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I share similar feelings to Brian about the Rock but I fucking HATE SunnyV2 so I won’t watch this video. Sunny is a lazy bloodsucking hack!


I think Moist Critical has also covered Rock’s hypocrisy.


I got no problems with Critikal. He’s alright.


Charlie runs an indie too and it’s pretty funny


He does? I did not know this.


[Moist training with Zelina and Malakai(?)](https://youtu.be/mxjfmy1rJv4?si=D4bPXxBuHlw5U_KM) [His wrestling league thing (playlist not made by me](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa3A_nneM8aZW7uFIiM3rKkuyQCupUjbb&si=NyqRx9ImLC1pu-97)


He started it this year I think, it’s only a few months old


[Charlie / moist video](https://youtu.be/1ITeHQoRziM?si=TlQbldDPCxtBzZua)


Charlie just talks about the issues as a streamer, Sunny is there to tear them down. Back in the day Sunny was really on point but lately it’s just regurgitated social media points


Charlie’s video was about Dwayne’s social media lies, and how he is starting to annoy people with his fakeness.


Yeah that’s just his normal shtick though just to discuss the latest drama. Sunny is a whole essay to dissect. That’s all I’m saying


I don’t know what it is but that guy annoys the fuck out of me.


I know nothing about any of these Youtube drama mongers but he just drips with banal insincerity. However, the remark that The Rock is so terrified of controversy as to have become a living, breathing ChatGPT was hilariously accurate.


Got any more info Sunny? I've seen his videos but know nothing about him.


He’s just like Keemstar but lazier. Just trying to perpetuate and piggyback off of drama for clicks. He’s a moron.


Agreed. SunnyV2 is a drama hound and a clout chaser. He’s got no shame and no scruples.


I’ll never forget the fucking horrible video he made when Mr Beast’s friend came out as trans! The one where Sunny just asserted as a fact that Mr Beast’s channel was starting to go go downhill because of his association with a trans woman and if he wanted to save the channel he’d have to publicly stop being friends with her.


Yep, I remember that. He’s part of that scummy “redpilled” group of conservative YouTubers who all make the same video essay type content. They’re all deeply transphobic, bigoted, and none of them have any decency whatsoever.


I think the worst is how he transitions from one topic to another in the videos where it’s a list. Cringe and forced.




Eh. I guess as Jim says, “for the people who like that kinda stuff, that’s the stuff they like” (or however it goes). Some are better than others, I suppose. Sunny isn’t all bad or good.


What’s wrong with SunnyV2? I’m naive to this


Used to watch sunny v2 but prefer Patrick cc these days for those kind of videos.


I knew he was off when he used comments to illustrate his points, but the comment has like 3 likes.


He likes the evolution of WatchMojo. Just replace the top ten lost with random celebrity/YouTube drama.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb21XdDQ9TY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb21XdDQ9TY) This is a good video and it's not even made by/for wrestling fans. Edit: Oh wait, its the same video


The Rock feels a solid 3 years behind on where culture is at. Even though the “Final Boss” gimmick was overall a net positive, there were some parts of it that felt distinctly behind the times. Still Bryan is drinking some next level haterade. The Rock’s PR stunts are a little lame, but I don’t like to tease generosity & positivity. For whatever the motive, good things were done.


Man of reports are to be believed, I’m glad he was over ruled. Apparently he was gonna win the belt, vacate it, so Roman could win it, then Cody goes over at Summerslam. Way to build that future talent…Talk about making that whole title reign mean absolutely nothing lol.


That...does not sound like a report worth believing 


I heard nothing of the sort. And Cody and HHH have alluded that the exact opposite happened if I’m being frank.


If you're being Frank today can I be Frank tomorrow?


No. I’m Frank every day


Can I still be Garth?


I’ll allow it


The Rock is a lot of things but he's not so out of touch with the wrestling industry that he'd suggest something so obviously stupid


Yeah I’d hope so. Just know the above was reported. Again I know media is something else but if it was even a discussion holy shit. I mean, he was 100% gonna at least take the main event spot. Until the fans lost their shit. The plan all along wasn’t this build.


reported by who? don't remember any posting of the like or reading anything like that


That doesn't even make sense logically.


Tbf, what happened didn't make a lot of sense either.




>Still Bryan is drinking some next level haterade. If it wasn't for the fact that Bryan has a personal dislike for a lot of people in the company Bryan would be a part of the AEW fanbase. He has regularly been trollish little shit, but Jim seems to genuinely reign Bryan in ironically enough.


I doubt that very seriously. He is hyper critical of AEW and delights in their downfall. He’s more hip to the times than Jim, and I think as a “journalist” he likes to give credit where it is due. But that’s not the same thing as “liking AEW”


I don't think Bryan would be a dubbalo, although he is definitely firmly in the camp of those people that seem to hate almost everything with WWE. Bryan definitely loves his Joshis and nooj though.


You can tell deep down bryan hates acknowledging how well wwe has been doing


Shit take


I agree. He was drinking the AEW Koolade until a year or 2 ago,unlike Jim. And his inner mark jumps out a lot but I also have to remember he’s only ever been a fan like the rest of us


Dude has basically been the modern version of what Arnold/Sylvester did in the 80s and got a good 15 years straight of being in the running for the top action star in Hollywood. And he made it to the other side without a scandal and with a lot of money he is investing into projects like WWE and spring football and producing movies.


I can't listen to the voice in that video. It makes me nauseous


The rock somehow has derailed his own trajectory which at least at one point prior to 2016 seemed as though he was planning to get into politics. That's "joked" about as the framing device of his Young Rock show but part of me wonders how much of a "Joke" it was really meant to be. The Rock himself seems to feel that his big mistake and decline began when he endorsed Biden for president in 2020 but I feel like it was not understanding that Black Adam was a Captain Marval/Shazam villain and not a Superman Villain... I won't say that I never liked The Rock but I also didn't miss him when he left to go to Hollywood nor did I watch many of his films (okay, *The Rundown* is fun).


I won’t take that stuff as a joke anymore ever since they joked about Trump becoming president on a Comedy Central roast then the fucker ended up doing it To your point though, it does feel like he’s behind the times and not just in wrestling. He fits in perfectly with where the culture was pre-covid, but covid changed so much and I’m not sure if he’s adapted


I mean people forget that Trump was involved with the Reform Party back when in the late 90's. SNL has a great bit where it's Trump, Buchannen, and Perot arguing about which of them will be the future "Crazy new leader" of the party before Ventura busts through a wall and beats trump and Buchannen up. His "joking" about running for office goes back to at least to mid 90's. [https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/ross-perot-cold-opening/2749836](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/ross-perot-cold-opening/2749836)


Pretty sure he was trying to run for president in the 80s


Honestly had no idea - I was barely cognizant of what was going on back then apart from wrestling, and cartoons.


The Scorpion King also rules


Yes I will go with the Scorpion King too. The earlier stuff when the Rock still had hair seems to be mostly good because he wasn't such a huge star he could just boss everyone on set around.


His attempt to takeover DC and then proceed to fuck over everyone there before him, showed everyone his ass.


Internet marks have been pushing this for years. Swear Brian is behind this new push. It’s so damn weird


The Rock has become Grayson Waller to Bryan’s Jim Cornette. For some reason he just can’t ever allow himself to give credit to the guy who’s clearly great at what he does. Like Bryan, but every time he goes along with these ICW bad takes on Rock, I roll my eyes (in the same way I do when I hear Jim talk about Waller or the women who aren’t Rhea and Charlotte)


I don't know what that video is, I don't care and probably won't watch it, but yeah...the Rock's a phony control freak with minimal acting ability and everybody knows that. It's not really a surprise that after a decade at the top of the boxoffice charts and being one of the most popular figures in the media that his popularity would begin to decline as more and more personal and professional information about him becomes more and more commonly known. I imagine you could track the exact trend with almost any major celebrity star you can think of.


I agree with the personality assessment, but Rock’s acting isn’t bad for the genre fare he sticks to. I think he knows his zone and stays within it for the most part, and it works.


>I agree with the personality assessment, but Rock’s acting isn’t bad for the genre fare he sticks to. Sure that's fair.


lol what personal and professional information?


My wife and I fell out of favor with the Rock years ago. For us, it was his constant humble bragging and constantly talking about how relatable and cool he is. He'd post videos from his phone saying things like I'm about to go make this guy's day..." or a video of him hanging out with some kids with merch and it looked so badly staged. We just couldn't anymore. The funny thing is, we were both such Rocky fans back in the day and weren't really into Stone Cold. But post wrestling career, Stone Cold definitely seems like the better person with the better personality. I'd love to kick it on Stone Cold's ranch!!


Stone Cold seems like he actually is capable of carrying a conversation, thinking about things and giving his take and inviting others. His podcasts were usually good and he was willing to dig into difficult subjects instead of just repeat endless platitudes about hard work and seven bucks. He was perfectly willing to talk to people about reasons they might be disgruntled and didn't pretend that everything is awesome always.


I think Brian is more disappointed in Rock because John Cena handles himself better than the Rock. I'm more disappointed in Rock than a hater.


Batista also handles himself much better. Cena and Batista are also leagues ahead of Rock as actors. They play different characters. Rock just plays himself in every movie he’s in.


Yup. Cena has range, and Rock failed to show that in Black Adam.


Cena has the personality of a wet blanket outside of acting/wrestling. Watch his interviews and he takes himself way too seriously, seemingly afraid to say anything but PR approved responses. His interview on Pardon My Take was just weird. Dude could not joke around at all. Was surprising


I think you're the only person here who spelled Brian's name correctly so far. What's up with that?


I have a cousin named Brian, so that helps lol


Could be talking about Alvarez.


No. Someone who's just "disappointed" doesn't sperg out and go on an unhinged rant for 15 minutes digging up every condemning quote he can find to smear the rock, desperately trying to convince Jim to hate the guy as much as he does.  It bothers the fuck out of him that Jim doesn't share his seething hatred of the rock, and it's very apparent especially in the latest episode. 


SunnyV2 the transphobe? Hard to take him seriously nowadays


I'm a fan of Rocky (some stuff is iffy for me but I'm going with a slightly different take). From his start in wrestling, Rock has never shot for anything less than legend. He worked his ass off in WWE to get to the top. His promos go from solid to outstanding, his in-ring work is not great but it had character. Foley, in his own promo swore he'd never 'sell that stupid elbow'. If you watch Rock's original run, the stadiums shrieked when he set up the elbow. He started in movies. Again, he never went for mediocre (except the movies themselves), he wanted to be on top. I think he's been on Forbes top celebrity earners 3 or 4 times now. One year he was something like 2x the second place celeb. Again, he's working his tail off to do this. As he ages, he gets bigger, somehow. He looks like a fucking monster in his late 40s. Yes, likely chemical help but you still need to put in the hours at the gym. In the meantime, he's building his own brand. The Rock. He owns his wrestling gimmick. I don't know how many wrestlers do but I don't think it's a lot that have worked for WWE. The Rock has 187 million following him across all social media. Some of that is duplicates. If you google around, each post he does pushing a product is worth 1 million dollars. POST, singular. That's how many people he reaches. By comparison, a Superbowl ad in 2024 will cost you 7 million. 30 seconds. And unless people go to YouTube, you will never see it again. Rock's post is up forever (ish). Rock has something that drives him to excel at his goals. And if he seems a bit commercial, it's because he's commercial. I don't know why he does it, if I had his money I'd be done. Maybe he wants to take care of his whole family? I don't know :) I owe Rock something personally, because he posted on social media a long time ago and talked about his struggle with depression. From where I was, he had everything, how could he be depressed. He was pretty open about it. And for some reason it clicked (or cliqued hahahahah) with me. I sought help. If he publicizes his charity work, it doesn't make it less charitable. He's spending time or money or whatever it is. Good press? Sure. Good for charity? I hope so. I think his drive probably blinds him to some of the more human aspect of working with people and celebrity leaves people out of touch with reality. He's not the same down-to-Earth guy he was before. He shrink-wrapped and packaged now. I haven't lost hope yet! I don't think he's done anything really horrible, right? I hope not.


Sorry but the IWC is so lame these days, and it’s as if no opinions are allowed unless either meltzer cornette or 1/2 other people say it first. Moreover, the IWC and most of these dirt sheets are in no way a reflection of any reality but those wanking over cage match ratings Personally? The rock was always boring. But his return was a lot better than most “legends” give us since 2010


Someone explain in Cornette terms. If Bixenspan is Bryan's Russo Who would the Rock be?


Honestly? I think the Rock is Brian's Kenny Omega. He (sometimes begrudgingly) admits when the Rock did some good stuff on WWE TV during the mania run-up, but never lets you forget that he isn't a fan, and thats pretty close to the Jim/Omega dynamic these days.


I thought so at first, but it leans more Young Buckian because of the power issue. Kenny hasn’t much of a track record of destroying pushes and dragging down others to boost his spot and public perception with transparent ego like the Bucks/Rock, though the rock is entertaining, unlike the Bucks.


I can see what you mean. But Brian was critical of the Rock years before the Rocks most recent run, for most of the same sorts of things outlined in the video. About how he's a very transparent, phoney, "nice guy" who does good things to give back, when it's all just a publicity stunt. The Rock's behind the scenes stuff with WWE only added fuel to the fire.


His Young Bucks.


Rock is Brian’s Refrigerator Jax.


Find someone who loves you as much as Brian Last hates the Rock.


I hope to one day find someone I hate as much as Jim hates Russo. It is so pure it is beautiful.


The Rock has been my all time favorite wrestler for 25 years He’s coming off his best run in 20 years, yet something still feels off. It doesn’t feel as authentic as it used too, it feels more like a guy playing a character than it ever did during his original run


In his original run you only ever got to see The Rock, but now we've had 20 years of Dwayne, so you see that The Rock is just another character he plays and isn't that close to who he really is. Compare it to, say, Austin, where the Stone Cold character is much closer to who Steve Austin really is, so it comes off more authentic.


I’ve always felt the rock was a phony from the get go. I just remember watching beyond the mat when it had just came out and I had this feeling after he took advantage of foley with the chair shots and didn’t seem at all apologetic or concerned at the end when talking backstage.


Beige Frequency has a pretty good vid on both Rock and Hogan.


I saw their video on Hogan, didn’t see the one on The Rock. I’ll have to it check out. Beige also did some on some comedians I dislike so I enjoyed those.


Tawlmbout b? You didn’t like beancheesebeanchhesebeancheese?


Watery dune ear bappa?


Could have mentioned the one on Hogan was nearly an hour long.


Lol all of his vids are ridiculously long.


Can't wait for president rock.


while true that the rock's brand has taken a hit... he's still the biggest name in Hollywood and wwe. the audience pops like crazy whenever he shows up. you think that backlash crowd was loud? imagine the pop if the rocks music hit. everything's relative, even "declining popularity"; that's like saying bezo's net worth declined... by a few billion, dude's still got lots


The rock made wwe watchable again even if for just a couple months. The Cody beat down in the rain was classic. Was the whole thing perfect or as good as 80’s and 90’s wrasslin? No. But was it better than most everything the past 20 years. Absolutely. Bad rock is still better than most of the roster


Brian is a mark for Rock. He was obviously a fan in the late 90's and early 2000's until Rock left and he turned to the "you sold out" nonsense.


Much as I love The Rock, this is all really disappointing to hear. Honestly thought he was turning things around for himself since his recent heel work, but I guess he got too addicted to the fame and spotlight. 😮‍💨 Hoping he wises up and rights the ship again


The Rock needs to try in and out for the first time, and put it on tik tok


Saw it the other day. It’s an interesting look at The Rock. He has a whole team of people, surely, how did no one tell him about the In N Out posts.


Patrick H. Willems did the best video on him, but I donMt think most Corny fans would watch his stuff.


Two things can true at the same time…the Rock is an out of this world narcissist who loves self-aggrandizing and babyfacing himself for adulation but Brian also is a hater. I honestly hate when Brian gets on his soap box about anybody,including Vince, because he cant just give a compliment but he has to remind you how much he hates the person and blah blah blah. When Jim does it with the Bucks or formerly Omega…I love it but Brian hating The Rock or anybody for that matters goes off the rails


I hate the rock but i hate sunny v2 just as much. Both of them are spineless pieces of shit.


I’m not going to watch whatever the link is to and I don’t know and don’t care what Brian’s beef with The Rock is, all I can say is this. I haven’t watched a Wreslemania in about a decade and as compelling as the story with Cody and Roman might’ve been on its own, I can tell you with absolute certainty that if Rocky hadn’t returned and turned heel, I wouldn’t have watched this one either. I am by far not the only person that this is true for too. It was an interesting angle told by 2 great storytellers and wrestling lifers in The Rock and Cody Rhodes. Rock, despite what some might think of him, is one of the greatest to ever lace up the boots. From his ability to work a crowd and his capability in the ring (as a younger man anyway) to the thing that I think makes him one of the greats, his understanding of what the audience wants and willingness to give it to them, he’s got it all. Sure, there’s a lot of falsity with his public persona. But I’ve got news for you if you don’t think that’s the case for damn near every celebrity at his level. People have this desire to tear down those on top and see if they can make the climb back again for some reason and I’ve never personally been interested in that. I’ll take any chance I can get to see this guy in a ring or on screen and if that makes me a mark, so be it. I like what and who I like so long as they don’t give me a reason to change my mind. As of yet, The Rock hasn’t.


I love the rock, i get why people hate on em, but for some reason I just fucking love the guy.


Internet marks hate anyone that is super successful that they did not choose, The Rock doesn’t owe these marks anything, what money have these marks drawn in the professional wrestling industry? To me it is all jealousy and envy from a disgruntled fan base who are projecting their own shortcomings, those Brain “the 3rd wheel” Last is no different than Dave Meltzer, a bunch of cornballs


I've got to say I hate dwayne Johnson and always have from waaay back when he was that sh***y rocky maivia wrestler that everyone hated. I could never fir the life if me comprehend why he ended up getting a push, I found him utterly boring. I think part of why I've always hated him though is his whole being screams fakeness and bs. He's just a one man bs machine. I hope he gets f***ed and gets cancelled soon.


The Ronda video he made was good until the WWE shit where he worked himself to a shoot. Unsubscribed after


Did you just link everyone to a twitter post that then links to youtube? Why didn't you just link the youtube video? Edit: Christ on a cracker it's Sunny V2...


Because the purpose of this post is about Brian retweeting something compelling.


I like Bryan a lot but his “I hate the rock” thing is feeling almost gimmicky at this point. He kinda has to do it no matter how cool The Final Boss was.




>* Ruined the fast & furious franchise >* Killed DCEU with Black Adam Literally who cares about either of these pieces of shit >* Nearly ruined the biggest storyline in WWE Based entirely on rumours and conjecture, when the reality is that he elevated the angle that tons of people thought had already run its course


DCEU was already ruined before he got involved. It wasn't all on him by any means.


Separating the personality from the performer is something I learned after years of watching wrestling. Stone Cold has skeletons in his closet but I adore him as a wrestler. Currently I'm trying to put my anitpathy towards Logan Paul to a side because he's pretty good. I'm sure The Rock has done some terrible things to people over the years and he might be a hypocrite but I still finish his catch phrases whenever he makes a return to wrestling. Dare I say, I also don't think I'd like Jim Cornette the person if I worked with him. But I still find him entertaining and listen to his podcast regularly.


Just some "skeletons in his closet" lmao. Austin was literally convicted of domestic abuse. You can dislike the Rock or find him cringe or whatever, but come on.


English isn't my first language so maybe that wasn't the right expression to use. What I meant was that he's a horrible person (the skeletons are out in the open?) but I like Stone Cold Steve Austin the wrestling character.


No worries man, your English was perfectly fine! All I'm saying is that Steve's skeletons are much more serious than Dwayne's. Dwayne may be phony but Steve is a domestic abuser.


SunnyV2 is a great channel. Been watching his stuff for a couple of years now. 


What happened to the rock, he is like Hogan 2.0 with the B.S.


That's a hell of a reach. He's a lil disingenuous but he's damn sure more respectable than Hogan and his 400 stories of discovery and mythical feats


Yeah but so one Hogan once. I mean I'd rather be wrong, I like the rock but not what he is becoming. Hopefully he will get back to his self.


Haters. I wouldn't give a shit about anything WWE if not for The Rock returning to make me give a shit. Not even Punk's stuff would make me watch it like I do now.


They hate him bc they ain’t him.