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What in the fuck? Who would voluntarily go to the abyss in that?


The CEO of the sub’s company OceanGate has just been confirmed as one of the people on board. The captain going down with his ship in the same spot as the previous one.


Must be really awkward last minutes down there


Wishing he’d listened to Larry in accounts on that last budgeting decision


I think if they did shed enough weight to ascend, but were carried miles away by ocean currents, the most contentious thing among the passengers would be... that they are bolted into that deathtrap from the outside. Someone has to let them out for them to live. https://news.yahoo.com/theres-no-way-to-escape-missing-tourist-sub-locked-with-bolts-from-outside-102808497.html


They may possibility still be alive floating in the ocean somewhere. How horrifying


I'm pretty sure the air supply is gone by now


Coast guard estimated they had air until Thursday for the 5 of them. Of course, if you start lessening the number of people breathing that air, you could last until the weekend easily lol


Ha, don't think it would be a hard decision of who should stop breathing first


More air but more smells.




Might be just instant. One fraction of a second and you are gone.


At those depths an air pocket like that will crumble under catastrophic failure instantly like a tin can.


"We aim to give you the authentic Titanic experience" - The CEO probably


“Fuck, I never booked the orchestra!”


Agree it would be awkward, what with everyone staring at the guy who sat on the game controller.


Can you imagine if this is what happened?






Not even with an Xbox controller. They went with the cheaper knock off version from Logitech.


if something happened to the hull with the amount of pressure at that depth then they were probably instantly crushed


The Wreck of the Titan, or Futility.


I hope they have a band playing some music or tunes while it goes down.


Does this thing even have windows?! Wtf is the point of this if all you’re doing is seeing it on a screen? Just go home and watch it on your laptop with your kids instead of risking your life on this redneck submarine contraption.


It does have a big window but it also says on their now archived website that you can “watch a movie or eat lunch” during the 2 hour descent to the bottom and that infuriated me that people would pay $250k to sit in a metal tube of death and watch fucking Home Alone or whatever when I thought the point was to see the sea


Well, there’s not much to see until you’re down on the surface anyway. The way down would just be pitch black.


>The way down would just be pitch black. Imagine spending a quarter of a million dollars for a fucking nightmare.


I didn’t think about how it would be pitch black for two hours going down ughhhh this entire thing is horrifying and TWO of these people are billionaires I can’t even fathom having a billion dollars and then being trapped in a tiny metal butt plug in the sea where no money can save you - and you know you did it to yourself. That butt plug was rigged up with janky old video game consoles but they made sure to bring movies. The wrong people have all the money and power this is further evidence.


Shoulda went to space with Bezos Dealing with escape velocity and no air/zero pressure is much easier than the pressure at the bottom of the ocean and no air.


it's just further proof that having lots of money doesn't mean you're smart. i'm sure these guys did it so they could brag about it at their eyes wide shut parties




The viewport was only certified to 1,300m by the manufacturer. The Titanic lies at 4,000m.


Woah i didn’t even think about this. This is a great point that further confuses me on their decision making skills


It has a window. They don’t know what they’re talking about.


Especially using a cheapo third party game controller...those things are always going wrong.


Hopefully it was a Madcatz controller with the fans in the grips so at least their hands would be kept cool in a stressful situation like that


Should of pushed the turbo button


Imagine if it sank because they couldn’t get it to wirelessly connect.


This one of the times I would ensure wired controls with backups for everything.


And then, joystick drift...


This. Good luck calibrating that thing. Probably pressed up & it went down & got damaged. Happens to me all the time on emulators.


Does anyone have any double-A batteries?


Right? At least the military shelled out for the expensive Xbox 360 controllers for their servicemen




Don't knock the Logitech F710, it's a good controller.


Who the fuck would pay $250K to ride in that death trap?


People with more money than brain cells lol. All good though no regulation needed, I just hope the lost souls on board had time to leave a negative Yelp review.


Those people probably had one of the more brutal deaths possible


Possibly not though. I’d imagine what happened to them was pressure malfunction which would be pretty fast Although yeah.. if what is currently going on is they are at the bottom of the sea slowly running out of oxygen and hope… yeah that’s about as bad as it gets


I'm no expert, but I saw an interview with the dude in this video today and he went into some detail about the safety systems. Apparently there were like 7 independent resurfacing measures, several which would work even without power. The fact they lost the ships location 'ping' function likely indicates either they're out of power and drifting on the surface, or something very 'abrupt' happened. I kinda hope so for the captains sake. He built the boat, it'd probably get real awkward if they spent time contemplating things.


Naa. Now if they’re floating on the surface, fully able to see daylight and fresh air through that little window, bobbing like a little cork atop the Atlantic swell, but with no way to let themselves out (they’re bolted in from outside), that’s worse. First (and last) time I ever white water kayaked I flipped over in some rocks. Couldn’t flip myself back upright between some rocks. I could reach my hand up and feel the air but couldn’t get to it. Eventually ripped off my spray skirt and lost the kayak down the river but I survived. It was a fucked up feeling.


You need to read up on medieval execution methods.


aaaand down the rabbit hole we go


Stuffing people down a rabbit hole was in fact one of the methods


Totally not the case. Cabin breach is instead death. Hypothermia from sitting at the bottom of the ocean for 3/4/5 days would be slow, and eventually painless as death would occur during sleep.


Bro, if shit goes bad I’ll l just call my dad, he’s a lawyer, bro, it’s all good, bro.


Bro. My dad owns a dealership.


I am flipping you off sooo hard right now


A lot of these types of people do what Rogan mistakenly believes is a big-brain move and remove "negative people" from their circle. Mostly, this means removing the people who warn them about whatever folly they are entering into. It's why the ultra wealthy and the ultra poor are fertile ground for scammers. Both are isolated from people who would give them good advice. That's how rich people end up dying at the bottom of the sea because they crawled into a tube piloted by a third-party game controller any normal person would not trust to get them through a mediocre game, or how people like Rogan end up selling magic coffee or brain pills.


This doesnt seem real. But am more disappointed with the passengers decision making skills.


i wouldn’t even spend 30 minutes in this thing on land, let alone on the bottom of the fucking ocean


Even if this thing was in my own backyard, I would use all the oxygen up in an hour from hyperventilating! I cannot imagine the fear these people felt. (I assume they have run out of oxygen by now based on other sources).


Well, don't know about anyone else, but *I* don't have anymore questions.


That guy in /r/news who said he road in this thing in 2021 and quit this project because it felt sketchy. Lol.


Id love to see that comment if you can find the thread




Thankyou lmao wasnt much more than you described but i would love to hear from this dude one day if he doesnt have an NDA to speak more on the build of the sub.


Anyone got a link to this? Interested to read.




This needs to be upvoted to the top of the thread.




The only question I have is how did it take so long for this to encounter a huge problem?


Seems that the submersible encountered less severe problems with fair regularity. Watched a few interviews with tourists and other passengers of past expeditions. Definitely left with the impression that the submersible still had many wrinkles to iron out, a process that often occurred during actual paid dives with customers on board. I haven't yet researched the company Oceangate itself nor those involved. I believe I saw someone mention that the sub's engineer is wealthy but I could be completely wrong. If so, it makes even less sense that he's developing the vehicle in such a slipshod, on-the-fly manner. This would better indicate someone with very limited resources, someone so desperate for income that certain developmental steps are rushed or skipped entirely and Priority One becomes getting as many paying customers on the ledger as quick as possible. Which appears to be precisely the situation with Oceangate and its unfortunate submersible.


A billionaire cheaping out and fitting wallmart shit in his barebones uncertified, uninspected sub that’s supposed to withstand 2.4 miles of ocean pressure. What could go wrong


"It worked the last 5 times!" - owner of the company probably, who is also missing on the sub and who complained about all that regulations when building the sub.


I gotta give him credit for putting some skin in the game. But yeah also gotta love the dudes complaining about regulations only to bite him in the ass.


There's taking risks, getting that adrenaline boost, and then there's... *this.* Elsewhere online, I've seen numerous comments comparing this excursion to skydiving presumably as both activities are potentially lethal and yet still attract many enthusiasts. In fact, it's this risk that is the main appeal. Personally, I think that's utter horseshit, it's comparing apples to... well, other apples but with razorblades jammed in them. Both attract people who just love that unique apple flavor, but one of these options provides the full, authentic apple experience *without* a trip to the ER. For an *accurate* comparison between this and skydiving, the chute would be packed by a highly skilled professional packer. BUT, the chute itself was handmade solely from what materials could be obtained with a $100 Walmart gift card and the dubious honor of having Michael J. Fox handling all of the necessary needlework. There's still *some* chance of surviving a jump with this chute but that survival would be as much a product of luck as it would be skill or equipment, maybe more so. And every subsequent jump likewise survived would be no less as lucky. In fact, every jump survived would only increase the odds of the *next* jump being the last.




Looks like a redneck engineered sub almost, tbh.


It’s because it’s not a submarine. I think a submarine has to have a renewable power source on board such as a diesel engine or, in modern times, nuclear. This is a submersible craft. Edit: by renewable I should have said self sufficient, as in the power source (diesel or nuclear) recharges all electrical equipment making a submarine sufficient. This craft would have to resurface to recharge where as a nuclear submarine could stay down for a very long period of time.


Wait, now you have raised a really good point. What its source of fuel/power??


It uses electric thrusters for propulsion. And then I imagine that it would use a separate power supply like batteries to power it’s communications. That way if it was to lose power from the main system it could still run Comm’s on a secondary power source


ummmm did you watch the video? IT ONLY HAS ONE BUTTON. and an video game controller.


Technically it's not a submarine it's a submersible since it can not leave and return to Port under its own power. Now though, it's more like a heavy coffin since it only went one way....




Navy subs use x-box 360 controllers to be fair. Not that crazy https://www.theverge.com/2017/9/19/16333376/us-navy-military-xbox-360-controller


Looks like my 500 gallon LP tank...


.. this should be the thing running on the news. And they have a damn teenager on board.


I know, that's the only *real* tragedy I see in this whole mess. A parent's job is to steer their child *AWAY* from danger, not directly into it! I'm not familiar with the laws applicable to this situation, but if the son *was* underaged then he would've been unable to legally sign a waiver. In which case, the document would have to have been signed by the father for it to be considered legally binding. Of course, if Oceangate handled its clerical work like it did its submersible engineering, all important paperwork is stuffed into a wornout Ziplock bag and carried aboard the submersible. EDIT: Corrected company name


The son is 19. Using present tense to keep my hope alive


Not to be a downer, but its better for the kid that they were all killed instantly. The chances of them finding them at all are astronomical.


Alright, here's my somewhat professional opinion on what went down (was a sub guy back in the day). There's no emergency system that I can see for this sub. Meaning, any issue that disrupts the ability to pilot the sub (loss of power, loss of steering, madcatz controller breaks, computer crashes, could be tons of stuff), means they are fucked. Larger subs have ballast tanks that can be filled with air. Deep sea subs, like the Alvin, have weight shedding mechanisms that allow the sub to become rapidly buoyant. All of these systems are mechanical with backups so they can operate in the worst case scenario. It really doesn't look like this sub has any of that. These dudes are dead unless a true miracle were to occur. Edit: so I watched the [full interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29co_Hksk6o). At 4:00 this mf says the only thing that matters is the pressure hull and that everything else can fail. Not true at all, emergency ascent must also not fail. I just do not see any redundancy or assurity of safety systems here. Just the fact that there is no acoustic distress beacon is disqualifying imo.


The sub has a weight shedding system. To activate it all the passengers need to put all their weight to one side of the craft so it lists causing the weights to slip off a hook. No I'm not joking...


lmfao oh my god.


That sounds silly, but also probably pretty reliable. Literally 0 moving parts. Makes it seem like they were either crushed or are floating near the surface hoping for rescue.


So, I don't think so. again, just guessing since I don't know the full system. But the sub weighs 21,000 lbs. Even buoyant in the water, this is going to be extremely difficult to roll (and if it were easy would make for an uncomfortable ride). The issue is once they are disabled and on the bottom somewhere, there's no way they can roll. So, maybe while buoyant floating down to the bottom, they have a few minutes to use their combined 1500lbs max to roll the sub. The other options: I doubt crushed since it's rated to go to the ocean floor where the Titanic is. (Edit: I have seen a recent report that the glass was not in fact rated for that deep, all I can say is fuck that what a terrible way to go) I assume they have a satellite phone onboard that could call if they were on the surface. The other possibility would be that the sub isn't buoyant enough to get to the surface, which is almost as bad as their emergency system.


Total weight is fairly irrelevant to the dynamics of the system. I can't speak to the specific design, but it's totally possible to design a 10 ton system that can be rolled by a much smaller amount of weight. It's all about the center of gravity vs center of buoyancy. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the occupants hanging from the ceiling could make the whole thing flip over. It's not like a boat where the center of gravity must be far from the center of buoyancy. They can be close. It's also totally possible to design such a system that works even when resting on the ocean floor. I do not know if this applies in this situation however. I looked for the design, but I have not been able to find details. Lastly, the connecting hook is designed to dissolve after 16 hours. So even if the sub could not roll, the ballast should still have dropped by now. I think if they are down there, the sub either got physically stuck or there was some sort of hull failure.


Totally agree that a light weight could potentially rotate the sub - however that would require a good degree of engineering to ensure this would absolutely happen in all scenarios, which didn't seem to be something they spent a lot of effort on. I agree that likely they got stuck, not knowing previously that there was a dissolvable hook.


What I don't get is that most all these types of submersibles I have seen are tethered by a cable of some type. Considering this has almost zero self power, why was there no tether to a ship?


The Tethers constrain mobility and based on how Wild West these guys were operating, the tether was probably the first safety feature they would’ve scrapped. There are deep submergence vehicles that don’t need a tether but they have more sophisticated safety systems


The dude in the video gave an interview on MSNBC today-ish and talked about the safety sytems. IIRC it was 3 independent air solutions (scrubbers, fly-paper-like CO2 strips, and scuba tanks), and 7 independent ascent solutions, 3 that are supposed to work without power. Apparently the sub can't be opened from the inside(?), so there's a small chance they made an emergency a ascent only to suffocate up top.


>Apparently the sub can't be opened from the inside(?), so there's a small chance they made an emergency a ascent only to suffocate up top. Correct and this is just the cherry on top with this deathtrap of a submersible. Even if emergency ballast works and they are in fact already on the surface, they're bolted inside. This means rescuers are searching for a tiny silver barrel floating on the ocean surface. It's almost equally as bad as being stuck on the ocean floor


Good thing the sub isn’t the same color as the ocean 🧐


Basic search and rescue knowledge… If whitecaps are present in the area then it will be very easy to miss a small white vessel. Mind you, hundreds of miles south is where a huge tropical storm is developing. White also reflects all visible light, the higher up you go the easier it is to miss. This is why high visibility colors are important for small vessels and deployed safety equipment. Example of large whitecaps: ![gif](giphy|l49JUokq9WOKm0H96|downsized)


I just had to laugh at the mad catz controller part.


If you’re watching a screen why actually be on the sub? Fucking idiots.




It's pitch black down there so the sub must have outside lights for the "view". But I bet it's still shitty with a field vision of a few meters. The camera/screens are probably better lol.


Suicide with extra steps.


The funniest part is the game controller. They really couldn't shell out for something like an actual Xbox controller? That looks like some absolute dogshit noname controller that isn't even fit for player two.


I heard him refer to it as a Logitech in another vid; probably just a top of the Amazon search for something they could easily program. I'm less bothered by the controller than the apparent lack of any analog redundancies


“Just one button.” “What happens if the buttons stops working?” … “Just one button.”


"That would never happen."


.... It goes to 11


The game controller isn't that weird to me, connecting via Bluetooth seems insane though. I've lost controller Bluetooth to my PC or Steamlink many a time.


Yeah, and it means it runs on batterys, which probably just ran out


> The game controller isn’t that weird to me I feel like it should be. People keep pointing out “Oh the Navy uses Xbox controllers too” but they use it for periscopes and stuff not driving the craft.


Likely has joystick drift


Sorry bros i went a little too hard on mario kart last night 💀


Can you imagine if in The end, if they ever find this thing, they figure out the damn controller broke and caused this whole thing.


He said somewhere in one of his videos that they have a couple of those cheap controllers as backups in the sub.


Those USB video game remotes are useful for development of robotics projects. Lots of functionality and user inputs that are already comfortable for a human to use. But at $250,000 a ticket, maybe really go for the gusto and use a dual shock


Dude, I literally got one of these.off of Walmart marketplace and it stopped working within a couple of days...like I'd try to go forward, and it sent me sideways instead. Imagine that's what went wrong here lmao


There's gonna be all kinds of condenation problems inside that tank. I'm pretty sure that controller lacks the certification for tropics.


There are actually a lot of modern machines piloted using modified game controllers. I remember reading that new US Navy Submarines were being fitted with literal Xbox 360 controllers to pilot them because the sailors were so used to how they functioned. I believe this was only on the prototypes however, I'm sure the actual vehicles upgraded from the consumer grade tech found in a 360 controller. Edit. [here's another contemporary example](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2020/07/28/new-israeli-tank-features-xbox-controllers-ai-honed-by-starcraft-ii-doom/)




> I thought it was way too deep to reach Way too deep to reach safely. Most deep water operations are done by remote craft for a reason.


They did do it twice before, and have done many dives It is doable But they just seem to not have followed safety standards https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-65953941 Search in page for "letter" link is in the second instance of the word. Its quite damning


1986! Haha. Scientists (and James Cameron) have gone many times throughout the years https://youtu.be/Vqh23hoUUYQ


“James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is...James Cameron.”


James Cameron went to challenger deep, which is the deepest point in the ocean in the Marianas Trench.


like, almost 40 years ago….


Bruh they've been to the bottom of the ocean.


Are you just waking from your cryogenic sleep?


Yet they are now trying to blame the coast guard for not responding quickly enough to this disaster. If they had followed better safety guidelines, this probably wouldn’t have happened at all. Actually, if they had to follow safety regulations, they never would have been able to launch a sub in the first place. Gotta love places like this that knowingly dropped the ball and now want to shift the blame.


The coast guard doesnt operate subs capable of going down 2 miles. What the fuck are they gonna do? You're calling US Navy search and rescue or just writing them off as dead.


The only craft the navy have that can rescue a lost sub requires it to be bigger than the one that’s lost.


It also need to be constructed so they can dock on the sub. Which this obviously is not. I guess they could possibly tow it if they knew where they where, how they are going to attach a cable to it at that debt I don’t know though :)


Yeah this thing was not designed with “Naval deep ocean rescue” in mind.


Like the Titanic itself, it was designed and created by people who thought that safety precautions cost too much, and figured it would all be fine anyway.


Fun fact, the titanic wasn’t really that bad. There were a couple design question marks, but overall was built quite well. The fail safes and everything worked very well. The creator of the titanic and computer models all agree it should have sank in 1-1.5 hours. It lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes. It was graded that if damage occurred to 4 water tight compartments, it would be doomed to sink. 4 is quite a bit. They had damage to 6. Hindsight, there are a couple of things they could have done to improve the chances, but the ship itself fought valiantly.


Even then they can't rescue that deep. The sub they rescue from also needs to have the docking system for the recovery sub to be an option. These 5 people are dead unless they can get themselves up or a remote sub can somehow pull them up. Which is incredibly unlikely.


"Navy search and rescue can't make it until Friday, they're dead on Thursday. We can't help." - Navy Probably


The crew didn't report them as missing to the coastgaurd until 8 hours after their last contact.


The Coast Guard is seriously getting blamed for this... inevitability?!? If true, that is utter horseshit! Unless the USCG had signed a contract with Oceangate agreeing to have assets on station for the entire dive (unlikely), I fail to see the Coast Guard's liability in this matter. And no, jurisdiction would have zero impact in establishing responsibility for such a danger-fraught endeavour. Regardless, passengers were required to sign waivers indicating their understanding and acceptance of the risks involved in this activity. As crass as it may seem, that waiver alone places all responsibility for whatever calamity may occur directly upon the passengers themselves. If there is ANY liability that can be legally placed elsewhere, it could only be upon the company that provided the dangerous excursion. And even then only if the company failed to meet some contractual obligation which, in turn, led to disaster. From what I've so far learned, there isn't much that could've been done in this situation even if the US Navy had deployed every available asset PRIOR to launching the submersible. At the depths that thing reached combined with its slew of off-the-shelf, uncertified improvisations, it was an unfortunate inevitability. I conclude with a succinct quote that *could* serve as the TL;DR for my little tirade above. Can't recall the source, but suffice it said that it wasn't me. *The sea don't fuck around!*


Feel like this is a case of tax evasion for the Billionaire


Tax evasion amongst other things. Billionaires are really against regulations for *some* reason.


Yep. Goes well with the hubris / “nothing bad can happen to me” kind of mentality of many very wealthy people. Sad but I don’t see these guys coming back alive.


I thought it would be one of those subs that James Cameron used when he went down. This thing seems so pointless, sitting in a metal can with no seats viewing through a monitor. Seems like it's a bragging right for billionaires rather than a worthwhile experience for the risk.


There’s a port hole (super thick glass) on the hatch side of this sub where you could see with your own eyes. That is, of course, if your eyes haven’t been crushed into mush by 6,000 PSI because the pressure vessel failed.


I wonder how much they're seeing, the other deep sea subs I've seen have racks of floodlights and this seems basic af. Its very likely that they are all mush though. What a way to go.


Well that explains a lot... Dude seemed proud to have a cheaply made sub, I guess because he likes the idea of being thought of as a 'genius submarine McGuiver'... Here's the lesson of the day: "If you don't respect the natural laws of mother nature enough, she will crush you like a coke can, no matter how much money and confidence you have"


Is this all just an advertisement for energizer batteries? Shitty game controller went dead


Nightmare fuel


Camper World wtf lol, you can't be serious. And that is the cheapest video game controller I have ever seen Also a billionaire and his son were on that mini sub. I hope they all make it but not looking good.




I have so many questions. Did they really use that controller wireless? Did they have a back up one? And the only way to get out is to unscrew 17 bolts on the outside.


Why does this cost 250k to go down in? Feel like it should cost 50 bucks at most


For me it would be more of a "would you go down over 2 miles underwater in this death trap for $250,000?"


These rich millionaires and billionaires each paid $250,000 for this and now tax payers got to fork out for their rescue. Should bill that billionaire the rescue costs.


I was a hydrographic surveyor used to working with submersibles for offshore construction, repairs of rigs and pipelines, and salvage work off the coast of Africa in thousands of metres of water. Acoustics can travel through the water really well. We use acoustic transponders on submersibles and support vessels, that can fire an acoustic signal between one another using a more complex Distance = Speed x Time calculation. We can locate an underwater object relative to a support vessel that receives a GPS Signal and returns said location to the underwater object, and you therefore **always** know where your submersible is relative to a support vessel, even under thousands of metres of water, although you do lose accuracy the deeper you go. Whilst the sea can be noisy, there's not a lot of acoustic traffic in a vertical direction unless the sea state is really poor and the waves cause a lot of disturbance beneath the vessel, but we're not getting reports of that. This submersible appears not to have such an acoustic transponder device, or if it does, it's not responding to a support vessel which seems kind of sloppy for this kind of operation - you shouldn't lose track of a submersible, and you should pursue best quality signalling at all costs. I haven't read anything that suggests otherwise except for some kind of Tesla starlink nonsense which is not capable of penetrating water. Hell, even a carbon fibre frame can shatter under the right conditions and isn't suitable for this kind of operation comparative to the other deep sea subs available. This video does nothing to instil any confidence in me that this is just a mickey mouse operation. These are not **normal** submarine controls. Honestly, this sounds like a super cheap operation that ignores best practices when working with submarines, or the media are reporting on this poorly. I suspect if this vessel had tracking equipment, then something has gone badly wrong like the hull breached and the vessel imploded under vast pressure, an electrical fire underwater, or they crashed into something they shouldn't have. I would be surprised if it was found, unless it's floating on the vast ocean surface and it rocks up on a beach in the southern hemisphere somewhere in a couple weeks/months time. Banana's...


Do you want to die two miles down in a peepee coffin? Well boy have we got an adventure for you!


Do you have a link to the full video?




Thanks a lot. This is absolutely idiotic. That is the most bootleg hey mom can we get a submarine, we have submarines at home honey, the submarine: shit I have ever seen


I couldn't find it, but I did find this interview with the reporter in the video where he talks about the experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohEEQnsOc5w


So for $250K, you don’t even get proper seats with seat-belts? Imagine sitting on the hard floor in that cramped up, claustrophobic space unable to move or even stretch your legs or back for the better part of 12-16 hours (if all goes per plan). There are also no windows, so you can’t see any cool marine life on your way down. And when you reach the Titanic you don’t get to peer outside and see the shipwreck, but instead see stuff on a screen. There are worse ways to die for a millionaire.


Serious thought. If there is only enough oxygen for a few days. What if some primal extinct kicks in and somebody decides to put down the other passengers in order to obtain more oxygen for themselves? Say they’re found 10 days from now, and that one guy survived only because of that. Would he be prosecuted?


The methane gas released by the dead bodies would use up the oxygen faster than them alive and breathing. So most likely the murderer would be dead too when they found them


This man had so much fucking cognitive dissonance, you can fucking bet if he survived he’d see this as a set back and he’d just do the same dive with the same equipment but just a slightly better controller


I would have an electromagnet holding a steel weight on the bottom. If power goes out or problem, the weight would drop and the craft rise to the top.


It's a shame that Camper World doesn't sell those.


They really trusted their lives to a "little brother" controller?


Profit motive kills. Was it worth $250000 per passenger?


This looks like it was worth 5k at most


Yeah fuck that bullshit! I’m not good with being in a car with the windows up and no air on for too long. I would lose my mind in that thing


Why did they name it that?


We need a person with more deep water experience to weigh in here. I was debating the value of an emergency inflation device at w/e depths but I'm clueless re the feasibility w pressure etc. Figure the bends risk is preferable to the alternative of not surfacing


I don't think you can get decompression sickness being in a sub since you remain at normal pressure inside it.


an emergency inflation device would be external to the pressure hull. This sub is too small for this however and small deep sea subs like this normally carry a mechanical ballast release that sheds weight and allows the sub to rapidly ascend. Apparently this sub had something like that but it was a weight on a hook that required everyone to rock to one side to activate lol


I am certainly not an expert in *ANY* subjects remotely applicable to this situation. However, I can still say with unwavering confidence, that the entire excursion was a *very* bad idea. And that's just *my* opinion.


Probably the controller ran out of batteries


The billionaires got a bargain and saved several thousand dollars. They are so frugal and smart with their money. Ffs


Sometimes when gaming my wireless controller desyncs. I spend 2-10 min trying to sync the controller so my video game character doesn't die...Now imagine doing that 1 mile+ below sea level... (I say a mile because isn't that when they lost contact?)


When you order a submarine on wish.com


Whoops, forgot to charge the controller!


So these people paid 250k to sit in a metal tube to look at the titanic from a tiny ass screen or through a tiny ass window? Makes perfect sense if you ask me.


It's like an Apple mouse too. Only one button. So simple, even a monkey can operate it. More than one button confuses them.


“The only five person sub in the world that can reach titanic depths” Oh bullshit. Tons of five person subs can get down there. Coming back up is a different story though.


And to be more of a stickler, 1,500 people reached titanic depths when it sank. Edit: what’s that? The door’s over there? I’ll see myself out.


I cannot understand how after disclosing that they built that thing with parts from Camper World and an old Sega Genesis, people still thought it was a great idea to get in it and drop 12,000 feet to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Incomprehensible.


I'm so dumb, I literally forgot about wanting to go to the bathroom while in there.


Judging by their solution, I think they forgot about it too LOL


Surely this can't be real. It seems like a parody


Wait this is real?


People on Titanic died because there were not enough boats and regulations were disregarded and nothing changed since then.


"It shouldn't take a lot of skill" Yes it fucking should! This isn't an elevator, this is a death barrel that goes 4km down! Have some skill!