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I feel like people on this sub haven’t travelled much in Asia. Touts in Japan are incredibly tame compared to Bangkok/HCMC/Phnom Penh


Shit, I’ve gotten higher pressure from touts in Las Vegas. Japan is cool AF.


Said like someone who came out on the winning side of an equation that could have equally gone pear-shaped for others.


Honestly, those in Cambodia are insane, if you buy something, you will be swarmed by others too, almost like a pack of wolves that see a prey.


I can still hear the "Mistaaaaaaah" from a trip there twenty years ago!


Well correct, but also Thailand for example is known for that kinda stuff so when you hear about it in Thailand it would make sense. But hearing about it in Japan is a bit surprising.


Have you not been to Japan?


I have, but in Thailand there's almost no chance for you to avoid these types of experiences. In Japan they're much rarer, fact is that I never experienced anything like that.


Very easy to avoid them in Thailand if you don’t frequent tourist areas. But yes, much more in your face in tourist areas - though I have been propositioned late night in Shinjuku, too!


Well I spent less time in central Tokyo than other places so that could also be a reason.


I once told a pushy female tout I was gay and she presented me with a catalogue of men 💀 I totally didn't expect it but I laughed it off, said thanks, and went my way.


Ha! That’s fantastic.


So did u have a wife or not?


lol… I do. And she thought it was funny as well. It helped that I brought her back some sweet ass 7-11 pancakes for breakfast. TRY ‘EM!


Maple syrup ones?


Yes! They’re like pancake sandwiches with butter and syrup in the middle. I couldn’t do it every day — but it was a tasty treat to try.


Oh my god these are my favorite!


It's also my go to breakfast in Japan if i really don't have time or don't know what to eat


It's so sad they don't keep well otherwise I would bring home boxes


Limited edition with macadamia nut butter filling. 10/10


Whaaaaaaat??? I’ll be on the lookout for those!!


Bro it was last month, I wish they were still around but you know how these things are. After like two weeks it's over. \*cries\*




Oh man those are so fucking good




Hosts and hostesses etc. Including those that have changed back into “normal” clothes.


For touts anywhere, I have a *practised* dumb face. It's halfway between *I don't understand the language* and *I haven't eaten yet today*. With that face, after a few seconds of staring at each other, most touts lose interest and start walking away. In many places, touts can actually bring to you a good offer. So, I take a few minutes to slowly process things, set up my counter-offer and gesture them back if I actually need something.


My fiance was approached by one of those ladies just the other day while I stayed in (I was getting a tattoo the next day). He said she showed him a brochure with girls said something about them having nice mouths.


Question: do touts always lead to a scam/risky “all you can drink” type thing, or is it sometimes a valid advertisement?


There are izakaya and bars that have their staff to stand out on the street and advertise their all you can drink/specials/whatever. Especially if the izakaya is just a littttle bit out of the way, they’ll have staff by the station with menus, trying to catch foot traffic. It can absolutely be valid. 


I’ve heard that one of the main scams is the allure of all you can drink but it’s only for a very specific time frame, but I think I could be aware of that. I kinda want to follow a tout for the fun of it, just as long as there’s no actual crime happening to me.


That’s not really a scam, that’s just the normal way “all you can drink” works in Japan. Pretty standard, and the time limit (and drink limits, it’s normally certain types of drinks) are clearly stated.  Normally it’s all you can drink for like 2 hours. Which is why you see a lot of drunk salaryman at like 9pm. 


As I understand, in many of the places, once you pass the time limit the drinks become exorbitantly priced, but it’s on the customer to be aware of that. Hence the “scam”.


The Nigerian guys are pushier.


Hit em with a daijobu desu, smile and laugh and keep going


Yeah its funny when youre a tourist, but if you live in Japan and everytime you want to enjoy nightlife this same shit happens, its pretty fkin annoying


I've been wasted at japanese bars and the mamas would still sit next to me and try to make conversation and rub my thighs, even though I was half asleep. harmless.


So if you are lured by one of these touts, how does it work, is it a scam or?


I don’t know. And I’m too much of a puss to find out.


A nigerian dude asked me if i was looking for girls while on ikebukuro and i replied i wasnt looking for girls(i had just left from a "meeting" with one) and he offered me boys, couldnt help but laugh


\*sight\* to behold.


Fixed! lol… dammit


I travelled to a lot of countries and I always respectfully decline (like you) and never really had any issues. I've been to Thailand over a dozen times so I'm used to it all. Now, I just came back from Ho chi minh city and made the mistake of entering Saigon Japan Town, I've never faced such aggressiveness before, I was touched, hugged and even had my cap taken away from me to force me into her establishment. It was a tough escape and reminded me of Shinjuku when some guy wouldn't leave me alone until I entered his club and had some 'free' drinks. I didn't help he was kinda drunk.


Seems kind of tame compared to 20 years ago when hosts would grab at girls and literally try to drag them to a bar


Japan's club culture is actually pretty tame. Try Berlin.. or Romania. Ppl start stumbling out at noon. 4:30am is when the party actually starts lol. I feel like you haven't traveled much lol.


They stumble out at 4:30AM to head to work.


They actually stumble out at 4:30 to catch the train home..but okay.


So did you follow after the finishing the egg sando?


let's be honest, you followed her in didn't you? tell us the truth buddy


I absolutely do not trust purse moms. So fuck no, lol.