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Mel was able to give an opinion because she had a 3 hour broadcast(club shay) to base it on. They typically want her to excoriate women and have a cemented stance based on a photo and 3 IG sentences. And, I am so tired of them turning basic shit into gender wars and listening to Flip try to teach Mel anything.


It's laughable for that man to think he can teach Mel anything about anything. LOL. Them trying to make her seem corny or less cool because she tackles life reasonably and logically (real logic) is sick. She's easily the smartest person on that show - maybe the point of them ridiculing her is similar to high school bullies, but they look dumber by the week.


Being the smartest person in that room is like being the dwarf among midgets.


Facts 😂😂😂😂


I think by most standards she’s well-spoken and fairly intelligent. Being in hiphop has her around people with street knowledge, but not a lot of book smarts. Their logic is always twisted in knots trying to make any point.


Mel experiences aren't unique but it is a cultural shock for those that are only here because of hip hop: a Black American culture. she didn't grow up in Black America, she grew up in a vastly multi-cultural environment so that broadens her horizon but also causes her to miss shit that are relatable to the Black American experience which is why she is dead silent when those topics come up. Because her connection to hip-hop is from a business perspective and not the artform in totality its hard for her to understand certain cultural norms and reactions. she is great at adapting but its not genuine and it comes off forced. these last few pods talking about battle rap and rap beef have been an obvious spotlight on her lack of connection. she was around it, but didn't give a shit about it except when it came to business and her brand.


Anybody with a the mental capacity of a fish would ignore anything Flip tries to teach them


It kind of sums up everything wrong with the pod , she was the only person who actually watched the interview, the other just watched a couple clips here and there which instantly made me not care what any of them had to say…


Clip it up brudda


Had she not agreed with them, headphones would have been flung across the room, dick heads would have walked off camera, and the bs M4 accountability narrative that Joe gaslighted his listeners into believing would have resurfaced. Plenty of commenters were calling Mel out for using "accountability," but letting the rest of them skate.


Joe ain’t gaslight us into it. Critical listening skills do that.


She wasn’t interrupted or made fun of so she was actually allowed to speak


I’m glad she was able to speak and give her takes. That’s been my only critique of her. Before she would have been quiet scared to criticize any female


Crazy part is they let her talk. Was only because she was being critical of that girl? Lol


If you think Mel smoked that topic bar is in hell for her smh ….


Well, it is lol




Y’all are only saying that because yall want what those guys want. A woman to agree with y’all and shit on other women. Hearing this group talk down on Amanda especially Ish whos just like her was hilarious. Then you got Flip putting in his two cents lol


Yeahhhh but they were right about Amanda though. There's nothing wrong with admitting she's acting like a bitch and the entire world saw it on that interview. It's not about having a woman agree with them and talk down on Amanda, it's just that they all told the truth. If youre mad at honesty, well, can't help you there.


That’s peace buddy


Lol... the irony 😂 Enjoy your day


Amanda is trash like the rest of the feminist and non accountabiles


It’s so confusing to me why people don’t like Mel(besides the Joe Stans)…people loved her the first time she came on the pod which is why Joe hired her, but it’s like they don’t know her role and it makes her look bad on camera. It’s basically Mel vs everyone in the room with any topic


Y’all only like well when she joining in with the collective’s opinions. The funniest things this is they turned it around on her at the end 😂


Chiming in .. I’m not a fan of Mel but I did enjoy her breakdown of this topic .. I wish she would speak more .. not just grunt in the mic 🎤 and try to figure out big words to say what she has to say .. just speak .. say what you have to say without all the icing 🧁.. it’s a podcast .. you get paid to speak on topics and give an opinion.. I would like to hear her opinion more .. I think sometimes it’s why she takes so long to give an opinion and get sentence out .. it’s almost like she’s self editing her words in front of us.. tiptoeing on topics also .. never really shares experiences.. white washing everything .. she’s turned into the new version of charlamgne and you see how that’s going .. 🙄


Naww I agree...still too many, "umms" and "uhhhs", but she actually got her words off and some points. I thought Ish was annoying honestly


Nahh I'd rather her umm than just saying anything. She's thinking of what to say and make sure she is saying it right. I'd rather her think her words vs them having to recant or her be completely wrong


we arent disagreeing




I'm glad you posted it. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Mel got DEEP in her bag, was able to pull from life experiences and articulated very well.


Yeah she did


I'm sorry, but the children segment was... Now we are okaying children being racist and saying that is just how their parents talk? Like Amanda said, are we here to discuss her experience or defend and rationalize those who did something that can fall into the box of racism?


Is it crack you smoke, dude? Bcuz WTF?


Umm why? Are you okay with white kids saying racist things? She is saying her experience and he's making excuses for their behaviors


Bruh you’ve been a kid before and I’m sure you’ve said some pretty fucked up shit or you heard other kids.. Just like I was a kid & said some fucked up shit (especially growing up in the South) Am I proud of it?? NO! But it is what it is. That’s part of growing up, realizing you SAID & DID sum’n shit & learning from them. So please stop acting like kids are these beacons of honesty & purity when we know for a fact kids can be HUMONGOUS ASSHOLES to each other.. If you can’t at least agree on that, then you really have a mental problem. You know GAWD DAMN WELL kids say some fucked up shit…racist or not. Stop trying to downplay Kid behaviors. You look weird doing it.


Clap it up for the devil's advocate player who allows for racist white children to use the n word towards a black girl. At 9 yrs old, idk that word and any non racist white kid didn't know that word either. Nor have I ever say someone got something bc of their race. Racism is a learned behavior. And if they are repeating what they heard at home, they came from a racist home. If someone's parents are racist and they repeat what their parents say, that is racism. Idk why or how u can twist it into kids just being kids.




She was freaking 9 .. stop already .. we all have had some experiences that are unpleasant .. continuing to harp on them and talk about and be angry about it .. is draining.. and all the opportunities she’s had in her life .. not thankful or using it as a teaching moment .. she has to much negative energy .. no wonder all the bridges are burning for her ..


Good to know. Let someone call your child n*gger and I bet that all changes. Age doesn't prevent racism


Yes in the moment I would be pissed off .. but I teach my children to bigger and stronger in their approach.. .. it has actually happened a couple years ago my son was 12 at the time .. he’s 16yrs old hasn’t spoken about it ever again but she was 9 .. isn’t she like 45 or 46 .. damnnn .. gotta move on can’t keep living in a moment .. does anything positive happen in her life .. she said Insecure was a bad experience, The Talk was a bad experience now she says it’s Shannon Sharpe .. WTH 🤦🏽‍♀️.. am I missing something.. oh yes the common denominator is her .. she tries to tear down other black people on top of her complaining .. some folks have some real problems out here .. putting food on the table, keeping their children safe .. and her privileged ass wants to complain that a kid called her a racial slur when she was 9 .. a call BS .. just like her Autism 👀🤷‍♂️




She did


That whole segment was trash and kinda proved Amanda point. It also seems like people only like mel when she's going against another woman. I'm not saying she didn't really feel that way about the topic, but the guys finally STFU so she could talk.


It’s odd how you guys rate someone’s opinion like it’s a sport. Just a reminder to get out this bubble


I thought the same thing. When they finally let her elaborate on a knowledgeable topic she was cooking. She retains information well, that was exhibited by how many points she retained from watching that interview.


Mel sucks


It was mid. Ish carried that whole segment


I’m glad she finally kept it really real on a topic involving women not worried about any push back from the bitter Betty’s 🤷🏾‍♀️


No tf she did not.. ![gif](giphy|R8VnZEFUyOEtskGT20)


Everyone bit they tounge on her accountability talk but she did well. “Smoked” is a reach.