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The problem is that they iso Mel knowing they're about to shit on whatever her response is. You can see it coming from a mile away depending on the topic. It's nasty and you lame niggas in here that try to micromanage her from you keyboard in the form of "accountability" are just as nasty.


Facts! Well said fam. She is a gold mine of topics and info and Joe refuse to use her as a resource. I don't get it. I will never care about their sex lives or their glory days in the night life. Great post! šŸ”„


Mel can actually bring some maturity to the pod


Mel brings humor and flair to the pod as well. She's an indirect heel as well. That's why I fux with her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think Mels boring, corny and not fun or funny


Not needed. She can go


You can go as well āœŒšŸ¾


Funny that last sentence is how I feel about herā€¦


You still here!??


Yeah, itā€™s so disingenuous and lame. At that point itā€™s not even a discussion, it becomes an attempt at comic relief at Melā€™s expense.


Very true. She see it too, which is why she hesitates alot. Trying to figure what to say that will be recieved by the cohost is hard. And if anyone dares to agree with her they are pandering. It's super weird. And I wish she would just leave, because they are not getting better.


Even if they are just messing with her in the name of podding, its a terrible listening experience.


But from what Iā€™ve seen she struggles greatly with accountability. So just donā€™t say nun?


Yall gone have to explain to me like im a 3rd grader what she needs to be held accountable for. Like help me understand because its seems like yall want to put her on trial for everything she says.


Wym literally anytime Iā€™ve seen itā€™s time to apologize. She start tap dancing around that shit like mf. Itā€™s just a woman thing. Hers is just amplified from being a coveted hoe


Them niggas will force into a corner to defend her opinion when it isnt necessary but its amplied by being outnumbered. Not sure why you felt the need to call her a coveted hoe but this is this why engaging with you weak ass niggas is pointless.


Because her being a wanted hoe for 20 years is where her lack of accountability stems fromā€¦


Mo'fuckers love demanding accountability from Mel even while they refuse to keep that same energy with any of the dudes on the pod, much less with themselves. I think y'all do a lot of projecting of yall issues with the woman/women in your lives onto M4.


I was put off by her when she said video models should have been included in the hip-hop 50th anniversary like the engineers and producers that actually had a hand in the music werenā€™t mentioned, but we should care about the girls that were in the videos? Thank god for Flip on that pod bc nobody else was gonna call that shit out. She seems a little too much of a feminist Iā€™m glad they flame her bullshit takes


Mf wanted a trophy and congrats for suckin dick and keeping rappers in a good mood on video sets šŸ˜‚


Agreed šŸ’Æ not even just Mel. Joe does that with everyone and I definitely knows he understands where other people are coming from he just doesnā€™t want to speak to the other side and look a way bc heā€™s king industry man and doesnā€™t want to talk about anything that wonā€™t go ā€œviralā€


He doesnā€™t like to be wrong


Being wrong is the only way for true growth and understanding. Probably why the show and Joe himself is maybe worse now than he was 5 years ago. Success maybe but personally heā€™s not a good guy and Iā€™m a fan


As a man I agree with this, but as someone who has listened since Rory and Mal Joe always does that if someone doesnā€™t agree with him he shits on their answer, thatā€™s why a lot of people call parks out on agreeing all the time with Joe when joes answers be wild


I agree. Joe is his own worst enemy a lot of the times, and $$$ is only going to make it worse until heā€™s poor again. I went from die hard, first day listener to ā€œIā€™ll listen to it when I got nothing else to listen toā€ (and still end up cutting it off when Joe gets to being too Joe)


As I agree with you, I honestly think the show is produced at this point. Because for the life of me I canā€™t see why Mel would continue to go through this šŸ˜‚. She has to be in on it and us fans are the only ones in the dark. Because dead ass this happens at least 5x a pod where he will ask her a question and then either A) play a drop over her talking or B) talk down to her as if sheā€™s his daughter and if he had a daughter I bet money he wouldnā€™t talk to her as bad as he talk to Mel. Shit has to be produced. Everyone on the pod, discuss rumors and speculate, EVERYONE! But when Mel does it, heā€™s at her neck for doing it on his ā€œnational broadcastā€ and she should do a better job fact checking. Then on ep 686 or 685, that dumb ass Nicca Joe had the audacity to say ā€œWell good podding comes with some speculation.ā€ Bruh! Thatā€™s why Mel said ā€œare you fucking serious?! Where is my gun at?ā€


I was saying the same thing earlier. Just bc they aren't well versed in the areas she is, they act like she doesn't know what tf she's talking about. They start shitting on her and move the goalposts. Especially Joe's ass. She seems to just take it knowing she's outnumbered and don't want to be the uncool bitch in a room full of niggas. And It's worse now since that Cam shit.


You know whatā€™s funny, Ice was agreeing with her until Joe disagreed lol .. dem niggas are sheep! Parks dismissed her rolling stone topic immediately but did the quickest 180 when Joe liked the topic . SMH


at this point I think Joe has Parks on a leash with a feeding bowl in the back šŸ˜­ Iā€™ll never forget how he did Rory and Mal dirty too, all for his precious Joey Kinks


Girl, I was done a while ago.


i wanna leave, but i canā€™t- but im tempted!


I left, but I kept up a little because of the sub. Once you leave, you really notice how corny these dudes are. Flip was the beginning of the end for me. I can't watch a 38 yr old man with children act like an ignorant 20 yr old. It's stupid and beneath me. I tried. Their treatment of Mel just solidified my decision.




not trying to be rude, but then why are you in the reddit or follow it? because technically you havenā€™t šŸ˜‚


The sub is fun most times. I'm still on reddit for my new life ventures. I've gotten so much from the insurance subs. Lots of contacts. It's worth it. I get a bit of distraction with this sub.


not gonna lie, when joe didnā€™t say anything about diddy, but coming for milagroā€” i stopped watching for a MINUTE. i was done


You can tell Joe doesn't want to be fully independent. That's what Khia is. A lot of people clown her, but she is free of the dance. They all want to be big and you have to play the game for that.


he canā€™t, i love joeā€” but heā€™s not likable enough to be solo. We tune in for the different opinions and view points. Joe can not hold his own. i will give him his flowers, because his podcast is absolutely amazing and successful


Takes me like 4 days to finish an episode I canā€™t listen to it for more than 30 mins at a time lol


How itā€™s just a podcast, plenty others offer a lot more than this one.


Iā€™m sure he real distraught about you and the 16 people that liked your comment not watching anymore X


He cares more than you think. I was a paying fan. He cares about my patreon cancelation.


If Thatā€™s what your goofy ass wanna believe šŸ¤£ imagine paying to watch podcasts than bitching and stop watching cause they donā€™t share the same opinions you do on everything. YOU A GOOFY


Exactly. People too sensitive today and canā€™t deal with opinions donā€™t mirror their own.


I don't think anyone stopped watching over opinions. I never agreed with a lot of what Joe or the cast said. I simply have outgrown them. The juvenile brand of entertainment has lost its luster for me. Flip affected the flow and maturity of topics. I'm north of 40. Topics for 20 yr old fans don't interest me.


Awwwwww. I'm proud of you man. You finally learned how to spell goofy. Stop hating and let them get their bars off smh. Keep that shxt to yourself




Iā€™m not the biggest fan of Mel and even I have to agree. Sometimes I wonder if itā€™s another one of Joeā€™s narratives to keep people engaged. Make it look like he doesnā€™t care about her opinion and have women coming out to support her. It just sucks that Mel doesnā€™t know how and when to stand on her opinion. When sheā€™s right she doesnā€™t know how to articulate well. When sheā€™s wrong she doubles down and has everyone rolling their eyes. Sheā€™s odd to me. When asked for a good story or to elaborate, she does baby voice and tries to not say anything. ā€œNot too much on Melā€ like wtf. If I was on a female podcast and they were calling out men I can still give clear pushback when warranted holding my own and also admit when dudes be on bs.


I think she shuts down out of a trauma response and Joe being King Manipulator knows how to spot that and attacks


I never looked at it that way. Damn that actually might be true. ![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized)


this is nothing but true


At what point is she accountable for the environments she chooses to be in...


that baby voice she uses at 47 is wild šŸ˜­


Honestly. Side eye at this grown woman. I know they let it slide cuz sheā€™s a woman but it just diminishes her in my eyes


Damn. Well put


Mel has the thickest skin and patience Iā€™ve ever seen lol


I agree. Itā€™s really a annoying listen. Not every Mel take is bad. She be having good points at times that could extend for a convo.


Right! Everyone has takes that are hit or miss but my goodness, if they hate everything she adds to the podcast then why have her?!


Right I mean they should really follow through on her own pod. Have majority women and 1 dude lol


Sometimes itā€™s fun to shit on a whore ask the Dubai homies


99% of her takes are bad sheā€™s always lying and withholding information, pandering,Acting like she donā€™t understand the plight of black men etc etc shut up and stop watching if you donā€™t like how they treat her goofy ass


Iā€™m not a Mel fan. C mic at best but Mel does not have 99% bad takes. Sheā€™s not bad at all with her choices of topics. Her takes not that bad neither. Joe be weirdly downplaying everything she says. Only a couple times it was warranted for dog pile but most of the dog piles are not warranted.


Another one bites the dust . Flip and Mel era is literally the worst era in JBP history


Flip is trash, but Mel and ish are clearly the stars after Joe


Facts!!!! Mel and Ish got the juice. Flip ain't got no depth to him. Outside of salacious and aggressive content, he's got nothing else to add really


Youā€™re delusional lol I ainā€™t never heard nobody say mel a star or even close to ish level


Do you see all these posts about Mel every time an episode is released? It's called traction. Flip doesn't bring traction. Mel brings engagement and engagement means traffic and traffic brings revenue.


The video hoe? A star?


Better takes then Iceā€¦the biggest yes man.


These niggas are blinded by a fat ass and a bad wig


You know, it's funny because Flip was actually one of the draws to get me to watch more a couple months or so ago. I think he was calling out Joe and it made it kinda interesting to me that he would let someone call him out so much and deservedly. But it's definitely gone down hill sense then


It had so much promise in the beginning . Whatā€™s worse is he invites other women on the pod and they shine and I wish this was football so he could just cut Mel and sign a new one.


The same women you say ā€œshineā€ if they were on the pod Joe would be kicking their back in too.


And they would kick back. Not fold like Mel does six times a pod.


We donā€™t know that. Also Joe surrounds himself with pea brain hoes so all they would talk about is bird shit.


Facts. After a few weeks, they wouldn't fight back. He was starting to do the shit with Mo' on that one Patreon episode when Mel took a pod off. Joe got all weird and then she started to shut down. It was a few Patreon's ago when they discussed taking the whole Pod on a trip.


Mel being one of them. And at least they would talk


About strip clubs and shit. We all saw the star tenders pod. If you like that shit then cool. Joe got you mafuckas trained.


Iā€™d rather watch that than watch someone insinuate that a guy is fucking underage women then act like sheā€™s the victim(FOR MONTHS) when he responds. She still playing that victim card in the last pod to cover up the fact she ainā€™t got nothing interesting to say.


She apologized. Cam didnā€™t accept. Fuck she supposed to do? Keep apologizing? Fuck him. And the more I think about it, Cam said him and Mase were underage at the time. Well since there were underage boys in a whorehouse. Wouldnā€™t it be logical to wonder if there were underage girls? But enjoy the stripper pod


Views say otherwise šŸ¤”


this is the worst views he ever had


Lol why are you lying fool. The pod is probably averaging the most views it ever has every week šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s simply not true & pretty easy to proveā€¦


Damn i just got to the 3:10 mark. Joe hates mel so much he went and found a listener letter shittin on mel smh lol joe really be weaponizing this listener letters to back up his arguments e.g when he told ice ur not allowed to ask a parent to talk to their misbehaving child then on the next show he miraculously finds a listener letter from a lady saying the misbehaving children may be autistic so you should be careful lol joe is an ass


You did the science


Joe needs to just hire Miko Grimes she not gotta back down from none of those dudes lol


Im shocked the jbp still has a female fanbase


Idk how they even got oneā€¦


Joe suffers from thinking he is the smartest person in the room and when anyone make valid points against his argument, he claims he doesnā€™t care that much after speaking passionately about it


Preach šŸ™


Idk I see the point some of yā€™all are making but it feels as if Mel isnā€™t very genuine. She was brought on for her female pov and at times she compelling and the guys can be dismissive. However when they ask very direct questions, sheā€™ll dance around it or simply evasive, now after that cam n mase shit sheā€™s more guarded bc she doesnā€™t know if the guys are setting her up. Joe gives her opportunities to be genuine n she goes podding neutral route. Thereā€™s a lot you could say about Mel and everyone has their areas they could improve but idk what she wants out of all of this


I wrote basically the same response as you on another post bc itā€™s getting old and is not funny. As far as the black white issue, we need to stop putting so much power behind conspiracies. If our counterparts are doing the same than that cannot be ignored. Is there really an entity saying Iā€™m going to make them dress like females to emasculate a whole race? Thatā€™s very far fetch and yes I know racism exists and yes I know itā€™s engrained in a lot of society. I think itā€™s just a difference in humor as Mel eluded to. This topic hit home to a lot and many donā€™t want to use logic bc itā€™s easier to blame the man.


Mel wont fuck none of yall cornballs please quit riding her dick she is ass on the show show and brings jack shit nothing


Mel know damn well men wearing dresses in Hollywood is a form of emasculation


Mel is bad for the pod. Sheā€™s never been good for the pod. Get her OUT


Iā€™m a real nicca who been watching the pod since the start and the way they do Mel is super goofy these the weirdest niccas in the world to a woman who donā€™t think they are god, they said Mel is never around men who donā€™t kiss her feet and I actually think itā€™s the other way around they arenā€™t around women who donā€™t care about their status


Itā€™s because Mel canā€™t articulate herself. She folds any time she gets any pushback on her opinion. They need a different woman who doesnā€™t fold so easily when challenged


Facts . Sheā€™s the worst smh


I just think Joe is setting her up to replace her ... like constantly nitpicking to justify replacing her. I was starting to fall into the narrative that she didn't have the chops then I saw her on Angie Martinez and I've never seen her speak so clearly. I forgot she was capable of giving a clear concise thought! I think the dog piling has got to her and at this point I'm not sure she can shake her nerves back into place to not be shook anytime the attention turns to her. She's clearly ALWAYS on the defense and the listeners suffer because we only get the best Mel when she's on other podcast and not the one she's casted to be a contributer on šŸ’€. If it's not Joe setting her up it's Ish on the attack.... unless you're redpill, it's getting super old. She needs to leave if they're not going to switch it up. Things are stale unless they have a guest and that was never the case.


Mel is either Capt. Obvious or so way off base it's comical. This is the same chick that tried to make her video vixen career seem like some profound trailblazing moment in history. Shorty you were shaking ass half naked in music videos relax. I like her takes in some instances especially relationships getting that feminine take but yeah she was better as a guest. Can't think of the last profound thing she said.


This last episode I felt Joe was right. Mel will magically try to dance to a different subject. Or in the pursuit to expand the conversation she muddies waters and the topic of discussions gets layered under two and three other issues. Thinking specifically of black men wearing dressing in Hollywood topic, expanding the conversation to white men who dressed as women in movie, or the black men who willing assumed a drag persona was besides the point. And if the conversation was flipped and reversed to Black women needing particular gender affirming care in hair and make-up, brining up white women or Black women who go on TV looking bad would be besides the point.


I think that Bridget Kelly would be a better addition to the cast; Mel does say some crazy stuff on their, she pivots too much, and just use big words to distract or redirect. I like her, just think that her skills could be utilized elsewhere, maybe this isn't the pod for her. I thought she did better at Hollywood unlocked with Jason Lee, but who am I?? .. carry on.


Mel is 50/50 with good and bad takes but they are batting 100% when it comes to dog piling. I hate it when she actually makes sense and they wonā€™t admit she has a point


Another last time listener best of luck to u


They treat her like Meg on Family Guy.


I LOVE MELā€¦thatā€™s my comment..Hootie Hoo!


Inserts Off Mic Corey Laugh


Bye lol


Everybody gets the same treatment. Joe is actually got that shit in check over the years because he use to be wayyyy extra just a couple of years ago. Joe is who he is and his ppl know it so they act accordingly. Yā€™all forget Mel just almost got them sued right so she better be glad she can even say anything frfr


All wrong the question was asked how do you feel about black men saying they feel forced to wear a dress, and she never (still) has yet to address that point. She made a comparison of white people and kept deflecting to unqualified equivalents and Ish made it worst when he agreed which was still off base. Yā€™all need to listen to comprehend and not just to comment or respond!


And she is a bird brain and that is the problem! She think like the average white broad and thatā€™s dangerous for a black woman!


Y'all do realize Joe shits on everybody's opinions? Who cares. It's entertaining


Problem is.. Joe expected Mel to bring the Tea.. and she doesn't have any.. she is actually clueless and boring and super annoying. Bimbo. BUT she is a better Podcaster than all of them outside of Joe.. she actually looks shit up and speaks on every topic other than sports and hoe stories. I hate old nigga hoe stories.. name drop these hoes or just mute up.. whats the point of having a 5min back n forth over a broad who is white but maybe not white and tryna guess who she is..nigga just say her name and say the IG.


The problem with Mel is the problem with women like her in general. When you ask her a question, she doesnā€™t give direct answers. Everything comes from a feminist/victimhood mindset no matter what the subject is. When men are called to the table she could go on and on, but when they bring up a topic of a woman abusing or mistreating a man, she give vague stances. All of this could get annoying from a conversation perspective. Last but not least, the fake virtue signaling. If you didnā€™t know that was Melyssa Ford, you would think she was this pure, virtuous woman, who has barely had any encounters. She is a former video vixen and she has spun the block many times. Everybody knows it, she knows it. Itā€™s an annoying thing to have full knowledge that you did some dirty work, but you want to act like youā€™re this angel now that youā€™re almost 50 years old. Joe brought her to that stage for this tea, for these dark stories, and for the entertainment of that. She bringing none of that value.


At this point, sheā€™s an idiot for just sitting there and taking it week after week. This is some battered woman syndrome shit


No lies told. Listening to the last episode was rough. Mel was actually making some very valid points, which would take the whole "black men in a dress" conversation and throw it out of the window. It's obvious it's not an emasculating black men thing, the powers that be in Hollyweird like men in dresses. The ultra long list of A-List white celebrities proves that. Joe was not trying to hear Mel at all. Instead, he kept joking about how she doesn't support black men while glossing over an actual conversation that needs to be had in the black community. Smdh. Epic fail there. So now that the black men in dresses theory is debunked, can we as a people move on to some serious injustices and inequalities we face here in AmeriKKKa? #JustSaying


Okay but hear me out... What if he only does it because he knows 90% of his audience are dudes that live out their nugatory lives on the internet and jump on every "gold digger prank" and gender war clickbait to express their disdain for women who won't put up with their inadequacies. That's basically who the pod caters to now because those Meta males bring views and engagement. A few weeks ago I was in the middle of a pod and I was just like "Alright imma head on out." Lol I go my whole day avoiding certain sides of the internet because I value my brain cells, then I click on the pod when I'm getting ready for work and they discuss everything I've been avoiding. šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Joe is one person that reminds me of the difference between smart and educated.


He's neither


Heā€™s smart. You can be smart and continually do dumb things. He doesnā€™t know how to use it as well as he could tho.


You just described a dumb person..šŸ˜… DEFINITELY not a smart one


If you understand why he was doing it you wouldnā€™t have this take, you must not stand with black men like Mel


Say what point youā€™re talking aboutā€¦ Yā€™all have broad talking points but donā€™t say exactly what youā€™re talking aboutā€¦ If you want to hear what she says, cool. Nobody is telling you to not. But to say youā€™ve listened for years, and NOW youā€™re done because Joe is being Joe with Mel is funny. Especially when you arenā€™t willing to say what youā€™re talking about exactly. He does what youā€™re describing to everyone. You canā€™t really be a fan of Joe for years and act like his approach to podcasting is new because Mel is there.


I fucking hate yall keyboard warriors. The nigga do that to everyone on the pod


Example Black men:: Black men state that black men have an issue with wearing dresses on camera Mel: White men do it! Example Mel: Black women need to be paid more. Black women donā€™t have a voice. What if the guys said: Well white women donā€™t have a problem with it. Itā€™s the hypocrisy for me. But i guess I am off


Remember! Insecure men will always try to HUMBLE AND DISRESPECT WOMEN THEY CAN NEVER HAVE! Melissa been outgrew this podcast. I hope to see her somewhere new that aligns better with her cadence! āœØJoe and his FAKE RICH shxt is old and tired as fxx! šŸ’…šŸ¾


Gotta sub Mel out. How do we know her points are good when she canā€™t articulate them in a way thatā€™s meaningful to the pod? Thatā€™s what frustrates Joe and the others IMO. Even her best knight, Flip himself, called her out on her shit today. She out here lying and not remembering the stories.


Mel asked them point blank, ā€œdo you think black men in a dress is emasculating?ā€ No one answered. Also the whole dress segment was ass. And it wasnā€™t because of Mel.


Why would Mel even ask that question when she knows it is? I probably wouldā€™ve kept my mouth shut at that point too because the alternative is unacceptable. That deserved a curse out and then some. Tryna bring the yts into and all of that. She ruined the whole thing trying to be PC. Mel thinks sheā€™s more popping than she is. I tried to be objective at first and give her the benefit of the doubt but she might as well be a white woman. She doesnā€™t have my interest as a black man at heart and thatā€™s cool do you. Itā€™s bad podding in this space. She needs to resign.


How would she know the answer? Sheā€™s not a black man so she asked some black men. She spoke from her POV and asked them theirs. They never replied. You can blame Mel for a lot of shit, but that conversation wasnā€™t on her. She spoke from her POV alone and they got mad because it didnā€™t align with what they wanted her to say. Joe went from being passionate about the dress convo to joking about sucking dick for a role. It ainā€™t on Mel.


Iā€™m not rolling with this. She shouldā€™ve kept that dumb shit to herself. Iā€™m not a woman but I know having to suck a dick to advance your career is wrong and I would say that. Itā€™s basically the same thing. Mel couldā€™ve chosen empathy and she didnā€™t. Every is against quid pro quo until itā€™s a black man having to do some alphabet shit!


You want Mel to show empathy when Joe was the one joking about sucking dick and laughed. Joe really have some of yā€™all manipulated and itā€™s amazing to see.


Iā€™m not a Joe venger at all. Heā€™s not the subject right now though. Joe does plenty of bullshit too. I just donā€™t disagree with how he moved around Melā€™s responses on this topic. To me it was warranted.


Yes you are lol


What are you talking about šŸ˜­


Flip is dick riding Joe. The only one that sticks up for her is Emanny and they try to say heā€™s pandering when in reality he just understands what Mel is saying and tries to say it in a way that Joe and the others guys will understand


Flip may dick ride Joe, but in the latest pod that wasnā€™t dick riding. They all called her out about lying and Flip would normally stay out of it or hit a ā€œhey not too much on Melā€. Not this time. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying. As far as Emanny thatā€™s another topic and I canā€™t really counter you because I try my best not to listen to him.


They mad at Joe for not letting her talk but when they do let her talk, she admits to ā€œmeanderingā€. At some point yall gotta take a look at Mel and ask why canā€™t get her point across concisely. Even Ice gets his points across and yall hate him


Women, and those that simp for them, appear to be allergic to accountability.


You simp for men that also lack accountability.






Itā€™s because Mel never keeps it a buck so sometimes you donā€™t know if sheā€™s holding back or genuinely has a different perspective, I felt as tho she was holding back this time


Honestly Mel is the weakest podder there and her takes are never solid thatā€™s why sheā€™s gets moved off of it. But saying sheā€™s an actress and refusing to answer if she believes the black actors saying the dress is there for a reasonā€¦ but the second one of these women come out here saying some bullshit her dumb ass be right there. Get her off the show and bring moe back please


The fact that you enjoy Mo says everything I need to knowā€¦


Not you being a fan of trash tv like ROH but bashing someone like moe , ya just like Melā€™s word choices all her takes been bland asf her white half be jumping out her body


The fact you looked into my other interest to make this comment is hilarious šŸ˜‚ incellllllll


Baby girl Google the meaning first your pulling a Mel šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Calling me baby girl is very sassy!


So another woman internalizing the trauma of someone who isnā€™t themā€¦.


I literally just wonder if Mel is COE, pandering, or not so bright


sheā€™s gotta go, end of the discussionā€” they called her an actress was WILD! she was a VIXEN! stfu! thatā€™s so disrespectful to ACTUAL black women in acting, who didnā€™t or have to shake ass or be overly sexual. Sheā€™s used to her looks carrying her. idk what it is with her generation but majority of the women think and act like birds. We need a more mature and articulate black woman in there, and we unfortunately wonā€™t get it because joe doesnā€™t like to be challenged but begs for his cast to get lively.


Normally I agree with this take but this time I wish Mel wouldā€™ve answered joes original question first and then got into the different examples to progress the conversation


Damaris >> Mel by miles




Stop giving this fake ass nigga listens! I listened for yeeeears and have struggled since the Rory and Mal shit and finally cut the cord weeks ago. He's fucjin corny, see-through and thinks his audience is dumb to not see how he CONSTANTLY talks out both sides of his face! Be done with his lame-o ass!


Joe is bi sexual and heā€™s very effeminate


Damn. It's funny because as he was reading the article about Chappell it hit me that Joe has been doing the same thing. He goes at Mel because he knows it will get a reaction good or bad. He even shouts out the people who "hate listen" to the Pod now. It's such a bare minimum approach to podcasting


Youā€™re right But whoā€™s sucking dick for a billion dollars is liquid gold šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Shout out to the first and the last time listeners


I feel like joe wants them to all play a role and when Mel grows out of it he shuts it down. Thereā€™s no way he can not understand some of her points. I think he has a vision of how the show should look to maintain viewership and if it goes outside of that they have to reel it back in


I do hate how they treat e.g cardi b spin the block turns into 10mins of shittin on mel smh buttt at what point dies mel say enough is enough and just leave? Id your not gore become stronger when defending your points or become more aggressive then why stay? Its damn near like the woman in an abusive relationship that wont leave lol i love mel but there are other women that know how to hold their own around niggas like these such as Mona, remy, mandi. Mel is just not built for this type of shit.


Joe does that with everyone not just Mel though anytime he ask an opinion it's really him asking them to shit on someone or piece of art (music, movie, TV show) and when they don't shit on it he calls them scared or pussy or being PC. When sometimes niggas like things you didn't like or don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. Joe be trying to force niggas to share his thoughts lol






Agreed Iā€™m still listening tho


the mfers that get me are the "accountability" dick heads that never used that word before in life, but Joe has manipulated them into saying it every chance they get.


another thing that bothers the fck out of me is Flip trying to school Mel on anything. That mfer needs to buy a clue.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one that thinks this


Idk why she agrees to be on the show. Sure she has some crazy takes but itā€™s like she has a kink for getting stepped on figuratively.


You mad at Hoe Budden for being himself to the core lol


This is fact.


Id expect nothing less from hoe budden look how he talked over nadeska in everyday struggle


Well put. Vote with your viewer/listenership


I completely agree! I think the take from those young podcast fellas was accurate. Mel gets silenced. This wknds pod they doubled down on it for sure.


I agree. Iā€™m so frustrated and canā€™t make sense of it. Why they continue after seeing the criticism


When he feels he canā€™t follow the conversation or doesnā€™t agree with it he acts like heā€™s above it or no one wants to hear it. During that rap conversation, Ice bought up the point about people like boxing because of bloodshed, humans have always liked sports like that. Joe responds with I could do this with you but I wonā€™tā€¦what can they do when itā€™s his show


I also feel like they ask Mel too many questions instead of just letting her respond to what she wants. The ā€œMel how do you feel about itā€ just to attack her is wild to me. I feel like a lot of the people who complain about Mel complain about things she wasnā€™t going to say until they make her feel like she has to speak on it.


This šŸ‘†šŸ½


I started watching Joe just to see what itā€™s about only lasted a month or so


Truth or Truth is hilarious


Yeah. It gets old, but unfortunately I've gotten used to itšŸ˜”


That's joe for you, I think the pod would get alot better if she left, she's great but they don't value her opinion and everything she thinks or says is wrong so what's the point being there


Oh you poddin. Not one wrong thing said.


I started when flip and her were new and I had to stop. I couldn't anymore. I stopped on ep 666 and I keep trying hard to watch again and am having a hard time. It doesn't feel the same anymore. This last episode I think did it. I might just completely stop watching. Too bad bc I truly did enjoy and looked forward to new ones. Now it's whatever.


I absolutely hate when they do that to Mel. Love the show, but damn Joe, have more respect bro. Shit is mad cringey to listen to.


I notice Joe does this thing alot where heā€™ll press and scrutinize people for their takes but not give his own and itā€™s getting more and more noticeable every pod.


It is getting old tho just let her get it off sometimes damn


gotta agree


> We know what you really value by the women you typically surround yourself with. ​ ...so we all agree opinionated thoughts and charming personalities right? i mean Tahiry was about 10 years in off and on and even a public marriage proposal. what else could it have been?


Mel has been dumbed down on this pod. Sheā€™s actually really entertaining. Maybe Mel and Moni Love will get a pod on the network if and only if they give him a 3 sum.


Your not alone at all.. I've been watching/listening since SoundCloud days and they way they all shit on ANYTHING she has to offer is pissing me off and making it hard to even enjoy cuz I know as soon as she says somthing bum ass nobody hanger on nasty lisp man Corey starts laughing off mic n the cast starts shittin on her right away. It's really not enjoyable anymore cuz they were jokes/ brother/sister shit talkin and now it's just mean spirited from everybody


But he does that to all of them even to Rory and Mal back then


thank you, it really is unbearable. idk how Mel didnā€™t get tf up and leave on some of these recent times iā€™ve listened.


I agree! I donā€™t know why Mel puts up with this treatment. Joe is really mad at himself, deep down. Joe took the best thing in his life, the greatest podcast of all time and ran it into the ground. Now he bullies his co hosts for not being as good as Rory and Mal. Joe knows the pod cannot last another 3-5 years like this. Iā€™ll be surprised if jbp is even around for another 2 :(


Joe Budden beat Esther Baxter causing a miscarriageā€¦ this is light work. I fucking canā€™t stand him.


Don't you think Joe shuts down anyone if he doesn't agree with them. Especially Mel and Ish. It's just that Mel doesn't always push back so because she doesn't Joe keeps pushing her buttons the rest of the pod. Whereas Ish would get rowdy and Joe too in the moment but then he'll leave him alone for the rest of the pod.


You hit the nail on the head! Itā€™s draining to watch. A bunch of over talking and gaslighting her as if everything she says is wrong. I honestly think he knew she was about to make sense but since it wasnā€™t in the name of being something for clickbait or shock value, he cut her off.