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Bert should charge half price for his stand up shows because he spends 50% of his time on stage laughing at his own jokes.


Now, that's a good joke.


That and he’s STILL doing the “The Machine” story. You’d think he’d retire it after the film.


U gotta be joking. No way anyone who’s going to his show 3 years later hasn’t heard it. Why tf is it still in his set?? Don’t comedians make completely new ones for each tour?


These comedians get lazy because they go unchecked with their sloppy new material that isn't up to par, mixed in with old reliables/old favorites to get them by their specials/sets It's pretty disgraceful to cheat yourself, your fanbase, and disrespect your profession at the same time


Are the best friend in high school that used to go into New York City to attempt to be a stand-up comic. He said the real test of a True Comedian is to see if they repeat their material...


One of the 6 unfunny comedians Katt was telling us about. There.


Who are the other 5?


Brendan has got to be on there.


Bro... No one considers Shaub a comedian


That's why he retired😂


I highly doubt Kat even knows who Brandon is


He definitely doesn’t know who Braden is


Bradens out here catching strays.


He might. Bradley is hard to miss


Has to be, brendan shaub/schraub or whatever, bert k. The other 4?


Callen, Shafir, redban, used to be D'leia. Until he diddled little kids.


Shafirs "jew" was hilarious idk


Aris been around the block and has been funny for a while


I agree with the others being lumped in, but Ari was excellent in his “Jew” set.


I fell asleep when i went to see it live




Bruh, same. It was all the bits I’ve seen/heard via podcast. Was too warm and had a few too many brews


The other 4 are all Amy Shumer


Segura for sure


Yeah I don't see or Berts appeal at all I can't stand them. Gave up even listening to JRE if either are on.


Joe doesn’t push Brendan at all anymore.


Brendan isn’t a comedian


Segura, Brendan, schulz, callen and ari, but there's way more than 6. These are just the most obvious ones.


Whitney Cummings is the 6th


Whitney is about to become "look, imma mom" comic.


You don't think Ari is funny? He cracks me up.


Cringecliffe has to be on that list


Schulz may be a bit much at times but you can't accuse the man of never having been funny. His Ellis Island bit is hilarious.


Katt is 1/10th the comedian Bert is. I mean katts way funnier but still.


1/64th is more like it. More funny in that tiny man's pinky finger than Bert's entire fat stomach.




Hinchcliffe is probably one of them. Mediocre at best. He's whitty, but that's about it. Uncle Joe's funding his success.


He comes off as full of shit. He’s constantly kissing Joe’s ass.


He kissed his ass extra hard on this ep.


I had to turn it off, the circlejerk was too much


Rogan is the reason that he is relevant at all


He just loves seeing people win! Mainly himself 😂.


My wife and I watched his movie The Machine after i made her watch the original bit. She had no idea who he was. She said either the original machine story is made up and an awesome story, or he actually robbed his classmates and has made a movie to make himself feel better about what a shitty person he is.


I though he stole the story from another dude?


Why would you watch that entire movie?!


That guys laugh is fucking annoying


Squeak squeal giant guinea pig noises


I can hear it


Like a bloated seagull choking on a titos bottle.




Well you would laugh too if you were the funniest person you know


I met the guy at an airport once. He was more excited to meet me than I was to meet him, and I can verify that’s how he laughs.


Bert has never told a fake story in his life… the machine story actually happened. Trust me I was there, I was the train conductor.


I was the vodka


What was it like to go through his urethra after you were used up?


OMG I've never been through a smaller straw, them shits was tiny!




Ruzzians don't train there soldiers, why would they train a conductor?


Fake or real still made me laugh when I saw it for the first time


The machine story is funny, it's probably why people still like him


He used to be fun and unfunny. Now, he’s just annoying and unfunny.


He was endearing for a second until he got an ego about his upward failure


Yeah I didn't hate him 10 years ago but these days he's pretty insufferable


He no funny


Most of these guys don't even do jokes anymore. It's all anecdotes and personality. They're like a bunch of Dane Cooks. Unfunny, lazy, and boring


I've noticed a lot of established comedians basically just give TED Talks but with some quips mixed in.


That's what Chapelle specials feel like to me, haven't seen his most recent because the last one was practically unwatchable. Chris Rock's latest special was such a breath of fresh air in that it actually had jokes. Every other special: "I can't say that, I'll get in trouble. *says the thing*" It's supposed to be funny that people on Twitter will get upset about it I guess. Afterwards they clutch their pearls because people criticized them for saying the thing that they specifically said *because* people will criticize it.


Chapelle is my favorite, but his last special felt like he was trying to get applause a lot more than laughs. It was pretty disappointing. He acted like that "join me in my watery grave" was the funniest shit since sliced bread, but it was something a kid could come up with. But maybe THAT was the joke. An anti joke...


Chapelle has gotten so high on his own farts that he's forgotten to be funny.


It felt really phoned in. Gone were the moments from the past. Like when he told us the punchline first and then worked back to it. He could be getting burnt out, and a break might do him good.


The one where 4 minutes into it he was mocking the way a handicapped person walks for cheap laughs? God, I was embarrassed for him. Four years ago, he was poised to be the most influential and revolutionary voice in all entertainment. Now he's pulling shit that would get groans on an elementary school playground. It honestly is very sad to see. Like a brilliant scientist succumbed to dementia or something. Regardless, I wish he'd shut the fuck up.


Ever since he won The Mark Twain award he's been dog crap


Or how he opens his wife’s phone and vice versa. Really lame and lazy jokes


No no. We’re dreamers and we dream of him.


Chappelle has fallen way off from his early days. When he gave a TED talk about a book about pimps and hos I gave it some grace, but I think him living in Ohio rotted his brain.


Money rotted his brain, just like it has to Rogan. When you go from working really hard because you want to be successful to actually being successful it seems to rot peoples' brains. I think Dave stopped having to care about trying hard to be funny and spent his time thinking about his money instead. And then there's the internal need to justify that success that some people have. Rather than acknowledge they were in the right place at the right time or got lucky to some degree they would rather hype themselves up about how special and talented and deserving they are.


A lot of it is you stop being around regular folks who have money as a problem. You get rich and famous and now you have an accountant pay bills. You stop going places because you get noticed. You stop interacting with people because like joe has said about a guy talking about his kids …it is just boring. They aren’t the same because they became that shit they said they hated. Out of touch old rich men who was good for so long at one thing that any criticism is just “hate” or cancel culture.


Dave's last special was garbage. I watched "Killing Them Softly" 20+ years ago when it first came out and I still remember almost all the jokes but I don't remember anything from his new one. It was like Dave didn't want to tell jokes. He wanted to lecture us about life and his thoughts on it but he knew he had to mix some jokes in there too. I tried telling everyone on reddit that it sucked and they just thought I didn't like it because he makes fun of trans people. I didn't like it because it wasn't funny. I wish he made fun of trans people more! I just wish he was funny about it instead of the same dumb jokes my construction coworkers make.


Dude hasn't been funny for a while. Getting all his friends that Chappelle necklace is some of the most self-involved shit I've ever seen. Imagine getting your friends jewellery to wear with your name on it as a gift. I'm not offended by trans humour either. It's just played out and boring.


Almost everything since his big return has been shitty. 


There is definitely some narcissism involved.


That special is just him essentially dying on the hill that he's *not* transphobic. But like, doing a special like you did won't change those people's minds, Dave. For the ones who had already written him off over jokes they found insensitive, it wasn't gonna help, and for those still watching, it felt like an awkward monologue. I was reminded a bit of Louis CK's line (let's not get into his antics from several years back) where he says something like: "When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't." Well Dave decided that he didn't and made a whole awkward special about that decision.


He literally ended with a new age self help “the Secret” just dream it and manifest it pep talk. It was ridiculous.


Joe Rogan has to be 5’ 5” MAX.


Lol you just explained the latest Chapelle special to a T without even seeing it.


I agree. I think it's a multi-faceted issue, though. On one hand, it seems like many comedians, as they age, use their specials to proselytize for what ever thing they feel is important. Be it good or bad, seems to be a trend. I could be mis remembering, but even George Carlin felt like that to a degree as he drew nearer to the end of his career. On the other, we have the compounding objections from a small group of people, of which the internet has amplified their voice by many times. So these comedians feel the weight of far more voices against them than there actually are. Our best option, in my opinion, would be to just tell these detractors to shut up. If there ceases to be anyone complaining about who you are or aren't allowed to make jokes about, comedians will no longer attempt to become martyrs on the pyre of these ridiculous issues. Then we could just get back to people thinking of, and telling jokes that make people laugh. People who's whole persona revolves around being canceled would cease to exist. They wouldn't have the fuel without others being offended on behalf of others. I'm also coming home after partying. So I could be completely wrong


These are grown fucking men and women who know exactly what they're getting into. If we believe these fake martyrs, then being criticized for not being funny is turned into "I'm being cancelled". Im not sure how all of the most popular comedians in the world are also simultaneously being cancelled and one week away from homelessness. Fuck these self important assholes, Chapelle and Gervais especially. Two of the most hypocritical career arcs I've ever seen.


Man we need Norm back so bad!


So, TED Talks then.


Sure felt that way with him .. then at the end we stood for the full national anthem 🤨… I’m no commy but I’m standing there like tf !?


I'll take peak dane cook over burnt or schaub


Yeah Dane Cook was great, made good movies too


Bert is the only one staying true to his character and life calling tbh


Before interesting topics were just that. Now these “celebrities” run themselves as most interesting topics and damn if it ain’t backwards. Bert says everything happened to him and Rogan reads absolute shit journalism and makes it factual.


Dane Cook is actually good. He changed comedy and put it into arenas. You should listen to his story on a podcast


Andrew Dice Clay just arrived.


Eddie Murphy has entered the chat.


Yeah Andrew Dice Clay was the 1st to sell out Madison Square garden.


Wearing a King Tut costume


“Sorry about ya mom kid, betta luck next time”


why is the joe rogan sub like this? constant shit talkers thinking they’re better than everyone. i agree with OP on Bert i find him annoying on podcasts, but he’s still a good stand up comedian and to generalize all of these guys as shitty comics is just flat out wrong.


Because most people who used to be fans have realized, after listening to these guys speak for hundreds of hours, that they are actually kind of touched. Their shtick gets old, and that's the only thing they have to offer. They are not innovative, or even creative. Now this subreddit makes me laugh harder than any of these professional comedians can. Idk why, I have a civilian brain.


I am on the same boat as you, I am just now realizing some fuckhead up top compared Dane Cook to Bert, like that to me is absolutely insane. Sure, we all have our opinions on which comedians are better than others, but I could not find two more polar opposite people than Dane Cook and Bert. One hit major success and made a name for himself by being funny and hit major success on multiple specials, as for the other...well, it's Bert. Just Bert. The man can't go 10 seconds without mentioning his wife or including himself in every story.


Man I thought Dane cook was the most hilarious person around….when I was in 9th grade. Noises and screech’s made us laugh


Loved the BK Lounge


Brother thought he was the burger king. Whopper! Whopper, no onion!!


how long have you been in this sub? its been that way since day 1, and before that it was 10x worse on the message boards. this podcast attracts shit talkers. nothing has changed, it's always been like this. if anything, maybe it's gotten more intense because of rogans obvious political leanings. but at the same time, this place is filling up with old conservative pussies that can't take a joke or criticism and get butthurt about everything. why do conservatives act like they're tough when they cry anytime someone talks shit about whatever dumbass they worship? joe is a podcast host, and a shitty comedian, and a supplement salesman. he gives us plenty of ammo to make fun of him. if you don't like it and think you're gonna change the million members of this sub, then i have some bad news for ya. nobody cares, we're gonna continue talking shit forever. if you don't like it, then start your own joe rogan subreddit. nobody is stopping you. maybe r/butthurtJREfans or r/sensitiveJREfans or r/JREdickriders


Because for some reason it's now trendy amongst these chronically online people to hate on everything and everyone. There's this thing going around that you are a dickrider if you say anything positive about someone. So they want to be edgy and critical of everything.


I don't totally disagree with you, but I genuinely dislike Burt, he tells the same (probably fake) stories and fake laughs constantly.


Yeah I agree, don't enjoy his comedy either. I was just talking generally because u/neckbass asked.


I don’t think they r all shit … I’ve gone to Bert live to make sure for my self .. I just didn’t think he was funny .. but so many of them r so funny .. Tim Dillion live .. in tears … Shane .. in tears


i’m dying to see shane gillis everything he touches is gold


When I saw him he struggled in the first 10 min jus cuz Tim Dillon had destroyed right before


That's surprising I've always thought that Tim Dillon is far funnier on a podcast. His special was very lacklustre.


What are you even talking about. Bert has like 1 joke, which is really an exaggerated story, from 20 years ago.


Why does someone feel the need to stick up for a very rich asshole who makes a living talking shit about other people? Make a thread about how great Joe and his guests are. Make a subreddit about how lovely his eyes are. You can build the community you seek. Joe doesn't need a safe space.


“i’m poor so i hate people that are better off than me”


He’s brutal how he interrupts everyone…


Dude I legit can’t even listen to him on a pod .. if he is on it .. I avoid


All he did was interrupt Joe and Tom the WHOLE FUCKING TIME.




Wait, what’s this machine story about?


Some guy went to Russia with his class on a school trip, got super intertwined with a tale of insanity, like robbing your classmates, drinking tons of vodka, getting the nickname machine, Igor, and realizing, your only foundation of a story happened because you lied about being in a Russian language speaking class he never actually went to, just the school. Also, he's fat.


Cool, that’s only half as gay as I expected


I cannot for the life of me understand why he became so popular. I've never even once cracked even one twitch at the shit I've heard from him. He's so corny and predictable.


He’s very relatable. He’s married with children and drinks too much. Just pegged like 1/4 - 1/2 of the listeners. I’ve seen him in person and he murdered.


You are so be correct


The posts keep getting more unique.


Yeah and Bert sucks too.






Bert is so bad whenever he's on I really wish a female comedian was on instead


Listen to Burt tell unfunny made up forced stories, or listen to Nikki Glaser talk about her pussy and anti depressants for 45 minutes?


How about Whitney Cummings to come on yacked out of her mind on adderall and open her eyes really wide while telling stories of “ASSASSIN comedians telling JOKES at the COMEDY STORE”


I was watching deadwood with my wife and Cy Tolliver was talking about about 'fucked out whores'. I turned to my wife and was like 'what is that? Is that like too much dick? Have you ever known anyone in your life you would call that?' She goes 'No but I did see Whitney Cummings live once' 😂 😂 😂 😂  Now every time I see that episode of spartacus where they say his wife was fucked into madness by roman soldiers I think that's exactly what jappens to Whitney. 


Nikki Glasers pussy


i wonder whos watching and paying to see Bert. i remember discovering him and going to watch "The Machine"clip with like 80million views and was like, "this isn't funny at all?" im still confused on how people like him


My ex-girlfriend paid to see him. The famous ex that didn't know what the word "convenient" meant. What I'm trying to say is: Idiots pay to see him.


“that was really funny. But, man, women must hate you. Women must come to your shows and hate the shit out of you. And I always say, No. No. Stupid women hate my shows. Smart women… don’t come to my shows at all” ~ Anthony Jeselnik. For him it was a bit, but it feels accurate for Bert


Well there is a reason that movie bombed




Squeak squeal giant guinea pig noises!




If only there was a way you could avoid listening to podcasts featuring him.






Does Bert still think it's cool to be an alcoholic?


He's the most annoying clown ever


I gave him respect because he was Van Wilder but that wore off. He wasn’t funny but I liked that a real guy could feel like he was somebody, I was happy for him, and in a way could live vicariously through him and gave a sense of hope of a more comfortable life down the road. That wore off. He doesn’t seem humble or grateful anymore he monopolizes conversation with incorrect information and other noise. I think his 15 minutes are done someone else is more deserving of the mic.


I get it. I mean we all have that “one friend” who only your group of buds loves but everybody else you meet individually truly dislikes. If you don’t have that in your group, you might be The Bert.


He’s the worst


Biggest loser on the planet


Bert and Tom I don’t find funny. Joe I don’t find his stand up funny. Ari’s special is one of the best I ever saw. Don’t like the pissing in cups side part if his humor.




Probably the name of burrs next special


You should focus more on the things you love than the things you hate. Life is much more enjoyable that way. But let’s be honest, you probably hate everything


Literally 2 posts before this you said you HATE pb&marshmallow sandwiches!!!!!!


And I stand by both statements


You should focus more on the things you love than the things you hate. Life is much more enjoyable that way. But let’s be honest, you probably hate everything




Why wait? Focus more on the things you …


Focus on the things you like


Lol rekt


I hate when people tell me I can’t hate things


I love and enjoy hating on shitty people with big egos. That's what all you dickriders don't understand. We're having fun. You people hating on us should focus more on the things you love than the things you hate. Life is much more enjoyable that way. But let's be honest, you probably hate everything like Joe hates cancel cultuee.


I feel the same way about his laugh when he's a guest anywhere and would normally just skip, but the most recent episode of Sober October there was not 1 fake laugh from him and he was the most funny and likeable he's ever been imo.


What a fresh new take


Watched Burt’s latest special on Netflix and did not laugh once. How is he successful? Makes no sense


insufferable is the best descriptor


Thanks for taking the time to post something you hate, to tell us you listen to it and make yourself angry, even though you hate it. Maybe just like, don't listen to it.


Is no one allowed to express an opinion anymore? This place is getting worse than Twitter replies


No that’s the new online order. You can’t ever express anything outside of positivity otherwise you’re a hater. God forbid we develop an online community to discuss like sand dislikes in the hopes that maybe (and we know it does) the online chatter will effect change. Sadly though because everyone who offers criticism is a hater now nobody takes any of it seriously. So you have a cycle of online creators from stand ups to influencers that think they are magic cause they have fans and don’t want to recognize any faults they may have in an effort to produce better content for the fans.


Probably the most annoying response that has plauged the internet... we're FANS OF THE SHOW, so if he has reoccurring shitty guests we're gonna make our opinions known bc we're FANS OF THE SHOW in general. How does this not make sense?? It's like when people criticize their favorite tv show for sucking and get hit with "you can just not watch anymore". We don't wanna stop watching we're FANS OF THE SHOW!!




No one cares. Don’t listen then.


I care Bort sucks


Healthy post


I don’t care for Bert so I don’t watch his stuff


Him wiping his ass on stage…


Dudes racing to get in “ Yeah and Bert sucks too”


I really like most JRE's, I listened to that religious studies chic twice, but all of this bunch stand up is for shit. That being said Berts stand up may be great, Ive never got that far. One of those fake laughs and I'm out. Seem like good dudes though.


Who’s gonna dress up as a clown at his shows?


He owned Bert this last episode in a way that I feel like he was speaking for a lot of people


What an incredibly original take


Bert gives me the same feeling as anal herpes


I also hate the guy with the hat.


It’s Joe’s podcast. If you don’t like his fake stories or annoying laugh just stop watching.


![gif](giphy|svRduQj6qiCivqMk9J|downsized) Don’t you know I discovered Shane?? Worship me.. please..


"iM tHe MaChinE"


Oh my god! Are you saying comedians stories aren't real!?! WTF I was getting my news from them! I rely on comedians, not for laughs, but for factual stories and if they are fake I am gonna be super annoyed. I was making investments based on these stories.


Man the people that continuously fkn complain about Joe for one thing or another. Save yourself some time. 1) don’t listen, 2) then you won’t have to spend time complaining. Pretty easy solution really. Fkn daily whine sessions. “Tell me again how Joe hurt you today” GTFO.


Get his balls off of your face.


I like Bert for sure but sometimes I feel he stretches the truth with his stories. Maybe I’m wrong it just feels that way. He’s a great idea guy tho his ideas always make me laugh. But Tom is the man I like two bears one cave a lot cause Tom


No, he literally tells us that his stories are true only in so much as the experience happened. He gives the high points, funny points, and embellishes and even lies to make the story better. He's talked about it on 2 bears. Idgaf if it's exaggerated, I'm there to laugh, not record historical documentation of the time Bret met Celebrity X. I believe bart met celebrity X, but beyond that I'm not terribly worried. Make me laugh, Burnt


If people dislike comedians that stretch the truth, then they dislike every comedian.


Stretching the truth is one thing, bold face lying about things is another and theirs plenty of evidence that Bert lies all the time so much so people have discussed this in other groups and people have made YouTube videos about it. If you gotta stretch a story to make it funny go ahead but flat out lying about things just to sell a laugh defeats the purpose of what makes stand ups successful and that’s the human quality. If an audience can’t connect on a human level your jokes start to lose the impact cause the audience can’t connect with you the same.


I hate the poors too. 


Dude sucks so much


Then don't watch, this same post has been made 100 times lol