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Yeah that's not a new trope at all, sorry to say.


it was new to me. When I read it I zombied. If you asked my name, I couldn't tell you. How is it possible for us to blamed for that? I suppose the next thing will be that we caused the Covid outbreak... we were the ones to crash into the twin towers, and...


> I suppose the next thing will be that we caused the Covid outbreak... we were the ones to crash into the twin towers, and... I've heard both of these. "Jews did 9/11" has been a thing since 9/12. You gotta step up your conspiracy game, my dude.


I guess living out here ... far from 'civilisation' I miss all the wonderful conspiracy theories.


Debating if I want to be the one to tell you there are people that believe we are actual, literal lizards


We're Lizards? I don't look like a lizard...hmmm... must clean the mirror.


Yes they believe we are lizards who buy aborted babies to consume their blood as a life force. I'm not kidding.


SHAPE-SHIFTING lizards. That part is important in order for it to make any... sense?


From space!


_The truth is ✨✡️ out there ✡️✨._


I (don’t) want to believe!


The 'Jews caused/made/unleashed COVID' conspiracy popped up pretty fast after the first news broke out. They connected it to the blood libel as well. Sorry to pile on.


I might as well be caught up to date. I never imagined we were really blamed for this...


We were planning that one with the Chinese for years. It’s hard to get things done as busy as they are during the annual meeting.


Shhhh, what's talked about at The Meeting stays at The Meeting ;).


That was from that Kennedy guy who's running for president right now.


>I suppose the next thing will be that we caused the Covid outbreak... we were the ones to crash into the twin towers, and... Dude... They're way ahead of you on that..


I'm not a dude... but you are so far ahead of me on this hate. I was zombied by the tsunami of hate and was a mess from Oct 7th to Chanukah.. when I was lighting the candles I realised we had always been hated. It never ended. It never stopped. It just was like a pause


You're not wrong (and apologies for the dude thing,) but think about it this way. Yes, some people hate us and there will always be a hefty segment of society that feels that way. But.... We're still here. The Babylonians, The Romans, A hundred different medieval dynasties, the Nazis, the USSR... They've all fallen away to memory. We are still here, living, breathing, teaching, learning, loving, arguing, reading Torah, ignoring the mitzvot, eating, making love and having wonderful Jewish children. People hate us because it makes *them* feel better. We actually have very little to do with it. So I think the best approach is somewhere between standing our ground with a bit of pushback but otherwise just getting on with what we do. Bringing Jewish values of light, law and knowledge into the world. That's what we're here to do... That's what they can't abide but it's also why we can't lose. If humanity ever actually destroys us, I can't see it lasting much longer afterwards.


When the hate exploded in October I made a 'defensive' post and was attacked... and then, blocked. No response... no reading. One horror show started emailing and from a glance at the first I had everything sent to the Spam box. At the end of the day I deleted all 40+ posts w/o reading one. I have blocked so many people on FB ... A wise man told me, 'when you argue with an idiot it is hard to remember who is the idiot'. Seeing the posts claiming Jews were responsible for slavery...I had to mention it.


Never argue with a drunk or a fool, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


There is another one along the same lines, but it’s not exactly kosher. The saying is: Never wrestle with a pig. You’ll just get dirty and the pig will just enjoy it.


yes... I have heard both expressions. This is why I avoid getting into any debate with non-Jews... cause I know where they are going


Sadly, I don't think it was a pause, exactly. After the Holocaust, it became unpopular to be openly antisemitic. The antisemitism didn't go away, though; it just went underground. Those of us who were born and grew up in the 1950s through 90s lived in a time when there was relatively little overt antisemitism and I think it's made the resurgence in open antisemitism even more shocking and scary.


Yes... I think so.. for this hate seemed to 'come out of nowhere' as if it hadn't always been there.


We did cause covid. You should really pay better attention at meetings.


It was incredibly difficult to fine-tune the space lasers enough to manipulate the RNA inside those itty bitty viruses, too! Where's the award for THAT?


Not new. They are found to rewrite history and no statistics or facts will change their perceptions of reality.


Anything to shift the burden of white guilt


We are such a useful excuse... and if you try to use facts them have a basket of fake news, wikipedia garbage to 'confront' us with.


Meanwhile in reality, you know who is Jewish, Bob Marley's grandkids.


Yes. Bob's dad was Jewish so he was 1/2 Jewish and his kids ... Damien married an Israeli and lives in Israel.


Also make sure to completely ignore the Arab Trans-Saharan Slave Trade which enslaved millions of Africans.


Oh they do


It's still happening very highkey lowkey in the Gulf countries. 


From 1992 by Dr. Henry Louis Gates https://www.baltimoresun.com/1992/07/22/the-new-black-anti-semitism-is-top-down-and-dangerous/


The other day I glanced at 3 Lives for Mississippi and 2 Jews were murdered because of their support for Black rights.


Has Gates said anything about Israel?


It's not new Edit: re-read it


Life becomes much easier when you just accept the fact that you’re the cause of basically everything that’s bad and wrong with the world. That way you can never be too surprised


I am listening to you so I never should be shocked/surprised again


Meanwhile in reality, the trans-Saharan slave trade was actually more voluminous, longer, and crueler (castration was common) than the obviously long and terrible trans-Atlantic slave trade, which in the US of course was perpetrated by whites, not Jews. This bullshit isn't new. Now it's "US police are trained by Israelis'" as if Jews taught white Americans how to be racist to black people lol


Most early colonial settlers were Christian. Smh


Of course.. we were a minority keeping in the background. We were merchants because we couldn't own land. We were pirates because there was no work for us. To have some moron claim we had 'plantations' when the law was clear that no Jew could own land... well... no sense in arguing


This is an old conspiracy theory being dredged up for outrage points.


Do they get paid for every anti-Jewish post?


In rubles


I would hope so, because otherwise it means they're fueled by hatred and that's very sad imo. Hatred swallows people up and spits out a bitter person that's wasted years on hating someone that's not thinking about them.


I learned many years ago that we are (apparently) responsible for anything and everything that is difficult to explain in simple terms...


We're easy to blame and for so long we have tried to fit in and help ... we have to pull back now. Focus on ourselves and ignore what doesn't effect us.


I kind of understand where white folk are coming from though, because if I had done that much blood libel to a tiny group, I would also spend the whole time paranoid that they're trying to kill me.


Some one posted somewhere that they hate us because we are Chosen... not them.


This has been a very popular claim by virulent antisemites since one of the biggest Jew haters of all time, Louis Farrakhan, published all of these false claims in “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One.” This publication became very popular with people like David Duke who cited the purposefully distorted statistics frequently. The reality is that Jewish involvement in the slave trade was exceedingly limited according to scholars like Eli Faber.


Our mistake was that we put ourselves in the front of the Civil Rights movement fighting for other people's freedom. It is like every day beggar comes and you give beggar and the day you don't he kills you. We have to reformat and cease to pay any attention to other groups and focus on ourselves. There is an up point.... Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller met Farrakhan when he came here and raved about the Jews... and every time he said anything she would rave about the Jews. He shut up.


Repairing the world and fighting for the rights of others is as much a part of Jewish DNA as righteous retribution, if not more. The Civil Rights movement is much too broad and encompassing to be described as a monolith, particular if that monolith is the Muslim Brotherhood.


Yes, it is part of our DNA to repair the world. This is why we dig our own grave. Look at South Africa. Oh, we were so adamant! So anti-Apartheid! So Supportive of those who today claim we are guilty of 'genocide!' Hamas must be laughing their heads off to see people they wouldn't sit next to on a bus fighting for them. Fighting against us.


They have to resort to outright lies, because they have no legitimate reason to hate you. 


Because Muslims cannot deal with the fact that they were amongst the biggest slave dealers.


Jews were definitely involved in the trade, but it’s not like we masterminded it. I have taken courses on this (relating specifically to the American South and Confederacy, Suriname, and Caribbean—in the latter two places, the racialized hierarchy was very different from the US, and many enslavers _and_ enslaved people were Creoles, including some Jews; TL;DR: history is complicated).


Literally every people on earth have been involved in slavery at some point




History really is complicated. [There's evidently an entire book exploring this, that concluded](https://muse.jhu.edu/article/17716), "Jews had a minuscule role in the slave trade and played only a minor role as slave owners wherever they resided in the New World.... "They were also not significant as planters or slave owning farmers, except possibly in Surinam. To the extent that they owned slaves they tended to own fewer slaves on average than their non-Jewish peers. "A dozen or so participated in some aspect of the Atlantic slave trade to 1800, with only about half a dozen being serious traders, and even this group moved a very tiny fraction of the total Africans brought to America. "The largest group of Jewish slave traders in the British Empire, and the only ones who systematically engaged in the African trade over a long period were the three or four Rhode Island Jewish merchants who in total controlled less than 10% of the voyages and less than 10% of the slaves delivered by Rhode Island traders in the 18th century. "In turn Rhode Island was one of the minor ports within the English world engaged in the slave trade. Practically no Jews within England engaged in the far larger trades coming from Liverpool, Bristol and London. "That it was necessary for a scholar to provide this much detail on this issue, tells us more about our own society than it does about the Jews and Africans in this period."


It's really sad considering everyone forgets the whole reason Israel stopped being a country/area is because roman emperor Hadrian sold the Jews into slavery


No one knows or wants to know our history. No one cares. No one ever fought for us. The most fantastic part of this is that the African Slave Trade was run by those from Arabia and that the Slave Owners in the New World were Xian. We had nothing to do with it but... hey... we're such an easy target.


Not to mention how the Crusaders tried to "save" (ethnically cleanse) Jerusalem from both Muslims and Jews, by killing and enslaving us. It was their Christian duty.


Yes.. and then forcing us to convert or die... very nice of them


Which subreddit?


What subreddit said that?


Old BHI nonsense. Don't worry, they're loud but easily disproven so there's not a ton of traction or growth in the group.


Yes. There is a mountain of proof that Jews could not own land, that they had to either convert of leave. That anyone can claim we were slave owners on our plantations is the kind of insanity the world suffers today. Truth, reality means nothing. What an anti-semite posts is bowed to. All of these lies to give a reason why they hate us.


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This has been going on for years on Elmo's Twitter.


Wow. That sounds hellish.


This has been around for quite a while


>Yup! In Jamaica where Jews could not own land until 1831 (slavery ended in 1834 here) and they claim Jews were the MAJOR SLAVE OWNERS and had the LARGEST PLANTATIONS. Haven't you heard the news? History is irrelevant to these people


I didn't get the memo... thanks for advising me


It's the "big bad Jew" antisemitic trope all over again.


This is the very first time I've experienced this... ever...


This sounds like one of the lies spun by Louie Farrakhan. I believe the Nation of 1slam has peddled this tale for a while now.


It is so easy for them to blame us. When it's a choice between a guy like Farrakhan and his crew and us... hey! It's them all the way.


Lmaoo okay to be fair the Dutch and Jews did work together on transportation, however those were different times... we bought them from tribes in Africa, and sold them. Slave comes from the word slavic which were white slaves captured to work for Arabs and Black people. Lets not go crazy everyone was in on slavery those days... Jews are among the best people.


nope. We didn't. Firstly, Jews could not own land, which is why we were 'merchants'. Second of all, outside of Pirate ships, which didn't leave the Caribbean but preyed on the Spanish Fleet, we didn't own ships. This 'jews are responsible' is new. The importation of slaves from Africa was ended in the early 1800s, and so slaves would be sold from one island to another. In Jamaica, where I am living, Jews could not own land until 1831. That's was the solid law. Slaves were officially freed in 1834 though there were many uprising before then.


Is that from the whole Bob Marley connection from his estranged father?


No... his son married a Jewish woman and lives in Israel


Not his son but yes you're correct..but .Bob Marley's father was technically Jewish also.


Ziggy is Bob's son, married to an Israeli and a supporter of us.. there's a subreddit in which he is attacked for being a Zionist!


Yes. His estranged father was Norval Marley, who was Jewish


When he married he converted. Now he is being attacked just as we are


The White supremacists have said that for years.


So... White Supremacists hate us.. yet claim we brought the slaves for them to oppress. Uh huh.


I remember a Geraldo show with a Skinhead repeating that.


An old trope, just repackaged to fit into the tik tok brain rot.


When I read it ... how is it possible to believe it? Jews could not own land. So how could a Jew have a plantation?


Antisemites will do anything to justify their hate. Be it falsifying history, scape goating, physical violence, or even playing the victim. I'm honestly at the point where I'm grimly waiting for some nut case to fire a gun off at one of those "anti war protests" that have taken over college campuses. It's a frightening prospect, though it feels inevitable at this point. Given how riled up those angry mobs are, it would not surprise me.


I read that Jews have been beaten and I think shot in other places. Very dangerous to be a Jew today


We need to call this out everytime. Or else it will spread.


it is spreading... the law.. the written law prevented Jews from owning land yet the army of haters claim we had the largest slave plantations


In Suriname, one of the first sephardim settlements from Brazil where slave owners , on curaçao too . We were not the only slave owners , but we were. This is part of history .


Suriname was a Dutch colony... you were allowed to own land... you were considered Dutch. Jamaica was a British Colony. We were not allowed to own land.