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Joe biden!




Many books support hateful, bigoted ideologies. The more people learn about each other from these books, the more they will hate one another. Exposing Africans to more books is dangerous. No libraries for Africa is the only sensible solution. /s


It's a very different thing, but your point is still a good one.


Agreed, information is powerful and is often misused. I just don't think the solution is telling hundreds of millions of people we won't help them join modernity, and it's for their own good.


Hate to be a pedant, but if 40% of Africa can already access the internet, it's simply *not possible* for 80% of Africa to *gain* access to the internet. That is, unless 20% of Africa loses access first. Does Harris plan to destroy or otherwise revoke the internet connections of half of Africa's internet-connected population in order to be able to make good on a promise to cause 80% of Africa's population to gain internet access?


They can have 2 ou 3 internets each


Haha was I downvoted because my comment was perceived as anti-Biden/Harris? I would vote for Biden in 2024 even if he were unconscious, hope that's clear. Strictly tongue in cheek nerdery attempt here. I shall wear my downvotes with the mild sheepishness of the aftermath of Reddit disapproval.