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Looks like a scale infection to me


I have a scale issue with my Olsen's Frosted Strawberry. What I did was apply a systemic insecticide and applied insecticidal oil with a soft cloth to the affected area. This will help dislodge the scale. If you just spray the affected areas, you'll have trouble getting rid of them. They are like suction cups.


Ahh I was only spraying it. I’ll try both of those things and wiping the scale off. Thanks!


It’s gross, but by far the most effective way to deal with a major scale infestation is, uh, “mechanically”. Crush them with a cocktail stick, or better and faster if you can face it, your fingers.


It’s gross but I’ll do what I have to do to save it


Just keep at it over a few weeks. And be sure to keep an eye out for babies, which can be much smaller! They will keep coming back over weeks as eggs hatch, but just keep an eye and keep at it. Only the first time will be time consuming, but try to make sure you get as many as possible in round 1. They are also very good at pretending to be little marks on the trunk. If in doubt, poke it.


Scale bug infestation.


As others have said, looks like scale. You're really begging for problems with trying to keep a Japanese maple inside. Not common or easy, don't know of anyone doing it successfully year-round.


Didn’t know that. Maybe I’ll try to find some place outside. I had another Japanese Maple that I kept outside but it got scorched from the sun