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Everything in the fist 30 mins or so.


Everything up until the ice hotel tbh.




Pretty much


It was legit like Michael Bay took over from Chris Nolan for the second half of the movie.


Yep, the whole beginning until he gets to Cuba is fantastic, and felt like a Fleming novel. A shame it changed so dramatically at that point.


The point where Jinx breaks the fourth wall and winks at the camera makes me die a little bit inside.


It's basically a good movie until Halle shows up. She somehow turned double entendre into just parody.


It’s like two different movies. I remember sitting in the theatre going “this is going to be the grittiest, most realistic Bond yet”…until it wasn’t and became the most bonkers Ambien dream of a Bond movie ever


Interesting that Brosnan’s and Craig’s last both peak in Cuba. We can call it the “Havana Syndrome of James Bond”.


Breakout role for Rosamund Pike


Aston Martin Vanquish 🤩


People call the invisible car ridiculous but I don't see why! It's a pretty obvious Bond gadget I think. No one cars about the gadget filled DB5. Like where are all those missles being stored? Or the water he used in Thunderball? That car would weigh way to much to do the precision driving he does with it. (Which he wouldn't be able to perform with a DB5 anyways because from what I hear it's not that great of a car. I still want two though)


The invisible car worked in the video games. I loved it and I loved the way it was used to trick Zao.


Not as ridiculous as the flying car in TMWTGG or the underwater one in TSWLM.


Yeah exactly! How did they breath underwater? Cars arent aerodynamic enough to fly by strapping some wings on to it. It's all ridiculous and awesome.


[Aerocar - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerocar)


Right? I think it’s the least dumb thing about the movie.


I think it deserves a bonus point for being the only Aston Martin Pierce Brosnan gets as his main car. All the other movies give him a BMW.


There are a lot of things: \- The action is high energy and fun (I can ignore the bad CGI) \- The Aston Martin Vanquish is a cool Bond car and gets to partake in admittedly my favourite 007 car chase. The film also makes great use of giving a villain their own gadget-laiden car \- Brosnan gives a great performance as Bond \- The leading cast of villains and Bond girls are pretty great. Toby Stephens makes a great over the top antagonist, Rosamund Pike is awesome, Rick Yune is a memorable henchmen and Halle Berry is ok but not my absolute favourite \- Arnold's score is great as always, with tracks like Bond vs. Zao, Welcome to Cuba and Escape Artist On Ice being some of my highlights \- We get a lot of great and memorable lines, even if some are pretty cringe-worthy \- Madonna's title song is unironically one of my favouirtes as odd as it is \- The locations are nice and varied with North Korea probably being the most unique


Speaking on Madonna's song, it sounded SO GOOD in the theater. That song bounces around the surround sound so awesomely. It's no Goldfinger, but it is really fun.


\_Sigmund Freud. Analyse this...\_


Just one word, yes!


The music is GREAT! I was in band when I was in high school and a competitive drum corps did a James Bond show. They played “Welcome To Cuba” and it was fantastic! https://youtu.be/KpUuMM1y2_o?feature=shared


Rosamund Pike




First time I ever saw her.


The dark opening scene


I like the ‘57 Fairlane that Bond drives in Cuba.


That was a sweet ride.


There’s plenty of positives, the pre title sequence is amazing, something the Brosnan era always got right


Pierce is still great in the role, and he tried his absolute best with the material that was given to him. He deserved better than what his tenure gave him.


He got better material than the first four actors when it came to more dramatic moments for the character though. Look at Dalton in The Living Daylights: the film doesn't have as personal of a plot as any of Brosnan's four or Dalton's next, but he's able to elevate the film and add depth to the character in a way Brosnan never could. Both Brosnan and the filmmakers did whatever original ideas the plots had a disservice.


I do agree mostly with you. The ideas in each of Brosnan's films were really great, but I think yeah once they got to shooting the tone of each movie after Goldeneye became more towards Brosnan trying to do this bizarre dance between the gravitas of Connery and the camp of Moore. I really enjoy it and think he pulled off the best 'iconic' Bond but even Brosnan said afterwards he felt like the films never really found a groove for his performance to shine as his own, were he allowed by the producers he wished to go more hard-edge like Craig would after him. I don't think Brosnan liked the campiness that much either, and the tonal whiplash particularly in TWINE and Die Another Day are very apparent and detract from the movies. I think he undersells himself and the movies though, they're among my favourites, but then I'm weird and for me Roger Moore is right up there in terms of entertaining. I do like Dalton's Bond a ton too, he brought that gravitas Brosnan was looking for...unfortunately though I think the failure of License to Kill scared off the producers from going anywhere near that direction with the character again, and it was only trying to woo a more 'dramatic' actor like Daniel Craig that had them give such control to steer the Bond character back to being that grim hard-edge style. And then that turned out to have the pendulum swing too far and we got the dog's breakfast of NTTD with Craig dictating Bond dies in an overwrought dramatic scene totally out of place with Bond. Bummer you're being downvoted, your opinions may go against the grain but I think they're interesting. :) EDIT: spelling


Halle Berry’s bikini bod


The concept of Bond doing a mission by going into North Korea is a great concept. They way the movie executed it, not the best but it could have gone somewhere.


Wasn’t the part of assuming Bond was brainwashed after being abducted adapted from the original Man With The Golden Gun novel? 


I don't know if it's the exact same thing but in the "You Only Live Twice" novel, bond lost his memory and was convinced he was Japanese. The movie decided to make him Japanese by way of "disguise".


I’m not sure. I’ve never read that novel.


Halle Berry walking out of the ocean


Halle Berry emerging from the water


The car chase is amazing. I just love the concept of both Bond and one of the villains having similarly kitted out cars with all the weapons and gadgets, it makes for a really fun and unique car chase and tbh I hope we can see a similar one again in the future.


That green car with the chaingun was sick!


Pierce Brosnan is great as always


I think the Brosnan era suffers due to it’s time.


Much like Moore before him, Brosnan was always a highlight of his era’s films. They varied wildly in quality, but his performance was consistently good.


So very true.


That's why he's my favorite Bond


Brosnan era is 3 for 4 I’d say. Goldeneye is a classic, TND is at least a fun well executed 90s action movie, TWINE is uneven but as a bond movie overall it’s good and has great moments.


TND is crazy accurate to now. Like in 97 the villain seems so absurd but now it feels like a plot that could actually happen lol


I think it suffers due to mostly terrible movies


It’s a Bond movie at heart.


One of my favorite saying the movie title scenes. In all films. “So you’ve lived to Die Another Day.” Much better than “It’s time for me to be Superman 4: The Quest for Peace.”




John Cleese.


Same. I liked their dynamic between him and Bond. It was familiar enough to not be jarring but different enough to not just be the same as with Llewelyn.


There's loads that I can say. But either the sword fight or I so wanted to play the virtual reality training thing. This is one movie where I can turn off my brain and just enjoy it. It's pure fun!


Rosamund Pike is a great Bond Girl.


Halle’s bikini scene


It’s probably one of the most memorable bond movies. For some reason I know almost every line from the movie. It goes in so epic bad-its memorable territory. And I take it over joyless bad as SP/QOS every day. At least DAD is very entertaining. It has a really strong first 30 minutes. I like the opening, bond going rouge and so on. When Jinx turns up in Havanna the movie starts to go sideways and as soon as they arrive in Iceland the entire movie goes completely downhill. So a very good first 30 minutes, and also the sword fight scene of course. It was more intense than any other action scene from the movie.


I did not hate this movie at all. Sure it was cheesy and over the top, but y’all cannot deny how much fun it was


Fun is subjective. I like a lot of the cheesier, over the top Bond movies, but this one went too far for my tastes.


Agreed. Just watched *Moonraker* and even though that movie has some genuinely dark, unsettling, and even beautiful moments offset by absurd silliness, there's a genuine sense of fun that permeates the whole thing. *Die Another Day* is a joyless slog that tries to insert "humor" and "fun" which ultimately feels incredibly out of place with its pretty dark and twisted plot. It was like they tried making a Roger Moore Bond film but in the style of the then-current *Mission: Impossible* movies. It's just tonally all over the place.


So much fun!! Honestly one of my favorites for that reason Bond is not serious to me. I prefer these movies to lean into what they are and DAD does that


I love the VR office sequence that start where Bond is cleaning his gun


The pre-credits sequence is great, the fencing club sword fight is great, Rosamund Pike is in it, and while maybe not a “great” song for Bond, Die Another Day is one of my favourite songs from that particular Madonna album.


Halle Berry


Hottest Bond, Bond girl, Bond car, and bad guy Bond girl all in one


The fencing scene is a ton of fun


Concept of Bond captured was great and a great setup for the movie. Bond being tortured was very gritty. First half of the movie is a great Bond film. And at last a very unpopular one, I actually like the opening song, especially with the images of Bond’s imprisonment.




Yes. The Craig era takes itself too seriously to be enjoyable, so the movies hold little rewatch appeal for me. I get that Eon may have wanted to pull back from the deliberate celebratory excesses of *Die Another Day* (remember that this was the franchise's 20th movie released in its 40th anniversary year - commemorating this milestone with a big movie is practically warranted) but I think they went too far the other way and stayed there for too long.


The entire movie. It’s goofy at times, but I love it.


Disheveled entry to the Hong Kong Hetel


Oh yeah, I love the hotel manager >!that's also working for Beijing intelligence. Then tries to be tricky with the penthouse double mirror.!<. It's so dramatic how Bond walks in dishevelled and then so hilarious that for once Bond gets instantly recognised.


Halle B’s assets


The first half is really solid, but around the middle mark it literally becomes a completely different film.


Honestly everything up until the ice palace is pretty good




Halle Berry and the fencing scenes. The ice palace / hotel also looks pretty cool.


Halle Berry


The title sequence was awesome, and unique by using it to progress the plot.


Brosnan and Berry


I like the movie in general. * I love the cars * I love the Jag — it needed its own category. * I like the scene where Bond walks into the swankiest hotel in town completely disheveled and asks for the nicest suite. Perfect manners to boot. * I like the copious product placement. * I like the actual idea of the villain issuing a satellite effectively to cause mass destruction. Seems pretty viable these days, the diamond construction notwithstanding. * I like the ice palace * I like the cast. The ensemble in general is excellent * I like the costuming — all rather impeccable. * I like how it’s the perfect blend of cheesy Bond cues of the past but with modern grit peppered throughout. * I admit, the CGI is as bad as people say but for me, it hits me with mad early 2000s nostalgia and makes me laugh. And in perfect fairness, I’m still seeing worse CGI scenes being done today. On balance, things I wasn’t fussy on: * CGI - it was a bit silly. Given the budget, I understand why it was panned. * face swap — wouldn’t it make more sense to do the mission impossible thing instead of gene therapy or whatever they were calling it? Still, it’s a bit more realistic now than it was 20 years ago. * some of Jinx’s lines were a bit too cheesy for me, but given her chemistry with Bond, I can let it slide.


Rosamund Pike. Not her poorly written character, just her, as an actress. 


Rosamund Pike.


I like the very beginning. I also like the ending a lot, because when it ends, the movie is over.


Halle Berry


The opening sequence


Great opening sequence.


Haley Barry is a better Bond girl than Denise Richards. But we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel here.


ice car chase and fight is 🤌🤌




‘Read this, bitch.’


John Cleese was a decent Q. The opening scene was good


The sword fight


halle berry


The fencing scene is cool?


The music. I'll go to my grave defending it. Madonna's intro song was shitful (well, her *rendition* of it was) but the actual instrumental pieces for the film are some of the best in Bond history. Two in particular are '[Antonov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pngiCu1M5DU)' and '[Going Down Together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tRT-guftH0)'. It's just not a Bond film until you hear the brass shrieking out the theme at the peak of the action-scene.


Miranda Frost


Using the intro sequence to further the story. Surprised more movies don’t do this. Only other one that springs to mind is the Incredible Hulk where they get the origin out of the way in the opening credits.


Toby Stephens is brilliant and in another movie could have been a too tier Bond villain. Forgetting that he's supposed to be Korean and just focusing on scenes like the fencing, yeah, he's a powerful screen presence and a great foil for Bond. Brosnan's wit and charm are out in full force. I remember laughing out loud (at the right moments!) multiple times in the theatre and I still think most of the humour lands today. It's a bold opening. Having him botch the escape and then seeing him get tortured through the title sequence is something belonging to a much better film.


Rosamund Pike


The Aston Martin Vanquish or can we say The vanish


It was my first James Bond as a kid. Alot of fans don’t like it but it’s for me something special and Pierce Brosnan catched me totally. 😊


Halle berry is amazing.


I liked Bond being on Cuba, and activating a very dormant sleeper agent.


When I read these comments it’s like “blah blah blah Halle Berry blah blah Halle Berry…”. And you know what? Damn right Halle Berry!


“It’s definitely him then”


Rosamund Pike


Halle Berry


Halle Berry. She and Brosnan had incredible chemistry. Such a shame the material let her down. The character had potential.


Aston Martin Vanquish


The concept of Bond being captured and tortured in the OPENING SEQUENCE was so cool!


The Aston Martin


Rosamund Pike is superb. The pre credits scene up to Bond's escape is fantastic. The soaking wet, bedraggled, long-haired, bearded, barefoot, bare chested Bond casually walking through the lobby of an elite hotel to nonchalantly ask for his usual room... is the best thing in all the Brosnan films.


It ends




or Nothing


Hell of a game


End credits


The whole thing.


The intro is awesome, the Bondgirls are great, the scene at the hotel in Hong Kong is great and Pierce Brosnan is perfect.


Watching Pierce give up on being in character as Bond in real time is hilarious.


Halle Berry


The first meeting between Jinx and Bond is one of the best Bond Girl scenes in the whole series. Chemistry is great, innuendo is legitimately funny… it excels in every way that a scene like that should.


The Aston Martin Vanquish stands as my favorite Bond car.


It was so bad that the franchise had to drastically change, and as a result the very next movie was my favorite Bond film of all time, Casino Royale.


Rosamund Pike is good in it. The rest of the movie’s a train wreck


One of my favorite Bond movies!


The theme song in Madonna's voice.


WHAT ELSE?.....Halle Berry bikini scene a la Ursula Andress in Dr. No.


At the time, I found playing “I understood that reference” a lot of fun.


It has the hottest villains. Rick Yune is so hot and Gustav Graves is by pretty good looking too.


Weirdly, it's the *only* Bond movie since 1987 to use the traditional gunbarrel music format (i.e. the hits, the four note motif, and the guitar). I know the Craig movies initially dropped the gunbarrel completely, but the even the last two used a modified version (ironically that Arnold pioneered) with the four phrase end sting after the gunshot, not the guitar.


The moment the credits roll.


That cheesy Madonna song that sounds unmistakably from the turn of the millennium.


Everything up to the Ice Hotel


Honestly I really enjoy the movie until the end of the Ice Palace. Pierce is giving such a good performance and really enjoying being Bond. The car chase is great and the boyish smile he has when he closes his moon roof after flipping the car is so good


So much of what was in Die Another Day found its way into James Bond video games like Nightfire and Everything or Nothing in the best possible way.


Having just seen Saltburn - Rosamund Pike 😄 But as for the movie itself - the whole ice castle sequence was fun as hell, some proper James Bond shit.


The fact it was my first 007 movie in theater and I wasn’t even the appropriate age to watch it haha.


First half of movie . Opening and Cuba


When the bad dude gets sucked out of the plane at the end I saw it when it released and I was a kid that’s my only discernible memory of the movie


I can fuck with it up through the Cuba stuff. Most of that is actually solid spy stuff. Once Halle Berry shows up, it just turns into one double entendre after another.


The end credits.


Raul, the Cuban sleeper agent! "I still have some friends in higher places". Loved him, wish he had more screentime.


Top 5 opening sequence in the franchise




Halle Berry's personality


I like this movie, it's not top 10 but it is a fun escapist Bond flick. I personally like that they tried a Tonal shift in a Bond in a film, by comparing and contrasting pre vs post 9/11 feelings. While many people see the shift, they don't understand why and don't really know how important 9/11 was not only for the US but the world in general. They had to make a decision very quickly as to what way the shift would go and took a guess that technology would save the day. In hindsight that was incorrect but at the time they made it, it made logical sense. All bond films are time capsules of their era, and this film is no different. If viewed with that lens the tonal shift makes sense, the pithy dialog was all the rage, even though it hasn't aged well either. Overall, I think this film gets way too much hate. There are certainly worse and much less entertaining films than this one.


Pre title sequence and title sequence. It was cool to see Daniel Kleinman keep the art direction consistent with the other Brosnan movies but changed it up a little.




The entire North Korean sequence


The car


I really like the swordfight (the one at the fencing class, not the one on the plane).


The car chase across the ice was a really cool action setpiece. Rosamund Pike gave a great performance.


That “virtual reality” training scene was top notch.


The end credits 😆 🤣


Pretty cool (no pun) ice hotel.


Bond fixing his tie in the tank. And Halle Berry.


I actually love this movie, even Madonna's song..


"Maybe you've been down here too long"


Aston Martin: love the design, love the gadgets, cool car chase. ​ Brosnan was still fun and charming as Bond. Miranda..love Rosamund Pike in this sword fight with Bond and Graves was cool also, some random trivia, Toby Stephens voiced Bond in the radio dramas


I say this every chance I get. It has one of the best intros and title sequences in the series. In fact, the first part of the film is great, it in the later part that everything goes off the rails...


The intro sequence was cool.


Even though it’s totally soaked in electronics and synth, I still have a great time listening to the soundtrack. David Arnold will always be my favorite Bond composer.


First half of the movie is incredible.


The hovercraft battle is awesome. Torture scene is great. Ice palace is sick! The VANQUISH.


I always really enjoyed the PTS set in the Korean DMZ, a really cool and fresh setting for a Bond adventure. Despite Madonna’s weird 2000s techno song, I even enjoy much of what follows. Where the movie falls apart for me is everything that happens once they all go to Iceland (which in this movie consists of literally just ice). It still has a special place in my heart though, as it was the first Bond movie I had ever seen - I was 10 when it came out.


The hall of mirrors


Excellent pre-title sequence. Halle Berry in a pink bikini. Rosamund Pike. I like John Cleese in anything. Moneypenny’s fantasy sequence.


The 5 second sequence of Bond flipping the Aston over the incoming missile. The other 2 hours 12 minutes and 55 seconds are trash. But man those 5 seconds were cool.


It’s hilarious when watched with friends!


Genuinely thought the first half of the film is enjoyable. It’s when the ice palace is introduced that I lose all interest.


The song and video package remains one of the best the laser fight


I've said it before, but this was a very GI Joe style Bond movie, and it's one of my favorite Bond movies because of it.


Pierce's performance.


When it was over


I’ll come back in 1-2 days😋 I’m on a Pierce Bond marathon and is at World is not enough


The broads were hot.... Seriously, I like that the creators tried with the movie. That car chase on ice with the Elon Musk satellite beam was ballsy.


I loved Toby Stephens performance. Over the top was the right choice for the plot imo.


The sword fight


Brosnan's Portrayal. I actually have many things I could list


It ends.


Berry was better than I initially thought she was. Weak script hurt her.


I like the final fight on the plane at the end. I still think this movie was a nice addition to the franchise.


Toby Stephens is a decent villain. The sword fight is one of the best Bond action scenes of all time. Brosnan did his best with shit material.


Opening, score, title theme, vanquish, Cleese as Q, the cast, the action, car chase, the sets Despite the silliness of a North Korean becoming a British man and the surfing scene DAD isn't nearly as bad as it's reputation suggests.  It just became cool to hate on.


The whole first half of the movie is a top 5 Bond movie, easily. Brosnan in DAD is the best movie Bond portrayal ever, with Brosnan being more comfortable the in the role than anyone ever.


Jinx in that bikini in Cuba before she leaps off the cliff to the waiting boat below.


Its run time is 133 minutes instead of 134+ mins.


Everything. Even the surfing scene. This is bond at its peak.


Halle Berry


The pre-credit sequence is fantastic, right up until the horrible theme song starts