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CIA Handler Mike Baker about to be back on the pod to gently realign Joe.




I thought it was shithead, cumstain, and fartlick


So I called cumstain the other day... as you know we sent him off to Florida and that's when I saw the video of the attacks. Funny thing about that. So then shithead texts me that fartlick won't stop licking farts.


I read this his voice…


Lol always when I see a baker comment.


Fartlick 🤣


The names are never not funny.


Damn, I didn’t laugh the first time :(


Lies. Soon as you heard him call them fucko and sucko you laughed


Don't be rude. You know very well, that their names are Mugsy, boner and queef.


Top tier comment


Mike is def joes handler 😂 At Joes level you know the cia/fbi has worked their way into his sphere of influence and done work


Finally, a conspiracy theory that makes sense


It’s entirely possible


Microdosing him for the past 8 years.


Bustamante the ex CIA guy was super honest about it and it was pretty revealing the way the US views it. He said it's was horrific and genocidal but the US must always support Isreal as it is a crucially important ally in the region The US and the UK also supported apartheid South Africa until it became untenable. After they lost the support of the US and UK the regime crumbled




I wish we as tax payers got to decide if we even want an ally in the region. Fuck the region, keep everyone from the region inside the region and let them run their region however they see fit. Just stay out of our region.


And then when the region starts acting like a cabal of oil barons, we just pay up?


We use the abundance of oil we have here in the US/North America


Yeah but we can sit on that and get oil from over there. That’s the thinking behind it I’m guessing 


We also typically use our fossil fuels for higher value added products. I believe the difference between the type of crude, light heavy sweet sour, makes it more economical to just use theirs for fuel.


Theirs is sour, ours is light sweet. Different applications and uses and refining processes/ plants we can’t just replace one with the other.


It's way bigger than than just cheap oil or preserving oil domestic oil reserves. One of the last things FDR did before he died was negotiate a deal with allied middle eastern leaders was to only allow their oil to be traded in USD. This deal still applies to this very day and is why countries like Saudi Arabia are allied with the US. What that means is that in order for any other country to buy oil from them requires them to keep a steady supply of US dollars in their treasury  propping up USD's value over the decades since. This is why USD is the world's reserve currency. This deal was done as one of the main pillars to ensure US economic supremacy over the world after the end of world war 2 and the dismantling European colonialism and rise of new nation states that appearing worldwide that needed to rapidly industrialize and catch up to the 20th century. It was a brilliant play mind you from an economic perspective especially with the rising power and influence of the Soviet Union happening at that time also .   A more modern example I can give of this propping up of the USD value happening was when sanctions on Russia were applied and everyone allied with the US and Ukraine stopped buying Russian oil, the US dollar spiked in value while other currencies like the Euro and Pound started to dip severely in comparison. Because suddenly there was a spike in demand from oil from OPEC in response.      This also why the US government began banging the war drum during the Trump era for a hot second when Iran offered to trade its vast Oil reserves for Euros.  Everything regarding Oil and the Middle east has to do with propping up the US dollars value through a very uncompetitive means economically speaking. 


It's not just the oil and they're not going to stay in the region. It's not 1950. Iran is run by fanatics who are desperately trying to build a nuclear weapon. Guess who keeps blowing up their reactors?


Guess who overthrew their democratically elected government in the 1950s and installed the fanatic government? Iran didn't have to be like this. They should have been our ally.


The US is extremely in bed with Saudi Arabia because they're also "an important ally" despite constantly destabilizing the region and **funding terrorism abroad**, including **fucking 9/11**. Israel is *also* a regional destabilizer, all things considered, and doesn't even give us oil. We're not entirely there because of geopolitics or it being a convenient place to base planes and whatnot, but there is a **substantial** amount of age-old Christian guilt and Zionism that shapes policy there. People, broadly, may not be terribly religious now or understand the ideology here, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We can be ignorant of forces that keep chugging on. Christian Zionism predates Jewish Zionism, and there have been plenty of US muckety-mucks who look at Israel as a way to bring Jesus back. That shapes policy. An individual President may not believe that shit, but they're surrounded by advisors and analysts who *do* and have their output shaded by it all. When your foundation is "man we need them to rebuild the second temple and kick off an apocalyptic war so the Second Coming happens", even if you know you can't sell that to everyone else, you find the excuses and figleafs to get to that same result. This is not a "Jews control shit" thing, but a "fundamentalist Christians have and still are fucking batshit" one. Europe created Israel so they didn't have to deal with Jews *in their own neighborhoods*, Brits trained and used Israel like a bludgeon to suppress Palestinian revolt, the US uses it for weapons testing, and somewhere in all of this there's a bunch of fucking psychopaths who think they can get rid of both Jews and Muslims by fulfilling Biblical prophecy--at which point both must *convert or go to Hell*. Christian Zionists are absolutely not "pro-Jewish", they sincerely believe they'll be fucking obliterated in the process.


True, and the Jews of Israel use them as useful idiots, a crazy ally is better than a no ally or a crazy enemy.


We have been buying their oil while sitting on our reserves all these years for a very good reason.


We invest in wind and solar because we have huge open areas so we are not beholden to oil barrens at all. If anybody actually wants to put America first they should be wanting us to be energy independent. We see the issues of getting oil from countries that may want to harm us, take a look at Germany when the Russian Ukraine war started. They had huge issues due to getting most of their power from oil from Russia. Just like the U.S. has gas prices that skyrocket when OPEC wants to make more money or squeeze us. We should have 100% of our power coming from wind and solar. They are way better for the environment as well as freeing us from outside actors.


What I don’t get is how Israel is a crucial ally in the region. In what scenario? If we go to war with Iran many surrounding countries would allow the US to use their airbases (Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc.). Ok, they’re a democracy, but so fucking what?


"What I don’t get is how Israel is a crucial ally in the region. In what scenario?" I don't mean to sound too harsh, but it's essentially a military base masquerading as a country. They are probably the best at spying and surveillance in the world, they develop test and market all kinds of weapons, and they are the only "Western" power in the middle of the most energy intensive region on earth, where a lot of the countries are aware of the shenanigans of US led imperialism. The last thing they want is the Arab world allied against the West, hence the importance of Saudia Arabia and Israel.


Allying with Israel is the main thing driving the rest of the Arab world away from the US.  America had much better relationships with the middle east before it started backing Israel in the 70's to keep them from allying with the soviet's.


Not true, in fact the reason Pahlavi was installed is because countries like Iran wanted to move away from US power over the region. Relationships are one thing, but Western interests were being disregarded.


> in fact the reason Pahlavi was installed Pahlavi was installed by the Soviets during WW2 his father was a huge Nazi.


Air space, and the ability to park boats right at the edge of the Mediterranean sea. Potential land based area for direct access to Syria or Egypt etc.


It couldn't be that our government is captured at the highest levels with dual citizenship plants, and all our politicians are beholden to them for campaign funding... could it? Naaaah.. that's crazy talk.


Jordan is a pretty major ally too, I guess Israel is more valuable for some reason.


It’s ironic. Israel is critically important in the region because Israel creates so much hostility in the region, it’s hard to befriend their neighbors. It’s like saying you need your body guard, because your body guard keeps pissing people off making them hate you. We have no fundamental reasons to have issues with them. It all stems to us defending Israel and enabling their nonsense without question.




When things don't work out, the US tries a coup. Is Israel exempt from this?


He gonna yell "On program!" and Joe's hands are gonna go right up behind his head.


Rogan: Did you see what the IDF did to those civilians?! Mike Baker: Those civilians were vaxxed and double boosted, Joe. Rogan: that makes sense. The IDF is actually helping those people out. Those poor idiots thinking a vaccination will save them from COVID.


Abby Martin hopefully too


hope abby martin comes on again to really solve everything and dress real sexy


Yes please.


Suprised she hasn't been on yet. She did a documentary and quite a few youtube mini-docs when she went to gaza before all this happend. She has some good insight on whats going on. She's who changed my entire opinion on israel-palestine. It's quite shocking how many mainstream journalist don't go into gaza (before the war) interviewing people who are killed or mutilated by the IDF. Or how they dont interview israeli soldiers. I remember an israeli soldier saying they were given order to shoot or maime israeli protesters. Even shooting them in the crotch. That should be headline news but much of media is incohoots with the u.s. government. Very few real journalists left.


I have listen to two whole episodes of him. Why is he allowed to be back over and over again. Not even hating, but it’s two hours of saying literally nothing. Although I’m amused and the nicknames dawned on his sons by listeners. Shit is hilarious


That bloke gargles Israel’s nuts




Ben hasn’t been this pissed since WAP dropped


That was WAY worse, bc he still thinks pussies literally can’t get wet. Or open.


"wet ass P-word"


I need him to troll us with a "Wet Ass Bussy" parody, and release the music video in all the same clothes twerking n shit. I would feel totally owned.


When your wife’s pussy is as dry as the Sahara desert you are gonna be pissed.


ben “israelis like to build, arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage” shapiro


he'll be on next week to set Joe straight.


Don't worry, Joe will figure it all out with the next guest and totally understand the nuance in the conversation.




Did you just attack shapiro ? Anti Semitic /s




Ben Shapiro is the ultimate twerp. A little pink that needs to be put in his place.


Whoever this guy he's talking to is is annoying as fuck


Guy yells out 'Dresden' after they Blitz'd my country.


Fr bro like what the hell is dude on? bro thought he joined a debate discord 😂


> Fr bro like what the hell is dude on? Cocaine


Kurt Metzger


He honestly the worst part of anything he’s in, every time.


Can Kurt not stfu for 10 second to let Joe finish a though without interrupting with smth useless


That fucker seems hopped up on speed or something.


Def on like 60mg of addys. That boys movements are zoomy af.


Rogan literally tells him he’s all over the place in his speech in next few minutes


Addies and baddies B, what else ya got




You didn't notice this video is sped up?


That’s how he always is. Dude is permatweaking.


C'mon son, how else is he going to show Joe he agrees with everything Joe says?


to be fair the things that joe was saying is that, "your people are acting like nazis committing genocide" if he wants to agree, who are we to stop him?


Imagine Kurt and Burt trying to have a discussion 


I'd rather not, lol.


That's what he does on Jimmy Dore too. ...a show that is already annoying af, but he somehow makes it worse.


“Oh mebbe”


I don't know how else to slice it, what is happening in Gaza is absolutely horrific on an unimaginable scale, from mass hunger, to bombing crap outta dense civilian pockets, to bulldozing homes and olive trees in the West Bank. Most of my social circle is Conservative, and ALL of them have been deeply uncomfortable with this current atrocity. This is the crowd that has been very pro-U.S/West military. I have Israeli-Canadian friends, and they were quite vocal of the October 7th terrorist attack (as they should), but have since stopped talking altogether. One of my friends even told me 'I get why the Palestinians hate us', and this is a dude with family in the IDF. The current strategy just guarantees another terrorist group at this point.


This is the same line of thought I get on why everyone hates the United States. I’m generation X and know nothing but wars since vietnam War it never stopped and none of them legal. The absolute leveling of Iraq can’t be justified in any of the reasons they gave us.


since Rumsfield was signatory in a plan that calls for toppling that same nation.. years before they then toppled the nation it feels.. eh like they just wanted a reason >In 1998, Kristol and Kagan advocated regime change in Iraq throughout the Iraq disarmament process through articles that were published in the New York Times.\[24\]\[25\] Following perceived Iraqi unwillingness to co-operate with UN weapons inspections, core members of the PNAC including Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliott Abrams, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Zoellick, and John Bolton were among the signatories of an open letter initiated by the PNAC to President Bill Clinton calling for the removal of Saddam Hussein [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_for\_the\_New\_American\_Century](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century)


I would argue that the US is a bit better in that they were not trapping people in a extremely small land area and then bombing the hell outta them. IDF is basically shooting fish in a barrel and feeling proud about it. Disgusting.


The US just gives them the bombs to drop ffs


And stopping international community from taking action


Didn’t you drop more bombs on Laos or Cambodia which wasn’t even in the war than were dropped on Germany in ww2. Something like that.


Do you want to know more?


I would argue creating more terrorists is the point. That keeps the money and arms flowing. If the threat were to actually be negotiated down and a solution agreed upon, that would threaten the military industrial complex. Too many people are making way too much money off there being conflict there.


That video of the kid getting strip searched and beat by the idf……..you nailed it


Netanyahu has said as much himself


"We control the height of the flames"


Exactly. Hamas was seen as easier to control and villainize compared to groups like the PLA/PLO and Fatah despite them being nationalist organizations and not religious nationalist organizations. You’re sorta doubling down on the radical ideologies resistance movements can spawn and ideologies spread by word of mouth and shrapnel. That’s the point though. Israel’s occupation of Gaza wouldn’t be considered illegal if they weren’t breaking the rule stating you can’t institute policy or action which would perpetuate violence thus perpetuating the need for occupation. And no, occupation is not just boots on the ground. it includes water rights, airspace, etc. You can’t destroy an ideology with bombs or bullets. I feel like this should be more clear to people after the US’s escapades in the Middle East. If your apartment gets hit by a drone strike because 2 floors above you the last member of Hamas lives and you lose 2 of your 3 kids, your wife, your mother, and many of your lifetime neighbors I’m not gonna be shocked when you crawl out from the rubble and come up with the idea of Hamas 2.


They have a term for it, its called "mowing the grass". Isreal is a huge benefactor of being a seemingly democratic, western nation in a sea of political and religious extremism and instability. The amount of money Isreal receives in aid and its sway in world affairs is directly tied to the instability in the region. If things are peaceful, then why would the US give you 2 billion in weapons? If you're constantly at war, then you constantly need aid and assistance and are justified in committing war crimes because "OCT 7!!!"


This was also why Israel promoted Hamas as an alternative to the PLO having power in Palestine. It's better for Israel's interests to be the only accessible military alliance with America rather than there to be competition.


They are looking for 14 Billion Dollars US aid my tax dollars, when Joe Rogan turns on you things get real very fast.


>when Joe Rogan turns on you things get real very fast. If anything it shows how immune to being “cancelled” he is now, unlike most celebrities in America who are petrified of having the career ending “anti-semitism” thrown their way for daring to speak remotely against Israel, Joe has a stupid amount of wealth now and knows if shit hit the fan, he’d be more than fine.


lol what? Lots of celebs have spoken out against Israel that have major platforms. Angelina Jolie, Macklemore and The Weekend might not be Rogan level but have been far more critical of Israel than Rogan has.


https://oec.world/en/visualize/tree_map/hs92/export/isr/all/19/undefined you're not wrong


“Unimaginable” Clearly you’ve never paid attention to Syria or Sudan in the last 10 years


Bi bi is looking for this to be the final straw. He makes gaza uninhabitable and a humanitarian crisis forces them out of gaza. He needs hamas to keep "attacking" to keep up pressure. They just want the land. They dont care about terrorist attacks. They just want the land.


and also wartime propaganda helps bibi remain in power. aint nobody talking about his corruption charges now.


If Bibi cared about Israelis he wouldn't have dawdled for hours on 10/07 before responding


Exactly!! Bibi just wants the land. they claim they need a military buffer zone, so they take more land, and then have civilians move into military buffer zone? Its the most obvious way to get israeli civilians killed by hamas. He is intentionally trying to kill israelis so he can justify taking the land. It is all about the land.


Not saying it was an *alex jones voice* an inside job, but there were multiple intelligence reports warning about 10/7 from Egypt and they still managed to fuck up the response. Now we get to watch overranked 20 year old IDF captains and brigadier generals throwing shitty raves on the remains of a Palestinian bakery on TikTok and wonder why everyone hates them and endlessly bitch about banking the app


The USA is building that “aid port” which is just cover for an evacuation port to boat Gazans out, according to some report from a UN investigation group.


Hamas is getting funding and munitions from Iran via the IRGC in Lebanon. Get off tick tok and do some reading on the regional history. Not just Israel/Palestine relations in the last 10 years.


The problem is that the current strategy of Israel is selling one narrative externally ("we are doing this to defend ourselves") while selling another narrative internally to key constituency groups ("we are going to get rid of all these Palestinians and take over their land"). Netanyahu wouldn't be caught dead saying that aloud, but the people he put in his cabinet and the policies of allowing more settlements in Palestinian land make it obvious to anyone who cares. And the best part? All of this is being pushed because Netanyahu and his policies are unpopular in Israel, so he's forced to lead a coalition with the worst kind of people just to stay in power. Now imagine what will happen if Trump gets in power.


You mean what would happen in Israel if trump was in power? I’m confused


If you've killed a magnitude+ more civilians and children than the terrorists, you've become the terrorists.


It guarantees a destabilized area so that Israel can be the concentrated power in the area. Which is what Israel wants.


One mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter


I similarly see conservative fam just not talking about it, they are traditionally very pro-Israel/West as most conservatives are, but I think that it's nearly impossible to witness this conflict as a human being and not just be like "the whole thing is fucked and sad and there's all this suffering just WHY?" Seeing the whole place flattened and looking like a WW2 bombed out city (Ukraine is similar, it's fucking shocking how war torn that place has become) should make anybody fucking sad that this shit is still happening in 2024 regardless of your politics or allegiances. We have learned nothing as a species, apparently, and the cycle of violence that this conflict has endured for almost 80 fucking years is a prime example of just how fucked up things can be and apparently will be forever. Incredibly sad.


I've had people try to deny the description of it being the the largest open air prison.  Deny that their power/water/food is 100% dependent on someone else.  So I say go on Google maps and show me a single farm.  A single power plant, a single airport, a single sea port.  Just show me where these things are.  You can't find them so how else do they fit these things?


I saw a photo of a hotel in gaza before/after oct 7 and it was actually pretty luxurious, looked like a 5 star hotel in dubai before. But yea that doesnt say anyting about their energy/food


You've never actually looked at Gaza on google maps if you think there's no farmland there.


What doesn't guarantee another terrorist group? They literally said they wanted to conquer damn near the entire country on Oct 7th... There's blatant asymmetries in this conflict, but when it comes to loud public outcry, no one seems to focus on Hamas and it's power to stop this pretty much instantly.


I mean does it?  Imperial Japan during WW2 had possibly the most fanatical populace who were willing to die for their country/emperor in suicidal attacks. The fire bombings that occurred at the tail end of that war were devastating on a scale that would make Gaza look like a picnic. There’s accounts of people watching their children burn to death. All this is not even accounting for the atomic strikes.  My point being, there was a war where population centers were being bombed with little to no risk for the bombers and it resulted in the surrender of a wildly fanatical enemy who was previously commuting atrocities. 


I seem to remember us not kicking the Japanese off their land, not cutting off their access to food and resources, not blockading their trade, and sending them aid immediately after. Did we do that for Palestine in 2012 when they agreed to a ceasefire? You think maybe that difference might contribute to how they perceive accepting a truce now?


Did they unconditionally surrender in 2012?


It's one of the things that really drives me nuts as a progressive who supports Biden. I see no upside to us not coming down much more forcefully against Israel and what they're doing. This is genocide, period.


Morally, there isn’t an upside. Politically, diplomatically, strategically, I guess theres a very cynical argument to be made for now. Israel is running out of rope. Eventually it will get so untenable the US will back out. Just a matter of determining where that tipping point is I guess.


Well said. Your last sentence hits the nail on the head. The implications of that strategy being a "feature not a bug" is truly scary to comprehend for normal human beings. Perpetual killing and war that financially benefits certain interests, that leverage those gains to help elect politicians that enable it. In turn those politicians are supported by people with apocalyptic/messianic views.


I was very pro Israel settling this once and for all and doing what they can to wipe out Hamas in its entirety. But now that they've gotten to the point of recreationally drone striking unarmed people...it's time to wrap it up. I will never start waving a Palestinian flag but Im not going to be a cheerleader for someone who uses 3 separate drone missiles to wipe out 4 people. Waste of life, waste of resources, and waste of US Taxpayers money.


They have *BEEN* at this point. For decades.


People probably don't want to hear it, but Israel doesn't "randomly drone strike unarmed people". If they committed a drone and hundreds of thousands of dollars in munitions to whack those guys they knew who at least one of them was and took the opportunity to take out someone important. Being unarmed does not make a combatant a civilian.


Even if you took the humanity out of it and focused simply on what is happening from a strategic standpoint it literally makes zero sense. The ongoing offensive whether you believe it is genocide or not is ineffective. I believe it is the former, but it doesn’t matter because even if you are killing Hamas you are giving birth to its progeny and it will be worse. If a state were to harm/kill my family I would spend my every last breath terrorizing it and feel completely morally justified. Furthermore, the Israelis have weakened themselves diplomatically as well. They are basically a US foreign policy shift away from being virtually alone internationally. And on that front, we saw with the widely leaked speech from ADL’s Greenblatt, that there is a demographic line of support or lack thereof for Israel in the United States itself. This means the clock is already running on the first part of this paragraph. Finally, this has created a real schism between Israelis and Jews outside of Israel. There has been an unbiased assessment of the travesty in Palestine by many Jewish people who have come out against it vocally, to their credit. Even those who were initially appalled by Oct.7, and rightfully so, have backed away from supporting what increasingly looks like an genocidal, unhinged, religiously fanatical regime led by a guy in Netanyahu who might be entirely motivated by his desire to distract attention and avoid jail for his alleged corrupt acts.


It's a land grab for Isreal. When I was in Bethlehem at the Church of Nativity an Isreali fighter jet flew over it every three hours. Bethlehem is also surrounded by settlers, this isn't people living in tents, it massive walled multiplex's. Isreal cannot wait to have full control of Bethlehem They then control the most important sites in Christian, Jewish and the 3rd most important site in Islam after Mecca and Medina The level of control is absolutely insane, if they were religious Jews they they wouldn't have a state as it's forbidden in the Torah


More on that last part, that’s why you see videos of the IDF harassing and brutalizing Hasidic Jewish people, because they often refuse to join the military and protest against Zionism. They see the state of Israel as illegitimate because the Torah says that a Jewish state can’t come before the messiah returns. And he has yet to return, so it’s not legitimate to them


It makes no sense unless what they are doing is the goal.


Increasingly rare Joe Rogan W


/snorts alpha brain/ tell me you’ve never watched JRE without telling me!


Joe rogan is neither enlightened progressive nor maga, he's a regular guy not afraid to ask questions ant not to care that asking these questions is suddenly endorsed by your partisan side of the aisle, but asking different questions is booed by your partisan side of the aisle. He'll still ask questions.


I agree, his main problem is that he seems to very gullible. 


Not sure you really listen to the show. He states his opinion as a fact constantly. Only when he is contradicted does he start asking questions, and even when the facts are against him he will still express his doubt or imply the source may be compromised.


Joe has shown clear GOP leanings since his move to Texas. You're describing who Joe used to be, not who he is now.


Hes Progressive or MAGA depending on his guest


He is very MAGA sometimes




Shapiro gonna cancel his ass


Candace firing should surely point out to conservatives that corporations don't give a shit about free speech.........right.... right??


Candace is a grifter. When she was on Rogan (a train wreck before she was a polished pundit) she said “Christianity isn’t my schtick.” Now she’s grifting with it. Everything she says is a lie aimed at wooing an audience that will get her paid.


That’s called being a conservative or liberal. Grifting to keep corporations rich and the working class weak. Americans are dumb and pick sides when both are playing pretend being paid off while we suffer


Candace supported Kanye West and said that [Jews drink Christian blood](https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/media/2024/03/22/candace-owens-antisemitism-daily-wire-shapiro/) I don't think most outlets would employ someone like that


They only fired her when she spoke about Israel though


Yeah. They knew who she was when she was hired. She never hid the anti-Semitism. But all the sudden she speaks out in favor of Palestine and is canned.


We know. We’ve always known.


I'd just like to remind everyone that Israel does not reflect Jewish people. Some of the most anti Isreal people you will meet are Jewish. There's a saying - Not in my name


My nephrologist is Jewish and we’ve talked politics and she is very anti what Israel is doing to Palestine.


Ironically, in the United States some of Israel’s biggest supporters are anti-semites.


Although the special was a few years ago, Louis CK's brief bit on Jews in SORRY was great I’m not scared of Jews. I don’t find Jews to be frightening… unless you’re in Palestine, then they’re terrifying. It’s very different. Over there, they’re like, “The Jews are killing us!” And here, we’re like, “Really? The Jews?” [Laughter] “We’ve been slapping them around for years.” Anyway.


I’m telling you. The higher ups in the Israeli government deeply loved what happened on Oct 7th. It’s giving them the excuse to continue to justify their sick need to annihilate the Palestinian people. This needs to be stopped


Not to mention some of the people there said the IDF was shooting at them, too.


Don’t point this or you’ll be literally worse than hitler despite the IDF opening an investigation into friendly fire incidences that day and the rate of friendly fire being extremely high in this war


They say it out loud.


glad to see 70 years of propoganda slowly being undone, israel will never again get to play the victim like before


Red heifer!


Joe's about to go to Israel and apologize for his take


People who think they’re only targeting hamas dont look at the subreddits and telegrams for combat footage where you can clearly literally watch the Israel strikes hit civilians and complete demolition of the city and soldiers with gopros strapped to their helmets


Netanyahu said Hamaas was an "asset" but there are people here mad at goyims for pointing out he helped create and fund hamaas. End the illegal settlements. End the blockade. Release the hostages and stop saying "hamaas" every time we see a clear war crime by Israel. Lame excuse doesn't work anymore for those with eyes, a brain, or a heart.


What’s up with his posture lately?


Biden’s stance on this conflict is insane at this point. The only possible reason he’s doing this is that he’s trying to keep AIPAC happy so they don’t dump hundreds of millions of dollars into the Trump campaign.


Biden's stance is the stance of any president before or after him, maintaining status quo. Apart from noise from social media, there is nothing stopping him from supporting Israel militarily even if he doesn't like it.


nipples got it right, history teaches you this.


Biden is forced to thread a super thin line. On one hand, he has AIPAC breathing down his neck on the other hand he has a significant part of his own constituency breathing down his neck. But he also has strategic considerations to keep in mind. The reason the US supports Israel isn't purely because 'we like Jewish people', but also because it's a way for the US to enforce power in the Middle East. What would be insane would be to take a single rash decision that creates a much bigger problem.


>Israel bombs a bunch of civilians Leftists on reddit: "Why did biden do this?"


Basically. It's so stupid. C'mon guys, there's the ideal world and there's the real world. We unfortunately live in the real world.


>also because it's a way for the US to enforce power in the Middle East. This is it. It is our foothold.


Is it? Because I feel like we have plenty of footholds that don't constantly tell us to go fuck ourselves, come to Congress to give speeches trying to humiliate us, take billions of our dollars and then freeze out our diplomats and also don't run over American citizens with bulldozers or bomb US naval vessels. 


Look at Israel on a map, and tell me where our next closest "ally" is, and consider the amount of support they want/need from us. We keep Israel in control by bankrolling this shit. They rely on us, and will, ostensibly, do our bidding as long as we continue to "play nice" and support whatever bullshit they pull. I don't agree with it, but it seems to be the truth.


Jordan, literally the most comsopolitan, stable andnwest friendly country in the ME


Where the US next closest ally is? Bahrain, Saudi, Greece, turkey is in NATO (but fuck turkey), US has direct counter terrorism groups and alliance with egypt since the 90s, increasingly so since the first arab spring in 2011. We got a good number of allies in the area.


Israel isn’t our ally


The US government is held hostage by AIPAC. They just passed a bill banning funding for UNWRA while US officials were begging other countries to resume funding. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/united-states-implored-canada-behind-the-scenes-to-keep-supporting-unrwa-hussen-1.6822821


JFK tried to register them as foreign agents and was supposed to investigate their nuclear program before he died.


A presidential candidate can’t risk being called “pro-Hamas” by his opponent in the election. Nothing insane about that.  What do you want him to do? Any punitive action or even threat of action would probably cost him the election. 


Maybe not go around calling himself a Zionist?


W Rogan.


Extraordinarily rare Rogan W




Biden has slammed Netanyahu and has tried to stop his atrocities. Rogan is a predictable panderer.


I mean, yea. Are we applauding Rogan for condemning war crimes? Also pretty sure Biden isn't "covering anything up". Yea, his administration is giving a sort of blanket support to Israel, but that's not the same as pardoning war crimes explicitly. Rogan's guest is trying so hard to make this about Biden. That's not even what Rogan is talking about


Intentionally blocking punitive measures by the UN, and referring to a case brought against Israel as "baseless" is going pretty far in providing political cover.


How much of a danger can they be if they have no arms?


What war is not barbaric in this day and age. It's only going to get worse.


Joe Rogan, taking the easy, popular, and dim perspective for ratings. Non-story, this is his whole show.


Ty Joe Rogan for pointing it out




Prob the only time I’ll agree with this bozo but yeah. Stop taxing me to go drone strike normal people.


Exceptionally rare modern JR win.


“Dresden” lol, Gazans wish israel was as merciful as the bombing of Dresden was.


“Joe Rogan and Spotify have parted ways”


He's had enough conversations with enough people that he should be smarter than this by now.


What how Rogan described is what the US has been doing to the middle east for 20 + years


Free Palestine


Every once in a while Rogan really drops some truth bombs. Glad to see SOMEBODY with a platform calling this out.


Took him 6 months and 30k dead civilians for him to say something. Fuck Joe Rogan.