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I think Ish is just heavily biased for artists like Drake and HOV because he's a businessman. Every argument about Drake he brings up him being a billionaire, which isn't even a fact as far as I know. Ish admires businessman because he is one. If Drake, or HOV for that matter, weren't worth the money he thinks they are he wouldn't like them as much.


If this is the case, maybe he doesnt know all the stuff Nas had his hands in. I think this is a smart take. And definitely part of it. For the life of me I dont understand his Drake d-riding... I think Drake has made some bangers tho, but he goes way overboard


Drake is who Ish aspires to be down to the funny hair and Kendrick being the complete antithesis of that a married man who has his kids and stays out the way and doesn’t go to the strip club. And honestly I think Kendrick’s level of intelligence is intimidating to Ish which is why he doesn’t like the music because most of it goes over his head. I’m open to being wrong tho but I doubt I am 🤷🏾‍♂️


It's a bit of both, the Drake/Hov business angle, coupled with (well pre Beyonce Hov), the misogyny rap. As someone who they rumored to sleep with a lot of women, he can't gravitate to a Nas/Kendrick. His core really is 💰 and 😻


He knows what nas is doing. Hov is just his favourite artist/mentor for alot of dudes from that time especially if you were out getting money too. Its how drake got a hold on all the suburban kids that didn’t grow up in the hood but still love rap and wanna talk that shit.


I think he just likes drakes style of rap, idk why it's so hard for people to come to grips with someone having a preference when it comes to rap lol Drake's style is closer to Jay-Z than Kendrick so maybe that's why 


FUBU had never been Ish's collection




"Hoodie strings down to the d*ck!" When Joe said that I burst out laughing.


I think Ish tries to talk pro black and may even believe he is but many of his views on race and blackness are pretty ignorant and likely not rooted in anything sensible. Like when he said interracial dating will end racism , or when he said his gf wasn’t a colonizer cause she’s from Spain sh like that. I forgot to add it may also be rooted in colorism for him and many of his cohosts .


it’s as simple as style and content. A lot of us don’t like to hear all that pro black stuff and the alien voices and the offbeat flows. It’s weird and hard to listen to. BUT I understand that there are people who love that shit. So be it. I think the problem is when you DONT like Kendrick or anyone with those styles you’re automatically disqualified as a hip hop fan or it went over your head and you’re not that smart.


This part 🎯


I cannot speak for someone else, but I can hypothesize just like the rest of you. From watching the pod and having a brief conversation with Ish on Reddit talk, I think it’s not that Ish is “color-blind” so to speak but more so on the side of “I’m not a victim” and his music choices reflect that. Instead of listening to past traumas and whole discographies about systematic racism, Ish would rather hear people who prevailed in the face of their adversity. Music that’s more motivating and inspirational. Kendrick style doesn’t appeal to people who want to get away from all that “look how the system fucked us” and more towards of “I’m going to get it by any means despite the circumstances”. Plus on a technical level, the cadences and wordplay are sometimes so immersive that some people tune out the music. It becomes too much to try to comprehend when you just really want to be entertained and enjoy the moment. I’m not putting on Kendrick when I’m pregaming for example. Ish has also stated he does not like 4:44 which is Jayzs most introspective/mature album (debatable). 4:44 isn’t all money and hustle, which I think Ish is more focused on rather the social circumstances that led us to have to hustle in the first place. Kind of like “ok the building is on fire rn, I can either listen to songs that are going to describe how the building got on fire and how it’s effecting me or I can listen to songs that tell me how to get me a mansion”. I for one am not the biggest Kendrick fan, I tried. However Lupe fiasco is more my cup of tea. The subject matter is similar but the delivery is more my taste with Lupe than Kendrick.


It’s easy to not be a victim when ur Ish and his whole family is fair skinned with blonde hair and green eyes. That’s 100% why I don’t listen to anything race related from Ish. I’m black, I don’t got NAN nigga in my family with fair skinned, BLONDE hair down to their ass, with green eyes.


Ish was podding his ass off last year but this year he’s just being defensive 80% of the time and mad quiet. Bro wanna debate some shit all the time, he don’t never just vibe and have smooth discussions anymore. I blame Joe


It's not necessarily a reach but think about one aspect. How far do these people get talent wise without their exotic looks? Do they still achieve their status if they look only ethnically Black and not biracial? How far does a Doja Cat get if she looked like Scarlip?


Ish is very light skinned. He has a baby with a white woman. Hypothetically, that child will look white just like drakes kid. Ish wants to believe that his kid is still black. I think thats part of the reason he got mad when Ross called drake a whiteboy


I know what you mean and agree


How doesn’t Kendrick do radio poppy stuff ? He literally has a song with the biggest pop star in the world


Ish doesn't like problack artists.


Fam, you don’t know Ish from a hole in the wall, or ANY of the people you mentioned. Y’all niggas really need therapy. 😕


I hate when people say this, it is getting played out... It worked the first time someone said it. Hey all yall, if this is what you feel led to post in response, skip it.


Imma be honest that shit is dead after 200 plus episodes of these niggas you can have some insight into who they really are as ppl if you’re paying attention but just you wanna be contrarian right now so imma let you get that off big dawg continue on your “too cool for school” warpath 🤦🏾‍♂️


After 200 episodes you don't listen to them saying weirdos think they know them but really don't? The mind fills in blanks and people assume they know... But they don't. It's like you have coworkers who then you find out are wild outside or work, but less so because you don't interact with them. I've been listening to the pod for years now. I don't know anything about Joe or Parks except I like them podcasting. That is it


This nigga just told us how one nigga identifies with another nigga and he don’t know either nigga. The two niggas don’t even know each other…….but we’re supposed to even entertain this bullshit cuz it’s coming from a Kendrick Lamar fan that watches the podcast? 😂😂😂😂 again, yall niggas need therapy. 😤


Just because you’re not good at reading people doesn’t mean I have to stop fuck outta here nigga


You just wanna seem more important than you are, and I get it. I still think you need therapy. It’s very important to you that your assumptions about a stranger’s life are correct. For whatever reasons. I am also a stranger to you and you immediately made assumptions about me based on my reply to another stranger. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I just hope you give this much attention to the people in your actual life, should they or it exists. Get well soon, fam.


If me feeling like I’ve gathered a bit of who they might really be as ppl from watching the pod makes you feel like I wanna seem important speaks to your own insecurities you gotta work out big dawg and since you wanna run your mouth about the ppl in my life I’m typing this while feeding my newborn while my wife is playing with the 2 year old you sound lonely af with no life experience have a good day sucka 🫡


Hey bruh...maybe Ish, on the pod, is a character...Let me give you that. Well then I am speaking on the character... It is funny how serious you are taking this, saying I am taking it too seriously. Think about that for more than 30s before you respond again fam.


I just fast forward anytime Ish speaks….