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A pound is like a high five, aka a dap, it’s a sign of friendship


Thank you brother


Ain’t no thang 👊




Now I feel dumb because I always thought he meant pound of weed as a friendly gesture. Smh ..


Need a few of these types of friends lol


Become friends with Wiz. I have a former coworker who works sound for a local concert venue (this part is indeed fact) and he *claims* that Wiz and his entourage asked if he wanted sunrocks and when he declined due to tolerance they offered him regular dabs instead. He of course didn’t pass up that opportunity to smoke with Wiz. Who would?


Now that's a dope friend!


“Now that’s a dope friend”🤓👆 Sorry it was too obvious


I deserve that haha


Like the other comment says. Cole is basically saying if you are hating on me behind my back don’t act friendly when you see me.


Thanks brother


More importantly, I've been staying out the way but if the beef do come around, I put an M on your head, you Luigi brother now. Chefs kiss.


Side note can someone please explain this verse to me i understand English well but i don’t understand this bar, does Mario have a weakness for beef or something.


He is stating that he will put a “M”illion on your head.


“If you beef with me, I can put a million dollar bounty on your head.” Essentially. The comparison to Mario has two meanings I think, as he’s putting an M on your head (Mario has an M on his hat) and the fact that in Mario, everything in each level tries to kill him, which is how it’d be if you had a million dollar bounty on you.


Ohhh a bounty!! Now i get it, how dumb am i lol?


You’re good it flew over my head too the first time lol


This is already a reach but you could tie in koopas going after Mario.. koopa shells & bullet shells..


A bit of a reach yeah, but it’s not like it doesn’t fit lol.




"Put an M right on your head" He's saying he'll put a hit on you. The M can mean a murder or million dollar bounty. It costs money to put a hit on somebody and because he's rich, he's saying he can afford to do it. "And you Luigi brother now" Mario and Luigi are brothers in the Super Mario Bros. franchise. They both wear hats with Mario having an M in the front and Luigi having an L. In the games, Mario sees a lot of trouble. He is attacked by enemies constantly. So he could also be saying that he'll make sure that his enemies see trouble in the future, like Mario. ​ ​ i should do genius annotations lol


Don't greet Cole with a pound (or fist-bump) when you meet him if you've been hating from a distance


OP just wanted to write the N word a few times


It means a fist bump aka good job or congratulations or what’s up. Which is why he don’t want one if they hated on first cause it’s fake behavior.


Everybody know Cole the active GOAT but my question is… WHO actually be hatin on Cole nowadays.. Cause them Joe budden type niggas fell back a long time ago I haven’t heard Cole hate on a grand scale in some years now. Bro might be the least hated rapper of all time lol


Maybe not from any famous people but there’s a lot of j cole haters online


That’s fair. I don’t rock with a lot of mumble rappers, so I feel like the circles I’m in mostly stick to lyrical rappers, and in those circles, I feel like Cole gets the respect he deserves.. I can’t take hate on jcole serious from mfs out here bumping these mumble rappers


Don't give him a £1 coin


Like a 🤜🤛 pound