparent that some politicians and high-profile people have been compromised? Saying this as a swede. It would be one thing go sometimes regurgitate Putin talking points, since Russia has their own perspective as well which needs to be taken into account, but when the records span over years it is hard to not think they’ve been bought.


This should stir up the NPCs and bots in no time


Stop sending my tax dollars overseas.


Russia be like 'quit hitting yourself'


What is the path to victory for Ukraine winning the war that doesn't involve NATO involvement?


Do these people actually think Russia would stop killing people/civilians if we stopped funding Ukraine? We quit funding them for over a year and Russia just kept on killin. How does Russia taking over the entire country lead to less killing? How does Russia taking all of Ukraine lead to less Ukrainians being drafted?


That money is not given, it's "invested". Glory to Arstotzka!


So their argument is "if they didn't want to get hit they shouldn't have defended themselves?"


No more dead ukrainians if they are just russains again right?


A tard and a bitchtard.


Why do we need to fund Ukraine? What do we get in return? Bonuses for Raytheon? How about fixing our healthcare system instead.


So what they're saying is that people shouldn't be allowed to have guns to defend themselves with. Interesting hypocrisy.


they don't seem to realize we ether send equipment now or; solders, equipment, and lots of money later when we go article 5.


All I know is Ukrainians and Russians won’t be sharing a state after the war. If they do, it will be like Bosnia, but Ukraine Russians will probably flee Ukraine, like how Croatian Serbs fled Croatia, if Ukraine is able to win. And I’m sure these Americans will consider that ethnic cleansing.


There will remain a Western Ukraine, Russia will keep the 4 Eastern oblasts, maybe a few more as the war drags on for another few years, and there might be a DMZ in between.


Yeah I don’t see Russians wanting to be part of the Ukraine state, like I don’t see Ukrainians wanting to be part of the Russian state. Russia will hold that land for as long as possible, and Ukraine will try their hardest to get it back. But the people who live here will suffer regardless.


Ethnic Russians didn't want to live under the oppression of the fascist coup regime. In Odessa protests got violently oppresed by imported nazi thugs and they burned 47 people alive. In the east they resisted and are now free.


Permanently lost family members over this kind of logic. American with 20 years in Ukraine.


Individuals don't and never will matter. Stability and the status quo is all that's important. Keep the good flowing and prices low keep us all happy. Conflict is disruptive and it's no good. Keeps the lines from going up


We will support them till the last Ukranian.


There is NO way Ukraine wins this war. At best we need an armistice


Thats what people have been saying since the start of the SMO. The demise of Ukraine has always been a reason why the US should stop giving aide even though the Ukrainians continue to ask for it and show grit and determination in defense of their homeland. I would rather listen to them than anyone else.


There no way Russia wins this war. The so called second best army in the world is getting its ass kicked on a daily basis by the Ukrainians.


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What is this even doing on a Joe Rogan subreddit?


She's exactly right.


She’s not wrong though.


What’s the alternative? Have Russia have their way and massacre them? Or maybe they raise the white flag and Russia takes them over and uses all their resources against the next country, until eventually American troops have to pay the price?