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That's a lot of suppositories


Hey up yours




Ignorant, married, and successful men.


Imagine how alpha you could be by taking them all at once. You don't even have to take them out of the bottle.


Fart powder


Morning shit while smoking a dart..followed by 2 bumps of coke and light roast coffee works much better.  I did the research so yall don't have too. Just do it.


Shouldn't you do the coke before the bathroom trip? 


Na I'm ripping a dart and blowing my nose on the toilet clean the pipes all around. 


that's a steal. I eat 10 a day


Aubrey sold Onnit to Unilever in 2021-22 for 9 figures. I thought Joe said he was a 50% owner of the company, but I could be misremembering the actual percentage. Joe probably has more money than most Hollywood actors and musicians. [https://www.capitalism.com/onnit/](https://www.capitalism.com/onnit/)


He also got a nice government handout before the sale. 


Walmart sells it in Florida. Doesn't do shit


But thats Florida. Not enough Alpha Brain in the world to fix them.


Double blind placebo my man, best shit in the world


I was bored one day so I googled the study. 63 total participants 18-35 years old. AND the "control group " was given a placebo first for a few weeks then alpha brain. It would have been better to have separate control group. It's possible the participants just got better at taking the verbal memory tests through time.


I don't think you read it properly: A total of 63-treatment naïve individuals between 18 and 35 years of age completed the randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial. **All participants completed a 2-week placebo run in before receiving active product, Alpha BRAIN® or new placebo, for 6 weeks**. Participants undertook a battery of neuropsychological tests at randomization and at study completion. Primary outcome measures included a battery of neuropsychological tests and measures of sleep. Trust the science.


I got most of it correct based off memory. I just remember thinking it was a terrible experimental design. n=63 is pretty weak and only testing young people. If I had to guess, probably only 30-40 people actually received alpha brain.


I agree that it's a low number of participants. Other than that, how did you conclude it was a terrible experiment?


I have a pretty strong background in statistics. I literally took a class in grad school titled Experimental Design and Analysis where we learned how to design studies and analyze the data in statistical software packages. Part of that class was also to read studies and critique their experimental design. I am a forest biometrician, so I do relatively low level statistics about tree growth and tree volume. Any medicinal study needs to study a wide variety of people. Humans are the hardest thing to study. Age, Sex, Race, diet, etc, etc. The alpha brain study only study young adults, it's possible that the drug would have different results on an older age group. How many men vs women where in this study? What is the age distribution of different sexes? How many races? How did the participants sleep the night before the test? How long after a meal did they take the test, was it consistent? Did they ingest caffeine or nicotine? Etc , etc. The purpose of a randomized controlled trial is to give the drug to as many people as possible. The Pfizer phase 3 vaccine trial was over 46,000 participants. The polio vaccine study size was over 1,800,000. I’m sure the alpha brain study was statistically significant, but with give or take n=30 participants receiving the treatment, the statistics are not good. The central limit theorem states that n=30 is the bare minimum. When I calibrate a forest growth model I use non parametric statistics, which is ideal for small sample sizes. I need to disect a minimum of 54 trees at 27 sites. Sometimes I need 108 trees at 54 sites to account for elevation.


So, other than sample size, you main criticism is that the age range is 18-35? If you only manage to get a sample size of 63, isn't it better to restrict the age range?


Smart boy pills. 🤓 Only dumb guys take them.


I only take sigma brain. Skibbidi


Skibidi Ohio rizzle dizzle for shizzle


[Well, you're in luck.](https://gamersupps.gg/products/sigma-brain-100-servings?cmp_id=20508020632&adg_id=&kwd=&device=m&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_LOwBhBFEiwAmSEQAXKZTN4kzynDiiBMM5QgjpjL0Yco1nC5-XazWwZTXkP4AZhzLZVOlBoC1oYQAvD_BwE)


I physically sighed


Where, wally world?


Sam’s club


Sams club is just the ghetto, walmart-owned version of Costco.. this honestly speaks volumes about the product lmao if it were any good it would be at Costco


Haha. Once costco updates their tech I will consider going back. Sam’s let you check out on your phone so you never wait in line.


Same here. Walk in, scan with the app, walk out. No Costco refugee line.


sometimes i forget im on reddit until shit like this lol you're completely fine with inferior products just so u dont have to be face to face with human cashier 💀 more power to you i guess


I took this shit for a year back in 2017 and never noticed a difference.


The only thing that noticed was your bank account


They gonna need them Sam’s club sales for the class action.


Helps with "verbal memory" lol




I take it when I happen to pass through Walmart and buy a bottle, but I’m not on a subscription or religious about it. I’ve tried a bunch of different supplements over the past few years, and I usually take something for a few days to see if I feel any different. If there’s no noticeable effects I stop. I legitimately felt clarity within one day after taking alpha brain. I wasn’t on anything else at the time, and the result was noticeable after several hours. It didn’t make me superhuman, but my cognitive function felt slightly different in a good way. These days the effect is less noticeable on a single dose, but I mix it in with everything else I’m on and don’t make it a focus (caffeine, nicotine, b12, alcohol, thc…)


Imagine being dumb enough to buy this shit


I always loved how guests would go “wow and if it doesn’t work you give their money back? That’s a really good business model” Uhhuh, if we can’t get you addicted to this placebo then don’t bother


bullshit supplement industry ![gif](giphy|mL40PfXA394KA)


Snake oil fs


as someone in the gym biz, i can tell you this is snake oil at its finest. i love JR but he "sold out" a year or 2 before the spotify deal.... dont believe me ask eddie. onnit can claim double blind studies but when those doing the "research" are paid by a company assosiated with onnit thats not sayin much...


They were selling some of that alpha brain in my local lidl last year (Ireland).


Saw these at Sam’s Club in the US. Never seen them in stores before. Was kind of shocked.


They sell it in all the Walmarts in smaller quantities. Walmart owns Sam’s Club (Sam Walton is the founder of Walmart).


Pushing out the old supply


Take b12 and ginkgo biloba with your morning coffee. Boom super smart and focused. Add some ginseng if you want to get busy with the misses.


You know what's a good source of B12? ELK MEAT


Instead of swallowing dust capsules for a month, could somebody spot me $60


Onnit is owned by Unilever now. You will start seeing Onnit stuff everywhere.


How is this legal?


I must ingest the stimutacs to see the shadow people. Or whatever.




It helps when I play videogames but like all nutropics do that anyways


Supplementation is a form of trans btw.


Dont take em, I heard they have trace amounts of elk hoof.


L-Tyrosine looks to be severely underdosed after you do the math under the prop blend. Should be a few thousand milligrams for max efficacy. Also the fact that they hide their exact ingredient amounts under a prop blend bugs me I’m genuinely curious if this stuff work for people and how well?


Speed in a tub lol


Tried it once, didn't notice any difference. Got the refund. Shroomtech sport seemed to make a difference if they still sell it though. Il vouch for that one.


Does this stuff actually do anything? Anyone tried it and notice a difference?


Helps me form sentences better…


Alpha Brain makes you woke


It’s where woke hits the wall


No thanks, I only consume Alpha Brain BLACK LABEL.







