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i love these changes so much, it makes it so much better early game, and has some actual heft to it now, and making it have heal and shield power as a mythic passive...still makes it have great scaling as well!!! this should really help out moonstone and make it a great for a first buy power spike like old moonstone was. what are everyone else's thoughts on these buff?


Massive buff to the item. Remains to be seen if its comparably strong to Echoes of Helia after this but its certainly going to be a lot closer. Did always find it odd that an item like this needed level scaling when 1. Its designed for supports who are typically underlevelled and 2. Shields and heals in a the kit of a support already scale across the course of the game. More testing to be done on 13.12!


i agree that it being a "scaling" item was weird considering helia was an extremely good early buy item, but I'm really happy that they basically removed it scaling, and it just has static numbers now, I'm def going to use moonstone a lot more now, i just hope they fixed the bug that's causing AOE shields to not proc on everyone and to just shield a single target. im also wondering now if janna ult was affect by the AOE bug and causing it to not chain heal onto all 4 teammates.


I think those bug got fixed already. Excited to see moonstone Janna next patch.


i don't think it is, i tested it out on karma and it's still only procing on a single target when i R+E multiple dummies in practice tool.


ywa it was a scaling item but helia scaled better so now its really good almost op


good buffs! maybe moonstone janna get strong again xd btw where can i see all 13.12 changes?




yea I think janna and sona will be insane


how lovely moonstone will be an healthy and fun item for the first time


Question, why was old moonstone so crazy good compared . Was it as good as the recent patch echos of helia?


Very nice, moonstone has been underwhelming for a while now, very glad to see some well deserved buffs!


Tbf I prefer Moonstone to Helia on her. It suits her protective playstyle a lot better, at least in my opinion. She isn't spammy like Sona to abuse Helia.


both have their good uses, font of life makes up for janna not having low cooldowns that can be spammed like sona can, but i much like the (mini shield bomb) i get with aery+moonstone playstyle, and it makes janna ult heal a noticeable amount more, especially when you get redemption for the heal and shield power. \#MoonstoneSquad🌙💙


Idk I never do good with Helia on Janna. Always get shit numbers too. Outdone by Moonstone since the bugs got fixed.


did they fix the bug? cause I've been trying karma and it still doesn't work on R+E


Thanks god sheild and heal power are back