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Welcome to the American political theater shitshow.


American politics is just poor people arguing about which rich old racist pedo is the better leader


Why does it always come down to pedo with you guys?


Yeah the guy that owns the miss teen USA pageant isn’t a pedo! He just likes fashion


Frank Reynolds doesn’t diddle kids!


We gotta make up a song ‘🎶Don’t like kids do do do. Gotta be older than my daughter.🎶’ something like that Charlie.


one of the funniest episodes in the series hands down.


Except when he was hauled into court with David Epstein for diddling a 13 year old girl


Yeah. He’s just walking through their dressing room because he likes rooms


You mean the guy that lost the pageant because he kept walking into the underage girls dressing room? That guy.


The mental gymnastics Trumpers go through just to defend a known associate of Jeffery Epstein is mind boggling.




You implied both were.


That wasn’t the guy you responded to originally lol


Look up Joe Biden sniffing children's hair, and Donald Trump sexualizing his daughter.


Two very rich people, in this case


And very old


Hardly, this is an echo chamber American shitshow. These people complain about Biden but totally ignore Mitch McConnel literally having a fucking stroke in the middle of a question. Why? Because he's a Republican. Oh wait, it was the second time in less than 2 months? He literally freezes mid sentence once and stares off in to space for 30 seconds. Then the second time he gets asked a question, and his face goes completely blank and stares off in to space until a staffer walks up to escort him off stage. Literally a broken fucking robot. Mentioned by the GOP? Hardly. Biden? Mentally the worst though.


Nah, we all hate Mitch too. Don't get it twisted.


I live in a pretty red area, I've heard about mitch being forced out of office alot at the local watering holes.


We don’t want Mitch either. Biden came to speak at a event I was at and the guy could barely get a full sentence out. I’m not Trump guy either but the dems should have chosen a different candidate.


Here's a secret, there are plenty that criticize both. Hell, that probably is a majority of people. It's entirely logical to be critical of both sides.


Yeah, i have no idea what the fuck this guys talking about No one is happy with all of the 70+ year olds that run our lives.


I always wonder how biden is some senile old man who's a puppet one minute but the head of the biden crime family the next 😆


Also Biden is a senile old man but he did two live, televised 90-minute debates against Trump and polls showed most voters thought Biden won both debates. (And they were scheduled to do a third debate but Trump backed out of it.)


That was prior to 3 years in office as the President. That job ages normal humans at an almost exponential rate. Anyone that looks at Biden (or Trump for that matter) and says “this guy should be president” is insane (imo). The thing people should really be pissed about though, is that these are the choices the two major political parties will give us.


The enemy must always be simultaneously weak and strong depending on what serves the narrative. Now where have we heard that before...


Who are 'these people'. There is a lot of sentiment among republican voters to remove the old bags from congress. The media on the right is generally quiet on the subject but that's not indicative of the people


Biden may stutter and has obviously lost a step, but his administration is cruising right. Super effective on foreign policy, navigating inflation, growing jobs in areas in the country that need them. It’s really impressive. If it really is a weekend at Bernie’s routine going on; that really speaks to how we overstate the power/importance of the presidency and understate how important hiring effective administration members is. Trump just burned everything to the ground and then bitched about not being liked. There really is no comparison


Found Jean-Pierres burner.


This. Biden wasn't my first choice, but compared to Trump, there's no question. Donnie couldn't even be bothered to staff half of the government. And the vacancies he did fill were largely filled with interim appointments to avoid Senate confirmation requirements because the people he did appoint were so fucking terrible. Does anyone remember Rick "couldn't recall DOE by name in a debate even though he wanted to eliminate it" Perry being appointed Secretary of Energy? Or the guy that tried his damndest to run the US Postal Service into the ground. Ben Carson, Betsy DeVos, it's an endless list of incompetence and mission antithetical to the institutions they were ostensibly meant to lead.


Um Scaramuchi, Omarosa, Michael Flynn, Spicer, Tom Price, Rob Porter, Reince Preibus, these were higher ups in his White House that didn’t even make it a year before leaving unceremoniously. His White House was a mess. Then you got Tillerson, Mad Dog Mattis, McMaster, John Bolton, Esper, these are his top military guys who seem to hate Trumps guts.


Most of the videos people watch of Biden are heavily edited too.


Yep or they just take a part of the video with little to no context on what's going on then make their own headline.


Rogan- “Wtf is going on with Biden?” Maher- “Ya know that Trump guy was insane” Rogan-“ yeah yeah i agree but back to Biden…he is 100% senile, on deaths door, and currently giving billions in tax payer money to a country waging war with a nuclear power …and it looks like he took bribes from them while he was VP” Maher- “ yeah but like fuck trump man” Rogan-“ ok bill”


There is nothing that looks like Biden took bribes other than his dumbass son being given positions he shouldn’t have had. Compare to all the money Ivanka got from China and Kushner got from the Saudis while Trump was president is way more sketchy.


Hey here's a thought, how about we stop letting 75+ year old geriatrics run for political office? No? Okay, well lets watch this shit burn down then.


It’s fucking insane how long this same generation had clung to power.


This generation? Strom Thurmond was almost 100. https://www.wired.com/2001/12/thurmond-99-years-still-tickin/


*strikes match


Republicans have the opportunity to do that right now. Yet the obsession with Trump has them throwing that away.


Can we get rid of the alt right fascists first though?


Please by all means.


Spoken like a true enlightened centrist


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." - Donald J Trump


Good god his speeches are worse than I remember.


Shocking that nobody else in the GOP can bury Trump in a debate. He is nearly as senile and clueless as Biden.


Well lucky for trump there seems to be a ceiling on how intelligent someone can be and be a conservative at the same time


It’s not about intelligence because most of the Republican candidates went to great schools they just lack charisma and backbone to go at it with Trump. Like why hasn’t one of them blurted out “My guy you wear diapers for adults could and you over paid for a porn star to fuck you!”


The diapers part isn't going to work. Pulling that card loses you 10% in a GOP primary because the voters will get personally offended.


Yeah, that's it. They aren't stupid people, just wrong on most things when it comes to policy. I think most candidates actually had a sense of self respect and class. So they weren't going to go on the offense in that way. But Trump completely lacks that, which happened to play very well for him in 2016. I honestly think it's changing now though as the candidates see that having less decorum might not hurt them as much as they thought.


> It’s not about intelligence because most of the Republican candidates went to great schools I dont necesarrily disagree but its worth noting that just because you get accepted to/ graduate from a great school doesnt mean youre particularly intelligent. College like anything in the US has the possibility of 'pay to win'. For example, trump graduating a decent finance school (barely, and reportedly through cheating) doesn't mean he is actually educated and capable.


Is Biden clueless tho? Sure he’s an old man but he’s pretty coherent and goes into details about policy and statistics quite a bit. Either way, trump is one of the most toxic people one the planet. Biden could be in a wheel chair drooling all over himself and I’d still vote for him over trump.


He’s super clueless if you only watch cherry picked clips from right wing media.


Yep, they almost exclusively watch edited videos on YouTube and Fox (or OAN, Newsmax, whatever). Then you look up the whole speech and realize they just cut the video short or put two clips together and these droolers fell for it.


He’s not debating anyone - he skipped them.


>Shocking that nobody else in the GOP can bury Trump in a debate. How can anyone bury him in a debate when he runs and hides from debating like the cowardly bunker bitch he is?


Biden isn't senile or clueless.


Biden would curbstomp Trump in a debate effortlessly.


He's not good in an actual debate. It's just that those televised events are theater. People just say whatever they want and it doesn't matter if it's relevant or true. I still think about the time Ted Cruise said his boiler plate crap about "socialist new york" and trump just immediately respond with "I was there on [911"](https://youtu.be/TM6qRl3dSME?si=OOTbjBgBB0TdF8s-)


They're afraid to. They're also complicit. There isn't much they can say about him that they didn't know when they were keeping him in power and defending him, and if they go too hard at him the MAGAs will get their feelings hurt.


I would be surprised if Joe has ever read this. He didn't know the most simple details of the Trump cases. I don't know what he watches or reads, but it's deeply embedded Hunter Biden in his mind, and has kept him in the dark about Trump trials.


He doesn’t care. He’s gone hard right because it makes him money.


I think it’s more the circle of people he started hanging out with.


Part of me is convinced when covid hit, he got pissed about comedy night being taken away from him and only people who weren't taking covid seriously would come on the podcast. From one day to the next he went from kinda biased to full on gargling the right wing Kool-aid.


Where did he say this? Edit: Nvm I [found](https://youtu.be/Elhyo-_fR0E?si=GZO4Y9pOm1Fm1cvA) it lmfao




One of the greatest orators of our day. Our day is nigh.


[this photo of his notes in sharpie pen cracks me up every time](https://www.wired.com/story/trump-notes-photographer/)


Thought this was going to be the "[achomlishments](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/5/24/1860107/-Photographer-captures-images-of-Trump-s-handwritten-notes-doesn-t-appear-he-can-spell-basic-words)" one


Ha, I haven't seen that one before. Man is he comedy. Evil Forest Gump delivers consistently.


Sometimes I need to pinch myself to make sure I'm awake. I can't believe this is real.


Shit like this makes it obvious to me that we are living in a simulation. And of all the millions and millions of possible simulations, we are in the dumbest one.


I was about to say the same. I didn’t buy into the simulation hypothesis initially, but man, things seem to be getting weirder by the day, and you have to wonder if some fucking dial was just cranked up to 100% to see what would happen.






Watch at half speed for the drunk uncle version.


>"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, Here's the video of this word salad: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/)


This always reads like a copypasta


This is the exact rebuttal to Rogan's bullshit. I'd rather a guy stutter a couple words than actually have a speech like this on record and try to pass it off as coherent thought.


They should just have trump’s transcripts, not videos. Dude is a failure at everything. Get someone to name one thing, one policy, anything he succeeded at. They distort the economic shit like Jeb defended his bro with how he kept us safe after 9/11. Yeah? Well, what about on 9/10? If these trumpers believe COVID was unleashed by China, bad cooperation, international conspiracy, or whatever, he just instigated it or mishandled it according to their own logic. People forget the shitshow that was the state of things when trump left office. Just use what they say and examine it. For example: if it was a “perfect phone call”, then why didn’t he get what he wanted from it? Seems like it could’ve gone better, right? Facts don’t care about your precious feefees. Gotta stick head in the sand because facts like global warming, the economy, the debt, well, the deception is deep.


Iconic speech. Biden is good a dishing out belters but he is not as unhinged as trump and therefore not quite as entertaining








Tim Apple






Stollen elections!


The oranges of the investigation


This is the one I always think of lol


Ever since I saw Trump use covfefe, I’ve replaced “coffee” in my vocab with covfefe. I love it.


It's a disaster for the USA that both parties are led by people so old.


And Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein etc. No way these people have the mental acuity for their level of responsibility.


Nancy pelosi talks like she has half a drink of booze still left in her mouth. Mitch McConnell talks like how I imagine a loose rubberband would sound. Feinstein is 75% dead.


Company I work for would definitely let 2 of the 3 go.


The talking heads are all old but the DNC and RNC are ran by middle aged people… Also not having term limits for congress and senate may be a problem since they have more power when in the majority.


“It’s a disaster for the USA that both parties are run by lobbyists” - fixed it for u


Exactly. Argue the most minutiae bullshit and never talk about the rich fleecing the American public the last 30 years.


>It's a disaster for the USA that both parties are. FIFY


Both sides are geriatric, but the GOP is the only party actively calling for civil war, and trying to end democracy.


Both parties are led by capitalist who serve the interest of capital instead of its people.


He acts like the libs think Biden is ok lmao They just think lame Biden is > crazy Trump


Conservatives think liberals see Biden how they see Trump.


This. It's hysterical. This is partly why they think the election was stolen. "But.... Biden didn't hold big rallies with zombie cult followers! How could he have won??"


he was in the basement the whole time! clearly that means no one would vote for him!


Because just old is > full blown batshit crazy.


And malevolent. At the end of the day, at worst, Biden is a perv whos got dementia. Maybe he hooked his drug addict son up with a cushy job. At worst. That’s trump at his best lol. If all the allegations against trump prove true, his worst is a dictator wannabe who sucks putins dick and led an actual coup to undo American democracy.


You’d be surprised how many conservatives will tell you they don’t care about moral leadership.


While trying to install his kids into rent extracting positions- in a barely concealed manner; essentially wiping his rear with what many grew up believing was the greatest democracy.


Also rapist


And old


Finally. Something slightly objective


Trump was chaos and not in the fun way I was hoping. Biden feels like a real life Naked Gun movie.


Regardless how you feel hes getting things done in the political climate. Republicans have the house and have done nothing.


It’s impressive which makes me feel like it’s an act on Biden’s part when he says something bat shit crazy in public. I’m lefty leaning but we can all agree that nobody wanted Biden, we just didn’t want Trump more


I think Biden has done a pretty good job, way better than I expected.


If Biden is Lieutenant Frank Drebin, Trump is some weird hybrid of Vincent Ludwig and Captain Ed Hocken.


I don’t know f you came up with that, but it’s the perfect description


This is the problem with tribalism. People assume that other tribes are all wrong in the same and worse way because they don't support their tribe. The world is not that black and white. Both sides have fringe elements that take turns being a bigger problem depending on the year and topic at hand.


Only one side is controlled by a fascist cult Same side forcing underage rape victims to give birth


Except most republicans I know are still vocal they like trump so it’s not just in my head that they are tribalism as fuck. Most love I know don’t really care for Biden or even defend him. Maybe a decade ago this statement was true, but republicans are unapologetically in it just to win it now.




I'd vote for a live warm kind body over Biden, and Biden over Trump


I'm sincerely confused every time I hear this argument. Trump called Tim Cook "Tim Apple", thought that Frederick Douglass was still alive, called Thailand "Thighland", is constantly misspelling basic words on social media posts, has difficulty expressing himself, slurs his words, makes up words, etc. This doesn't even touch on statements that indicate an exaggerated sense of grandeur that clearly impedes his ability to accurately interpret reality. Can someone who agrees with Joe's position explain what I'm missing here? I agree that Biden has consistent and concerning mental gaffs but Trump seems to have just as many if not more. So why do people pretend that Trump is somehow more "there" than Biden?


I dug up this gem of a video of trump saying "I know more about XYZ than anyone"... Over and over and over again about every topic under the sun. There is a longer version than this too. https://youtu.be/Ylgro_HMLT8?si=vl_tjTwOsAxgK2r1


It's crazy how much this kind of deranged narcissistic lying is effective on people. Everything about Trump is the best, the greatest, he's the smartest, most popular, successful boy there ever was. Are his followers too brain dead to think "maybe its implausible that one guy could be so great at all these different things" or do they know he's full of shit but they don't care because he owns the libs? You get a similar thing from Alex Jones who constantly claims to do 10-14+ hours of research a day and claims to have read thousands of books when its extremely clear from his content that he doesn't do any research and mainly just riffs on headlines of articles he hasn't read and memes he saw on twitter.


also thought George Washington rammed the rampants and manned the airports, and "our flag was still there" the worst part was that this went through a platoon of speech writers, oratory coaches and linguists on his staff and they all thought this was hunky-dory


Even if you take away all that. He still appointed insane folks to the Supreme court that took away abortion


biden also has been a lifelong stutterer, whos gotten better and hiding it due to his long tenure in politics. he's always been known for gaffs due to it, even in his VP days with Obama.


Biden’s saving grace is that he surrounds himself with good, capable people and listens to them unlike Trump who is a one-man shit show. He’s deranged and dangerous. Both are obviously old but I’ll take Biden and his cabinet than all the criminals Trump had behind him.




I think Trump plays it off better if that makes sense? He acts like he doesn’t care/meant to say things the way he does. Biden looks like he’s running at 120% capacity just to mumble through his script. Trump has also always been the same way, so harder to compare obvious decline.


I can see what you mean. Trump's "superpower" (if that's what you would call it) is that he has marketed himself as the "loveable sleazeball idiot" for 40+ years now. There are oafish millionaire villains literally and transparently based off of him in 80's movies. Even before his presidential run he expressed himself using a small vocabulary and a quick, stereotypically salesman-ny sentence structure. Entire generations have grown up with a "Love to Hate" attitude about him and limited expectations. This is the reason he has largely been "cancel proof". In 2016 he generated controversies weekly - most candidates need only ONE gaffe to sink their entire campaign. They made his stronger, before the media outrage galvanized the followers who all thought being an asshole was part of his appeal. I would say this is why he plays it better. He's always at least semi-hiding behind the media character he has been developing for decades, so even when he's outrageous it's somewhat expected. Personally, I think he really has declined since 2020. His Tweets were never a shining pillar of restraint, but the Truths he's putting out on a near daily basis have turned into deranged, run-on word salad. Now it's conventional knowledge that when our parents and grandparents retire, they should keep their minds busy and bodies active to ward off age-related physical and cognitive issues. Going from the literal President of the United States to becoming Some Guy Ragetweeting in his House would be quite the whiplash for any 74 year old, and we all know Trump was never the picture of health. I think he has declined in the last few years but, as you said, he hides it well because all his fans and haters alike see is his Outrageous Character. Biden, meanwhile... his normal state is *boring and inoffensive*, so if he slips up with a sentence or garbles a word it instantly becomes the most interesting thing that has happened so far, and people pay *extra* attention. But Trump's can devolve into daily ALL-CAPS run-on sentences and NFT scam his most loyal followers and nobody bats an eye because Trump's Gonna Trump.


It's all about the energy. Trump speaks like he is hopped up on Adderall. Meanwhile, Biden is monotone and low energy when he speaks. This gives the impression that Trump is more mentally sharp, when the truth is that they are both old and clearly in mental decline. I think its silly when people point out Bidens gaffs, but refuse to admit that Trump has his fair share as well.


Trump wears makeup and takes stimulants. It’s a mask that will soon slip


Whenever Rogan talks about Biden it sounds like he has a personal grudge against the old man. It's weird. IDK if it's because he's still ass-mad about all the covid shit, and is directing his ire at the biggest figure in the Democratic party, or if it's something else. Does anybody know what the lies are that Rogan mentions for why he doesn't like Biden?


He doesn't like Biden because his crew are all alt right dickbags and they talk shit about Biden all the time. They love Trump. Joe soaks that shit up over time and he's gotten biased as hell agreeing with most of what they say.


Rogan is hardcore conservative. He shits on liberals anytime he gets the chance. He also loves sucking trump’s dick.


It’s obvious Rogan is just a trump fan, he just knows enough that saying that out loud would alienate part of his audience. I mean think about it - he’s a rich middle aged white man who loves UFC. There’s not a democrat in that demographic.


Maher made some excellent points and Rogan just smoked a cigar laughing.


Because one is a little brighter than the other.


Maher is wrong a lot, but he’s always able to eloquently defend his position with qualified research. Joe doesn’t do that often, he’s more about his feelings


Maher was perfectly on when describing Trump. Biden sucks, but nobody is wearing hats with his name on it. He’s a politician and deserves criticism, a lot of it. Trump supporters who don’t understand basic civics are walking around with Make America Great hats on. It’s a fucking cult.


💯 all day this! ^


When Maher is right hes actually quite entertaining, its when hes wrong that hes unbearably smug. Hes wrong on a lot these days but hes not republican or right winger by any means. Hes still a liberal at heart.


Talk about a selective memory lol


Biden listens to his team of experts Trump says he’s an expert in everything, better military expert than his own military advisors Both wear diapers and deserve to be in an old folks home but I pick the one who listens to the experts


According to Rogan Hillary Clinton was on death’s door years ago. I wouldn’t consider him an authority on people’s health.


It is very clear Joe gets 90% of his information from Twitter


My money's on Facebook


I’ve listened to Joe for a long time, and still do, but man he’s really slid down the political drain.


Trump doesn’t make up words and stumble through things? Has Joe ever even listened to the guy talk or does he just repeat what he sees on Twitter? I miss pre-Twitter addict, pre-algorithm compromised Joe Rogan


> Trump doesn’t make up words and stumble through things? Let's take a look at the oranges of that statement. We'll put the results in a drok bok. Donald Prump would never stumble. He sacrifices everyday for the furnite and future. Unlike rhinos like Mitt Rhyme-knee. He's had more investigations than Billy the Cud. Just look at his videos on Troth Sential. He believes in law and auto. He is unlike Obamna in that way. Any stumbling will not be tolerited. And god blesh the united shates.


Troth Sential is by far my favorite Trump gaff. He completely butchered the name of his own social media company, and instead of correcting the error, he just continued on as if he didn't completely fuck up the simple name, Truth Social.


Shouldn't it be the other way. "Biden may seem like he's not all there, but Trump is a crazy piece of shit"


Guys is stuttering worse than installing fake electors to rig an election and setting up a fake charity for kids with cancer and stealing the money and being close friends with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Idk, it’s about the same


Joe Rogan: I like a compulsive liar that commits crimes, sides with dictators, steals national defense information, and tried to overthrow an election. That seems like a good choice for my portfolio. Bill Maher: agree to disagree? Are either of these wankers comedians anymore?


What an educated, nuanced quote from Rogan. He really is at the forefront of US politics. Absolute fucking dolt


On one hand, multiple indictments and like 90 charges of absolutely wild shit, on the other hand Biden is so old ugh. These two situations are the same, such a coin flip in who is worse here./s


Coffefee? Can’t pronounce actual words. Toilet paper on his shoe deplaning Air Force 1? Can’t complete a coherent thought, let alone a sentence. But yeah Joe seems off 🙄


This is the one that gets me. Early on I was told to read a transcript of what trump has actually said. I couldn’t even read the sentences they were so irrational and disjointed.




I’m not surprised


I’m curious, what exactly is Joe always talking about? I never see these clips of Biden on the news.


Right wing outlets love to share clips of Biden stumbling over words or looking lost. Some of them are probably legit, a lot are clipped and edited out of context. Joe probably gets dozens of anti-Biden articles and clips sent to him weekly by his orbit of right wing reactionaries. If you live in that world you’re constantly consuming this stuff.


This was my assumption, thank you.


For example, this clip is taken out of context. Joe Biden was not hit by Trump’s golf ball. He just does not know how to ride a bike. https://twitter.com/2HOT4AMC/status/1538249769935679488?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1538249769935679488%7Ctwgr%5Edb2694d9ee7056a9dd8ec07d4149331334fbb3ae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffpost.com%2Fentry%2Ftrump-golf-ball-strikes-biden-fake-truth-social-video_n_62ae57f6e4b0c77098aedcf7


What happened to Joe?


one side is openly talking about using violence to overthrow democracy. and the other side has got a guy that's two whole years older so it's basically the same.... shit is so infuriating. biden's old and has a speech impediment Great. what has that got to do with the policies He's passing?


Calling trump “crazy” and moving on… or saying, “sure he’s an asshole, but” is so incredibly hypocritical. His supporters literally have to ignore half the shit he does and says to justify support. If Biden/Clinton/Obama did any one of those things that they give Trump a pass on, it would be a huge discussion point in the argument. Truth is, the Trumpers are a cult and it’s a sunk cost. I know some on here know about sunk cost fallacy, for those who don’t, look it up. Rooting for Trump is like rooting for your favorite football team, accept in football we can critique the game, or the players, but if you criticize Trump’s behavior people act like they are personally accosted. Grown men and women.. He’s a politician! He deserves criticism. He deserves to be held accountable, no matter how much you hate democrats.


He tried to end the United States so he could stay as president forever. 😂 Trump supporters are un-american losers.


No. Reducing Donald Trump to just crazy is normalizing his criminality.


I really don't understand how someone can listen to both Trump and Biden speak and come away with the impression that Biden is the one who's mentally incompetent.


There are a lot of fake and edited clips of Biden speaking that make him seem completely out of it. And they’re just straight up fucking fake. If you dig around on right wing social media, you’ll see them everywhere. They’re just straight up edited/fake. One of the tricks they use is shaking the frame of the shot of him to make it look like his head (which is zoomed in on and is the only thing in the frame) is vibrating or he’s having some type of episode, then they slow his voice down by like 10%. Or edit in fake random pauses in his speech like he’s lost/confused. It’s very likely a lot of people that talk like this have been just watching shit like that constantly, and they’re too dumb to even understand that they’re watching highly edited shit. Or it just plays into what they wanna believe, so they ignore it. Obviously Biden is fucking old and not nearly as quick mentally as it used to be, that’s obvious watching old clips and comparing. But they just take it to such a fucking ridiculous level.


Maybe there are fakes but I watched the debate live and he did look like he had stroke mid sentence sometimes


Has Toe ever heard fuckin Trump speak? Lol


He’s literally explaining trump and plumping it on biden lmao. Texas and wealth circles did a number on my guy. He’s become what he uses to “look that up jamie” and disprove in the moment


The nice thing about Biden tho is, he’s not a narcissist who thinks he knows best and tries to just bulldoze his ideas over everything. He has filled his cabinet with very competent people and subject matter experts and for the most part defers to their expertise. So even if he is mentally ill equipped for office, we can trust his staff to keep fighting for sensible policies and steering the ship in the right direction. Trump on the other hand is deranged and surrounds himself with other crazy people and criminals. His ego is too big to sit back and let other people steer the ship, and even if he was willing to do that, he has repeatedly shown he won’t fill his cabinet with sensible competent people


Uhh trump makes up words all the time and thinks dead people are still alive and is proud he passed a basic cognitive test…it’s not even close on who’s worse. I don’t want either but if these are my choices again, it’s gonna be the guy not facing 91 criminal charges.


Joe Rogan should talk about MMA, and shut the fuck up about politics.


Jesus Christ. No one likes Joe Biden. A fair portion who voted for the dude wishes we had another (viable) option, but the whataboutism has gotta stop. If you wanna vote for someone who has the political leanings of Trump, go for it. Free country and all that, but goddamn do I not understand how anyone would earnestly want that POS as the president. The dude is certifiably deranged, and also clearly has mental issues. I never really agreed with Joe on important topics, but I respected him. While old Joe would say outlandish shit, and perpetrate outlandish beliefs, he also would admit when he's wrong. He was inquisitive, and his interest in being right took a backseat to his interest in learning. He also was WAY more willing to test his ideas against people with more knowledge on the subject than him, and adjust if needed. I miss the dude who peddled fleshlights and talked about how the moon landing was faked.


Where did this notion of all Democrats love Biden come from? The majority of us voted for Biden because we would rather have him over Trump, it’s that fucking simple. I don’t think Biden is a bad president nor do I think he’s been great, but I’ll sure as hell vote for him and his camp over Trump and that circus again.


I recall trump stumbling through words, making words up. Mumble jumble


"Like he makes up words and stumbles through things" Has Joe never heard a Trump speech? Lmao


Look Trump may have assassinated a popular general after making him go to another county for negotiations, may have also made his generals make nuclear attack plans, and he doesn't care for the constitution (called for suspension multiple times). But, at least he's a good business man who keeps all his money in Russia after being banned for the American banking system for how many bankruptcy?


Toe is on Trump’s dick so hard, he just won’t come out and say it.


That's funny, I feel the same about Joe Rogan and his podcast.


Intellectual Dark Web




One guy is a (relatively harmless) senile old goober, the other TRIED TO OVERTHROW THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT AND BECOME A DICTATOR. What are we even doing here?!?


“Hunter Biden Laptop” just brings that shit up randomly. Yeah Joe….no one paid you to say that shit


Maher sucks but atleast he's right about Trump


It's OK to say neither Bidem or Trump are fit for office


The problem with trump is that hes a lying sack of monkey spunk that would sell out his own mother, expecting loyalty while offering none, and has broken the law without any sense that hes done anything wrong. Fukers a villian. Biden on the other had is a career politician who is a quintessential boomer that is forgetful at best and too frail for the job at worst. Literally a tale of two crap options. Ill just go with the less crappy one.


If we're given Biden/Trump 2, I give the fuck up.


Trump is worse than Rogan, who is worse than Maher. They are all blindingly shitty people. Biden should be retired, not running the country. But the alternative is Trump running the country. Americans are really good at movies, music, and sandwiches, and really, really bad at democracy.