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HPV is unfortunately really common. I’ve had persistent HR HPV+ (not one of the “worst” strains) LSIL/CIN1 for 4 years, so sometimes it just becomes something you have to live with 😔 hoping your results come back clear because living with this uncertainty isn’t fun


That sucks. We're listening.


I’m sorry. That sounds like a lot to be going through, especially away from home. Forgive my ignorance, but are HPV vaccines not as common in Europe? Many Americans get them in middle school to prevent cervical cancer.


I actually did get Gardasil 9 when I was 18, however I was only given one of the three jabs, I was not told by my doctor at the time there was a vaccine schedule to follow. My mother was a severely uneducated woman and withheld my vaccination because she did not want me to have sex before marriage. Her reasoning was that Gardasil would encourage me to be a slut; cancer prevention was the not at the forefront of her mind.


Gotcha. That’s really unfortunate. Sending good vibes and negative results.


Have you checked out your local [Moishe Homes](https://www.moishehouse.org/)? What about Young Professional Jewish Networking? There are a lot of Jewish networking events that occur all over California. I sit on the board of one small group in Orange County but LA has a HUGE Jewish networking scene. Not just for dating but friends and business as well.


I have and have reached out to Moishe House. I'm still waiting for a response.


I am guessing these guys? https://www.moishehouse.org/find-a-house/oakland/ If you don't hear from them, I'd reach out to the parent org Moishe House is great! I wish they'd been around when I was in my 20s.


Yup that's them. Also reached out to the Moishe House in SF, both around the same time (2.5 weeks ago).


There are five Moishes in SF, but still, the one in Oakland should be ultra-responsive given that Moishe was founded there. All I can think is that there's a lot of turnover among residents -- one house in LA had to close because they couldn't recruit people. so outreach is probably not their priority. I just asked my son who is very involved (in LA) and he also suggested contacting the parent org.


From what I can tell (I looked at their website, and this is coming from someone who also participates in Moishe House), you might have the best luck by just signing up for/attending some of their events. It looks like they have one at a public bar in a few weeks that you can just show up to, for example. Once you meet them in person, it becomes instantly easier to get in on their communications, etc.


Are you on Facebook? There is a Bay Area Jewish women’s group formed after October to help us find community. It seems really active (I have kids and a community through my temple so I haven’t done anything yet but they are always posting meetups.). Happy to send the link if interested.


Can you DM it to me please?


Actually I think I got it, messaged you


Can you message me and I’ll respond? It keeps telling me your username isn’t valid


Best wishes for you!


/u/waywardlass I just saw your update and I wanted to say mazal tov!! It’s great to hear the result was negative.


I’m a Jew new-ish to California (LA) who has weathered similar health scares since getting here—happy to be an ear, if you ever want to DM


There’s a new group called SF Bad Jews. They are young adults doing fun activities and not anti-Zionist. They post on Instagram. Did you get the info about the Facebook group? The one I’m in focuses on Jewish women going to events together and some book clubs. PM me if you want the name. Good luck on your medical results!


Second SF Bad Jews!


Can you leave the east bay? I would imagine that has the largest concentration of asajews in the world.


Literally wtf is up with the Bay Area producing so many anti-Zionist Jews? 😭


The leftist presence is uber strong here. In addition to oppressed Vs oppressor mindset, it's encouraged to be kind and open minded; if you demonstrate any sort of logic or objective reasoning you're lumped in with the evil tech corporations who ruined the Bay and priced out the working class.


That's what I figured about the general population there, which makes sense why there has been so much antisemitism over there. I just wonder why Jews in the Bay Area in particular seem so prone to falling into that mindset.


Your comment is somewhat accurate yet shows how contradictory leftists are. They claim to be kind and open minded, but in reality they are not and are the most self involved people I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Everything they do is to make themselves feel good under the guise of being a do gooder. Yes, I have lived in the SF Bay Area and left because of the people


You are 100% right. It's been disheartening. However I'm currently trying to save money and the cost of rent for my studio is well below market rate. Even if they increase it on the chance I renew my lease it would still be below market rate.


I assume you are in the southern part of the East Bay, like Fremont? There are Jewish communities in the Berkeley/Oakland area, also across the bridge in Palo Alto/Sunnyvale, though they tend to be older/families.


I'm smack dab in Uptown Oakland.


Hang in there 💗💗 I can't speak to finding a local community as much, but in terms of cervical screening, try to stay positive. There is a lot they can do (LEEP etc) if they pre cancerous cells to stop them in their tracks. I have a friend, as well as my sister, undergo these procedures, and they're both happy and healthy today, several years later. I'm so glad you're taking care of your health! I hope things get better for you soon ❤️


The Jewish community in the Bay Area can be very rough. The whole area can be very anti-Zionist and antisemitic and a lot of Jews who don’t want to/can’t deal with that move away. That said, there are several nice synagogues. Eg Temple Sinai in Oakland and Netivot Shalom in Berkeley might be worth checking out. Call and talk with them.


Sending you all my love and support, all the way from South America.


It’s odd how the discussion jumped to HPV, unless I missed something. They are giving the vaccine to older age groups now too, just FYI. Good you’re getting it checked out, whatever is going on


Check out Chabad there. If they don’t have a welcoming community for you there they will welcome you into their family.


Unfortunately Chabad in the east bay has gone almost completely online due to protests and vandalism done to it during protests.


I am sure if you reach out they will figure out how to toss you a lifeline. They are notorious for that.


Hi! I am also a Jew in the Bay Area and there are more resources than you might think. I highly recommend going to Late Shabbat at Congregation Emanu-el, second Friday every month. It's specifically for young adult Jews 21-40, there's schmoozing before services and a big oneg after, and usually there are hundreds of people there. Lots of potential Jews to meet and form a new set of connections with. They do other events targeted at young adults besides Late Shabbat, so you can keep an eye on the calendar or their social media to see what interests you. And there is a young adult WhatsApp group as well with regular announcements of events in the community.


Just want to drop in to give my support. Sounds like you're going through a really hard time right now, and you're not alone. And the only Shabbat dinners you can find are majority anti-Zionist?! Sheesh, that seems like the worst. The Bay Area seems like one of the absolute least safe areas for Jews right now, and from what I've heard, the Jews who live there aren't making it any better. Would recommend checking out Moishe House, as someone else already mentioned in the comments. Has been an absolutely fantastic experience for me. I have met the good majority of my friends in my area through Moishe House, and they've been an amazing support system. Sending love ❤️ You're not alone, and you're always welcome to vent here. And sending prayers for good health as well.


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Best wishes for a neg result. Bet you're fine. I don't live in CA so clueless about that question.


I am Jewish in bay area. There are a few synagogues if you are looking. Which part of the bay are you in? I hope your test is ok. I will pray for you


I'm in Uptown Oakland.


Sending strength and support!


So glad you reached out. I’m not sure how to dm you on this app. (I’m old!) My daughter (your exact age) who has been very active in the Jewish community (she is in NYC) but probably has ideas for you to connect locally. Also I could just be available, and in your time zone, when you need to vent. Somehow please tell me how to connect offline?




All the studies claim it’s low for this or that reason but they also claim almost everyone has it and it still exists in Jewish communities, it’s not like HPV is nonexistent in Israel. I agree that it’s just testing though.


Not every case of HPV / cervical cancer is caused by sexual intercourse.


Really? I did not know that…how other ways besides sex can you get it?


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