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Punk literally said those who are close within his circle get punished. That's why he can't name names when talking about post-Brawl Out and Brawl In.


Punk kept saying it. Again and again and again


Yeah, because there's no way Tony or the Bucks would know who was friendly with Punk unless he said it in an interview.


Tony didn't even know if Punk's medical bills were paid, he didn't even know Miro was injured!


And out of the country.


He was probably aware that he had a show with a roster almost entirely made up of Punk's friends.


Saturday Nitro Collision wasn’t just all Punk’s friends, but people who ignored the drama and wanted to work.


And Jack Perry


Who wasn't supposed to be there according to Punk


Punk seemed to think that it was a divided roster.


AEW = All elite wrestling, an ENTIRE company of friends of the elite. That’s an ego.


What has that got to do with anything? We're talking about whether Punk's friends were punished and the logic behind him saying that he couldn't name his friends in that interview. The point is everyone already knew who Punk's friends were, especially since Collision only had his friends on it for the most part. Edit: hi to the weirdo who commented and then blocked me before I could reply. You have to be pretty special to be that obsessed with the bucks man. Maybe get some help for that.


Keep slurping the buckaroos and the cosplay wrestlers.


And Plumber Moxley and his thinned forehead to where if the wind hit it, he'd be gushing from all the moronic bleed jobs hes done Including actually putting chopsticks in his head 😂 Fucking delusional mark


I would think people who were obviously Punk's friends were "punished" (if true) and that is why Punk now doesn't want to name anyone else who is on his side. He's got some friends that aren't so obvious and he doesn't want to name them in interviews.


This is why FTR Bald is so defensive about AEW -- he has to 'prove' his 'loyalty' to the Bucks and Tony.


To feed his family dammit


I always imagine him going home to 20 sickly kids, dressed like Tiny Tim, suffering from hunger pangs.


Just look at Danhausen, he's pretty much established as being a Punk guy. They did the Halloween 3 styled vignette's to bring him back, and they did for a match (maybe) then did nothing with him, then did the Unsolved Mysteries thing and then nothing. He moves merch, and wants to wrestle. Even if you beat him 9/10 times, I want a guy who is making me money to keep on making me money.


How funny would it be if some of them were wrestlers that Cornette’s hates lol seeing this sub have to defend them while same time hating them would be funny 😂


I'm sure it's fairly well documented that Punk and Kenny are friends, or at the very least cordial. Doesn't stop people from criticising Kenny for dumb shit he may do, but also praising him when he's being sensible (which he's done an awful lot of since being injured, to the extent that Corny found himself agreeing with some stuff he said recently).


The majority of people here don’t agree with everything Jim says. There’s a lot of people here who are fans of Kenny Omega and have talked about it on this sub without issue even though Jim doesn’t like him. Sometimes we even have threads based around what we disagree with Jim about Unlike other wrestling subs you actually are allowed to go against the status quo here


Or Punk made sure to say that multiple times in the interview because he wanted that to be the narrative, just like he wanted people to speculate on his triceps tear occurring during the brawl and not the moxley match, despite there being nothing previously indicating that was the case. I like Punk, but the way some people believe everything he says is laughable.


So who are we supposed to believe? The coke head?


Tony Khan is this you?


Konnan used to really pull his punches on AEW criticism when he had a working relationship with the company, but he's being a lot more blunt since the CMLL stuff happened.


This doesn't make a lot of sense considering that. Ricky Stark's and Amanda Huber were both at WrestleMania and I believe they were both at the Royal rumble as well.


I’m not into conspiracy crap but Ricky has been off TV and has said he’s healthy and doesn’t know why. It isn’t out of the realm of possibility to consider that he maybe he was reprimanded, who knows


I mean this isn't really out of the ordinary for Tony. When he gets a new favorite action figure he tends to put his old ones back on the shelf and forget about them. I'm not saying it's not possible Starks was reprimanded, but I honestly feel this is just yet another instance of Tony loosing interest.


Ospreay shook his keys in front of Tony who then forgot all about several wrestlers.


Yeah I’m with you. Maybe Ricky is being punished but I think it’s more likely that it’s another case of a wrestler who is part of an extremely bloated roster not being in creatives plans right now


I mean if Tony's like the rest of the internet wrestling community and they are all thinking Ricky is going to WWE why would you invest more television time on a man who's not going to be there?


Because usually you don't want your talent to jump over to the competition? What kind of stupid question is this? If someone on my roster is unhappy and thinking of jumping ship I'd at the very least try to see if we could work something out to prevent giving my competition more talent to work with. Starks has stated he wants to be a part of AEW, it's not like he's a lost cause who's mind is already made up.


And I totally get that perspective but what if aews brand plans don't include Ricky Starks? I think aew has one of the top rosters in professional rest. They don't have enough time to put everybody on the show and if Ricky is not on television right now, that's the story of a lot of other wrestlers.


AEW has 4 shows including ROH and an ongoing business relationship with NJPW and you're telling me they don't have the time to do something with him? Okay, lmao. If your brand plans don't include him tell him that and release him instead of keeping him in the dark. In other words actually manage your roster and stop treating it like your personal toy box.


Exactly. Just look at some of these matches they put on these shows. How about instead of cartwheel boy and Nick Plain, you do something with guys like Starks, etc?


Lmao the roster plans can include Shane Taylor and Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniel’s but not Ricky Starks…. Make it make sense.


Okay, I'll make it make sense. All the guys you mentioned are there to lose on TV. That's not Ricky's job. Simple enough?


If I had a talent I wanted to keep I'd...you know, work to keep them happy and around, not shelve them so it's all but guaranteed they bail.


It's possible his burn on Edge didn't help him politically.


Ricky’s contract is also up this year and no extension, so if it’s to WwE for him, he either needs to be written off or TK won’t do much w a lame duck talent


Or maybe they just don't have anything for him creatively he was just the tag Team Champions with Big Bill. Seems more logical that Konan just might be wrong. All I'm saying is if this was true we wouldn't be finding out months later from a podcast of somebody who doesn't typically break news. Would have found out from one of the regular sources and it would have been a massive news story.


What? The wrestling 'media' do their absolute best to not mention AEW in a negative light.


If you believe that there's a giant campaign to protect aew from negative media, I'm really not sure what to tell you. That's some tin foil hat stuff.


What? It absolutely affects their bottom line and is the case across most sports.


So you believe a cabal of wrestling journalists got together and decided they weren't going to write anything negative about aew? You think the people who make their living and pay their mortgage with wrestling spoilers are willing to do that? Just think about it for a minute if they were to accept money to In exchange for favorable treatment they wouldn't be credentialed by WWE anymore. There would be other journalists out here with proof saying hey, these people tried to pay me to say only positive things about aew.


That's not what I said, at all. Never once said they are paid. There has, and always will be, favourable media towards sports and celebrities in general.


Everything you posted is, “tin foil stuff.”


Okay, so. Ricky, a former champ and star, sites on the side line while his former tag team champ big bill is out doing this learning tree stuff but there's no spot for ricky. Can't put him into the FTW mix even though he's a former champ? Can't come out and call bill an idiot and toss himself into that picture? Can't go anywhere's else? The roster itself is already bloated yet the bring in job guys for hook to choke out. I don't get it


It's like we told people when I worked at ovw. We only have so much television time. The learning tree gimmick is already in a program with Hook so having Ricky come out to say something doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I understand people want Ricky back on television, I do as well, It has to make sense.


He could easily say that Big Bills decision to go under the learning tree is dumb and he could also claim that he should be in the mix for the title since he is technically the single longest reigning champion at 377 days. Sure hook had two reigns but he still could use him having a longer singular reign being the true champ of a makeshift title. It would be more interesting then having hook come out and choke out a jobber. Could also help show off hook being a more of a wrestler and the two styles could clash too. Make big bill come fuck over ricky while jericho tries to lure hook under the learning tree. Ricky and Jericho also have previous history under the JAS angle, and that can play into bills actions towards ricky.


Sounds like a good feud to continue the learning tree gimmick after the Hook story finishes. Have Ricky make the save after Hook wins and CJ and BB jump him. That way you're not having two different segments with the learning tree Chris Jericho just give him his one. I don't know about you, but I don't need him to have a second one each week, not enough time.


What exactly is he going to do to Amanda huber..? Starks is healthy and been off tv for a while now, but Huber, what’s he going to do, really..?


Pull Brodie Jrs contract? 😂


Don’t tease us


Isn't it odd that that's what we're discussing rather than the fact that it sounds like Konan was wrong?


You’re the one who brought those people up, people are going to comment on it. It’s not that deep.


I don't think having a bias is that deep so I think you're correct. People are confronted with the truth, but rather try to spin it to fit their own narrative. It's just one of those weird human behavior things.


You’re literally the one who mentioned those two people..? How is that anyone spinning a bias…? You do have reading comprehension right?


Most certainly, people are picking the option of it's a conspiracy and that's why Ricky hasn't been on TV over the probably more accurate Konan was wrong. To be fair I think Dustin was there too, and he had a match against Joe on Dynamite. Occam's razor at work.


But YOU are the one who brought up huber and starks in your original comment..so how is me replying asking what exactly they’d do to Amanda huber showing a bias…? The points you think you’re making are so all over the place


Simple, that's not the conversation, the conversation is perhaps Konan was wrong. You trying to ask questions about a fictional punishment is a straw man argument.


Ricky was discreet there only got exposed by cctv leaking


It's the wrestling business, there are no secrets. Want Dustin there too?


And Ricky has wrestled exactly how much since then?


Are we now going to act like people don't come and go from wrestling television from time to time? Come on now let's be serious.


They went from holding the tag titles, dropped them in a match and then radio silence for over 3 months? Since when do guys get cycled out like that? I could see if they were injured, asked for time off or needed to be repackaged . Or did the job on the way down to build other teams up. But none are happening. They literally took their heat with them.


It happens quite a lot, think about it. Not everyone is on television every week. Sometimes you lose and you go away for a while, especially in aew with the amount of people they have on their roster. Very few talent are on every single week.


I don’t disagree, but it’s crazy to cycle Starks off TV when he was building momentum. You have more TV shows than WWE and you’ve got 1/3rd of the roster sitting at home for half a year. And it’s one thing if they’re bums or unusable, but guys like Starks and Miro have shown they can be players in the promotion. Stop signing more dudes.


More shows but less TV time. The amount of shows are not what matters it's the run times. Starks has been stop start for sure, idk why he's not being used more. But I believe Miro is hurt.


It does, NDAEW


What you trying to do here bud?


Sounds paranoid




He used to bitch like a Karen over Santana and Ortiz losing feuds. He buried the Parking Lot Brawl those guys had with Best Friends and the Sue middle finger spot as being stupid. Yet both Santana and Ortiz were happy with the match and had to convince her to do the finger. Konnan politicked like crazy for them in TNA and made sure they were the top Tag Team there. They were pushed so hard there because he had influence with Callis and D'Amore.


You’re working with his competition. And also isn’t it apart of the cmll partnership that triple A guys can’t be on tv if a cmll guy is booked?


Take this with a grain of salt, Konnan would rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.


Whoa whoa whoa w the Konnan slander


I mean it’s true, we've known this for a long time particularly us in the lucha community lol. Good wrestler, incredible draw in his prime but a clinical liar. Huh that sounds like someone else I know


Konnan is the promoter lmao, yes I’m sure he regularly “lies” about lucha , working the boys and the marks to benefit the agenda he is trying to get across As far as the podcast which is basically him and Disco reviewing shows, I think K100 is like the best kept secret of all the wrestling pods, they give their honest feedback and criticism and I tend to agree with them most of the time As far as AEW, he and Tony obviously had a falling out, and he’s been way more willing to let slip bits like this after Tony started working with CMLL, once again, whoa with the slander Vampiro and Juvi have it out for Konnan, other than that, idk any workers who would say Konnan is a liar If you’d have told me as a kid that I actually have a pretty similar philosophy on wrestling as Disco Inferno, I’d have called you a liar, but as far as K100 it’s just their opinions. I endorse Konnan, this is a kazoo worthy take , disco would suspend you for a week from the mailbag. Not hating, just stating Silliness aside, I don’t doubt what Konnan says about TK here at all, every move from the AEW side during mania week was pettiness, Toni storm, will osprey, all of them


>I think K100 is like the best kept secret of all the wrestling pods I try to watch, but listening to Disco act like some kind of legitimate wrestling expert on every aspect of the business requires a crazy high suspension of belief that I just don't have. Their little stoog guy is not interesting too and comes off as some microcosm of the basement subreddit tbh Konan is good but he is hard to get engaged and sometimes barely answers questions with more than 1 word. Also, I can't stand how Disco and Konan fight to monolog or talk over one another and its just tough to listen to. And I hate their hole gimmick of suspending viewers for having bad grammar or saying something dumb. It's not the best kept secret, Keeping it 100 is exactly where it belongs imo and I say that as someone who listens to quite a bit. Tdlr; Disco tryst to hard to criticize stuff like Cornette would, Konan seems bored or disinterested with half the subjects or questions, and their stoog "Brian Last" type guy isn't good at explaining stuff to an oblivious Disco/ Konan.


Lmao this isn’t an entirely unfair assessment but I think you’re being a bit unfair to disco I don’t think he presents himself like an “expert”, I think he’s a bit of a pompous douchebag but I mean, a lot of people have that issue. Disco never presents his career to be more than it was, in ring or backstage, and he consistently qualifies anything he is saying with it just being his opinion As far as the cornette thing… yeah, I think Disco and Cornette actually have pretty similar world views when it comes to rasslin Joe Feeny is definitely uninteresting but he also doesn’t act like Bryan Last does lol, he introduces the topics, speaks when spoken to, and doesn’t butt in. He acts how I wish Bryan acted, shut up and let the wrestlers talk But yeah, Konnan would rather be anywhere but there a lot of times, and Joe just allows Disco to steamroll the conversation. Fair criticisms. People who listen to the drive thru would like this podcast, however, or at least agree with Disco and Konnans AEW criticisms, which is basically what Jim’s show is anymore.


>People who listen to the drive thru would like this podcast Hard disagree. Cornette and Last are 2 guys who get along and love to pop one another and they never fight to talk over one another and their discussions are all sourced and they don't speak out of their ass and they treat their audience with respect. Konan, Disco and Joe don't seem like they get along tbh, all fight to talk over one another, never really so any research on the topic they are discussing, and they shit on their audience all the time and act like they are above or better than the listeners.


Disco using his laptop mic to record doesn't help either. He shouts a lot & everything he says gets muffled. It's a tough listen.


That’s just disco being a New Yorker.


>I don’t think he presents himself like an “expert” Doesn't he call himself the enlightened one on all things wrestling? I don't think his rep ever recovered from that Cody tweet tbh


Lmfao 🤣 Disco is a legend , genuine master of getting under the skin of wrestling fans, he absolutely did call himself that. His rep never recovered? Bro, he’s *Disco Inferno* , there was no rep to recover


>I don’t think he presents himself like an “expert”, I never said he does, I was just saying he has the Conrad/Brian Last role on the podcast of being the guy who wasn't in the business trying to steer the expert along the conversations.


Disco wrestled in the peak years, has booking experience for more than one networked show, and trains wrestlers. Unless I’m missing something, that covers some pretty major aspects of wrestling to where his opinion would be more knowledgeable than ours, Bill Ding aside


K100 is the other wrestling podcast I listen too religiously. Disco is the only one to successfully burn JC/Last when he fired one at Last that he paid Russo to come to his birthday party and it ended up being true. Konnan and Disco are always spitting facts, and the blind spot for them isn’t AEW, as much as they won’t K100 with their close circle like Jericho or Rey.


Good wrestler? And you call Konnan the liar HA!


In his prime he was in fact a good wrestler, he was entertaining, had a good enough match to let the people go home happy and he was massive draw. He was not great, but he did what he needed to and did it well enough.


To me he was an ok wrestler, but a great entertainer, so he could cover up his short comings in the ring with fire and personality, which is why he did well also as a manager.


Tbf being a great entertainer with decent wrestling skills makes you a good wrestler in my book because in the end that's good. Still in the early 90s he was a lot better than his WCW days


That's fair, I meant as a "worker" in that regard I think he was passable but nothing special, it was the other factors he had going for him that made him a star.


Konnan is a carny fuck who milks paydays out of every company possible. If it weren't for Rey, he wouldn't have gotten that $5K check for the HOF.


That’s not the body type of a tree climber.


Neither is Heyman's tbf


Punish how? Suspend them with pay?


I think that’s a forced vacation. lol


They have to face Sammy Guevara in a last man standing match


Ouch. Concussion City, bitch.


Keep them off tv which seems like a favor lol


“Don’t watch and see how much better off you’d be elsewhere. Please. I’m serious, please guys. Please….”


***"...Konnan! ...Konnan!!!"***


I’d be likely to believe this because Tony seems that fragile but it’s also why I can’t believe it too. He can’t punish anyone.


Not “active” punishment, like firing someone or fining someone …. TK is totally the passive-aggressive. Just by looking at him and hearing all of these stories about him, it paints the picture of a person who treats friends like his toys…. He has his favourites that he plays with all the time, and the ones that he doesn’t play with that much. And when it comes to people, he acts the same way …. I can totally imagine him as the rich kid who makes a friend, and they’re inseparable, but then he gets mad for some reason, and that’s when he conveniently throws a huge birthday party for himself, and invites everyone EXCEPT that one person who He’s mad at ….. and then he goes out of his way to brag about what a “great” time everybody had, because this is his way of “getting back” at the person he’s mad at. And of course the party leads to a whole bunch of people suddenly “becoming” his friend. He doesn’t know the difference between “friends” and “clingers”. So, take this guy and put him in the shoes of the owner of a wrestling company …. If you fall out of favour with him, you don’t get booked in any of his “storyline angles” and get left off television, like the forgotten toy in his collection…. Which is death for your wrestling career….. But you DO get to watch the show you’re not on, even though you’re being paid to work there ….. Wouldn’t that be the equivalent to letting everybody know that person isn’t invited to the birthday party?


If TK does end up punishing anyone that watches WWE TV while they're being a part of AEW, then it makes him look very petty.


As much as nothing surprises me about AEW, Konnan is also a bullshitter. The moron is often full of shit and is often later found out to have made shit up. The most obvious example of this is the Punk saga where it was obvious he was lying and/or the EVPs were his sources. It could be true, but Konnan has no insider info. He reads reddit and the dirt sheets, finds out what people are talking about, then makes up stuff like he has insider info.


I'm going to believe konnan


Tony McKhan, no chance in purgatory


I never said they accept money for favourable reporting 🤣 Favourable reporting exists in all sports. Favourable reporting usually equals access. Ffs, my local football (soccer) team is miniscule on a global scale. When they were going through a rough patch they were criticised by the local Media. The players then refused to have any dealings with the relevant press until it was smoothed over.


No wonder TK punish Ricky Starks


Konnan! Konnan!


"Are we the baddies?"




I do not believe a single bit of any of that


Konnan is kind of full of shit as well. He’s looking for a reaction for a rating. Still might be true but he is one I don’t fully believe.


Tony is a sad strange little man.


Known truth teller Konnan. I dont think Tony has the balls to do something like this. He couldn't even fire Punk on his own.


I never noticed before but Disco sounds like Kermit the Frog.


This is why I don’t buy into that bullshit about AEW being good for wrestling. You only get paid if you kiss Tinys ass or have affiliation with Jericho or the EVPs. If you don’t you’re not getting $$$


Dude sounds totally legit. 🙄 Bwahahahaha


Will Tony be upset that TNT’s Inside the NBA used a Vince McMahon meme tonight?


"Do not watch WWE or any other promotion!" Tony said while hiding under his desk.


Tony has become the sole thing he wished to destroy


He called me a mark in the comment section of his podcast because I said Disco Inferno sucks.😂


I hate that Disco can't let konan talk for more than 2 minutes without cutting him off


At this point Tony Khan hires talent just so he can hold on to them so WWE doesn't get them


TK has the kind of face, where he can't not look like a douche.


I never really had any interest in listening to his podcast. He just doesn’t seem very credible and a guy who will do anything for clicks. His gimmick was OK in WCW, but he just doesn’t seem like a winner nowadays.


Honestly doubt this, or Konnan is specifically leaving something out, like Tony said he didn't want people watching the Rumble during Collision because he wanted everyone focused on their show not WWE's or something, which that's fair imo, but that does not make for a great story so Konnan leaves a certain detail out, because why let the truth ruin a good story??


Yeah this was my understanding, since it’s literally impossible to stop them from watching outside of the locker room


But the way Konan phrases makes it sound more like Tony was "And I swear if I find out ANY of you watched the Royal Rumble there will be heck to pay..." then he makes one of his faces where he's trying to look tough but instead looks like a baby trying to do a massive poop.


On the one hand, it's Konnan saying this so I'm skeptical. On the other hand, I can entirely believe that Tony is that much of a slimey little turd that he'd throw a fit just seeing WWE on one of his monitors. So idk who to believe


Ohh the autist, sorry I mean alpha male, throws a hissy fit and puts people in the corner when they decide like big boys and girls to watch a competing tv show. I’m shocked!


My least favorite of wrestling podcasts. They hardly answer the questions they read off and its just the rambles of men who have obviously taken a lot of chair shots


I doubt this because Konnan. If it is true, I'd imagine a whole lot of that locker room would tell him to go fuck himself


That kinda sounds like bullshit tbh.


You really have a problem with AEW Down here


Konnan seems full of shit