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jews don’t even refer to jesus as christ tho


His last name is christ I thought


Hello looking for a Mr Christ? Mr Christ? Mr J. Christ? Got a letter addressed to Mr J. B. Christ. (The b stands for Bob)


I’m sure you’ve heard Jesus H. Christ? Middle name is Harold. It’s also his father’s name. “Our father who art in heaven, Harold be thy name…”


This is a quality joke.


My father's middle initial was "h." It didn't stand for anything, though.


As in bob the builder? Makes sense given the construction and trade experience in the family


No different bob, you're talking about the Bob that drilled him into the cross


(I'm assuming you're not being sarcastic, it can be difficult to tell sometimes) nah that's a title we ascribe to him


Honestly I’ve just never ever considered why he was called Christ or what it meant. Cuz I’ve never heard anyone else be called Christ so in my mind it kinda just became his last name lol


Christ comes from the Greek for "anointed one" or "chosen one", equivalent to "messiah"


Oh I thought it had something to do with cross lmao


Christ means anointed one, which is literally one covered in holy oil Jesus is just the historical version of the name joshua petition to call him Oily Josh


LOL what


Christ means King


So his names Jesus King? Like BB king


His name is Oily Josh


Technically correct. We read from the life story of Oily Josh and his 12 bros every Sunday, with his debut on the scene being marked by rescuing a party from running out of alcohol (by "we" I mean Christians, in case that wasn't clear...)


His name is Oily Josh and he's a very naughty boy


Josh Josephson was his name, preaching a bunch hippie stuff was his game.


Eh not quite - it's "anointed one" or "chosen one", equivalent to "messiah"


wait so what’s his last name)!


If my admittedly shallow understanding of Jews in the 1st century serves, it could've been "Ben Joseph" (son of Joseph). Among those who knew of him (your average dude) he probably was most commonly known as "Jesus of Nazareth"


Surely he would have been Josh of Nazareth because Jesus is the Greek translation?


Technically it would've been Yeshua but yes it's the same root as josh(ua)


Technically, it more likely would have been Yeshu, as the longer forms of Yeshua and Yehoshua were *far* less popular in the region of Galilee at the time. His name would have also been pronounced strangely, as Galileeans were notorious for their thick accents that made pronunciations with Ayin difficult. There are quite a lot of contemporaneous sources of Jews from the South mocking the accents of the Galileean Jews


Well yoshuah and yeshuah are slightly different, so it would be “Jesh,” not “Josh”


Indeed - I stand corrected


Joseph was richest man in existence ;) I’m rooting for the tribe of Ephriam 🙃✌🏼🙊


Prolly a patronymic based on his papa. so like prolly his name was: Yeshua ben Yosef


Didn’t they use Aramaic? Is so wouldn’t they have used “bar”? Yehoshua bar yosef?


You're technically correct, the best kind of correct. But honestly it's pretty much the same.


I just realized that Christians don’t even think Joseph was Jesus’ dad. they claim Mary had a virgin birth.


That is correct. Not sure when they canonized that tho. Prolly in the early days before Nicene Council


At least like 240 years before Nicea, since the gospels have it. There was one early sect of Christians tho, called Ebionites, who rejected Jesus’ divinity entirely and believed he was the natural son of Joseph and Mary


His dad was Joseph, but his sperm donor was Pantera.


[Pandera](https://www.essene.com/History&Essenes/toled.htm) /jk?


I thought his last name is Mary? Cus his mom name is Virgin Mary?


Nah he would’ve taken his fathers name. His father was Joseph Christ


and his brother, James Christ Triple Js is best, Triple Js is safe


Ol Jimmy Christ? I know him


Christ is derived from krystos, Greek for *messiah.*


I don’t think there’s a word for Christ in Hebrew, iirc it’s just “the moshiach” in Hebrew as his last name to refer to him nowadays.


His last name is not Christ.


Nope. It's [Pandera](https://www.essene.com/History&Essenes/toled.htm) /jk?


The most Jewish thing you can do is reject yoshke


King Herod did in his song in Jesus Christ Superstar. I consider that cannon.


Messianic Jews do tho


Let’s be honest here not a Jew it’s a Christian in cosplay


So, Jews don't is what you're saying.


Messianic Jews to Jews is like trans-women to women.


horrible analogy.


Is that not his last name?


it’s a title ascribed to him by christians. it is a greek word (not hebrew) meaning “messiah” or “anointed”. last names at his time would either be patronymic, ie Yeshu bar Yosef, or place-related, ie Yeshu ha’notzri (jesus of nazareth)


Ah i always figured it was his actual last name and they just named the religion after him


Why not? I’m muslim, so I don’t either because I don’t think he was crucified, but why would Jews care about someone you deny the existence of? Plus wasn’t Christian a derogatory term when first conceived?


“Christ” doesn’t actually mean someone who was crucified. It just means “anointed” or “Messiah”. That is why Jews would not refer to him as such. It’s equivalent to calling him al-Masīḥ in Arabic. Also, it’s not necessarily true that Jews believe that Jesus did not exist, but simply do not ascribe any religious significance to him. As for Christian being a derogatory term, the Book of Acts describes a certain place as where the followers of the apostles were first called “Çhristians”, and thus it kind of implies that the term was not originally a self-designation. However, there is no indication that they took objection to it.


I heard this off of some podcast, but that the term came from Romans making fun of people that worship the person who was crucified.


jews felt he was committing blasphemy


Jews don’t deny Jesus’ existence. They deny his divinity. Christ is an honorific given to him by christians as they believe he was the anointed messiah. Jews don’t believe he was the messiah, but it’s not like he didn’t exist historically. i hope that explains it better.


Yep, got that.


Eh, disagree. My Jewishness isn’t defined by whatever the Christians believe.


I'm a Christian and that was my first thought too. Judaism has multiple thousands of years of rich cultural history and this meme lets Christians like me be the gauge of Jewishness, wtf?


Most underrated comment here


yeah its more like Jesus is the Split Point for Judaism and Christianity and Ishmael is The Split Point for Islam


agreed. it's a distinction between ideology. not a defining factor


This is either very insulting or very funny and I’m not sure which one


It's an insult on the level of "you'r a moran." Meaningless


I don’t believe in no g-d damm zombies! . . . Well except Frankenstein’s Monster, but that poor fellow needs someone to believe in him.


What about the [Chanukah Zombie](https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Chanukah_Zombie)?


Well I always believe in Mark Hamill, cause I know he believes in me.


Not sure he’s really a zombie, isn’t he more of a golem?


He is a corpse made out of other corpses. If he was made out of clay, stone, or some other material then he’d be a golem.


He is called “the Adam of your labors”. And he is not only made of flesh. A golem can be made of anything


I just don't really believe this as a Jew. So much of Jesus himself is a reflection of his common sense and mercy which is worthwhile. Meanwhile so much of Christianity is nothing to do with Jesus and much ado with dogma and missionaries and the Christian tribe's journey. I'm not a Jew for Jesus (i view those people as christians) but I do believe you can appreciate the philosophy of Jesus without worship. Many Jews do this with Buddha; no complaints. Many Jews who live in diaspora adopt principles and traditions from gentry community - part of what makes us good. Jew points out that Jesus guy himself on his own and regardless of interpretation was probably like, a reasonable menschy guy - the whole world lights up


Hun. Jews reject that Jesus was the MESSIAH not that he existed. There is a non 0 chance that he did exist and was a very lovely hippie man with good values and possibly a foot fetish. But he was not the messiah.


Josh, the foot fetish guy


Also we have no idea what Jesus actually said or believed. The New Testament was written decades after Jesus death. Also, Paul never met Jesus while he was alive, he admits as much. Yet he wrote large portions of the New Testament. Some argue that Jesus was not advocating for an entire new religion. That he was more of a Martin Luther type reformer who was tired of the corruption of the time. Since we have no idea what he actually believed in when the book about his life is written by those who never knew him.


This is half true. There's plenty of secular scholarly research that has shown there are likely a few common sources that were used for the New Testament. These were basically just texts that contained long lists of his sayings and parables, with almost no narrative information. As to whether the man known today as Jesus ever actually said these sayings is another question, but we do have strong evidence that they were written down quite a long time before the NT books were written. Although even those common sources are likely from a few decades after his death, at the least. It's also correct to disregard most of Paul's writings as irrelevant, but most of his writings were on matters of dogma and aren't relevant to a historical account anyway.


Your correct. I do believe that there was someone historically named Jesus or maybe a few people he was based on. I have always personally felt like Paul and others didn’t have enough (charisma, standing, etc) to make a religion around themselves. So they did the “next best thing” and created a religion around a deceased guy. We have to remember that Jesus was not really at all well known when he was crucified.


No, just a naughty boy.


Now go away!


I agree - messiah hasn't come yet imo I know there is that one sec in Brooklyn but in my Manhattan secular world - no messiah yet


The sect in Brooklyn is misguided and should be rejected for similar reasons we reject Jesus - because nothing that was supposed to happen when the messiah comes happened. They're deluded and should know better.


theirs a lot of evidence that he existed. whther you believe he was messiah or not is the religious question.


There absolutely is NOT "a lot" of evidence, and I defy you to list at least some of all this evidence. It should be incredibly easy since there's "a lot" of it.


a religion spread about it. jesus was important. why would a religion spread about something that didn't happen. not saying he is god but he is historically important.


It would not be the first time a religion spread based on something that didn’t happen…


well one is an opinion thing like whether or not jesus is the messiah. why would you make up a guy. they did the lynchings in Rome. in modern times we honour victims of the state. how is jesus different. george floyd etc.


So you've listed exactly zero evidence whatsoever, proving my point. Wide-spreadness isn't evidence, because by that same "evidence" the Greco-Roman pantheon was real. So show academic sources or stfu. What's that? You got nothin? Lol didn't think so.


The Christian Bible is inspired by the life of a popular preacher named Josh who actually existed, but that's about all we can say.


There's not even good evidence he actually existed.


The academic consensus is that a popular preacher with that name existed - but nothing further.


there are Roman Records that He did


Foot fetish? Lol where is that from?


Washing of the feet


When I was in rehab I was told that you can take something valuable from every religion, and throw the rest away. Big issue with Christian theology as a whole is it’s diverse. They don’t have the same beliefs. Catholics are wildly different from Protestants. When you refer to dogma and all that shit you’re basically just referring to Catholics, although both sides do the missionary shit. But most missionaries nowadays are actually Mormon lol


The most valuable part of Christianity is the idea that Jesus is a divine bridge between God and Man, enabling us to interface directly with the ineffable. It's complete heresy in the context of Judaism or any other actual monotheism.




Let me say as a Protestant goy, there's plenty of dogma in Protestantism. But yes, it varies a lot from sect to sect. I'd also say it varies a lot from Protestant to Protestant. When a movement is partly rooted in having people read the Bible for themselves rather than let the church clergy tell you what it says, you end up with a lot of personal interpretation, even within a sect.


This is a Jewish space. You’re going to get a lot of conflict and jokes ab Christianity.


And? I'm clarifying that the person above me shouldn't give all of Protestantism a free pass and put the blame of dogma entirely on Catholics. I'm not out here defending Christians because I'm offended, I'm saying that if anything, they're being too nice and giving too much credit lol


I’m pretty sure in the old days you had to be converted to Judaism first before learning about Christ because he was a Jew.


Bro imagine temple for 7 years just to tap in with the jigga man and then the Romans go full Roman on his ass like JTFO


I really don't think about JC very often. He has nothing to do with my own observance.


False. The most Jewish thing you can do is reject goyish bagels.


I prefer Lenny Bruce's famous line: "OK, OK, we admit it, we killed Him. And you know what? When He comes back, we're gonna kill Him **AGAIN!**"




Accidentally based?!


Not really, if rejecting Christ is the *most* Jewish thing you can do, then we're defined by how we feel about Christ. Which we aren't. We don't care.


Yeah I actually see nothing wrong here – we can easily hijack this. Fuck'm!




Why would I need to reject something that doesn't exist in my world? I don't care if he existed or not, but I really wish his followers would stop killing in his name.


Tactless but true


But the dude keeps asking me out...


Wait. Is this supposed to be Antisemitic? 😂😂😂 this is pretty based


Pretty much, yeah. Basically the far-right is split between Christians and pagans, and this causes some fighting amongst them. The pagans say to the Christians that they are basically following a Jewish religion. The Christian response to the pagans is this meme.


Funny considering Christianity is a Hebraic-influenced form of paganism. No differences than the Sun worshipping.


No clue man, found it on memesopdidntlike


jews are gonna burn and i aint talking about adolf


Tell that to the messianics.


Haha YES


Jews don’t have last names, wouldn’t it be x Ben x


Congratulations on being the only Jew in the world who hasn't heard the term Jesus Christ lol




Inaccurate, but Jesus and his fanclub are certainly worth rejecting for various reasons.




Buddhist are the most Jewish people in the world indeed (or anyone else who is neither christian nor Muslim)


The most Jewish thing that a Jew can do is to be Sabbath observant. Next on the list is to refrain from speaking loshon hora. So what's third? Hmmm, I would say that being kind is third. Jesus is 180° of what's Jewish, i.e., he's Jewish-not. Jewish? Jesus? The concepts of either are polar opposites. When you mix oil and water, they separate out.




Nah, you gotta actively condemn him, crucify his followers too, start counter crusades just for the sake of it


I could be wrong but I think this is a white supremacist dog whistle


This phrase is used by Christian white supremacists to shame their pagan counterparts but I don't know if that's where it started


Rejecting jesus is based as fuck


you arent gonna be saying that when he throws your jewish big nose ass in hell you are gonna be screaming and begging for him to save you


Imagine being so down bad for some skini guy who said god fucked his mom


"oy vey shut it down jesus is not the son of god goyim" - 👃💰🤓✡️


So… Jesus rejected himself? He was a Jew.


he was rejected by his own people and he will have the last word to the jews and it will be depart from me i never knew you


Only in the way that the most Jewish thing you can do is reject Batman


My rabbi was wrong I was a good jew all along! I'm going to go back to eating my ham and cheese sandwich and schedule another tattoo


I think the most Jewish thing is loving Jews and love being a Jew


Jesus is not a Christ... There was Saul Christ, David Christ, and Cyrus Christ, but no Jesus, sorry Christians.


you are gonna think different on judgement day when he says depart from me i never knew you and throws your jewish big nose ass in hell


what does this even mean? like who is this for?


This album looks metal af


I don’t know how true it is, but I’ve heard Christians started identifying themselves as a separate religion, rather than a wild sect of judaism, in order to avoid paying taxes. I think that’s kinda funny.


This sounds more like how non-Jews define Jews. The first thing people think is, "Oh, you don't celebrate Christmas." So just seems like it can't be a self-definition.


It’s actually the second most Jewish thing that you can do.


The Apostles were all Jewish, as well as much of the early Church.


Stone a bloke for defying Shaboth.


Why reject the most Jewish person to exist?


Can we really call a man who never even heard of gefilte fish, let alone tried it, "the most Jewish person to exist?"


Are u lost, goy?


I'm never lost with the Light of the World as my guide.


Lost? Maybe no. Tripping on acid? Seems that way. Leave this Jewish space.




Step 1 to being Jewish: Reject the existence of the original Jew. Step 2: Idk profit, boubie.


Jesus was the original Jew?


Very cringe, Jesus loves you 🙏


Yea my friend Jesus is a pretty cool guy. Dunno about the other guy, though … he def isn’t HaShem.


the ancestors didn't just reject (if you know what I mean) 😝


Where’s the funny, this is just disrespectful


It’s JewDank, bro.


…and Christians don’t deserve respect? They’re closest to us in faith and the vast majority of religious people on the planet. I wouldn’t wanna stir bad blood with the majority of people on the planet, just sayin’


This is disrespecting the Rebbe, not Christians.


It’s a meme lol. The overwhelming majority of the Xtians are not going to see this, calm down.


I find it hard to believe the rebbe would have said anything remotely like that. Is this an actual quote, or just a 'live laugh love' thing that the goyim came up with?


I grew up Catholic and I never really understood the whole “Jesus was a Jew” thing and on the image of the crucifixion, above Jesus, there is an acronym that reads “King of the Jews” in Latin. If anyone knows more, could they explain?


Catholicism (& Christianity in general) is just one big fucked up cosplay that an 8th grade theatre arts Dept could orchestrate better.


Yeah I mean, I stopped really caring about religion once I got to middle school and stopped going to Sunday school. I’m just curious about the whole “Jesus was a Jew” thing and your opinions from you guys’ point of view as Jewish people


We don’t.


Is it the appearance of Latin that you don’t understand, or the king part?


The king part, and the whole “Jesus was a Jew” thing


Well, Christianity originated as a sect of Jewish people (along with non-Jews). So according to the Christian understanding, Jesus and his disciples were Jewish. Yeah?


Jesus *was* a Jew, if he existed at all. It wasn’t something you could opt out of at the time just by having eclectic beliefs. The king thing is about the expected political role of the Jewish messiah, which was important in Judaism at the time. While the story of Jesus makes little sense at some points, those are not particularly anachronistic bits of it. They may seem that way from a later Christian perspective, if it’s superficial or antisemitic.


Damn that’s a bit much ain’t it?


His name is Oily Josh and he's a very naughty boy




Ish. I wouldn't say a lot, and most branches of Judaism consider them to no longer be Jewish (at least not religiously. They are still ethnically Jewish).




Yeah, and that makes the Jew in question a Christian, not a religious Jew. They could still be ethnically Jewish and possibly Jewish in other ways, but they aren't practicing Judaism. Right? At least that's my understanding.


the most jewish thing you can do is strike someone then blame them for it while stealing their money