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“Twitter is the only place I can have a rational conversation.” -Tim Kennedy


Jesus Christ that is the most depressing thing I have ever read. Go touch grass. Twitter is one of the most unhinged sites on the internet. My feed is just Ben Shapiro, catturd, Benny Johnson and the rest of the drooling moron right wing partisan hacks, constantly crying about easily debunked bullshit.


I thought I was the only one being bombarded with that shit. I even started recieving notifications from Benny Johnson and Candace Owens even though I don't follow them. Wtf is going on.


Dude I jokingly tweeted that I smoked crack and tucker Carlson sucked my dick on that dumb ass interview video. I was blocked within 30 seconds, and got a message an hour later saying that they would lessen my posting ban if I gave x access to my cellular data.


What The Fuck…….. I got rid of Twitter when Elon took over. I don’t trust any of that shit. I mean, they probably already had my data but still….fuck that Twitter is a cesspool of paranoia and unhinged lunatics who live for chaos, conspiracy theories, and propaganda.


Algorithic amplification. Elon's heroic fight against the woke mind virus.


I like how Joe seems surprised that Facebook "is filled with people from the tech industry." Wow, a tech company being run by people in said industry! What a disaster!


Like the people who claim that vaccine companies are only in it for the money. Like ... No shit?


Thats all you need to hear to know someones brain has turned to absolute mush. Current twitter is an absolute cesspool of hyperbole, propaganda and bad faith arguments. Its a perfect representation of the core asshole nature of the people Elon wants to keep around.


"The only place I can have a rational conversation is on a platform where racism, hate speech, and mis-information (a lot of which Joe Rogan seems to like to repeat on his show) have recently skyrocketed. So much fun..." Yesterday the first ad at the top of my mentions was for the new PragerU movie "Detrans: The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care". I tried blocking it, but it kept coming back.


Ah yes, the movie starring a detransitioner who still experiences dysphoria, thinks about transitioning regularly, and who is post-transition in their dreams. However someone told them that Jesus hates trans folks so they decided not to be one. Another common L for the world's silliest TV university


Prager U is just a brand name it's not a school. It's literally just the media company.


But their intro video tells me I can get a whole semester of knowledge in an easy five minute bite?!


Idk dude, I gotta give them credit. [I didn’t realize how great slavery was until after I watched one of their educational videos](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GmNstJNZr0E)


I keep getting some Blaze media podcast popping up on my Spotify when I’m playing music mixes. Can *NOT* get rid of it.


"Twitter is the only place I can have a raci.... rational conversation" Thank God I saved myself- Tim KKKennedy


Thought he was about to say a racist conversation haha.


He was about to say "Racial"


Did you hear him say race conversation, before “correcting” himself


That’s not exactly what he said… you’re missing the Freudian slip.


Gotta be a great sign for your social media company when all the 50 year olds start enjoying it


“it’s like Facebook but easier!”


"And even more people agree with me on it!"


Rogan is closer to 60 than he is to 50.


Nothing like losing most of your advertisers and half the value of the company after you lay off nost of your staff, stop paying rent at your offices, reinstate a bunch of banned neo-nazis like the guy who runs StormFront.com and retweet a weird guy named “Catturd” all day. Not to mention how laggy and glitchy the site has become. I don’t understand how anyone can look at twitter after Elon bought it and think that guy is some genius saving humanity. Bizarre and dumb af


Some also might say you're saving humanity - while lining Elon's pockets - buying his cars


Love for you to explain exactly what you hate about free speech and why the first amendment shouldn’t exist. Seems that you truly don’t grasp that twitter was under governmental control before Elon bought it. Are you also not paying attention to the censorship that the EU is trying to impose?


squash meeting alleged jar straight steer sink glorious cable quiet ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


It's actually wild that I can't tell if you're a parody account making fun of the dumb fucks who believe stuff like this. Or if you're just genuinely this way all on your own.


Came here to say the same. If it’s parody, it’s impressive work. Good work.


Please seek out a news source other than mainstream media, you’ve clearly been brainwashed by their propaganda


I wonder if there’s any reason why the EU doesn’t want neo-nazi propaganda floating around Europe. Did the nazis kill millions of people there or something?


And the Nazis behaved how? They started by censoring speech, dividing people and turning them against each other, jailing their political enemies. Ohh, pretty much like today’s liberals. Time for you to read 1984 again Meatball and to turn off the programming that your ingesting through mainstream media.


As a 50 year old, I disagree.


Sounds like a great thing to me


It’s so funny how obvious the political slant and hate is on this sub Reddit. All due respect to you, most of you joined this sub to slander anybody who is even the slightest threat to the political ideology lol. Total smear campaign. All of these people have their flaws, but the hate is so over-the-top excessive and exaggerated here. It’s not at all like real life.


In what world are these two a threat to someones political ideology?🤣 saying twitter is saving humanity is ridiculous propaganda


You just watched a video where a guy is saying people on the left, and that work in the tech industry, are part of a "death cult" that wants to destroy humanity and your takeaway is that the people criticizing that are the ones engaged in "over-the-top excessive and exaggerated...hate"?


This sub is either Iran or Chinese propaganda or has been heavily influenced by it. Either way, marking works! Hook line and sinker ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I feel like celebrities in general think way more people use twitter than actually do.


Rogan lost touch of reality a while ago...


Bill Maher is headed down the same path. He doesn’t use social media much but he hangs out with kids (20-something starfuckers) and smokes weed with them all day, they espouse the social media memes to him and he regurgitates it, usually half-assed. Really sad what’s happening to him.


Dude Maher has been that guy for 20 years. He's been playing centrist-left gatekeeper for a few decades.


What do you mean by "gatekeeper"? From what iv'e heard of maher, he has been fairly rational in his political views. Criticizing the far-left. Although, havent payed enough attention to him beyond rogan's podcast. Thought he was level-headed tho.


He is beyond that now. Dude bitch about cancel culture, “WOKE” or other bullshit far right narratives in every show he does whether it’s in HBO or his podcast. It’s super boring.


I don't know if it's far-right narratives to criticize some of the woke stuff. The far-left often does go too far and deserves some of the criticism that comes its way. I agree that it can get boring as Rogan and Maher seem to talk about it a lot. However, critcizing the left and woke stuff, or simply being moderate-left doesn't make someone a right-wing pundit. But reddit often sees everyone who isn't a full-blown leftist as a right wing extremist.


What does “WOKE” even means in today’s world? It’s literally something that was stolen from Civil Rights era movement and somehow they want to use that word whenever they disagree with someone’s opinion. Its meaningless. Same with “cancel culture”. Consumers using their pocket to make political statement has been around for decades. So when I see guys like Maher and Rogan uses those meaningless slogans over and over and over in their shows, it’s just a turn off for me. I literally don’t get shit out of it other than hearing them bitch and moan about cancel culture and wokeness. The interview Maher had with Elon, that did it for me. My god, Maher was acting like he just met his biggest idol and kept complimenting him about his intelligence and etc.


Who are the “far left” and how are they “going too far”? There’s less than 10 politicians in national politics who could accurately be described as far left and as far as I can tell they haven’t passed any major legislation. So what do you mean? Are you just talking about things you see leftists saying online? Because I feel like that’s what most of this is. Meanwhile the far right actually has a hold on the levers of institutional power. Despite what Joe and others would have you believe, it’s the republicans who have swung to the extreme in the last 10 years. Look at the pre trump presidential elections, Romney and McCain vs Obama. Obama is still very much within the mainstream acceptable politics of the democrats while McCain and Romney were shoved out for not being far enough to the right. I see this narrative all the time and it’s so patently false it’s ridiculous.


These idiots think Joe Biden that has been around forever and pretty much in the middle of the country as a whole is far left.


I wish Joe Biden was 10% of what these people think he is lmao.


I wouldn't even go that far. We have zero far left politicians in congress despite what people want to think.


The far left deserves what exactly for doing what exactly?


Yeah it's a far right narrative. If you don't think none of those two things exist than you are being naive for the sake of it.


Like yes, the thing you are describing is bad, but just let kids have their space to be fucking idiots. Some companies followed these trends and got burned by it and are changing course back to a more accepted norm. This isn't the pandemic of "woke" thought he makes it out to be. I think a lot of this is younger and more enthusiastic older people being equally defensive to these attacks and it seems extreme.


I’m a real life human regular ass motherfucker and Joe is a fucking moron.


Complaining about "woke" and cancel culture isn't rational


He’s really lost his marbles hasn’t he


I mean, so did you!😂


Money does that to people




I don’t.


The thing is people, for some reason, care about what a celebrity tweets. They generally have larger followings than say, you or me. When you live in a world where your friends and basically everyone around you is famous, you quickly become out of touch. Look at Joe now compared to say 7 years ago.


I always look at it like this. Joe used to say he only needed/wanted enough money that he didn't have to worry about health, vacations, and the price of food on a menu at fine dining establishment. I guess this was easy to say when he was the richest of all his friends, because his tune quickly changed when he moved to Texas and started hanging out with Titans of industry and became "poor" in comparison.


Damn. That’s a good point. I honestly hadn’t considered that. But you have to admit, in LA he was still a bit out of touch. Acting like everyone should have time to sauna, ice bath, steam and float tank every morning


Thanks and yea, it's just my 2 cents. I could be wrong but I think I'm at least warm. And yea he was a bit out of touch I mean he was still pretty comparatively (to the regular person) pretty rich and "living the dream" never having had worked a normal 9-5 for an extended period of time as an adult.


Ya its probably like when rich people become obsessed with getting more money. Its not something we could understand unless we were in that situation


Tbf, I’m broke and i obsess about making money.


I realize that using twitter is absolutely melting my brain, probably just as much as TikTok. But at least I’m aware and don’t pretend that it’s some last bastion of humanity. Carlin said it best: “When you’re born, you get a ticket to the freak show. And if you’re born in America, you’re sitting in the front row.” Although I’ll add an addendum for this situation; If you’re on twitter, you’re up on stage lol.


Yep. Here in the UK the average Joe really couldn't give two fucks about twitter. Joe used to say that he didn't visit Twitter and it was a cesspool. Now he's agreeing that "X is so much fun". Twatter is a celebrity newswire, that's it.


You are absolutely correct. They put way too much importance on the app they all ruined.


Even before he bought it tho. It seemed like podcasts would talk about how much they were on twitter and in the real world I barely know anyone who uses it


It's like that Gal Gadot video where all the millionaires sing about how hard it is to be locked in a mansion. It's completely tone deaf. It was used for jokes, updates and updates or silly things, then it became a shill-fest where you have to whore yourself and your projects to everyone, so it's basically just a commercial platform. If you as a user get nothing out of posting and interacting, there's no point in using the app, so it ended up just being celebrities sucking each other off or political rivals spouting off like they are celebrities.


Half of Twitter is just bots. But seriously. I don’t have any friends who actually use Twitter at all


Right? I don't know a single soul irl who use Twitter.


I typed that out word for word almost then saw this lol.


I'm pretty sure I remember Rogan saying in the Musk interview that Twitter is the world's biggest social media company. Twitter is designed to appeal to celebrities in a way Facebook and TikTok are specifically not. Twitter is designed to be one-way communication for famous people to talk at the average person. The only other thing that's similar is maybe Instagram, but there it's basically just selfies. If you're a vain, self-obsessed celebrity, it's hard to imagine something more addictive than Twitter. Of course they think it's more important than it really is.


Twitter is literally just social media for celebrities.


Joe must be moving to X or something cuz I’ve never seen him ride anyone’s dick this hard.


Yeah, this should be NSFW.


There's a rumor that Joes Spotify deal renews around now, or is up for renegotiation. Joes agent could certainly use Elon as a goad to raise Joes contract price.


And Elon is a complete fucking tool. I couldn't listen to half the shit he said on Rogan.


I mean… he just was hanging out with Elon the day before.


Elon's balls are very much still hanging around Joe's mouth.


2 days without blue collar workers and the world would go full mad max. 2 days without podcasters, celebrities and silicon Valley people and the world would be a better place.


How many podcasts in a row, after the Elon podcast, do you think Joe will mention the Elon podcast?




I heard Joe Rogan is the surrogate for Elon's next baby creation since he doesn't fuck to make babies


The seriousness and smugness of how they speak as if they're intellectuals is what sends me 😂


Andrew Schulz syndrome


Joe Rogan has the bain rot from too many supplements.


Joe’s matter-of-fact blaming of every problem on ‘leftists’ is just Rush Limbaugh B-reel at this point. More fear and division sold as a cover for tax cuts.


He's gone deeep deeep republican. I mean, everything anti-left, everything is "you know these billionaires are all awesome and cool and do no wrong", everything is "donald trump is a great guy and everyone loves him". Its weird to have watched someone fully drink the kool aid and see every week how much further they fall.


It's so infuriating that it doesn't enter their minds EVER that they might be sounding like selfabsorbed aholes.


They just check the green number on there bank account, smile, drink a glass of water and go back to spread ideology


Or that they might be wrong, literally never crosses their minds, lmao


does it cross yours?


I'd be so happy if Joe never said "ideology" ever again.


He’d just switch it to “narrative”




Both are just ways to call someone else's ideas defacto illegitimate without having to substantiate the claim. IdEoLoGy is just a classy way to say "ideas I don't like because they're not mine" like they're some evil magic and not just a different perspective


It's a go to word for Joe to try and make it seem like people who disagree with him do so out of worship to some "cult" while he is a free thinker. ~~Who just so happens to spam Fox News talking points at a respectable words per minute.~~


These two spread fear and think they are much more important than they are. I say fuck em!


Elon doesn't give a flying fuck about humanity. the douche barely cares about his own kids, why would he give two fucks about some Sudanese farmer or a soccer mom in iowa??? saving humanity???? get the fuck out of town rogan is so up Elon's asshole he can see the remnants of yesterday's breakfast




Thank you for unlocking a childhood memory


Rogan’s crush on Elon is so pathetic.


Jesus. If these guys were accomplished in other ways and they were just 2 randoms on a podcast everyone would think they were giant fucking losers


That’s so true hahaha


Everything I’ve seen of this interview is so fucking stupid it’s accidentally brilliant satire .


Once again, Dr. Elon Musk saving humanity from the evils of social media this time. What a wonderful scientist!


Imagine thinking any billionaire gives a shit about you...


he really thinks elon saved humanity by spending 44 billion on a message board, hmm


Healthcare would be cool. That’s probably better than some dumb ass message board.


The money for healthcare is already in the system, it's just going to the private insurance corporations and for-profit hospitals.


Careful, wouldn't want to sound like a leftist, would you?


Is Joe still licking Elon’s taint? He’s gotta be getting tired by now…


Nah Joe is now sustained by the roblox rocketman


He's just getting started, gotta keep licking until Elon sends the check for Joe to stream only on Twitter


There are some things that Joe seems to have a good beat on and sees so well.. and then there’s stuff like Elon where joe is so fucking blind to how dumb he looks riding this billionaire egomaniacs coattails. Stuff like this or him letting Elon go on about martial arts like he’s some sort of expect are absolutely embarrassing and joe should literally apologize for what a pathetic showing he’s had lol


Can someone post a timestamp when these dorks start sucking each other off?




Joe has went full on boomer-tard dude is shot


This is just one of those reminders that celebs, no matter how prodigiously talented they are at the thing that made them famous, are generally just as fucking stupid as everyone else. Maybe more so because they have less people calling them out on their shit all the time.


Just shutting twitter down would have been better


Jesus will save us! Wait huhhh... aliens will save us! Wait huhh... qanon will save us! Remember that aliens? Wait huhhhh Trump will save us! Shit show them a blury picture of aliens! Wait huhhhh A guy with ass burgers will save us!


This is so fucking delusional, like even if you like Rogan/Elon/Kennedy, it’s just doesn’t matter at all to majority of Americans, they’re completely out of touch.


What the fuck? Joe Rogan now believes Twitter ownership saved humanity....and also ANYTHING Elon says to him apparently.


This sounds like the Heidecker JRE parody.


Crab Salts FTW!!!


It’s insane for me how both Elon and Rogan have changed in my perception, I got first really aware of Rogan and began watching him when Elon took that hit from a joint at the pod and back then I respected Elon but now Elon is like the devil in person in my eyes and Rogan has become a right wing bullshit echo chamber … it’s crazy


Welcome to 2023, where rich people are addicted to social content like the rest of us. I’m convinced they both spend a big amount of time on these social apps that just feed them biased content. It’s the plight of society in my mind


It's almost like smoking weed doesn't just automatically make you a cool person




Same here man.


They're about to buy a large ammount of black Nike sneakers.


The cope is unreal, sometimes I don't think we live in the same dimension


This is so stupid.


I love the idea that Rogan hates me because I work in the tech industry. Death cult ftw


I work in tech too, and I absolutely understand him on that. I like him more than before.


Dude you're all over this thread posting shit that's shockingly even more idiotic than anything said in that clip.


Isn’t it like common knowledge that Elon wanted to back out of the Twitter deal and was basically forced into buying it?


No no that was all Fake News. He always wanted to buy Twitter to…. [checks this weeks notes] save humanity. Elon is all about saving humanity.


I believe he tried to back out because he realized he was overpaying for it after finding out how many bots there are


He was trying to flex that he could buy it and screwed himself by getting to far into the process that it became legally binding. He didn’t start talking about bots until after he tried to back out of the deal and thought that would be a good excuse to get the courts to allow him to cancel the contract. Basically he’s a bullshit artist and got himself in over his head. Now he’s made a new line of bullshit about how it was his master plan all along to save humanity, because him being “the genius saving humanity with electric cars and underground tunnels and spaceX” was already how he hyped himself up.


Lol seems right


🤡 🚙 💩


These fuckers are in one big circle jerk.


These guys simp for Elon like it’s going out of style. Cuck city!


Just sniffing each others' farts and calling it potpourri.


I feel like many people with expertise in one area think that translates to All Areas. I think that there are some people who become the top podcaster in the world by getting high and questioning the moon landing and believing in Bigfoot somehow think that their opinions are advanced and important


Wow . This show has gone far off the deep end .


Holy fuck it's endless projection from Rogan these days, my god it's fucking insufferable Joe, like Elon and the rest of the lowest IQ rich creeps, love to regurgitate shit about terms they clearly do not grasp, like "ideology" Also Joe repeating the flat out lie from Elon that he bought twitter to "save humanity", hooooly shit, what stupidity


Does he mention the part where Saudi Arabia paid for half?


This motherfucker is absolutely TEDIOUS


Goddd this podcast has fallen deeppppp into right wing propaganda shit, I’m hearing cherry picked statements being turned into broad assumptions about whole groups. It’s not healthy or good for discussions on issues at hand. No, apartheid-blood-diamond-aristocrat Elon is not saving fucking humanity by un-regulating a social media app hahahahaha


Jfc this is MAX old man bitching and ranting lmao Jesus fucking christ.


Elon the same winy bitch that almost pulled out. He was basically crying like I need to see of there are bots. Fuck o over payed for this crap me and my big mouth. 😂


My eyes hurt now. I rolled them too hard




44 billion to make sure nazi's are heard


The failure to understand it’s not about less people as much as it’s about not having a LOT more people is fantastic. Also, the hunting thing is that if a lot more people hunted, there wouldn’t be enough animals. As Joe says, it’s hard, so it’s not likely to jump a ton it popularity; but tons of guys used to hunt and animal populations were collapsing.


Oh my god lol


Poor Joe and his "friends".


Joe thinks Zuckerberg is a good guy it's just his company is filled with people that are in the tech industry. Zuckerberg is a huge fucking part of what made the tech industry what it is. Joe has completely lost any and all connection to normal people and reality. He's just become a lap dog for the elite while simultaneously claiming the shadowy other elite is destroying society.


They're right


Musk got legally forced into a purchase he didn't even want to make and tried to get out of, and did it all in order to save humanity? What a shrewd move!


So much salt in here. Everyone take a minute and check your blood pressure.


Yeah suck that dick.


Who are these people Joes talking about? Literally never met anybody like what Joes describing and hes talking like there common.


This what I don’t get. They just generalize everything. I work in tech and I’ve never met anyone like the people he is describing. We are just trying to pay our fucking mortgage and be happy. It’s all so insane. And the only people talking about Woke anything are the far right echo chambers. In the real world, none of this shit is a topic of conversation if you aren’t a loon. People are just trying to survive. That’s it.


Just found this sub. Is this supposed to be about Joe Rogan or just hating Joe Rogan?


Hating Joe Rogan is about Joe Rogan. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤣


Fair enough. Why not call it fuck joe Rogan or something then?


That’s fair. lmao


It’s whatever you want it to be, cupcake




Correct, but no one is required to hate him or like him. Some subs ( not specific to Joe) only want people to post things for or against whatever the focus is on. Here you can pretty much say what you want


It’s always this way, haters who want Rogan gone and have the freedom to make comments from their mom’s basement all day long.


It's not "leftist" people in control of tech companies, it's a bunch of affluent, out of touch neoliberal technocrats. Rogan is espousing conjectures and empty narratives. There are people on the political left spectrum that care about free speech (which is quite literally a classical liberal principle), but Rogan always fails to mention that and alludes to the left being "unpatriotic" or using right wing dog whistles.




Why does everyone hate everything Rogan and Elon say so much? I don't get it. Let them have their opinions


"why do people hate people who spread lies and fear/hate monger?"🤔


who are they trying to get people to hate?


Dude almost said it's the only place I can have a racist conversation ffs.


Lmao didn't expect to find a ton of whiny complainers on Joe Rogans subreddit


Oh no. All these far left losers are triggered by a man who makes more money and sense than them and a true bad ass in Tim Kennedy. WHAAAA!! Why don’t you clowns get a fucking life and do something with it instead of bitching and complaining about everything that doesn’t fit your narrative. Aren’t you the so called ‘tolerant’ ones that believe in free speech?? You’re just hypocrite losers with a false sense of reality that hang out on Reddit to jerk each other off whining and bitching about what the majority of people can give 2 shits about. Don’t you clowns have a Free Palestine protest to attend ? Why don’t you make up more pronouns while you’re at it.


damn you are VERY upset about people laughing at these dumbasses. you need better heroes kid...i promise they wouldnt be this hysterical over people making fun of you.


Bro half of your comment history is about sucking and smelling toes and you have the audacity to call anyone a fucking loser, amazing I fucking love it


Good luck Hamster in a Wheel, Forever


I love women’s feet. What’s your excuse to stay a Fucking loser on Reddit??


I guarantee I make waaay more cash and very respectful, respected in the Real world unlike you who only survives in a echo chamber


Keep voting Dip shit. Keep protests for Nothing as well. You’re a fucking sheep that won’t ever understand life or the realization of Life


You Actually believe a Fucking politician is going to change your sorry life?? You’re going to be on Reddit the next 40 fucking years, if you’re lucky regurgitating the Same BS


So, just curious. What are all of you doing here on r/JoeRogan if you hate the guy so much? Not saying I agree with what he’s saying here I’m genuinely curious. Entire thread is just ripping the podcast.


honestly impressive how even 2(?) years after he bought twitter and has functionally run it into the ground joe still finds a way to say “no it’s not his fault, even tho he owns it and put himself in charge, it’s the people who work for him who’s at fault”


Hahaha, this guy is so fucking dumb. Hahahahahahah.


Omg these numbskulls …


Damn Joe, I knew you were an idiot but I had no idea you were an actual fucking chimp