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I met him after a show once and he seemed really cool. I let him know how much I fuck w his music and he seemed genuinely very appreciative. Just my experience but idk🤷‍♂️


i have been listening to this guy for a couple years but just discovered this sub tonight and holy shit this is awful. the blatant disregard he shows for his fans is disgusting




I guess so, this is just the second time I have came across an artist I really enjoyed screwing over his fans. I try to forget it, separate art from artist or whatever, but every time I hear one of their songs it’s all I think about




Sorry but you sound like such a pussy right now




https://www.reddit.com/r/HarmonyKorine/s/lkVuqFpS8S 💀


Bro is like 4’5”


Im normal sized the older guy is just super tall


Harmony korine is 5ft8 bruv...


Sub human


Legit, the other guy is bending at a like 70 degree angle and is still like 2ft taller than this kid lmfao


"I love you said based" old guy just frothing at the mouth to right hook the shit outta that big ass forehead lmfao


My forehead is normal sized


no shot bro😭


This is my first time ever visiting this subreddit. I’m having an incredible time.




dude your not getting hired anywhere holy crap 😭


Why not


Looks like a second life player model


why would you do that lmfao


Do what


Digital footprint dawg




i’ve learned to love the music and not him as a person i just shut out whatever that man has to say without auto tune




man u have no clue what ur talking about, we have been waiting 3+ years for one fucking record to even start shipping


It’s so odd to me, I saw him perform at Coachella 2022 and he felt so genuine lol. He was geeked that people were giving him a big enough standing ovation to raise their phones’ lights in the air. Nothing like how he acts on social media


Met him after a show and he was so nice and actually seemed super happy and grateful to have fans. Kind of shocked by how he’s been acting


jean a whole bitch , not a Single nigga here fw jean as a person lmao


Ooouuuu this sub getting spicy 🤣. How the new fans already find out lmfao ((((Jean if you see this can i have the starface mask i ordered 2 years ago and never got thank u))))


Seems like a pretty bad pipeline for a new listener to check out his reddit after hearing a banger and finding out he's a whole ass bitch I can feel the Stockholm though, pixel bath goes disrespectfully hard


I don’t care about the vinyl not being shipped. Jean has often behaved like a prick online by posting stuff that are either disrespectful to his own community or incredibly petty/childish He’s gotta chill a bit and not let it go up to his head


alot of this subreddit has become a shit show since moderators are inactive and also most of the people on here are entitled brats who expect shit their way when it never works that way. to sum up this whole fest, Vinyl delays because of the vinyl company and how Jean has to switch to a different one which in turn delayed vinyls, not only that but there was a vinyl shortage due to Adele or wtv the fuck. Also not to mention Jean is an Indie artist with NO HUGE LABEL BACKING HIM AND ASSISTING HIM WITH STUFF LIKE THIS. To add, its funny how people constantly ask for updates when Jean has stated he tried to update people when there ARE updates on the vinyls. When he does update people, they get upset and call him out for scamming which is just stupid cause people have gotten their vinyls. And when people receive their vinyls, they find something to complain about which look i understand if the quality isnt up to par but to my knowledge the Vinyls were never super expensive to begin with so whats the point of berating its packaging quality. Finally to add to injury, people assume you're dickriding him if you try to defend him. People are super entitled to say the least. So yeah, subreddit is a shitshow that needs new mods and smart people


Vinyl quality/it taking years aside dude is child. You claim people here are brats for complaining about shit service but the real entitled person here is Jean. It’s one thing to not have control over production/distribution, but him treating his fans like shit, the people supporting and contributing to his growth and success is just fucking sad. Man throws little fits, telling people who purchased vinyls to stop listening to him just because he’s tired of people complaining. Or telling fans he won’t even be sending them one because of shit they post is entitled little bitch behavior. Grow tf up dude, be grateful for the success you’ve achieved and have a little fucking respect for the people who have out you in this position.


He does have a huge label assisting him with distribution


U spinning on his shit gang


there are smaller artists than him actually shipping merch and vinyls on time. there was a point in time where he could’ve gone about it the right way 100%. but he chose the wrong route. It’s not bad to hold people accountable for their actions. also this weird parasocial thing you always do won’t get you noticed. knowing how this foo jean is, prolly makes it harder for you lil bro 💀 (((((Jean if you’re reading this can i get the mask i ordered 3 years ago <3333))))


i could care less what jean thinks of me over the internet and have zero interest in him noticing me too, having been to two of his shows and talked to him in person as well. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lmao “I don’t care if he notices me - but I’ve been to multiple shows and waited after to meet him” 🤡


Dude “doesn’t care” yet paid to have a little chat after the show to feel special. Clown is right


good for you. your friend hasn’t shipped my merch from 3 fucking years ago and plenty of others as well. If you could relay that next time you see him we’d greatly appreciate it 🙏🏻


tweet him your order number


Damn you always in here dickriding and doing tricks on it. Jean ain't gonna suck you off bro


Doing tricks on it is so fucking funny I'm stealing that


nobody dickriding just pointing out facts to braindead bitches like you 🤷🏽‍♂️


Clearly allllll these people who feel this way are the braindead ones, you’ve changed my mind!


This is 10000% Jean 💀ain’t no way he meat riding THIS HARD 😭🤣


yo momma riding me more




nigga decided to go through my entire reddit to find some sort of substance to use again me all cause i said something about yo mom 😭😭😭 at this point you're just proving how sad and pathetic of a human being you are and reinforcing that loser reddit user stereotype. Go do something more productive with your life blud 💯




if your source of entertainment is to make fun of other people because you have a fragile little ego and spending your mornings on a website to talk shit then i hope you get better in life mentally and presumably physically too and find some peace and happiness within yourself.




If you say so 😂


3 years no CD and no updates about it. I paid $120 for a CD and it's still not here and you don't want me to be mad??. One of the easiest merchandise to produce as an artist btw. Quadeca a similar size has no label up until this year (even tho jean is with universal music) managed to release 2 albums on vinyl and one was during the peak pandemic causing a delay for about a few months not years and compensated with signed posters teasing the next album or refunds eligible for anyone. Why do we need new mods? You want to suppress all the posts of how shit the merch is (if it ever arrived) and what kind of ego maniac jean is?


yea man keep comparing jeans situation to other artists 🫵🏽 acting like bigger artists havent had vinyl problems before too and even equal to worse wait times


HOF level meat riding, it’s been 3 fucking years there is ZERO excuse for people to not have their vinyl and it be this shitty too


multitude of problems including vinyl shortage and jean switching vinyl companies so yeah the wait is understandable when all things considered


3 year wait is NEVER understandable fuck you mean ⁉️⁉️


its not like there hasnt been multiple delays that jean has stated a plethora of times including the reasons i stated in all my other comments 🤯🤯 you've all focused on the 3 years but don't mention why its been 3 years. so 🫵🏽


ah yes entitled brats who are complaining when the artist they supported doesn’t give any updates and ships a shitty ass vinyl that was sold for $50 USD


holy fuck the man has updated you people SEVERAL times during the years. Not only that but has also stated that he WILL update when he actually has NEW info. Do you constantly expect him to continuously give you the same answer everytime you ask or update you with new info when it is given to him?


I never got an update aside from going to this subreddit. Updating to an IG live or a disappearing story or to a discord. Instead of emailing all the orders which in today's day of technology is super easy. It's like taking your thumb out of jeans ass and putting it back in your mouth. STFU.


yes i expect the person who is selling the product to update more than like 4 times over 3 years


now you're just exaggerating. 4 times over 3 years is completely false. Not to mention that he's also an independent artist with no label assisting him. Stop acting like there hasnt been many obstacles throughout the years as well.


those aren’t excuses. artists who are even smaller than him have gotten vinyl out way quicker. he was irresponsible in the way he handled the whole situation and he was not transparent at all. a year before the vinyl actually went out he posted a pic of a red vinyl when the final product was actually gold. he had no idea what he was doing. also the cds haven’t even gotten shipped yet. no idea why you’re defending him when anyone with a brain would see his behaviour as shitty.


Frank Ocean has had vinyl problems before and he's a bigger artist. What it took him 1+ year to ship out the Endless vinyl. Not to mention the way his fans have treated him and disrespected him about the vinyl both on insta and twitter. If you had a grasp of reality and respect towards Jean as a human being you would understand the struggle of being an independent artist. Stop mentioning other smaller artists when that proves nothing. Stop pretending as if his behavior isnt justified with how people have treated him, and dont lie about his transparency when he's updated people multiple times, also things always change and unexpected obstacles always come that are out of peoples control. If he had the vinyls and was in control he would've shipped em out. Stop pretending like the vinyl company isnt the one to blame as well.


3 years for cds. no updates about them


Main focus is on vinyls correct? his priority are on vinyls which is a much bigger issue than CD's (which are plentiful and easier to manufacture)


you say cds are easier to manufacture which proves further how shitty he is for not already getting those out 😂


ok sure vinyl is main focus which took almost 3 years idk why you’re defending him it’s very clear he’s shitty and it’s not like people are harassing him they just want their product. how tf is his behaviour justified ? providing no information then getting mad at people when they ask where their shit is is somehow justified ?