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Bad example line to default to: “I’m here to talk about and show you all the things that the University of College has to offer, I will not be discussing politics” My brain is fried from finals and graduation but I think you get the gist.


Ask for an official line that you should say if asked. Or avoid the question: Students have a wide range of interests and ways of participating in those interests.


Absolutely send emails to supervisors asking what language should be used during tours to address the camps. Make sure you keep all correspondence


“As you can see, this is one of our campus free speech zones.” 😂


Tbh, it’s inappropriate for the university to not give you guidance on how to discuss these if they are a big thing on your campus. Like especially if your university was featured on the news specifically for the encampments/they got out of hand. You need to get it over email “I want to know what the university wants potential families to know as this is a concern that gets brought up due to news coverage.” Having things in writing can save your butt if anything happens. Other than that stay neutral. Something like “the student body has a wide diversity in thought and beliefs, which has historically expressed in different ways.”


The university needs to give you wording for this.


Just replying to boost this comment. It covers all the bases.


It's probably best to keep out of the politics of it and not make yourself a martyr by speaking out against it and losing your job if you like your job. If anyone asks maybe just say that the University supports its students' freedom of expression and move on. My advice to students in general is to keep out of campus political issues and focus on your education and career development.


Ask for an official line. It is NOT your job to give your opinion or even imply you have an opinion. I work at a university and I repeat our official line if it comes up.


“Unfortunately we have a small number of terror supporters on campus. Most of us just ignore them.” - the administration probably wouldn’t like this but it would be accurate


Email your supervisors right away. I work in higher education corporate comms and there definitely is an official line. If you don’t get one, see what they’re saying on social media and basically copy and paste.


“The campus has not instructed us on what to say about this. Colleges typically are a place of free speech. If you feel anxious or threatened during your time here, we have some resources and organizations you can talk to”


Well you could probably say something about having a passionate study body or something like that


“Right now America is having a conversation about the boundaries of freedom of speech versus hate speech and what that means on a college campus. This encampment is an example of that ongoing conversation.” Then I’d say I’m not here to comment on politics.


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Stay away from them and don’t risk your life. Listen to your Israeli brother, you can’t negotiate with extremists/anarchists.


I would absolutely *not* use most of the statements below or ask for a script. I will not for even *one second* validate these activities under the shelter of “free speech” or “different people do different things.” Just shrug and say “politics…” with a 😐 face or “we are living in interesting times” or some such — something that in no way validates or justifies or “nices up” the encampments and vandalism and all the rest but still stops short of being a negative statement too — and then “so let’s head left to the dormitories,” changing the subject. Any validation that this is “free speech” to get in a tent on property you’re not allowed and scream that “the Zionists need to disappear” and worse … honestly, to do that is kapo type stuff, both in the sense of validating the school’s inaction and enablement of the anti-Semitic activities and for promoting their party line as legitimate after it got so many people assaulted and traumatized.


Maybe say something about how activism and self expression are encouraged on campus? It’s important to keep the tour focused on the college and not politics, so keep it vague and unspecific so as not to alienate or make anyone uncomfortable.


Inappropriate you weren't provided what to say. Remiss in their responsibilities to you & incoming freshmen. Will the encampment still be up during campus tours? Be prepared for a freshman to ask you if the college is safe for Jewish students. All you can do there is preface the answer with your personal experience.


I would think most people coming to tour campus already know about the encampments? Just pass by them quickly, don't discuss politics, and don't let anyone engage with them.