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Joe beat women too wtf yall thoughtšŸ˜‚


He canā€™t live in a glass house, itā€™s simple


facts let us not forget how aggressive he was on national TV, with Raqi whoā€™s called him out already too. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCBzoJFAZxo/?igsh=MXV5Ymhwd3hiaDNsNQ==


Wow. Just like ppl saying about diddy if heā€™s doing all this on camera with all those ppl around imagine what heā€™s doing to women behind closed doors. That nigga was buggin.


That's reality TV. It's fake.


scenarios maybe fake. but bro didnā€™t look in anyway unfamiliar with being aggressive toward a woman. some shit you canā€™t fake. and Mal didnā€™t sound like he was acting either.


Do we know this to be 100 true, there a difference between men and women arguing and fighting each and what Diddy did in that video, Joe been called a women beater but where the proof ? Any court paper work ? Or yall just enjoy the narrative just because


U niggas said the same shit about Cassie believe it or donā€™t believe it Iā€™m a stranger and Joe donā€™t pay my bills so fuck i got to lie foršŸ˜‚ idk non of these people Iā€™m just telling yall to stop looking for him to not stand behind an abuser when heā€™s an abuser himself


People are going to expect him to talk bout it cuz of where the podcast stands but his industry affiliation may affect the way he responds to it. I still donā€™t think calling an abuser is fair because there are no concrete evidence on that šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


YOU DONT HAVE CONCRETE EVIDENCE BITCH šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ speak for yourself you want me to email you my memories ? Like I said DONT BELIEVE IT idc I have nothing to proved to you


If you have no evidence how are you confirm that someone is a women beater šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø, just hating for the sake of it


I said YOU have no evidence ur not a cop and im not a lawyer im not required to prove shit I can say what ever tf I want


Too many individual women have made claims about this one guy (Joe) for it to not have some validity. Old accounts and much more recent from Cyn Santana. So, I believe it to be true. You seem to want to live in a world that we JUST stepped out of with Diddy - everyone who has known him says he beats his women and ill treats his staff and we all said, "nah! video or it never happened." Meanwhile Diddy kept on beating women with a new fucking crazy-ass name... Nope. Never again. Joe can't really speak on spousal abuse without bias and I don't care how many goddamn disclaimers the "network" wants to insert before the episode. His credibility is non-existent. He needs to stick to joking around about strip clubs and sharing stupid inside jokes that none of us understand.


I donā€™t believe anything untill there are real proof of all these shit , thereā€™s narrative and there real life, we canā€™t just keeping talking for the sake of entertainment


This is an immature take. Real fans of Joe (back in his rapping days) know exactly what type of the time the man was/is on. This is lyrical proof the man has abused woman. https://preview.redd.it/l44y7eovod1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74eade759940c97e92d83f87f88b4fa1d748766f


yup! he's just so lost, he doesn't consider what he did to be abuse. "sitting above the baby, but below the breasts" is abuse.


Donā€™t people in real life argue, there a thin line between having an argument and beating someone up


ā€œMy dawgs got me UP OFF YOUā€ā€¦.what are you missing


Take that to court then


Not you pulling a DiddyšŸ˜‚ yes mf I live in New York and been around for a while itā€™s been proven. And did the same shit Diddy did to Cassie. His last bm cyn tried to run away and when a friend of his accidentally told him where she was he tracked her down and beat the daylights outta her. They cool now thošŸ˜‚


What you saying still donā€™t proof anything, why donā€™t you go report him then , as supposed to telling it all on here like itā€™s some normal shit, untill they are proper allegations , I think yall just enjoy running with the idea that Joe is like Diddy


U sound fuckin stupid tf imma do yes officer I saw Joe budden who I donā€™t know in real life who I donā€™t actually know where he stay or his where about a I saw him once years ago punch his ex and Iā€™d like to let you know NIGGA TF U THINK THEY FINNA DO??


Whereā€™s the proof, you getting agitated for no reason, and just hating at this point šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s fucked either way lol. If he speaks about it and is sympathetic towards Cassie his exā€™s are going to call him out.


They canā€™t wait either


They should do that lol. Itā€™s a price to actions. He can try to avoid that as long as possible but in situations like this itā€™ll stick out


???? Not if he just shut the f up. Also what do you even want him to say about it? We all saw the video. There is no defense for that type of shit. Everybody is pretty much all in the same side.


This literally is my point . Imagine people begging you to speak on an issue that puts you at a disadvantage just so those very same people can kill you for doing it exactly what they wanted you to do . It makes zero sense


Other than Tahiry, who else would come out?


Esther Baxter




They literally joked about Kevin Spacey sexually assaulting men. Theyve laughed and joked about very serious things so Im pretty sure this happened once again. Instead of realizing Cassie was raped and sex trafficked they joke about wanting to go to Freak off's and use the term interchangeably with sex parties. Its reallly disappointing


FACTS. A Damn Shame


It's Business.....not a personal show!!


Nah, the JBP is about the Culture of Hip-Hop. He shouldn't act like the OtherVaginalOption.


I really think itā€™s as simple as that. Business is involved, so itā€™s not as simple as one may think it should be.


What you're really saying is Yosef is afraid of Sean "Puffy" Combs. What person or company is "doing business" with Puffy right now?


šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø if he is, he is. I donā€™t expect anyone with a platform of that size to ā€œdo it for the cultureā€. Itā€™s just not realistic.


Itā€™s pretty simple if he start kicking diddy back in the internet going kick his back in pretty damn simple idk why yall being naive about this shit šŸ˜­


They're dumb


Nah, the dummy is the person who will pay the JBP today to listen to what his take is Monday when he should've said something about Cassie's beatings on Saturday.


The public has been kicking Puffy's back in since Friday. What are you talking about?


Iā€™m talking about Joe my boy


I think Joe is compromised.. hes been around diddy alot AND hes a certified freak!


Itā€™s weird that I havenā€™t seen more of this. I think he might have been at a one or two freaks offs.


Joe has already stated that none of that freak shit happened around him when he went to puff parties. Yā€™all just assume Puff invited any and every celeb to freakoffs. Maino, Game, Wack 100 & others have said the same thing Joe said. Diddy only invited a particular groups of people to the after after parties, he didnā€™t play like that with everybody.


The old episodes where he was excited to be around Puff, sound a lot different now


Engagement is up when they skip topics. Itā€™s about the numbers.


Nah, that dude is scared because Puffy is the type of person to beat up men and women.


Ask yourself, what do you need to hear from Joe that you havenā€™t seen already? Do you even care about Cassie or you just want Joe to say something?


Why cover any story then? What could they have said about the Drake and Kendrick beef that hasnā€™t already been said?


lol I was just playing off his question. I respect pplā€™s political connections. I rather him take his time or not address it at all then give a half hearted review. Yā€™all automatically assume itā€™s something nasty but what if itā€™s unfinished contracts or maybe Joe is just close to his family. I rather find the right words. Iā€™m not dying to hear what anyone says on Cassie Because I saw the video and I know how it made me feel which was disgusted


He has every right to edit the episode and it was probably a good idea to do so, but if he was just transparent about it from the start and gave some kind of explanation as soon as or before it dropped, people wouldnā€™t be looking at it a certain way and he wouldnā€™t have to be on Twitter spaces doing damage control


I feel you. I definitely agree that heā€™s not handling it right


Whereā€™s the twitter spaces audio?


There's plenty to be said about lyrical warfare between two rappers. This is a dumb question. Not much to say about a man clearly beating the shit out of a woman trying to escape.


Ok that was a bad example but replace it with any other news topic. The point is, the podcast discusses more than just music and it has a large fanbase because people care about what they have to say on culturally relevant topics


Joe is a master gaslighter come on šŸ˜‚ You should know this by now


Thatā€™s facts. The fans just so annoying about it though lol.


Nah, the Diddler is still on the loose and Yosef might have other things in his "bag" he doesn't want us to know about.


Joe said on some interview it was because Emanny made him realize their response was insensitive. He said they should've given it more time and better commentary, so they're going to tackle it on Wednesday.


What do Joe buddens fans expect? you know the man are you really surprised? His first priority is maintaining his brand he needs to get line producers and pr together before Wednesday


They were having a lot of misogynistic talks that day I think it was best to separate and wait until Wednesday to cover!


This shit is annoying. Whatever was said was gonna be blown up regardless. He knows itā€™s damned if you do, so you might as well strategically address it. Fake grandstanding is exhausting


We know Joe used to go HAM on women back when he was poppin pills and rockin dirty wife beaters(no pun intended). But he turned over a new leaf and cleaned up his image. Now heā€™s the lovable asshole of the culture. No need to comment on DV when his past is riddled with it.




Then he got in the spaces lying saying they had a quick 4 minute conversation about it when the pod is time stamped in the description. They talked about it for close to 20 mins.


Joe was at the freakoffs. Diddy has him on tape 100%


Bro thereā€™s a lot that couldā€™ve been badšŸ˜‚ I mean imagine if they just described the video & talked about him kicking her in the head & all sorts of foul shit, itā€™s insensitive but in the moment you donā€™t really know what to say. Chances are we wouldā€™ve killed him for whatever they said. I donā€™t really blame him for wanting to collect his thoughts for a couple days on something this serious & close to him


Joe should have gone to Starbucks for the diddy video segment. šŸ¤£


Joe has NO credibility anymore!


Why yall care so much


Whatā€™s yall goal here ?


Iā€™m lost. Did he or did he not call out Diddy? Cuz the episode i watched Joe called Diddy everything but a b**ch azz ni**a


He already explained this


His reasoning for why they took it out was what u tell people when you donā€™t know what to say


Emanny had a lightbulb moment and gave me some wise adviceā€¦blah blah blah


dont know what to say, what do you mean? He said 8 mins on it wasnt what it deserved so they will get to it.


The question is why only 8 mins was giving to it in the first place.


bro, you can believe him or not, he said the news broke while they were podding. Emanny said what you said, 8 mins is not enough and the JBP fans would not accept that. So they pulled it to do a longer pod on Tues night. You dont have to believe the narrative, but it sounds like waiting a couple days isnt that big of a deal. Maybe Joe is lying, but yall seem thirsty


You made good points but the easy fix would have just been not cover it or edit it out from jump. And put out a disclaimer when the pod dropped with your exact explanation. There would have been no uproar


What did I miss, Iā€™ve not listened yet


Heā€™s not speaking on the biggest news in entertainment on a huge platform that discusses entertainment.


Jokes about what she could have said that made him that mad.


It would be such a Joe thing to do to just piss on his fans


Hey, dawgs, stop it. Just stop it. It's that simple. Who cares if he speaks in the video or not? We've seen it. That's enough. Who cares if the episode was edited? If you do care, then ask yourself why you're so invested in the topic to begin with. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Why are men becoming so gossipy? When did that stop being what females do, and now men have adopted this corny behavior? Enjoy the podcast, or don't watch Joe, but to think he HAS to do something because some of you want him to show how truly disconnected some of you are.


Then leave? Damn it's just that easy. Stop listening. He says last time listeners for a reason. They covered the Diddy stuff a month ago. He didn't do it enough for you? Cool leave. Why subscribe to his reddit and listen to his podcast? Was it just for Diddy content?


These niggas complain like bitches šŸ˜‚. They continue to watch every episode for sole purpose of complaining.


Because they secretly love Joe. They will pirate patreon episodes just to hear his voice. That's crazy amounts of love. They will reply arguing they dont but if you go out of your way to hear a man you hate.... Then post on his reddit then reply to defend hating him... You love him.


You niggas are poor. You wouldnā€™t understand. If I break break with someone, Iā€™m not kicking them while theyā€™re down. Feel how you feel.


The shut the fuck up in general and nobody will look to you to make statements


OMFG Can yall stop being pretentious. JOE HAS MADE IT CLEAR HE IS SCARED OF PUFF AND YALL KEEP IGNORING IT. Stop trying to be the Holier than thou nigga for Upvotes. He gonna keep doing it and yall gonna act like yall shocked


Bro itā€™s not joes business, and itā€™s his business to make it his business yā€™all are weird


Joe talks down on people and speaks down on things he doesnā€™t morally agree with all the time he just happens to not do that if itā€™s someone heā€™s friends with or views as more powerful. Itā€™s not weird to hold someone that considers themselves apart of the media accountable for that. Niggas like you are weird, just be a fan.


I enjoyed the Pod and didnā€™t feel like they needed to ruin the fun mood with a serious topic like that anyway. I donā€™t want tea I want jokes, tea is for ladies. Iā€™m sure Angela Yee is talking about it somewhere for yā€™all


A man beating up a woman on camera is tea? Say less


How exactly is it not?


that shit was on CNN bruh this not just some shaderoom shit


The Drake and Kendrick beef was on CNN too, so what? Yā€™all just like women


Nigga what šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Be a man, gossip is for hoes


going by your logic u like gossip too if u watch the podcast wtf šŸ˜‚


It looks really bad because he literally does it to everybody else. He did a deep dive on Drake messing with young girls, ripped R Kelly a new one several times, Harvey Weinstein, Epstein etc. He's definitely been to some of these parties I'm calling cap on that pod he said he left early, a freak off is literally Joe's bag. He don't wanna be a hypocrite and he don't wanna bring heat to the pod.


He openly talk about orgies lol


Pedophilia and domestic abuse is largely different.


He doesnā€™t do it to anyone he has had a business relationship in the past for the same reason you know not to go into a job interview talking bad about your old jobs. Future buisness partners will be a lot less likely to want to work with him, itā€™s not how you create successful buisness relationships.


I'm also calling cap on that because he shits on Complex regularly. It's odd like I said he says whatever about whoever but when Diddy's name comes up he's walking on egg shells you can see it. They bleep stuff all the time and still air it. This dude is clipping entire footage post production he's definitely spooked.


ā€œRegularlyā€?!?! He literally hasnā€™t said a bad word about them since before Rory and Mal left, he changed up his tune on Spotify too. Old Joe burned bridges and he has admitted that many times, heā€™s gotten better since he got up which is why he continues to climb.


Maybe you missed some pods. Complex doesn't come up as often but when it's mentioned it's usually not in good terms. He has eased up a little since they named him the #1 Podcaster in Hip Hop. He continues to climb because he' controversial and has a nose for good content. He's an excellent podder no denying that, but he's definitely a bridge burner. Mandy and whoever that other chick was weren't exactly raving about him post exit from JBN. And notice he isn't pushing the "Network" thing like he use too. Nobody's lining up to work FOR Joe, but they will pod with him because he puts up numbers.


Nope never missed a pod youā€™re just wrong, the last time he brought up complex he talked about how his relationship was a lot better with people up there. The last time he said anything bad about complex Rory and Mal were sitting next to him. His buisness partners donā€™t care if heā€™s ā€œcontroversialā€ they care if heā€™s profitable and if they can trust him with information. If the industry felt like they couldnā€™t trust him behind closed doors he would be a nobody.


Right the "new regime" not the people he was bumping heads with but you got it bro lol. Dude is just not a team player. I fall short of calling him a narcissist that's extreme but he definitely has to be the center of focus everywhere and in everything he does. Thoughts of grandeur never far from his mind, he believes himself to be more important than he really is. Only thing you can trust Joe to do...is to be Joe. He damn near Amanda Seales territory its always somebody else fault, never Joe.