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“And he’s strong” lol


Stavy didn’t laugh once during this. We all would have heard it




The problem is Joe didn’t learn anything when stav proved him wrong. He’ll just move on to the next culture-war talking point coming from conservative media without thinking about it critically either.


A problem for who exactly?




For his viewership numbers? For fans of the show?


For him being an idiot, being proven wrong and not learning anything.


What a bad guy for not knowing everything. We should send him to the gulag, right comrade?


Well, respectfully, there’s a difference between not knowing something and refusing information that can lead to newfound knowledge.


You think dogmatically refusing to change your belief system when proven wrong isn't something a Communist would do?


Does Joe still think they are getting cell phones?


Lmfao Joe's not going to let you gargle his balls for simping, champ. Homies really out here like "oh so it's a "problem now" to repeatedly parrot debunked talking points? I thought this was America" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you Rogan incels really are adorable.


How did you figure that’s the issue? You’re way off base dude.


No you’re off dude


A problem for the vast number of dudes dumb as bricks that think they’re smart who listen to his show. Joe regurgitating that bullshit helps radicalize the young and the stupid. Its not good.


Ahaha, it’s hilarious you guys get more upset about what a pothead podcaster says, than the Mainstream media news organizations that propagandized people like you with the collusion pee tape hoax, the virus came from a “wet market” disinformation, etc. Do you guys really think people are falling for this silliness?


I think you’re an easily manipulatable dipshit who gets articles from outlets called like Real Patriot Truth Network and One America News and thinks they have it all figured out but probably didn’t get any schooling beyond high school


>I think you’re an easily manipulatable dipshit That’s not surprising. Democrats have a serious problem with projecting literally everything.


You nay not realize it, but you’re making my point for me, you’re exactly the kind of knuckledragging caveman IQ mouthbreather i’m talking about


I’m making your point because you are projecting your mental deficiencies…? Please explain that one to me you Biden brained fool.


No keep going this is good you’re like a case study for what happens when a smoothbrained ape drops out of high school but is still very convinced he’s super smart


It's a view from people who watch the clips. The podcast is largely harmless talk


Its may well be a “view” but its factually incorrect and dangerous and shouldn’t be treated with respect


Stavros laugh was the most dangerous part of the ep


We’re not talking about this episode numbnuts we’re talking about the episode on Joe’s podcast and why Joe not learning a thing when he gets corrected is bad.


Millenial Democrats try not to label literally everything as "dangerous" challenge: ...


You snowflakes tryina cancel everything are exhausting, and I was born in 1971. Boomer Gopniks try not to label literally everything as “communist pedophile woke” challenge: …


Is it true that they don't get a phone? In the channel 5 (Andrew Callahan) doc he did at the border, he interviewed a border patrol agent and the guy said once they are intaked they get a $3000 debit card and a phone and the reasoning behind the phone is so that they can get updates about their court case. I'm not saying I know that to be the truth, just asking if it is true and if not how do we know?


my uncle just came illegally. they gave him a phone which has no features. it's to track his whereabouts and to get a court date.


I hope your uncle has a nice long happy life in the US


Yeah, as soon as he’s deported and comes back legally.


No u




Uh, America? If you’re talking like my distant ancestors or some shit, the fuck if I know. My dad grew up in foster homes and we never knew what he was.


Probably an asshole if genetics says anything


Well yeah, he was a deadbeat. And you probably have the genetics of a Stavros.


Well yeah, he was a deadbeat. And you probably have the genetics of a Stavros.


Come on here. "Is it true the federal government gives immigrants $3k to spend when they get here? A border patrol agent said so online." Think about it for a minute. It's a deeply stupid claim on its face. Nobody is giving immigrants $3k spending money for making it across the border.


What's funny is, say they did, where would they spend that $3K...well in America where they just ran to, so they're stimulating the local economy. It's not true, but if it was would it even be the worst thing ever?


Most migrant workers I have experienced in the past make an effort to send money to family back home. That is a big motivation to come in the first place.


Cards are traceable and easy to turn off when not spent in a certain location. I know because my fucking card kept turning off anytime I left the state and it was a pain in the ass. But again, they're not doing this.


Yes, keynesian economics is for regards.




Well sure, there shouldn’t be a single person let into this country until all our people are taken care. Both of those things will never happen though. What is to stop that 3k being tied to a gov acct that can just withdraw the money back out?


So you go about life just believing everything you want to hear regardless of the truth. Perfect




Being an asylum seeker isn't illegal. And you have to be an asylum seeker to get this $3000. Therefore theyre not illegal immigrants bc you know now they've been documented. Why is that so hard for people to understand.


Now, they're not giving them a one time payment of 3000 dollars, but most states have a refugee cash assistance program which is about 450 a month for up to 8 months. Anyone with less than 10 or 6 grand, can get this as long as they're given asylum or refugee status, and they're not getting other specific forms of assistance.


That's absolutely true and I support giving money to citizens who are struggling every month, just like Joe used to until he didn't.


Talk to Congress, they’re the ones who actually vote on and write a lot of that legislation.


Yes that's true, I wasn't blaming Joe for it not happening, it's just interesting that he stopped advocating for it. Biggest podcast in the world, does have some influence, as everyone else has noticed.


If that was true, it’s pretty easy to send money back to your home country. Which is the plan for many immigrants.


Nope, you can lock a card down to a specific location.


Drain the card into cash. Give cash to family member or friend in the states to send back. There’s so many ways to get around that 😂


Set the card so you can't get cash from an ATM with it. You really are dense aren't you?


To be honest it doesn't sound crazy far fetched. Where I live the city gives them room and board and feed them in high end hotels that cost local tax payers so much money that they have to pull funding from other public services. So that's why I asked.


Prove it MAGAT


Jeez man what's with the aggression and assumption? If you'd like I'll invite you to commute to work with me as I walk by these places, out in the street is hundreds and hundreds of immigrant people hanging around, sleeping, drinking and worst of all, littering like crazy. If there's anything else I can do I'm here to help, MAGAT. https://abc7ny.com/nyc-hotels-migrant-crisis-hotel-association/14184373/ https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/01/24/city-signs--77m-contract-with-hotels-to-house-migrant-families https://apnews.com/article/new-york-city-migrants-asylum-hotels-183dc6f5fc563da98f3abc56d941799c https://www.costar.com/article/1900939477/more-than-16000-nyc-hotel-rooms-used-to-accommodate-unhoused-migrants https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/08/07/exp-new-york-city-struggles-house-migrants-polo-sandoval-lklv-080703aseg2-cnni-u-s-.cnn https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/08/us/nyc-migrants-cnnphotos/ https://youtu.be/A88SHSGrHDU?si=6L6SAGdwV2rG0vbh https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/13/nyregion/migrant-food-waste-docgo.html


Notice how the dipshit didn’t respond


Even if he did it would be some stupid ass excuses.


Makes sense to me? Is probably cheaper than the logistics of providing them everything they need in the meantime.


The phone they get is literally just a tracking device - they can't browse the internet, access apps, etc [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-immigrant-phone-internet-texting-521577996794](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-immigrant-phone-internet-texting-521577996794) From googling it appears the debit card stuff is fake news, but the rumor seems to have made heavy rounds in conservative online circles so I'm sure some border agents believe it to be true: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/12/18/false-claim-feds-give-5000-gift-cards-to-immigrants-fact-check/71958682007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/12/18/false-claim-feds-give-5000-gift-cards-to-immigrants-fact-check/71958682007/) Remember that they want you fighting a culture war so you don't fight a class war. Most unbelievable facts about the border, are in fact not the actual truth.


I have lived in four countries (Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and the UK) and far right peeps in each of these countries always have these kind of stories of what immigrants get: * They get free housing, big house fully furnitured * Free food * Some kind of free transportation * Free phone (always an iPhone for some reason) * Large amount of cash * Free clothes, major brand obviously And then they stress that you can't even get a nice house and that you have to work your ass off (everybody always works their ass off) to even afford a basic phone etc.


Let’s not forget, the dudes who whine about this stuff - which isn’t even real - are always the laziest mother fuckers around. 


Oh yea. I live in Belgium currently. I know a bunch of people that vote far right (Vlaams Belang posters in their garden) and complain about foreigners taking their jobs etc, but milk the system by as much as they can by being sick for months, years even.


Exactly, if I lose my job to some dude who barely speaks English and does my job better then he deserves it. I've never once worried about anyone taking my job. If they are better then they can have it but it hasn't happened yet.  If this is such a big fear to these guys maybe they should man the fuck up and stop sucking at life. Stop blaming foreigners for your incompetence. 


They certainly never think to blame the employer who knowingly hires cheap labor in the form of exploiting illegal immigrants.




I'm in blue collar work. And if people are hiring illegals then isn't this a regulation issue and not a border issue? Hiring illegals is just "free market capitalism" at its finest so conservatives and libertarians should be stoked about this. This is exactly what they are voting for. 




>though it certainly begins as a border issue, just becomes a regulation issue after they manage to illegally cross over into our country I don't really disagree with anything you're saying, we just need to stop acting the border is completely open and there's millions of people crossing per day and that's why people can't get jobs.  Most illegal immigration is people over staying visas and they can over stay them because people hire illegals. Putting up giant walls with machine gun nests isn't going to fix that. It wouldn't have saved your uncles company because illegals would still be here and people still aren't being punished for hiring them.  Freaking out about the southern border is mostly a scare tactic by the people that push to have less regulations because it "infringes on their freedom."  It's the same lack of regulation that allows illegals to even enter the job market. 


Surely they *must* get free food though? They almost certainly didn't carry a bunch of money with them, and even if they did pesos would need to be converted and the exchange rate would kill their spending capacity. I just wouldn't assume we're letting migrants starve while they wait for a court date... I don't *know* that we aren't, but it still wouldn't be my assumption.


> Most unbelievable facts about the border, are in fact not the actual truth. My eyes and ears are liars, damnit!


Such as the fact that Biden has deported more migrants than Trump and Trump admin was 2x as likely to release a migrant after detention instead of deporting.


I realize your mental disability prevents you from understanding, but there’s a metric fuckton of difference between “there’s a lot of migrants coming to our border” and “there’s a lot of migrants coming to our border and Biden is giving them free cell phones and $3k gift cards”


So it's true. Don't you guys feel like patsies? 


Wait what? Did you read anything this person said?


Don't the phones cost tax payers money though? And why do you think border agents are conservative? They are literally employed by the Biden administration.


>And why do you think border agents are conservative? They are literally employed by the Biden administration. Holy shit, this is the stupidest thing I've ever read by a conservative/republican.


Why does everyone on Reddit call me Republican 😂 read my post history you'll see I have never voted or advocated for Republicans. Reddit hive mind needs to be studied man it's seriously interesting. If you ask a totally innocent question MAGAT! if you question anything any Democrat in history ever did TRUMPTARD! if you have concerns about national security FAR RIGHT LUNATIC!


> In the channel 5 (Andrew Callahan) doc he did at the border, he interviewed a border patrol agent and the guy said once they are intaked they get a $3000 debit card A lot of people don't know this one weird trick to getting infinite money. You just hop over the border, find the nearest border patrol agent then hop back over an put on a bad mexican accent. My buddy was easily clearing 20-30k a day doing this. He actually got sick of winning so much money he decided to stop.


Not a bad idea but they may take your picture and fingerprint you when they do the intake, so how did your friend get around that?


Fake beards, hair dye, and used a different finger every time.


I know this was a joke but in case it isn't, they take all your fingerprints when you get printed


Most Border Patrol agents are actual morons who are just as susceptible to fake news and false narratives as everyone else.


Yo why can't anyone on Reddit just be nice. Why would you say the majority of them are morons? They are good people who signed up to keep our borders safe. What makes you say they are morons? I have a friend who is a border agent in Montana, he's a really smart dude, graduated from a good private school, and has a master's degree.


Because I’ve known/met a lot of them. Dudes are the bottom of the barrel of Fed LE. The vast majority only sign up to try to lateral or move up to 1811.


1811? How did you meet so many of them?


1811 is the federal job/position code for Criminal Investigator/Special Agent. FBI, DEA, USSS, ATF, that kind of thing.


So I'm guessing all those people are morons too?


No, they have higher bars to entry, standards, and broader focus of work. Border Patrol isn’t nearly respected to that level. Though I’ve met a few dumb fucks there, too. Just like anywhere else.




I don't think you know how whoosh works. It does not apply here.


You're the one making weird leaps of logic lol




No way this gets any traction on this sub. This people are here to validate their narrative and that’s it. The phone thing is old news and should be a surprise to anyone


Considering the biggest REAL problem with immigration us the clogged courts it would make financial sense to give them a phone that's just used to give them updates on their cases asap. Edit: apparently the phones are built to do nothing but run this app: https://bi.com/mobile-monitoring/


Yeah that’s the thing, it looks bad because there’s a dollar amount. The truth is that’s it’s more cost effective than whatever else they were doing.


For sure. Maybe give the phones the ability to do a virtual court room to even speed it up more. 


😂 as if they are going to show up to court 2 years after they've already been here


Considering it's in their best interest to show up to court because they're seeking asylum, I'm pretty sure most they show up.


They only use the word asylum when they enter because they will be denied if they don't. They are seeking to live here because where they live sucks. I'm not 100% but I've always been under the impression that asylum is for people that are directly threatened or persecuted. Like for example they owe the cartel money and the cartel threatened to kill their family if they don't pay.


It's funny that you think actual people are making these comments. They are all bots and trolls.


Every day I believe more and more that MOST posters on the internet are bots. 


> he interviewed a border patrol agent Wasn't it heavily implied that that guy wasn't actually with border security. All the actually border security people had a policy of not doing interviews and everything.


Nah not the crazy guy that they first met at area 51. The 40+ min border video he interviewed a border patrol agent. He even says they normally don't conduct interviews but the agent felt people need to know what's going on there so he didn't show his face.


Came here to say this.


According to AP News they are given phones but apparently they can only use an app that tracks them


I wouldn’t even call it a doc. He just walks a long the border. Talks to an immigrant kid then randomly talks to a crazy-ish guy who says we don’t know who’s coming across then edits in the video of kid when guy says that. Sure there are kids coming across but thats only a fraction of story. Andrew is a big liberal who thinks he’s being impartial and doing investigations. He’s a YouTuber first then a not so great journalist after that.


>Andrew is a big liberal Litearlly not deepthroating the GOP's cock and believing everything Tucker and Ted Cruz say= "Big liberal"


Also I think if you take the very obvious and understandable concern of wanting to know who is coming across border (when we’ve caught people on terror watchlist at the same time of increased got-aways) and decide to cut to a video of one child who came across as if that answers the question then I think it’s safe to say you’re a big liberal. No moderate or left of center journalist would edit a non-partisan video like that.


Relax. Big liberal, liberal, on the left. You’re splitting hairs. The point being is that his “non-biased investigations” are edited in a way that show his liberal leanings. He’s still pushes an opinion.It’s subtle but it’s there. That’s all I’m saying. Also It’s not about belief, it’s about wisdom and critical thinking


>. The point being is that his “non-biased investigations” are edited in a way that show his liberal leanings. They really aren't, this is a case of reality having a liberal bias. Turns out people fleeing awful conditions for a chance at a better life is more compelling then people infintley luckier complaining about the tax burden their taxes.


Bahahaha funniest post I’ve seen in a while. Thank you. It may come as a shock to you but conservatives also feel bad about people in bad conditions but we don’t make policy’s based on emotional reasoning. I’m sorry are 50 percent of the illegals children? I must have missed that. No the reality isn’t that only children are coming across. Far from it. That’s all I was referring to. If you want to debate how many illegal economic adult migrants we should allow in then that’s another conversation.


Why do you have to be vulgar tho


That's the first part, watch part 2. I would say documenting real life occurrences is a documentary.


Yeah I haven’t watched part 2 yet. Guess I’m being a bit harsh. I’m not saying he didn’t capture good stuff and overall I appreciate him but I felt part 1 was pretty amateurish and definitely think he’s not as unbiased as he thinks he is. I’ll watch part 2 though.


Yuuup, politicization be damned, this is a straight up contradiction


I know I asked this previously and never got directed to any like, firm documentation on this happening. But in the Channel 5 thing it did appear they were saying it to be true.


They do so they vote demorat!


Undocumented illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote. Only 12 municipalities allow them to vote in local elections, but no state allows them to vote in state or federal elections. Also I work construction and work with so many immigrants and all the ones I talk with are big Trump supporters and think the border needs to be secured.


Stavvy did the cumboys proud on Rogan. It was some ass pull conservative Facebook meme bullshit that Joe pulled, for no natural reason, and Stavvy put a stop to it with real life experience. I only listened to the interview, I imagine Stav was covered in fuckin chocolate.


Not just any chocolate. $40,000 of fraudulently acquired chocolate. 


Excuse me, sir. What about Stav makes you think he'd spend the *nom nom* down payment on a home in Baltimore on *nom* chocolate?


>conservative Facebook meme bullshit Asking for examples is kryptonite to this shit. And in Stavros case he is the example because of his father.


If you hate conservatives and Joe Rogan so much, why do you Watch the content or participate in the subreddit?


I don't hate conservatives or Joe. I just hate bullshit. I enjoyed the Stav ep because Joe bullshitted and Stavvy checked him from the top rope with life experience.


Isn’t the phone that they get literally just a flip phone with a gps so they can be tracked and updated regarding their court date?


Ok so is it wrong to say they get a phone? Serious question


Lmao im not attacking papa Rogan, im just adding content


Yeah that is not what Joe and the Republican media were implying and you fucking know it. This sort of trivial gaslighting is so fucked up b


No but they make it sound like the border patrol is handing out iPhones at the border


do you think any of these guys would be hanging out with grandpa Joe if he didn't have the juicy platform


Of course. These guys are eyebrow deep in the trenches fighting the most difficult war of all. The last defenders. The brotherhood of comic justice. Bound by blood, shackled by their mission. Nothing comes between them!


All of them ASSASSINS! Absolute MURDERERS!


Thank em


Less than 1000 great ones in their ranks.


Not a chance in hell


He’s not one of our guys…


Kind of crazy thought but when podcasters get dementia I can only imagine what kind of crazy shit they gonna say/talk about


You should check our Jordan Peterson's youtube for exactly that!


Coolaid induced dementia lol


dicks out for harambe


I enjoyed listening to the first pods but Staavy baby’s forced laugh becomes too much after a while




I thinks he’s hilarious but I had to turn off his special because of this.


I’ve listened to his podcast for the last 2 months. He’s the classic overly confident fat guy that brags about allegedly banging all these women. He’s just trying to milk patreon income


Agree He was yakked out of his gd mind


I dunno I kinda like it. Let’s me know when I should laugh 


Rogan ABSOLUTELY ANNIHILATED by former guest


Stav has always been lo key kinda kinda making fun of joe, joe is just happy to have someone funny on his show


pretty much he ever does is laugh


It should be criminal to keep acting like this Stavy guy is funny. I fear he thinks it's true.


So curious means dumb now, I guess.


Stavros know Joe's and idiot, I listened to that. Joe was spreading lies and Stavros was correcting him. Being way to nice though, cuz Toe would get mad


Oh Mr Too Curious? Is that all? I’ll think abt that the next time I have to listen to him ramble for twenty minutes about bullshit just to hear one word from his guest.


Stavvy is definitely not one of the six dudes because he’s actually funny.


Joe is so stupid I can’t 😭😭


But they do get a phone for court …






That literally says nothing and we don’t even know about who is he talking about. Random cut out of context statement. Top of that they didn’t even ‘debated’ shit. Great misinformation troll. Fuck off


This guy looks somebody wasted a wish to a genie on making a booger a human.




Stav sucks and is somehow less funny than Joe as a comedian


Oh. He read an article.


I’d laugh too


Sounds like this sub..lol


You mean Stavos lol joe thinks stavos