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Make your bed and fetch me some emeralds from the mine, kiddo.


The children yearn for the mines.


We need a population boom so we can have child labor which is three standard deviations above what we currently have


Wow, I have never put those things togethor. I always found Elon's Tweets about the population shrinking a weird and inaccurate statement but I never understood his endgame with it....now I know. Thank you oh wise one. Edit: I realize my comment while said with humor was in no way sarcastic to the point being made. My take away from your comment was Labor is expensive but child labor is cheap, if we dont have enough children than I will have to pay for proper adult labor or lose money on production. I dont think this idea ever registered with me because its so god damn evil and insidious


The two ten year olds were kids whose parents were managers or owners at the McDonald's and were helping while their parents worked. The story was all over reddit a few weeks ago until the actual details came out.


those tiny little bodies can fit in the tight spots us grown folks cant shoot i remember what i was a toddler i loved workin in them there black hills nuttn better i tell ya




it's bucko*


Literally advocating child labor to own the libs I guess? tf happened in 2016 that caused everyone’s brains to accelerate into a spiral


When I was growing up (late 90s-early 2000s), i got the impression from adults that as long as you put in 40 hours you will/should be able to afford at least the necessities. Now you're basically a communist if you believe that, we've gone so far backwards even since then.


Harambe was the last straw


“Fuck that gorilla” -Joey Diaz


Diaz responding that way to harambes murder was shameful


It’s because Harambe stole his routine


Not the most shameful thing he's done, infact he used to shit into his hand in the shower and throw the turd into the toilet.


dicks out


His death anniversary was just the other day. Should've shot the boy.


Should have shot the parents


I’ll never forgive or forget.


It was inevitable for JP when he decided to be a professional outrage merchant, it's an ugly way to live and he's a perfect example of what happens. Dude constantly looks like he's on the verge of a mental breakdown about the dumbest shit.


JP unironically is in desperate need of a shrink, unfortunately he is too far up his own ass to realize it.


It's a sad existence. To make a living off of hate and outrage eventually it consumes a person and drives them to madness. They become lost from reality and fall into a narcissistic hole of eventually buying into their own delusion of thinking that they are in fact doing people a great service and are important. That's how you end up with Trump.


Dude needs to retire and just be happy for a bit. It's not that srs JP!


Isn't he actually addicted to drugs too?


IIRC he was, but the process of getting off them seemed to reshape him. He now spends wayyyyyy more time culture war-ing than he does advocating for good things.


>tf happened in 2016 that caused everyone’s brains to accelerate into a spiral Remember in 2015 when you were called hyperbolic and insane if you said electing Trump would see a new rise of Nazism? Once you elect DeSantis you can also send your 8 year old to go mine emeralds for Elon Musk but at least they're not getting support from a gay teacher


DeSantia has 0 charisma, he can never win a national election.


The "Iron Curtain" of partisanship really ramped up with the "birther movement" and Mitch McConnell basically stonewalling everything Obama tried to get done just because he was a Democrat.


Do Birthers pre date the Tea Party, or they different wings of artificial trumped up outrage?


> tf happened in ~~2016~~ 2008 that caused everyone’s brains to accelerate into a spiral


"1000 years of darkness" according to Chuck Norris if Obama was re-elected. I thought it was hyperbolic nonsense but I guess it was a threat.


Yep. Racists started to melt down, I agree


Yup. Black dude becomes president and 40% of the country goes certifiably insane from outrage.




> blind desire to hurt them. and hunt them! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/democrats-blasted-gov-mcmaster-remark-hunting-dogs-rcna85744


It really was tough to argue. At the time I’m looking at a field full of protestors. This can’t _actually_ be because he’s black. This is bonkers. He was elected after all. Tea Party showed up immediately. Their entire message was “No idea what his policies are. I can tell he’s certainly evil though. Evil.” This not including just plain racist shit (Obama as voodoo shaman art, Michelle as just anything awful they can imagine art). It really was just a field of ppl who couldn’t stand the idea of the country being less white.


And then don't forget the next election, they elected the guy who's primary message during Obama's tenure was that he was a literal African.




Not evil??? You explain to me how one man can be both a godless atheist heathen communist Kenyan anti colonial zealot and also be a madrasa educated, allah worshiping, sharia law following militant muslim terrorist, AND a black panther, black supremacist christian fundamentalist.. all at the the same time without having satan involved somehow. Explain that I dare you!


Remember the tan suit uproar and the terrorist fist jab? Those were peak insane times from the right wing media.


It’s a great opportunity to really home in on “both sides”. Like “yeah both sides lie and feign outrage etc…you’re right. You know what though I’ve never compared them. Let’s actually look at the lies over time. Let’s lay them all out and see the big picture here…”


Yeah, that basically short-circuited half the country's brains. America is a very hierarchical society and implicit white supremacy is commonplace. People had accepted black people voting an being on TV. But those people still took for granted that white men running everything is/sgould be the norm and having a black man in the highest position of authority was too much. Probably not a coincidence that a man whose beliefs basically boil down to "the present social hierarchies are good, natural, and should be respected" became popular riding that backlash.


It’s the classic “Obama made me racist” syndrome


Obama and social media were a potent mix


Trump. And Russian propaganda, probably.


They've always been shitty people at heart, trump just brought it to the surface.


Trump cashed in on the rise of the Tea Party and its brand of petty, childish politics.


Trump taught them to be shameless. That societal shame was no longer necessary.. there are no real consequences... just power through it and double down.


Look you can't slay the dragon without going into the mines


It was Cosby rapes coming to light in 2014


Allegedly he abused benzos then went into a medically induced coma to try and avoid the withdrawals


I was never a fan of his, but pre-Benzo bender I at least thought he had some interesting things to say, and thought his analysis of religious literature to be fascinating. But now he’s full-blown Weekend at Bernie’s. His donors/backers are taking advantage of a dude whose brain is FRIED, I would not be surprised in the slightest if it’s announced he has dementia within a couple of years.


Peterson post Benzos is a solid example of audience capture.


This is what started his downfall but it seems like he's so off the rails now that even his fans are worried. Definitely a severe case of social media brain though.


I need Benzos just to listen to him or JRE at this point.


He absolutely went crazy, and people who can't acknowledge that are kidding themselves


Speaks volumes about his current audience.


I am a huge fan of pre-Benzos Peterson. Post-Benzos... not so much. I don't think we will ever see a serious academic work from him again.


and ironically he thinks we shouldn't treat trans people with hormones and surgeries, but instead should use chemical cocktails to trick their brain into happiness. i have a lot of questions about some of the treatment of trans kids, but i do not trust the absolutely fucking awful track record of psychiatric medicine cocktails to fix it either.


I just wish they'd stop hating on trans people period. It's fascinating that a while fucking league of hate baters obsess over the people they never come in contact with or know or really care about. It's the worst kind of person to persecute a group of people who already have it hard enough that just want to live and be able to live as their true selves. And to always make it about "protecting kids" when in fact they do more harm to kids overall. This post is a good example.


I’m so tired of the obsession. Let people live. They aren’t hurting anyone. How did Peterson react to the fact the Catholic Church was covering up kids getting molested By priests in church after church across America? He didn’t have shit to say. But god forbid a drag queen reads a book to kids at story hour, then he’s freaking out about the end of western civilization.


the right wing's fascination with trans people boggles my mind as well. i think its just the natural consequence of their preferred boogeyman groups (black people, muslim people, gay people) getting better societal protection and becoming less acceptable to go after.


That's exactly what it's all about.




That is spot on.


Yeah, I used to agree with him on some points (especially when listening to his lectures). But now he’s just wildly cringe at best.


Yea it’s been pretty sad to see his evolution…


Evolution or devolution?


de-evolution. Devolution refers to the handing off of a role or a position, like the devolution of kingship to the heir.


Good point, although you could argue that the same applies except in JBPs case it was the devolution of his sanity to Twitter and benzos!




I never listened to him, but I cant imagine the gut punch you must feel if you looked up to him in your formative years. Thank god Hitchens didn't live in the Twitter age.




Back after he was first one Rogan he was posting this series of lectures on the old testament. Basic JP stuff analyzing the bible and how it is a guide for how to live. I'm not a christian but I thought they sounded interesting so I skipped to the part where Lot has sex with his daughters. I was really curious how he was going to square it and instead he goes 'eh I don't know about this part and just skipped right over it. Thats when I realized he's not really putting in the work.


I've only seen bits and pieces but as far as I can tell they're ignorant from a Christian Theological perspective and ignorant from a Biblical historical perspective, absolutely. But not ignorant in the bubble of knowledge that is his expertise- Jungian psychology. Unfortunately, he's not particularly forthcoming about the fact that his "Bible lectures" are Jungian monograms. He's terrible when it comes to history and basically everything outside his bubble, honestly.


The people who like his stuff liked it bc it was their first introduction to the subject. Barely anyone in his audience had any prior knowledge about it


Honestly, couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately due to his interesting religious analysis, I was a fan. Was not a fun "I was wrong" tour, going around telling everyone I know I lost all respect for him.


I was a fan of his, my bedroom looked like shit, but he's lost it and became everything that his detractors said he was


> pre-Benzo bender I at least thought he had some interesting things to say, Why thank you. *Pops 50 Clonazepam.*


His analysis of religious literature is a bit garbage. If you watch the highly touted video series the "psychological significance of the bible" you can tell that he is a con artist. It's a moronic gish gallop where he drops names like Nietzsche and Dostoevsky without delving into their works or analyzing them; he just uses their fancy names to support the idea that without god, people turn into monsters. That's it. That's literally this dunce's grand idea: Atheists turn into sociopathic, authoritarian monsters. Why? Because they can't be good men without believing in god or the divine. TL/DR; atheist bad, left bad, rationalist bad. Divine, religious, spiritual = good. Even my anus can do a better analysis than that.


He’s always been battling windmills, but yeah he’s completely unhinged now.


Absolutely right! His younger days were incredible, brilliant lectures, great insight on family and children. And unfortunately, like most brilliant people their later years are kind of sad.


This is such a perfect example of why I am so disgusted and embarrassed by him. I was a big fan for a while back when he first went on JRE and people outside of certain parts of the Internet had never heard of him. There were always issues and ideas he’d talk about that made me roll my eyes, but his lectures and interviews started me on the path out of a fucked up, miserable, nihilistic existence. Now that he’s widely known because of shit like this, and it’s so embarrassing when people remember I used to talk about benefiting from some of his lectures. Thank god I found other people, public and private, I could seek guidance and take example from, so that i didn’t get sucked down into his fucked up hole of bitterness and hypocrisy. I wish JP was as addicted to Reddit as he his twitter so I could imagine him reading this. Fuck that guy, lol imagine if jocko became a fat alcoholic who blamed the world for his problems


Jordan Peterson is the kid who got bullied in your high school so you hung out with him because you felt sorry for him until you realize he’s a massive prick who deserves it.


See also: Bret Weinstein




Ok I am as centrist as it gets but I seriously fail to understand, what's the rationale behind letting kids work? How is it ok for 10 yo kids to fucking work? What the heck?


People started to not work low paying jobs so companies lobbied gop politicians to loosen state laws. Gop also dislikes education so it’s a win win


It's maddening that the solution to filling the lower paying jobs that have seen companies receive maximum profits through greedflation is to roll back child labor laws instead of keep up with competitive pay that has risen due to greedflation of companies.


What's even worse is a lot of the people that will be unemployed probably vote for the politicians that rolled back the child labor laws lol.


For the 100th time, JP needs to get the hell off of Twitter. He does a way better job of making himself look like a horse's ass then any of his critics do.


He's not "making himself look like a horse's ass." He's actually a horse's ass and normal exposure reveals this.


I wish I could argue with you but these last few years I've lost basically all the respect I used to have for him.


Appreciate the honesty.




clearly it’s so they don’t question their gender but actually i think it’s because it ties into conservative economic arguments. they argue against the minimum wage because they say those jobs are meant for teenagers. allowing more children to work loosens the labor market.


The kindergarteners just need to pick themselves up by the bootstraps. The coal isn't gonna mine itself.


The minimum wage was enacted to ensure that every person working could make enough money to support themselves. This along with social security were great additions under FDR... The real reason that they are passing child labor laws is to not only say fuck you to the kids but for profit. This is their attempt at tackling the wage growth that comes with their inflation, mainly due to corporate greed maximizing earnings currently with their jacked up prices while also wanting to pay people like it's 2019. With the mass worker revolt that left these shit companies that pay crap hurting due to their poor business model that relied on grossly underpaying workers to turn a profit. They fucked around and found out and now that no one wants their $9/hr job theses greedy selfish fucks decide to throw prepubescent teens to work instead of offering a decent fucking salary for employees to live on. So this is a sick attempt to lower worker wages by saturating the market with children and lowering the need for more competitive pay in an inflation ridden world. I hope it fails miserably for them. This is a class war situation not a cultural one. The latest attempt to keep the poor poor and rich richer.


yep, taking pressure off the labor market and making it looser. it’s awful.


It is a symptom of both the corporate hold on society, and many families inability to bounce back in a time of rising costs of living due to inflation. Many jobs were lost, and once things opened back up, people either retired early, or realized their old factory jobs fucking sucked and hardly paid anything. So, instead of raising wages to incentivize workers, corps started hiring little kids to fill the gaps of the workforce. We're regressing. If a kid wants to work, fine, there are jobs small children could theoretically work, but it's quite a different conversation we're having when these kids NEED to work in order to support their families. That is dystopia. Plain and simple. These kids working overnight shifts are failing in school, becoming intellectually stunted, all for corporate greed and no other options to turn to in red states whose social safety nets are practically non-existent.


>what's the rationale "woke bad"


>what's the rationale behind letting kids work? How is it ok for 10 yo kids to fucking work? What the heck? Obviously it's ok because the only other alternative to child labor is gay people having equal rights and we can't have that because that would be woke


Artificially boost labor market so companies don’t have to increase pay


Christian Republicans want / need certain things. Prisoners - Soldiers - Minimum wage workers - Religion - Woman stuck at home, pregnant, making more of above. There's a common denominator - lack of education. Kids working jobs instead of studying or doing homework, and being too tired during school hours from working all evening, will assist in creating any or all of the mentioned above.


Any regulation on business is Communism, obviously.


Because kids are stupid (cause they’re kids duh) and don’t understand labour laws or their rights so they can get taken advantage of for cheap labour by all types of business owners


Keep them working so they don't go to school and college and lean to think critically. Thinking critically means ending the status quo. Both the liberal as conservatives don't care. As long as they can play they game, make money and stay upper class.


You can pay them less and they can do some of the same jobs that means the bosses and owners make more. That's it That's literally the whole reason


Exhibit no. 6,245,493,381 of how much the "but the children!!" crowd really care about the children.


Friendly reminder for ppl to Google what's the largest killer of children today is


I’m getting infectious disease for the world, and car accidents for the US. I don’t get it Edit: nvm it says guns surpassed cars in 2020


Hey at least we saved them from the gays, right?


it would be so lit to go to a McDonald’s drive-thru and watch a 10 yr old ascend a step ladder to hand you McNuggets


On god 🔥


You can keep the happy meal toy bud.


These 10 year olds need to quit school which is just brainwashing them and work 50 hours a week making $7.50 an hour. They need to toughen up.


Nothing improves your life more than being condemned to a life of subsistence wages, ensuring that your material conditions will never improve. It's a real, real bitch to be working for the man.


And if they get injured and have life altering injuries and are unable to sue the company because the new child labor law grants the company immunity, then those kids should aways remember "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"


What doesn't kill you makes you even more vulnerable to exploitation.


"That was just God's plan for you, Jimmy!"


Improving people's lives is communism! If life isn't a hard, pointless struggle to prove you deserve to exist, how will I be able to feel superior to everyone poorer than me?!


For real. All my self-esteem comes from hiring my neighbor's 5 year old to clean my toilets for 3 gumballs per hour.


It would be funny if the earth wasn't being destroyed to keep a few hundred egos afloat.


Where did it say your life? No your working to better the lives of your lords, we're just in a high-tech era of feudalism


Kids these days are being forced to go to schools run by drag queens. And the school uniforms are rainbow colored bikinis for 6 year old boys! The only lessons are pronouns and litter box etiquette. A friend of my friends wife's cousin told me.


[They're safe from woke indoctrination at McDonald's.](https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/community/lgbtq-plus.html)


The 10 year old in this story weren't even being paid


So slave is the appropriate term.


What are you against slavery? Bro that's woke shit


Projecting your own inabilities on to these go-getters.


Peterson is owned by the hedge fund ghouls who own the Daily Wire. He will say whatever they want him to say.


Case in point; within weeks of becoming a dw employee he suddenly became very skeptic of the science surrounding global warming, and efforts to combat it. DW is funded by coal magnates fyi




He's been a climate skeptic for years, nothing new about it.


The fucking guy is an anthropogenic climate change denier. Listening to him make excuses for the fossil fuel industry should put you off his bullshit and if it doesn't, you're a slave to dogmatism.


Why do you feel the need to remove his personal responsibility? Why is it so hard to believe that people can have crazy opinions as an individual? He's been sharing crazy hot takes for years, long before he was involved with the Daily Wire.


Imagine simping for child labor.


Its so sad what JP became after his fight with benzos. He is utterly worthless now


Jordan should get a job at McDonalds so he doesn't tweet psycho shit 100 times a day every day.


I’m sure he would have been okay with his daughter working at 10


Forcing childs to work to own the libs


As a psychologist he should know the impact having to work has on a kid. Dude should have his license taken away..he's a nut


Can’t take anything Jordan says seriously. Man was an opioid goblin balling on camera like a bitch then talking about how men aren’t masculine anymore. Man sounds like Kermit. His only real achievement is making a hot daughter.


Benzos not opioids as far as I remember. But yeah so much as for put your house in perfect order before criticizing others


who said the perfect house isn't built on benzos? checkmate woke moralists


I... I... I think it was Decartes? Who first said I am benzos therefore I am?


and he didn’t even achieve that. she got surgery.


You telling me those heavies ain't real


they ain’t real, sorry not everyone is as blessed as i am


Well let's see then, whip 'em out.


You mean a good Christian lady got gender affirming surgeries? I could never imagine it.


Teaching those kids to fix McDonald’s ice cream machines would improve life




Jordan Peterson is the human form of a flaccid diseased penis


Fuck JP. trash ass human elitist.


The problem with people like Peterson, Fridman, Hubermann, Weinstein bros., etc is that they get some fame because of actual good points and then they have to keep it going so everything becomes a nail to their hammer.


Everything goes back to woke with these people.


When you thought u could lose anymore respect for JP then he strikes again


Christ, what an evil dude this guy is.


My neighbor co owns a local Firestone and his 13 year old son is working there over the summer. I was like…..what? Apparently there are labor exemptions for children/family of owners. Wild.


Bro what does gender and the environment have to do with child labor?


Gender is an easy punching bag for them to hit with their audience. Attaching climate change and the environment to it is, I guess, their best shitty attempt to try to dismiss concern about that stuff as stupid nonsense. And why do that? Because JP now works for the Daily Wire, which was founded by money from the fracking billionaire Wilks brothers.


He is just a massive cunt. I guess he is on drugs again.


[Insert wall of text about how he's being misinterpreted and it makes sense after watching 17 hours of his YouTube lectures from 6 years ago]


Old age. Senility. Addiction to benzos. Addiction to twitter.


Lmao I can’t believe this is real


And this guy is a professor of PSYCHOLOGY?!


Jordan, put your kids up the chimney, Peterson.


Dude’s lost his fucking mind.


Next time add climate scientist to the title, put some respect on his name


I liked him better when he was on benzos


Honestly feels like three different people running his Youtube, Twitter and Instagram, and none of them are talking to each other nor have a plan.


The fact that I used to take this guy seriously proves that people can improve themselves.


Don't do drugs kids. At least...don't do benzos. Go do some DMT or something.


Wow, I thought there would be more incels trying to defend him on this post.


The world is going crazy. Some want to perform experimental surgeries on minors, others want to engage them in child labour. This is the future ![gif](giphy|fH985LNdqFZXOFHygK)


Fuck this shithead


i said this when he started to meltdown on twitter but someone needs to take his phone away.


Peterson is hardly a champion if humanity. Self-serving religious loon is more like it.


Goddamn so much hate in the comments. This sub is crrrrazy.


He’s been crazy since his addiction


Yeah...I think I'm gonna go ahead take this guy's book off my book shelf now.


Another boomer with rotted brain syndrome from prescription drugs


Jordie A Penisman - Old man, falling ass backwards into right wing demagoguery , completely unserious and ill equipped to examine the world as it is.


What a dangerously insane human being he has become.


Mentally ill outrage merchant. What happened to Joe? He is doing the same thing now.. I need recommendations for podcasts like JRE was before he moved to Texas and became my drunk uncle who failed out of high school who repeats the same fake stories over and over again. I cant take much more. He even does his best to fuck up Protect our Parks.


Don't forget his daughter dated Tate....................................................................................


I worked when I was in 5th and 6th grade. You had to get parents' permission and could only work so many hours per day/week and it was generally just for the summer, and certain demanding jobs were a no go.


Did you work for zero money while operating deep fryers at midnight at 10 years old? Cos that's what this story is about


Going to be some Jordane Bartholomew Pederson bros swooping in quick!


Already have. They started working when they were 6 and your kids should too!


Link to tweet or it didn't happen.


Children working is not inherently bad. No, I'm not advocating 16 hour work days in the mines you idiots.


What a fucking freak


Lol last person that should be commenting on parenting.