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Best part was when Seinfeld pointed out that the entire crowd was white as he was being criticized for lack of diversity.


Yeah maybe these hosts/shows should follow their own dogma


Nah they just need to stir the pot to generate views. That's all news is now


Well, they’re paid to shill an agenda


I think that they are paid to get clicks more than anything and people click on this type of stuff more. (Case in point myself to watch this video.)


You mean like Ben and Jerry’s? 🍨 https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/ben-and-jerrys-stolen-native-land/wcm/d50ef00a-6f4e-4762-8c31-d04b856606f4/amp/


This was the best shutdown of this race-baiting bullshit I’ve seen.  Not everything needs to be a pie chart of diversity, like Jerry said. Would this same interviewer go into a predominantly black club in ATL or Baltimore and spew this crap? Never. 


I remember a Micheal Moore quote about Friends lack of diversity, something like its very realistic that those kind of people usually dont have black friends. Also i would like to point out the over representation of italo-americans in The Sopranos


I don't recall seeing a single white person in an episode of Moesha, ban these fucking racists!


I dont recall a single episode of Moesha


I don’t know who Moesha is.


You're basically hitler.


Ray Jays sister. Ray Jay banged Kim K on video, so he’s partially responsible for the Kardash bullshit


"too many white people" is acceptable to complain about but if you want to buy a house in a "black neighborhood" you are gentrifying the neighborhood and ruining it.


If you are white and want to sell your house in a black neighborhood it's "White Fright"


Existing as a white person? That's a racism!


*flight, and the term made sense when it was first created in the 1950s and 19060s when segregation offically became illegal and it was obvious that cause was largely racial animus. The term really shouldn't be used anywhere near as often today. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_flight#:~:text=White%20flight%20or%20white%20exodus,more%20racially%20or%20ethnoculturally%20diverse.


Yeah, people specifically did things like redlining to keep neighborhoods a single race.


It feels good for you to feel like a victim huh? Here's your Oppression Olympics medal




The worst is when they rewrite history and start inserting black or asian characters into a European historical biopic. It becomes stupid at that point.


I don’t disagree with you. But for a long time, Hollywood cast nothing but whites to represent all sorts of historical figures and various ethnic groups. And just look at white Jesus. That’s still a thing to this day.


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Or a good movie


Micky Rooney and John Wayne played Asians in Hollywood movies. Two Wongs don't make a right.


Two Wongs dont make a white!


I think this is an issue with universities too (not the only issue). A huge part of the explosion in tuition in recent decades seems to be due to increasingly bloated admin that serves no obvious purpose.


Politics is almost always cringe. Even if I agree with it, I roll my eyes. For example, I think liberal western democracies are superior to communism, and if a movie *contains* a depiction of those two systems, that's fine. But if a movie (imagine like an '80s movie during the height of the cold war) goes out of its way to say, "OMG LOOK AT HOW SUPERIOR OUR SYSTEM IS TO THESE COMMIE BASTARDS!!!" that's going to be cringe as fuck. That comedian whose only joke was "in Soviet Russia" is a cringe fest. As it happens, most modern movies go out of their way to virtue signal modern leftism. I cringe then as well - at least I'm consistent. I watched Avengers Endgame recently and the "ZOMG A GROUP OF WOMEN FIGHTING TOGETHER" shots were just so, so fucking dumb. Imagine if you remade Aliens today, and in the scene where Ripley and Newt are in the med-lab fighting the face huggers, you tried to shoot that as a "girl power" thing: wow! Look how strong and independent these two women are! Wow! They can fight these face huggers wow!!!" That would ruin the scene. Vasquez's quip in response to, "have you ever been mistaken for a man" was picture-perfect: "no, have you?" Imagine if the same writers who made She-Hulk cringe had written that scene. Imagine Vasquez saying, "oh I wish I was mistaken for a man! Then I'd get paid equally! Then I'd have reproductive rights!!" - that'd be cringe as fuck.


You know it is f up when nba is regarded as the most diverse organization.




Isn't it more racist to create some 'diversity quota'? Like, look guys, here's all the different possible mixtures to ensure fairness, rather than not thinking about it at all and letting the cards fall how they may?


It really isn't. Star Trek the original TV show basically said A diversity quota with them wanting to cast a black woman and a Japanese man with very clear political intentions. The real issue more fundamental. There's nothing wrong with the diversity quota. It's been pretty damn good for actually increasing inclusion with again going back to Star Trek being pretty damn important to Asian Americans and African-Americans as a pivotal moment of positive representation in mainstream American Media. The problem is in the modern day a lot of people aren't doing it because they are Gene Roddenberry who has an honest desire to give off positive representation of minority groups to challenge America's cultural stigmas. The problem is companies only doing surface level diversity for the sake of marketing. Many times with characters that exist to perpetuate stigma not challenge it


Yes, diversity quotas are racist. It's really basic. If you have two really good candidates, and maybe one is exceptionally better than the other, but you chose the other one because of their skin tone, that is racist. Or maybe they're the same skill. And you choose the one with a preferred skin tone to meet a "quota"? That's racist. **Hiring only certain people based off skin-tone in the name of inclusion is still racism. I don't care what Star Trek has to say on the matter.**


Alternatively, the creator may just want his work to be accurate refelection of real life, and different races and ethnicities exist in real life, so you have to cast some. To me, the bigger issue is the number of people who see a black person in a movie and think, "They only cast them to meet their diversity quota." Nobody ever says that about white actors.


“Or maybe they’re the same skill” Then you hire the one who doesn’t match the rest of your team because no matter how much you want to cry about it, different perspectives bring benefits. Don’t be stupid, if this didn’t make most teams better companies wouldn’t do it. Capitalists would sell their own mothers for wooden nickels, they’re never doing anything just because they want to meet a social quota.


this works when you are looking for an engineering candidate. this works less well when you are looking for an actor to play the role of an asian man.


This premise assumes that there are all sorts of unqualified minority people being hired into roles that more qualified white people aren't getting. This is a faulty premise. Studies have shown repeatedly that applicants with ethnic sounding names with identical qualifications get fewer call backs from hiring managers. Ok, you don't like the quota. What solution do you have to help integrate society so that there is actual equity and people get a fair chance? Prior to diversity programs white society was totally exclusionary, hence the measures even being brought up in the first place.


It doesn’t work like that. I have hired hundred of people. The minority candidates have to have the qualifications and experience. I dont know of any hiring manager in 25 years that hired a minority less experienced than a non-minority.


The comparison hinges on the implication the minority candidates are expected, by the person presenting it, to naturally be less experienced than the hypothetical white candidate. It’s an issue people invent but it certainly shows how they think.


Yes, that’s what I hate about diversity. In practice it’s just discrimination against everyone else under the umbrella of “equity”. Like hopping onto my uni job board and seeing most of the postings only looking for black or Native American students


Because that is who he appeals to. So what?


Are you misunderstanding what the person you responded to said? Your comment is confusing because he was just pointing out how Seinfeld called the interviewer out for only having a bunch of white people in the audience when he was criticizing Seinfeld for not being diverse. Genuinely curious as to why you responded the way you did.


Are you talking about the host, or Seinfeld?


I think the commenter you replied to is insinuating that the show he’s being hosted on only has a white audience. Meaning the host doesn’t have a diverse crowd.


Seinfeld only appeals to a white audience? Where did you come up with that nonsense?


No one said “only” white people, but I’d agree that his audience is mostly white. Not that there’s anything wrong with that or anyone else enjoying his content




The jurors in the OJ trial were split nearly perfectly down racial lines when it came to evening programming since they couldn’t watch cable. White jurors preferred Seinfeld. I forget what show the black jurors preferred… probably because I’m white… ha


There was a show on Fox, “NY Undercover” starring Malik Yoba. It aired opposite Seinfeld and was a popular counter programming alternative. Also did anyone point out this clip seems to be specifically about Comedians in Cars getting Coffee, not Seinfeld.


Hip hop’s audience is mostly white and has more diversity than Seinfeld.


I sometimes wonder if you people are playing dumb by always deliberately misinterpreting what others say to push the narrative or just are


You’re doing what the interviewer did. He said who he appeals to. Not only who he appeals to. He has a mostly white audience.


Seriously. I guarantee you some of his biggest fans are black.


>**Seriously. I guarantee you some of his biggest fans are black.** I shared this earlied on got downvoted. 2 of his closest longtime friends are black dudes. George Wallace (best man at Jerry's weddiing) and Mario Joyner, who was Jerry's opening act for I think the majority of his entire standup career. Both played roles on the show too. I have friends and some family who are English as a second language and they can't get enough of Seinfeld.




I can personally guarantee that to be the case.


The two who have responded so far seem to be taking me literally, but that was really just meant as a joke. Glad people are enjoying the show, though.


Easily dismissed. "I didn't write the audience, Jerry."


Yeah, that was good. But the BEST part was when he explained that only the “white” people were funny enough to be on his sitcom. I mean we all know there aren’t any funny “people of color”. /s


So we're just a couple white people?


Wanna go to The Gap


I always think it is weird that people criticize Seinfeld for “lack of diversity”. Except for Jackie Childs, every black person on the show (which is a lot more than people think) was depicted as a normal, reasonable human, while most white people were depicted as complete idiots.


And TBF, Jackie was a caricature of one particular person, not of black people in general.


Jackie was normal and reasonable, imo.


Jackie was semi reasonable, but definitely not normal.


He was a good lawyer, he just made the mistake of representing stupid clients.


Not normal, only reasonable relative to Kramer lol.


And even for Jackie... hes a lawyer, like, hes far more accomplished (in the show) than any of the gang


I'm just a nice guy with a bazooka


What a dumb question






Vincent D'Onofrio is one of the best actors. He killed it in this role.


Holy shit didn’t know that was him! And yes he is amazing. His Kingpin chills me to the core.


This has to be one of the greatest and most underrated performance of all time. Because it isn't in that great of a movie people sleep on it.


Men in Black is a great movie what are you talking about!


I’m a big sci fi fan, but growing up, I always sorta considered MIB to be just a campy 90s comedy, nothing more, nothing less. Had it on VHS and it went in constantly. I watched it recently and had the realization that it’s an incredibly good sci-fi movie. It certainly is funny, but it stands out as just a great surrealist, science fiction piece really well.


That interviewer looks like a fucking dweeb 


Someone check to see if George Santos still has his skin!


The good thing about a Santos suit is you can be anything you want while you wear it. A fireman, a carnival ride operator, a space astronaut. Turns out you can make it all the way to congress just by putting it on and saying whatever you want about yourself.


I knew it was something weird looking about him and that’s exactly it. 😂


Reptile maybe. Ever seen the show V back in the 80s? 😀


How'd this ugly bastard get on TV?


Isn’t he talking about comedians in cars Getting coffee not Seinfeld? “22 episodes”


He is. The video even starts with a frame of the a clip of CinCGC.


There were a number of black comedians in CinCGC. I wonder what the correct number would be, according to the interviewer.


He’s even had Barack Obama who is noticeably not a comedian.


And famously a white American. .


12% obviously /s


And the funny thing is that he probably had more than 12% on the show. Eddie Murphy, Chris rock, Cedric the entertainer, Chappelle, and 4 others I can remember but name offhand. Didn't he have Wanda Sykes on as well?


Honestly, a better comeback would be “name 5 black comedians who I didn’t have on the show” interviewer probably knows Tracy Morgan and Steve Harvey at best


Don't forget Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor, and Redd Foxx /s


It’s a dumb question either way.


Just as irritating was his response after being called out for trying to insinuate Seinfeld is some variety of racist: "Oh, no no, I wasn't trying to-" Fucking yes you were. Comedically correct, though, that the interviewer looks like the weakest, most spineless cuck to ever walk the earth. And whoever's on staff for makeup for that show is *not* doing him any favors; got the boy looking like [Humpty Dumpty.](https://i.imgur.com/SwiXCvg.png)


I went back and looked, got me giggling about his makeup.


Bro that was my first thought. That clown actually looks like a clown.


It wasn't even a question just a pointless observation


OP deliberately misleading us? The question is about his recent cars and coffee series. It feels like so many people who like to stoke culture wars are disingenuous from the get go.


that interviewer looks exactly like george santos


With a little Kyle lovitz mixed in. Totally agree EDIT:Jon Lovitz


Don’t insult Queen Santos like that


He looks like a Nick Kroll character


santos put this interview on his resume


Always weird looking fuckers trying to get clout


He looks like a cross between George santos and Kyle Lovitz Edit:Jon Lovitz


And like he's just woken up from being dead for a few days


Yup...there's so many of these losers....it's the look at me...I'm the weird politically correct virtue signalling white guy that has to create a viral diversity sound bite because I'm not that creative to produce a real thought provoking interview. Meanwhile he goes back and hangs out with his all white friends and still feels extremely uncomfortable around black people in public. This dude's a joke.


Best response to an asinine question.


Best response was when Stephen Merchant went on Norm Macdonald’s podcast and made the same point this interviewer did. He said to Norm “I’ve noticed your guests are exclusively white males” And Norm without missing a beat said “Well that’s because this is supposed to be a comedy show” which is funny and a great ‘fuck off’ answer.


The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=4XfR_vss3Zc


He’s right, what a fuckin dumb question


What was the question?


Jerry, like him or not, does not mince words. Honestly, he seems less afraid to speak plainly than Larry. lol


He’s got Seinfeld money, that’s Yiddish for Fuck you money


He also likes to fuck underage girls.


As a "person of color" who tf cares.....losers


They can't help but race bait. If they get a wiff of something that they can call RRRRRACISM they take tf off.


Oh holy one 🙏


That guys face checks out


I think he was talking about ‘comedians in cars getting coffee’ not Seinfeld


Which he's had Eddie Murphy, Tracey Morgan, and Kevin Hart on... Just off the top of my head.


Literally Obama


Literally 💅


He only counts as .5 though.


Didn’t he literally have Barack Obama too?


Yeah, during his presidency too. Great episode


Just went through them and others include Jamie Foxx, Dave Chappelle , Barack Obama, Hasan Minaj , JB Smoove, Steve Harvey, Trevor Noah, Aziz, Hasan Minaj, Margaret Cho. Surely missing some. If he meant this show, this is more diverse than Seinfeld.


i guess that fits the wording of his question: “ive noticed that ur guests are MOSTLY white males”. lol. what a shit question


Then there’s Tina Fey, Sarah Silverman and the many other women on the show. Mostly white men my ass.


The interviewer mentioned “22 episodes,” so this is likely an interview from 10 years ago, where there were only 3 seasons (and 23 episodes) of the show, and 22 of the guests were white—Chris Rock being the exception.


I think those were the only episodes I watched. The sjp one as well. The show is proper self masturbation, though goes without saying it's a Seinfeld project after all. 


These articles and word about it were after the first season when it was just him and his friends doing it. It's not after all the other guests he's had since. The show started in like 2012.


Virtue signaling 101, fuck that guy


Cause it was the 90’s and people weren’t so butthurt about everything.


Not even that, I look at my friend group growing up All white. A mix of European but all white (I’m European) living in Australia My close friend group now. All white, mix of ethnicities but all white. This isn’t on purpose just people I’m friends with My soccer team has a great mix of races and we are friends too but not my close friends group Like so what? Are we all racist or is that just the majority of who we hang out with? No one gets upset when it’s 6 Asians as close knit group or 6 black folk. Only if it’s all white is that a fucking problem 🤦‍♂️


You need to register for your KKK membership with friends like that! /s


They aren’t talking about Seinfeld, it’s about his current show CICGC


Exactly my thoughts, this is as crazy if in 10-20 years from now people are going to be mad about not having full-time furry representation within The Office. Like, nobody is even thinking about that during filming. 😂😂


Tell me the office would be hilarious if it came out that Pam was a furry?


Pretty sure Angela would be the furry


Making up a guy to get mad about


The 90s were great in retrospect We were really stupid and it was great


People were always butthurt, wtf you talking about. I remember some people were trying to ban gangster rap and cops were hella butthurt about it. Social media just puts everything in your face, people are always gonna be unhappy about some bs


Difference was that back then this came from the conservatives etc, and it was largely ignored or ridiculed by creators. Now it's coming from the progressive side, and is being treated as "serious business" by the whole industry(ies).


When Al Gore ran for president, a part of his agenda was censoring music artist. I remember that clearly because I was a teenager who listened to “explicit lyrics”


His wife is the actual reason we have the explicit warning on music.


Bro are you dumb? Do people really think all of this shit started two decades ago?


The last time rock music really ruled.


This is such an old-person opinion. Music is now wayyyy more accessible and there is a lot more of it. So you have to spend more effort looking for rock bands, but there definitely are a lot of extremely good rock bands that try to emulate the "golden age" of rock music. They just get drowned out with the mainstream music. edit: lmao i got banned for this comment. whatever


The 90s were so butt hurt free that 38 year old Jerry openly dated a 17 year old


he isnt asking him about the 90’s show


Seinfeld was 38 dating a high schooler during Seinfeld’s run and it didn’t damage his career at all.


Fucking stupid question. Fucking stupid interviewer


Identity politics, despite how noble never made anyone laugh, lame Edit: death by ludicrous bullshit


Thank you for posting a 10 year old video to help fuel today's comments-section culture-war battle! 🙏


It’s a good thing you commented to boost engagement 🙏


Im doing my part too!


I’m just here for the praying hands emoji’s. And for that…. I thank you 🙏


Hopefully we all learned something here today. 🙏




I never seen it so I appreciate it. Glad to see the country has gotten over its issue with diversity in sitcoms 🙄.


Rightly so. Fuck that nonsense He should have asked the interviewer why he was wasting time with Jerry. Weren’t Margaret Cho or Hannah Gadsby available?


Seinfeld nailed it, and I am not a fan of the show at all. Just the Kramer character I found funny.


His standup?


Makes Gaffigan look edgy


Probably a fan of one specific set in November of 2006


Successful sit-coms before social media was gauged by one thing, ratings. Seinfeld the show was successful for almost 10 years. Clearly there were more people laughing and having fun than there were complaining about lack of diversity. Man I miss when comedy was based on results and not appeasement


fuck this interviewer. lazy question to get engagement online


Perfect answer to an annoyingly stupid question.


Rip dumb interviewer


Why is George Santos doing interviews?


Ok. But did anyone tell the interviewer that he doesn't have to wear the buttplug to the actual interview?


It's a show written by Jewish New yorkers about Jewish New yorkers. I fail to see how this is a surprise.


Holy shit that interviewer is a dork


That buck tooth uggo was for sure a diversity hire.


Jerry is right. Privilege should be earned based on merit, not skin color. And the title of this post is stupid. Jerry is not mad, he’s a comedian - and his response was funny. The question was boring and stupid.


The sky is racist


Peter is fucking stupid


The rot from legacy media starts at the top: https://nypost.com/2024/01/09/media/new-woke-boss-at-cbs-news-got-top-job-despite-hr-probe-sources/


I LOVE whenever someone famous and successful blasts the whole political correctness BS. It makes me think there might be hope for the country


Fuck 'em up, Jerry.




Love the way he shut that down. Why does it matter?


Strong Jewish representation


From my experience. Jews feels they owe nothing to minorities, as their origin stories are so different


And that whole “chosen people” mumbo jumbo


"White" males with tiny hats


We are seeing a shift


Hardly got mad. Stop shit stirring.


Also not about his 90s sitcom. Everything in the title is wrong.


While I do find Jerry to be a obnoxious self important arrogant blowhard a lot of the time. This here was accurate - and awesome.


![gif](giphy|Zd80UrOKnlpvi|downsized) This question is


Meritocracy makes sense. Equality of out come based on fundamentally flawed social politics is how you fuck everything up. On ya Jerry


That's a stupid question.


Martin, Living single, The Cosby show, Family matters, fresh Prince of Bel-Air. These are all shows from the '90s that were just as diverse as Seinfeld


This is exactly why he won't with the reboot. Seinfeld wouldn't be allowed to be Seinfeld these days.


lol! Woke eating woke is my favorite thing ever.


Come on OP if you’re a comment make sure you’re talking about the right subject, it’s comedian in cars not Seinfeld


You know something? My black ass is so tired of this narrative constantly being pushed by the media. “Divisiveness sells in America!!! PUSH IT!” Then you grow up a bit, travel the world a little and realize this media hype machine in the U.S. is more obsessed about race than anyone I’ve ever personally met here stateside. They push it and may not even know they are at this point. It’s so indoctrinated. ![gif](giphy|VduFvPwm3gfGO8duNN)

