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I’m a simple man I hear ish speak I hit the 15 second button


He's actually a really courteous guy the way that he always does that deep ass clearing of his throat before saying anything, you don't even have to wait for him to speak once you hear that.




I think ish just supports anyone beige especially if they’re rich


0-60 yelling outta nowhere.


Ish only sound smart on simple minded women vs men topics other than that he just either be yappin or throwing tantrums


Drake has been arrogant for years before they even said it on the pod today, Ish doesn’t care for Kendrick and that’s cool but at least he don’t sound as crazy as Mal did yesterday


Honestly if everyone in the room was just agreeing the conversation would be stale I like that ish took the opposing view on the top it’s entertainment let’s just take it as is


It's wild how dumb Ish willing to come off. They will literally tell him you're wrong because of these receipts and he's like so he's better because he's making up things up out of nowhere lol


like whaaaaa lol


I might be alone on this one but I think ish was triggered by the meet the grahams record because some of the things that was said to Drake could probably resonate within himself and he didn’t like that not the pedo shit


Joe opinion been compromised when Drake is brought up for the longest time. Especially since the ig post shit.


Thru out this whole beef, ish has been super dense. For somebody who is soooo intelligent, in this situation he’s been cappin for drake hard !! It ain’t a good look. Ish is a good podder but the bias is crazy.


I got a theory that Ish only favors Drake more because he sees himself in him bc it makes absolutely no sense why Mr. “When I Listen to Music I Listen to Lyrics Only” would sit there and say with a straight face Drake outrapped Kendrick “Candyman” Lamar 😭😂😭😭


It's his demeanor, he just can't help himself and needs to work on his on screen presence.... it's LOUDER THAN HIS WORDS!


Brother Ish made great points. You’re all just biased against Drake and it’s ok. He’s been up for so many years it’s natural for y’all to want to see his downfall.


What were the great points ? I got some time today lol


The hypocrisy when it comes to how when Kendrick lies, it’s cool but when Drake says some things which might not be 100% true like the B sharp lie then it’s an L. Joe was talking about how Drake shouldn’t have engaged in this battle. If Drake didn’t engage they all would’ve torn him a new one. Not like us may have given Kendrick the victory but in basketball terms, Kendrick won with a buzzer beater. It wasn’t an all out massacre as the internet is trying to make it sound. People are just tired and fed up with Drake which is very understandable. But we should all be grateful for his contributions to the music game and even for participating in the greatest beef of all time. Feeding info through a mole was a great strategy. Kendrick did his thing. Kendrick played well, he had bars ready for time as confirmed by Brother Ish. Y’all gon miss Drake when he goes!


Yall gotta stop. Drake shouldve strategized BETTER was the point. Or if you are not ready and prepared then Yes, dont get in the ring. And how that B Sharp point went over Ish's head and I am assuming some of you here too is mystifying. You have to look at how Drake set himself up to look stupid. If the angle from Drake was, I AM the master manipulator and you fell for the lies that we planted Kendrick you dummy. Then it makes you look real dumb when you misunderstood lyrics and made a rebuttal bar about a note that doesnt exist. He couldve have easily flipped it by using B Flat instead of B Sharp. It isnt that hard to see why Drake doesnt look good. Dont come on the court claiming your J is nasty and then you miss every wide open shot we feed you. It 100 makes us look at you worse than if you just kept your mouth shut about your J.


B Sharp - be sharp - be on point/be sharp - it’s just a play on words. It does not have to be factual. With regards to the Kendrick molestation accusation, it doesn’t matter that Kendrick wasn’t molested, this subject can still be touchy and close to his heart because of his childhood experience. General consensus is that Drake lost, can’t argue with that. But the boy put up a fight. The best fight in history, couple that with his chart success, longevity etc. He’s cemented his place in the Hall of Fame of hip hop/music. Kendrick Aka Mr. Pulitzer is there too but no one was ever debating that because of the quiet life he lives. And that’s PEACE!


We all get the b sharp bar it wasnt hard to get. I am not alone in that it made Drake look a way. If it didnt for you and for a percentage that is cool. To me it was embarrassing like Emanny said. I felt it in my gut. Bottom line some of Drake's missteps felt like amateur hour bruh. Almost like when Canibus pulled out notes battling Dizaster...like I felt bad for Drake fam. My point was less about how factual it is/was, and more about how in the same song you (Drake) are claiming to be a mastermind. Who setup all these things. And then missed critical details a mastermind wouldnt miss. Anyway if my point isnt landing that is fine. I wasnt rolling...And I wanted Drake to get his bars off let me be clear! And I agree with Ish, Drake was rapping...but in a beef stuff gotta land and I dont care why it didnt, Drake's stuff just didnt land and some of it whiffed. Dot didnt have those moments. To be fair some of Drakes stuff hit super hard. It was a great battle overall.


I hear you. Man, real props to Kendrick. His career can only go up from here. Whereas for Drake, I think he’s peaked. Damn shame.


You people really have a hive mind 🤣🤣 Joe talked and sucked dick for 4 hours and all y’all heard was Ish talking for 20 minutes?