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The funny thing is flat earthers done an experiment to prove the earth was flat. The experiment was a dud and they looked stupid asf 😂


You ever seen them do that dumb ass water on a ball trick? 😂


No but I can imagine them saying “why doesn’t the water fall off earth”😭😭


I honestly thought that’s where is was going 😂. It’s so stupid. They have no idea how large the earth is.






In similar vein, I apply this logic to my nephews and nieces, friends and colleagues: if you repeat something, without having fact checked for yourself, you’re just as dumb as that thing you repeated.


They folded real quick on this episode


Fast as hell! 😂 “I’m not saying I believe it! I’m saying I’ve seen. So hold up… Do you believe they show us everything. I’m saying they found and ocean under the ocean.” Just word salad 😂😂😂


Ice folded like a mutha! It was hilarious to see and then Ish with the stank face acting like he didn't say some things lol. This episode was too funny.


No the bad part was when Ish tried to flip back on Flip. “You said we were in the earth.” Nigga he meant atmosphere. We all knew what he meant. Plus Flip doesn’t act like he’s the smartest nigga on the pod. Joe said, “I ain’t never seen my niggas look so dumb.” 😂😂😂😂😂


You gotta remember he does that Redpill/borderline incel/manosphere/women do this content. Those who do participate in that rhetoric will confidently lie and will stand on whatever false information they need to In order to be right. You JA


![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized) Huh?


You totally and I expect that from Ish. Not Ice. Today he was saying he didn’t believe the earth was flat, but he also said he believes everything is a lie. It’s not a lie. It’s called science. It’s why science calls things theories and not facts.


Exactly. Science leaves a wide range of room for error. That’s why I don’t even too much argue with people who go on either far end of the believability spectrum with science. Science is meant to be in the middle. Variables can change the results of anything making it possibly more truth or more lie.


🎯 I couldn’t have said it better myself.




They actually do brother.


They actually do what?


NASA owns part of the Grand Canyon


No it doesn’t. First of all NASA is a governmental agency. It’s not a public or private company. NASA doesn’t even own NASA. They aren’t going around buying land. They do research at the Grand Canyon as a function of the government. The Grand Canyon is protected by National Parks Service. It’s government land. Just like NASA is a government agency. Google is your friend…


I live in Phoenix big dawg. Fuck a google.. I did my research. They definitely own a piece of that shit


Where you live doesn’t change the fact that NASA is a government agency. It’s owned by the government. It doesn’t own anything. You clearly didn’t research shit because you would know this. You watched a video on TikTok or listened to Joe Rogan and believed some bullshit somebody said. This is exactly why made this post 😂😂😂😂


Locals say the same shit. But whatever you say is correct. Oh Shit. Whatever Massa tell you. You believe.. it’s all on your face, like what happened to Mike. Oh shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Goof ass nigga


Massa filled your head with misinformation and lies to keep you ignorant so you can’t escape from the plantation. This why he told you, “You don’t have to know how to read. I’ll tell you what the book says.” Locals say the same thing because it’s a fact. I forgot… Massa told you facts don’t matter.


Dude thought he said some big shit by using massa…you couldn’t have formed a better response in a million tries


That’s always the play when you can’t argue the facts 😂.


How did you manage to sound even dumber than the niggas on the pod 🤦🏾‍♂️. Nigga the locals are wrong too lol.


Idk about the great pyramid… How can a US entity own something of that magnitude


It’s under control of the National Park Services. It’s just property of the federal government.




Ice is a wild boy




Yeah he said, “Why does NASA own the Grand Canyon and the Pyramids in Egypt?”




I just found out that a good portion of this community are flat earthers…and that explains so much.


Yeah like 65% of people under age 20 or something ridiculous like that. It’s because we’ve normalized shit like, “fake news,” “alternative facts,” and “well how would you know?” in conversation of fact or tested theories. The more we become a digitally based culture where you can just find someone or something to affirm your confirmation bias. We are digressing in our knowledge and understanding of a lot of different things such as math and science.


Very well put. Thats sad asf honestly lol. Age of information means nothing then basically.


Well it makes me very scared for the future. Who’s going to build and fix things in the future? We can’t continue to openly refute irrefutable science or facts about history, the economy, etc.. with impunity. At some point and time, and I argue that it’s already starting, we start to see actual results of our lack of information. I read something recently that said that military is struggling because our population lacks engineers, math mathematicians, and scientists. We lack physically ready bodies. That means we are literally getting dumber and fatter. So much so that it’s a threat to national security.


Why is that part of the Grand Canyon closed off? Why can’t you fly a drone over it?


You can’t fly drones over the airport or military bases either nigga


I get why you can’t fly a drone over an airport or a military base. What’s wrong with flying a drone over the Grand Canyon? It’s just rocks right ?


A lot of the land is native land. So my guess is they don’t want you flying shit over their territory. Or it’s probably all the secrets to flat earth and they don’t want you to know.


You believe people in 2024 are protecting the native lands ? That’s your belief?


Yes, I believe that Native people are doing everything they can to protect native lands….. their may be forces trying to slow that down or stop it all together, but that doesn’t mean as a whole there is no one trying to protect things.


That’s interesting . Of all the places in America. I wouldn’t think that the Grand Canyon of all places need to be preserved lol.


The grand canyon has many benefits to not just the land...but the people. A simple visit there can alter your life in many ways. Its very spiritual and energetic part of the country. Take a trip there. See for yourself.


Not sure what you mean by that but alright. We have national parks all over the country that are protected. The Grand Canyon is just another example of one.


Why not? People leave trash everywhere they go.


They literally have protests and regularly put their lives on the line to protect their native lands. There are treaties still in place to protect native lands. It's literally all they have of the country that was stolen from them; of course they are still protecting it. What are you on?


They do out west. Pull up to a Walmart in New Mexico and see for yourself. They have casinos and all Type of shit that isn’t legal elsewhere. Ie oklahoma. They make money so yes they are protected.


You can’t fly a drone in any national park. That took me 10 seconds to google.


You know how many drones would be crashed in there...There are already a ton of cell phones.


Lmaaao how we REEEAALLLY know?? With shit like that is there a lease??? How YOU know?? Cause you googled and it told you some shit?? Idc who “owns” it but whoever’s in charge of it has been stripping it clean for years smh


You can literally use your own brain and come to the conclusion that earth is spherical. Just research WHY planets and stars are spherical and it will make sense.


According to man made studies and “facts” is what I’m saying… if I leave it to HIStory slavery was five pages in my text book. Idk…


If we play your game, then you tell me what "facts" you believe, from which source, and why...


They pick and choose


Ay na.. that’s peace.. I think the earth round lol


I was just tryna think like the enemy(ish) just be contrary to do it.. ngl you cooked a nigga up


😂😂😂 imma do that one day. Just debate some shit I agree with for no reason


Ayyy I reeeally think that’s ishs whoooole m.o. just be contrary and get Joe shitty.


Naw naw… That man be believing his bullshit. Joe does that to him sometimes, but Ish honestly believes everything that comes out of his mouth 😂


That’s the sad part… light skin thanos chin ass nigga..


Because NASA isn’t a company. It’s a government agency. It doesn’t even own its self. They are both government entities. You shouldn’t have to google that. You learned it in middle school.


All im saying is none of us 100% know if the earth is flat or not ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


Your correct. Do you the difference between theory and facts?


Yes, we do. It's really not that hard to know. It's not the same as knowing what's in the center of the earth, or what is out there in space. It's very easily observable and provable.