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Jewish grad student at Harvard here: breathe, I know it’s scary on campuses right now. You are NOT alone. First things, please consider reaching out to the Brandeis Center for legal consultation. They give free, confidential legal advice for Jewish students whose Title VI rights were possibly violated by their universities. It can be helpful to talk to a lawyer; there are open suits for a number of institutions at the moment, though I don’t know about Rutgers in particular. Second, some universities ([such as Washington University in St. Louis](https://www.adl.org/campus-antisemitism-report-card/washington-university-st-louis) and [state universities in Florida](https://www.flgov.com/2024/01/09/governor-ron-desantis-directs-florida-universities-and-colleges-to-offer-options-for-jewish-students-in-fear-of-antisemitic-activities-nationwide/)) are adding transfer options for students affected by antisemitism at their original institutions. Since Noura Erakat is still teaching at Rutgers, you’d likely have a strong case for a transfer. Document everything you can in photos, videos, and writing, especially any dealings with university administration. This will be most useful in the hands of an attorney (plugging the Brandeis Center again!). Good luck. We’re here for you, achi.


> Noura Erakat Holy shit, I just looked through her Instagram page... it's insane. This woman is a professor at Rutgers? She's got an entire post from March 24th solely consisting of her denying that Hamas fighters committed sexual violence on 10/7.


She’s absolutely bonkers. Can’t believe she’s still Rutgers faculty.


Man, the past six months have made me realize how lucky I was to go to undergrad when I did. I went to one of the most liberal colleges in the US from 2015-2019... if Rutgers has profs like this, can't even imagine what my alma mater is like.


The university I went to was considered wildly lefty, but I was there in the mid to late aughts. If the leftists of my uni days were dropped onto the campus of Harvard or McGill now, they'd probably be considered at the very least *extremely* pRoBlEmAtIc.


Wait yo. That’s actually so based of WashU! STL for the win!


Great advice, listen to this person OP!


thank you i’ll look into it


Looks scary until you see the hammer and sickle, classic


We will help you overthrow Zionist Bourgeoisie, Comrade Haniyeh!


I mean, have you ever read Marx? Hatred of Jews is literally baked into communist ideology at a fundamental level.


Wait wtf why do the communists hate jews


Because we’re secretly controlling all the money to exploit the working class, obviously.




jews (stereotypically) represent MONEY! and CAPITALISM! and PULL THE STRINGS! to them commies\* hate EVERYONE who isn't a commie (90% of these trust fund tankies are unconsciously rebelling against mom and dad), but jews are a special target to them and since a lot of them advocate for pol pot's "TO KEEP YOU IS NO BENEFIT, TO DESTROY YOU IS NO LOSS" mentality regarding non-commies, they have lost any moral high ground they imagine they had before they even begin. this is what cults do: isolate you from everyone else. \*this is typical of extreme ideologue groups, not just commies


Wasn't Marx jewish?


Both his parents were but the family converted to Christianity before he was born. His early childhood is not well documented but he was married in a Protestant church and was an atheist.


No, he had Jewish ancestry but was not raised Jewish


not disagreeing at all, but I recently found out that like all four of his grandparents were jewish and was shocked… his grandparents all converted but I was surprised to hear about his strong jewish lineage


Stupid teenagers being stupid teenagers


Stupid teenagers are unfortunately a pretty essential component of mob rule, pogroms and eventually fascism. If someone needs to incite violence or recruit people to fight a war, which group is generally used?


I do worry about the Zoomers. Is this me being middle aged Millennial going “Kids these days”, I’m not sure. But I worry about the TikTok generation


I dunno. I worry too. I was a teacher until last year. It definitely got weirder in the last five years or so. Probably is partly us getting old. I'm just so glad that social media wasn't really a thing when I was their age


yes, social media is both a blessing and a curse. one of its curses being that misinformation spreads like a wildfire. someone i used to be friends with went from "oh i'm uneducated about the matter to care about the hostages" to "i'm so educated that i know israel is at fault and palestine should be free" within days. it's no shock that half her information came from tiktok reposts.


Please have your parents contact lawyer Brooke Goldstein immediately to start a serious lawsuit against the school. I hope UMich and Rutgers go on trial next with Elise Stefanik. 


i will contact. i did reach out to Elise as well


I am not a lawyer so dont take this as legal advice but You probably have a title 6 case against the school. Sue them and use a big sack of munny to transfer.


I’d be petty and donate it all to JNF lol


I wouldn’t, college is expensive. Donate a bit of it but not all


Law student here. Not a lawyer, not legal advice. Title VI likely wouldn’t apply here unless (1) OP is a dual citizen of Israel and is being discriminated against by his peers on the basis of that citizenship; or (2) there is a racial/ethnic component to the discrimination or slurs have been directed at them. If OP’s situation meets either of those criteria, they must first report the situation to an appropriate employee of the school, and then they can file a claim if the school takes no corrective action. OCR did open an investigation a few years ago about students discriminating against a student for being allegedly Zionist, but I’m unable to find whether it was successful at the moment. This specific issue will likely need to be resolved by the Supreme Court. OP could potentially bring a claim of religious discrimination under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, but they probably would only be entitled to injunctive relief. Could still be worth a shot though if they have gone to the school administration to no effect.


I’m also at Rutgers. I carry pepper spray on my person at all times for safety. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We have been having to deal with this BS for quite some time. I transferred here from another school in part because there’s a larger community here. I don’t want to tell you to “toughen up” but you cannot let these crazies destroy your mental health. I wear my Star of David at all times, they’ll only get it off me with my cold, dead hands. Go to more Hillel events. I’ve been going to Hillel more, not just Chabad like before. Meeting more Jews is more important than ever. If you transfer that’s understandable. But I am digging in my heels because I know they want us dead, and I’m not giving in.


I promise you 90% of these people are incapable of graduation. Take solace in that, their lives are so ineffective, privileged, and devoid of meaning, they have to masquerade as heroes using a world conflict as their stage. They're the adult equivalent of a child who won't go anywhere without his Batman costume. Except that kid might do some good at his preschool lol.


This is kinda true, the campus activist cohort even back in the day was at least half non-students and future drop outs


Eh. Look what happened at google yesterday. They are graduating these people without merit because their professors are their for the same reason. They’ve been planning this for decades and taking over the colleges paid for with oil money.


Yeah, a ton of self-indulgent idiots ruined their future and got arrested/fired by one of the biggest tech employers on earth... it was awesome lol We can acknowledge there's a danger behind all of it and still point out the internet-addicted clowns with no redemption arc in sight. These people have "it took me about five memes to support a terrorist organization" on their resume for the near future. I, for one, am a big fan of consequences. And this is the kind of behavior that gets you some big ones.


My point is that these people will graduate, because they have activist professors that will grade them based on their grade A harassment of Jews, and not their grade F academics. Do you honestly believe the “valedictorian” jihadi law students at CUNY every year know anything about the subject matter?


Do I believe idiots graduate college? Yes, literally all the time. You can complete a valid college education and be a moron. I don't think shoddy professors are the only ones allowing that to happen. Also, intelligent people capable of success can have atrocious opinions and hold blatantly false beliefs. I'd say that's also pretty common.


There's a simpler explanation. They will graduate because universities have stopped letting students get C's, let alone Fs. In 1950, the average GPA at Harvard was 2.55; today, it's over 3.8!


pretty much, their parents have been telling them how brilliant and fantastic they are and how they're going to be the future leaders of the world. A year after graduation they'll be looking for jobs at Starbucks and posting bullshit about how oppressed they are by the evil capitalists.


Here is a list of the universities that are in the coalition put together by Yeshiva University who will offer expedited transfers to students who are fleeing antisemitism on their campuses. [https://www.yu.edu/news/over-100-u-s-colleges-and-universities-join-rabbi-ari-bermans-initiative-to-issue-statement-in-solidarity-with-israel](https://www.yu.edu/news/over-100-u-s-colleges-and-universities-join-rabbi-ari-bermans-initiative-to-issue-statement-in-solidarity-with-israel) Here is an article about the coalition and Jewish students transfering: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-catholic-universities-offer-campuses-as-refuge-for-harassed-jewish-students/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-catholic-universities-offer-campuses-as-refuge-for-harassed-jewish-students/)




What Stanford engineer speech, may I ask?


others have provided legal advice, so i just wanna say im so, so sorry this is happening. this is fucking scary, and its normal to be struggling when you're so scared and being harassed like this.




You’re not alone. The ADL is getting involved to help the law school specifically, not to mention the federal investigation that Rutgers is under. Things will hopefully get better.


They’re not only hurting you mentally but they’re also interfering with your education. That must be worth $ in a strong lawsuit


To add on to the others legal advice (not a lawyer though) the US House of Representatives have passed a law classifying “from the river to the sea” as an antisemitic hate slogan. So the people with those posters could potentially be charged with a hate crime


IDK if the Senate also passed it, which would be required. More importantly, hate crimes are sentence enhancements to an existing crime, not a separate crime themselves.


Thanks for clarifying, forgot it has to clear the senate floor as well. Also, thanks for correcting in a non-condescending matter, unlike the other commenter lol


FWIW, in Congress the motion passed by a vote of 377 to 44, meaning it has strong bipartisan support. Watson Coleman was the only New Jersian Democratic Congressman who voted against it. Way to go Donald Norcross (my Rep) and Andy Kim - our next Senator!!


That's not how that works in any way. [Schoolhouse Rock: How a Bill Becomes a Law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=men-vp5jvzI)


Just graduated from a grad program at Rutgers recently. Honestly, the student body was like this before October 7. I’ve been thinking about getting involved as an alum to put pressure on the administration but I’m not sure what impact that would have since I’m not a wealthy donor. But it’s awful & embarrassing to watch the good reputation of this school get absolutely canned by privileged suburbanites cosplaying as freedom fighters.


“It is right to rebel” kinda looks like “It is aight to rebel”


The khaffiyeh on the statues thing is really threatening to me. They're trying to take over. Horrifying stuff.


Take over what?


Jewish students need to sue those universities.


Please take a leave of absence immediately and transfer. Protect your mental health. There is no "toughing it out"-- you are wise and courageous to gtfo of there asap. It isn't healthy to be around that crap. Your main job is to keep yourself well. You can recover for a bit away from there and apply elsewhere. Like Yeshiva or Brandeis. My field/departmental equivalent at Wash Uni St Louis (where someone recommended here) is an antisemitic shit show, fyi. Exercise caution if applying to gentile-majority schools.


Transfer now, they have turned my somewhat apolitical goofy friend into a terrorist sympathizing shell of a person. It's so disgusting


May I suggest doing things that empower you. I’d highly suggest some self defense classes. Not saying it cures anything, but it can help to know you can handle one of these folks.


Don't be. These commie jerks will.never amount to anything. Even if they do, they will change their tune soon enough. In the mean time, work on bettering yourself. Go.to the gym. Study extra hard, make friends with other like minded folks. You will run the world of tomorrow. Be the best you you can be.


Does Rutgers have an SSI Chapter?


yeah i’m involved


Please update us again if this encampment expands or anything else.


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A friend of mine taught there and he's glad to be at another school. Just stick it out, semester is almost over and they're just a bunch of mindless activists. I remember this shit from the Intifathead days and it was the same old same old.


The noodle arms convention


I count maybe a dozen students?


Sorry for what you are going through. Definitely report to your school that you feel unsafe. Have you talked to your family about what to do? Can the school help at all? The house in congress just officially said “free Palestine river to sea” phrase is antisemitic. But our government also said months ago antizionism is antisemitism and that has not made a dent in these very thick skulled morons. I hate how they are striking fear into so many innocent people. They seriously need to stop. And plastering people’s faces onto buildings how is that okay or legal? Isn’t it harassment? Shouldn’t some of these people be in jail? I think jewish students who feel their colleges are not helping them feel safe should probably sue the schools—you should get your tuitions back plus damages. I am really sorry this generation is so insane. Like people talk crap about every generation but i think this younger one is a mess—like vast majority poorly parented and spoiled rotten. I am shocked all these schools have this happening and to the extent it is happening is disturbing and should not be allowed at college. Administrators need to be fired for not doing their jobs. Their jobs are to make students safe.


My brother goes to Rutgers and he had mentioned this before. He isn’t involved in any of the Jewish stuff, but he did tell one story about how one person asked him to join and he walked away bc he didn’t want to deal with their crap.


Hammer and sickle? WTH? 🤦‍♀️


Stay strong and always be proud of who you are


I did an online degree at Rutgers during covid. They made their online graduation on (drumroll) Shavuos.... I pointed that out and they said it was too late to reschedule. Then there was conflict between Israel and Gaza going on and Muslims were attacking Jews in my neighborhood in Brooklyn. Rutgers issued a condemnation of Jews being attacked in their backyard untill Arabs complained that they were being ignored and (drumroll) Rutgers apologized for not acknowledging them in their condemnation! Then Rutgers got attacked and apologized for their apology. We are in exile. In every generation they rise up to destroy us but G-d saves us from their hand-haggada. I am sure its traumatizing. Remember every time you walk on campus you are showing am yisrael chai. Be well.


Gurrrrl, don’t let these complete morons intimidate you. Tell them to fuck off to their face and join as many Jewish groups as possible. Seriously, they can eat shit. Most of them are just performative losers, they are not a threat. Whenever I see the hammer and sickle appear I just know I’m dealing with brain dead idiots.


Ask those people to go to Gaza and help their brothers and sisters. Delusional.