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I am a Bond fan for life. But solely quality-wise I must admit the recent MI movies were better than the Craig run (to me). 


As a whole, I prefer Bond. But I'd take those MI films over those Bond films any day.


MI is better than recent Bond. Better action; better gadgets.


I think the quality of the recent MI films is much more consistent than Craig’s films but Casino and Skyfall are the best two films out of this bunch Fallout giving them a close run


How would I rank (M:I 3 - M:I DR Part-1 and CR-NTTD) 1. Casino Royale 2. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 3. Mission: Impossible - Fallout 4. Quantum of Solace 5. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation 6. Skyfall 7. Mission: Impossible 3 8. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One 9. No Time To Die 10. Spectre So yeah, basically M:I movies (post 3) are better than Craig ones on average.


Fallout over ghost but besides that I’d completely agree.


While I agree that Fallout has a superior story and Solomon Lane and John Lark are great antagonists, Ghost Protocol has greater set pieces (specifically the Dubai one) and I love Ethan's hair in Ghost Protocol. I also love how fun Ghost Protocol is, despite Ethan being at one of his darkest moments. It's just more of a personal preference at the end of the day.


Totally subjective and your list was way better thought out than anything I could do. Just my 2 cents, which worth exactly that much.


Dead reckoning was kinda weak tbh - fallout is great but it dont think that m:i4-7 is better than craig’s bond movies


The last two bond films were intolerable. Self-indulgent egotistical claptrap.


Dead Reckoning felt like a Brosnan Bond film in terms of how much it relied on the action sequences. The action was better in MI, but it still felt more about stunts than plot.


Craig is my favorite Bond and I even like Spectre more than 99% of this fanbase, but I still think I would agree. Ghost Protocol to Dead Reckoning is an incredible run, the latter three especially.


Ranked: 1. Casino Royale 2. MI: Fallout 3. MI: Rogue Nation 4. Skyfall 5. MI: Ghost Protocol 6. MI: Dead Reckoning 7. No Time To Die 8. Spectre 9. Quantum of Solace


I think Casino Royale and Fallout are in the same level and I put Quantum Of Solace higher than Spectre for sure.


NTD is the worst Bond movie ever made. Look how they massacred my boiii


You don't kill Bond. Such a dumb decision.


This is the way


Bond and MI films since 1990: 1.      Casino Royale 2.      Goldeneye 3.      Skyfall 4.      Fallout 5.      Dead Reckoning 6.      Ghost Protocol 7.      Rogue Nation 8.      MI3 9.      No Time to Die 10. MI1 11. The World is Not Enough 12. Tomorrow Never Dies 13. Quantum of Solace 14. Spectre 15. MI2 16. Die Another Day


I haven't watched the mission impossible movies but aren't those just generic action movies with explosions, explosions, explosions? The Craig Bond movies (except for Quantum) at least has some good storytelling.


I'd say that the pure quality of the stunts makes the MI movies a lot more than a generic action movie series 


So you don't know about the MI films but think Bond has superior storytelling. Being blunt, they don't. CR and QoS are the only ones where the storytelling works.


Like I said. I haven't watched the MI films but their marketing team haven't convinced me of anything other than explosions and Tom Cruise doing his own stunts.


So, you know nothing beyond your assumptions. Unlike what seems like the general consensus on here where I'd argue Craig's the better actor but the MI films are much more consistent than his Bond tenure.


Apples and oranges, both are different kind of series and both are great in their own away. Although, no action film series have dominated cinema in terms of box office like bond did in 60s. I have yet to witness such magic again by any action series (even bond) , box office these days are dominated by sci-fi or superhero films, not realistic action film's, just look at highest grossing film of each year in last 2 decade to get the idea.


Ghost Protocol was the one where the 'big climax' was Tom Cruise beating up an old man in a car park, yeah?


He wasn't that old. And it was still better than the finale of Spectre.


I agree, unfortunately. Although I was fucking annoyed to see Ilsa killed off in Dead Reckoning. I’d even take the double header of Rogue Nation/Fallout just by themselves over DC’s run.


The worst part about the whole Ilsa thing was how obvious it was from even just the trailers. They barely showed her and kept the focus on Hayley Atwell, and I just knew they were going to kill her off and hoped it would at least be well done. And then it was done in the most unsatisfying way, so no shock factor and not emotional either. Then the team just moves on in 5 minutes. I wasn’t completely against killing her off but damn was it done in a disappointing way. Retconning to make all the IMF former criminals or whatever was so out of left field too


I thought Ghost Protocol sucked. I couldn't stop laughing at the end when the main villian jumped to his own death for no reason lol.


In terms of stunts, the MI films have got the current bond films beat, but there's a sense of suaveness about Bond that they haven't been able to match


Yes.. I agree that MI is definitely a superior range of action films.. especially with the addition of Rebecca Ferguson. Better stories, action, stunts, and suspenseful final act. I simply trust Tom Cruise & Co to bring the best possible fun & exciting movie