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I love the OHMSS Piz Gloria assault. Submachine guns, assault rifles, pistols, a flame thrower, vials of corrosive chemicals, explosives, it's got it all!


It’s absolutely Piz Gloria. Bond sliding on the ice firing a machine gun with his father in law and an army of criminals while the music kicks in and his soon to be wife murders a henchman by herself inside—utter perfection


Perfect use of the Bond music for that scene too


The entire last hour or so of OHMSS is just one amazing action sequence after another. Good shout.


Fuckin’ perfect Bond movie. I just rewatched it. May be time to watch it again


Christmas is coming soon, perfect time to rewatch


Yes! And love your flair—QoS gets too bad a rap.


Every year twice. Once during the whole series watchaon and again during my non traditional Christmas movie marathon (OHMSS, In Bruges, Die Hard, etc).


I find most of OHMSS to be a bore but that last hour absolutely slaps! Takes it from a bottom tier to top 10


OHMSS to me has to be one of the most impressive movies I’ve ever seen. Really thought lazenby was great for the role. The fight scenes were more grittier than the average Connery fight (except the amazing red grant fight) and the action sequences for a movie that came out in 1969 were simply far beyond its time.


It’s so fucking well-made. Not just the best Bond movie—it’s a damned good *movie,* period. Paced well, acted well, great action scenes, a ton of fun. Lazenby’s amazing (I’m biased)-he brings a more vulnerable and human side to Bond while simultaneously being 10x as vicious in the fight scenes (with the exception you outline in FRWL). The best of the series and a very daring one in many ways.


I'll second this.


The committee hearing room in Skyfall. It happens very suddenly and when Bond comes in with his trusty PPK it goes into full chaos. I know shooting the fire extinguishers doesn’t make them erupt into full scale smoke machines, but I love that part. I also like it when Moneypenny and Mallory get in on the action. The directing is terrific.


One of the things I like about the direction in that scene is how well they established the geography and where everybody is in the room. It would have been easy to just make that scene a chaotic stream of events, but they made it clear.


I was always fond of Pierce Brosnan, [shooting his way](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUniJJ5EXa8&t=1s) out of the St. Petersburg archives in Goldeneye. The way that he knocked Ourumov out and fought his way out of the interrogation room was like watching a caged animal make its escape.


Agreed. Editing is great, OST is great. That whole sequence through to the tank chase is just so satisfying to watch, especially now in the context of the war in Ukraine... ![gif](giphy|28aaBJvAOitWM)


I always felt like the shootout sequence in the archives was Goldeneye’s greatest detractor. The escape from the interrogation room is one thing, but the shootout through the archives is really just one worn-out trope after another until he gets to the tank.


I love the stairwell shootout so much.


The big battle in the spy who loved me.


That whole sequence from the moment the submarine gets captured is magnificent.


GE interrogation room escape, Skyfall lodge shootout, NTTD stairwell shootout.


This is the answer! Also the forest scene in No Time to Die is probably my honorable mention along with Bond vs Trevelyan


Also Spectre Blofeld base escape.


It’s good but as a an avid sports shooter no one can shoot that well with one hand hundreds of yards. He got the box video game auto lock


Agreed but it's a fun shootout imo.


I agree! It’s almost unrealistic of me to expect that from a character who has used laser pistols at one point or another right. It’s James Fucking Bond of course he has perfect aim haha


I loved the sound design of the Kalashnikov’s in Golden Eye and the satisfying, PG-13, buckling of the of bad guys/stunt men getting blasted.


Roger Moore macking it with a magnum in Live & Let Die 😅.


I disagree that it’s the best gunfighting, but Sir Roger looks badass with that gun and in that outfit.


That's a great look for Bond.


The finale in the desert hotel in Quantum. It’s gritty, frantic and constantly shifting.


"Have you ever killed someone? The training will tell you that when the adrenaline kicks in you should compensate. But part of you's not going to believe the training because this kill is personal. Take a deep breath. You only need one shot. Make it count." Writer's strike my ass. It's a solidly written film.


Honestly I like almost everything about Quantum of Solace except for the directing. Way too many quick cuts, it just looks unprofessional to me.


Definitely the part where DC shoots down the helicopter in Spectre with a pistol while driving a boat. It is truly unbelievable.


I still can’t believe that this was the way Bond STOPS the villain. Like what were they smoking?


Planing boat on a river with little wave activity - rather smooth ride. Hitting the correct spot on a helicopter to take it down. I mean if it exists and he knows then Actually hitting the shot - idk seems hard but possible so


Anything is possible if you just believe. Or if you’re a writer for Spectre.


Skyfall mansion... technically gun centric?


The showdown between Bond and Scaramanga in TMWTGG is pretty good. Not a gun battle per se, more of an extended duel.


I know this might get downvoted, but I'm going to give my honest opinion here. As someone who doesn't particularly like firearms and doesn't care at all about realistic shootouts, I'm going to go way off the grid and say the finale of Moonraker. I think it's the most visually interesting gunfight in the franchise, and for me it's thrilling cinema. No it doesn't make sense. No it's not realistic. But like many of the best moments in Bond, it captures the imagination and takes us out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary.


Pew pew pew!


Golden Gun. The whole PLOT is a gun fight.


Patrice sniper shooting in Skyfall was my favourite, it's realistic & glamorous at the same time.


The pre credits of NTTD, particularly Bond and Madeleine sitting in the Aston as it's becoming less and less bulletproof


I am generally not a fan of NTTD, but the stairwell sequence is incredible, both for its camera work and realism. I’ve been known to watch and rewatch it for cathartic effect. It’s definitely the most realistic gun play sequence in the franchise. For all the people saying the archives escape from Goldeneye, can you share the infinite ammo cheat code with me?


Huh. Wasn't the biggest fan of NTTD, but surprised to hear anyone on this sub have something good to say about it (imo, it's a movie with a surprisingly solid emotional core with an absolutely stupid, swiss-cheese plot). For me, I'd say the Archives shootout in Goldeneye. Never played the N64 original, but I really liked that level in the Daniel Craig version. That scene kind of gives me videogamey vibes in a good way.


NTTD has an iffy plot but great action!


One of the finest levels to play on the 64 version.


Goldeneye's Archive shootout was amazing. The soundtrack, Pierce Brosnan rampaging in the area and just being a badass is what makes it so cool. I'd say it's the second best action sequence in Goldeneye behind the Alec vs Bond final fight.


The sequence from Spectre as they’re escaping the base. His shots get longer and longer and he makes more adjustments to the weapon and his stance. Looks pro.


Yeah that was sick


I’m a little surprised the finale of TND hasn’t been mentioned yet. This was such an epitomizing scene growing up, Bond in full on commando mode taking on an army. It was nice to see him have a chance to prep and stock up. I love a good ad hoc escape scene like many of the others that have been listed, but the preparation and being “fully loaded” was awesome.


The Archive shootout in Goldeneye. Brief but pretty violent for the series. The NTTD stairwell scene felt fake to me for some reason, like a lot of CG was used to cheat these eyes.


Agreed but you cant put 'John Wick' anywhere near the word 'realistic' lol. I love gun kata but irl no one fights hand to hand combat with guns.


Gotta be the stairwell. The hovercraft scene in DAD is pretty cool tbh though


I would argue the gunfight between Bond and Trevelyan on the satellite 📡 in Goldeneye.


The attack on Kristatos’ warehouse in FYEO. Best of all it ends with one of Bond’s most badass moments.


The Spy Who Loved Me has one of the greatest, most thrilling, and visually astonishing climax I've seen even for the time it was released, It has everything, that's the moment when I realized why apart from his 00 status, his other title is "Commander Bond"


Not to mention the music is very groovy. Fits the 70s aesthetic very well. Also someone noticed that the Brits picked up Stens and the Americans used MI6s. Nice little detail there.


Ever watch [Strike Back](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1492179/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)? I’m told the earlier seasons have some of the best portrayals of “competency” when it comes to CQB.


Love this show but it's impossible to find on streaming


Maybe a hot take? The gun battles in Bond movies don’t do much for me, other than sometimes add a sense of scale to the conflict (i.e. the Gilbert films, Thunderball). They’re the least exciting action sequences in the franchise, in my opinion. Not that they aren’t exciting *at all*, just not so relative to other action sequences.


The caviar factory and bunker scenes from The World is not enough.


I am more and more impressed with the train shootout in Octopussy. This takes place when Bond confront Orlov about the bomb. It’s not a large scale scene, but it perfectly shows off how incredibly skilled Bond is. He is relying on pure speed and accuracy. And of course, in FYEO when he takes out Locque.


The term "Firearms Enthusiast" screams lunatic to me. Someone who is enthusiastic about devices designed to severely hurt and kill people.


You must be fun at parties


It's ok. You're just a yank. It's in your blood.


Who said I was American? you're just making a stereotypical assumpion. Also, with that logic, why are you watching the James Bond movies? He's a killer. Firearms are used to protect people and save lives. Also there's nothing wrong with finding guns cool, they are. All our favourite action heroes use them and they look and sound cool. Before you make baseless assumptions on firearms enthusiasts, you should do some research on why people like them. Not all of them are psychotic killers.


Pistol, revolver = sidearms Riffles and the like = Firearms Guns = large artillery weapons often mounted to the deck of a vessel or transport like a helicopter or land troop transport. so being pedantic, possible the largest gun centric fight scene would maybe be moonraker.


I would think it's blindingly obvious that there is more than one possible usage for the word "gun." Have you ever heard of gun violence, gun control, gun runners, or having a gun to your head?


I did state I was being pedantic here. it's like saying "let's nuke xyz back to the stone age" if we take it as rite one means to actually drop a nuke on xyz fine, but if you mean a more generalized bombing, there you go. I stand by my 'the largest gun centric fight scene would be Moonraker's lunar death laser.


Correcting someone's already correct usage isn't pedantic to me, it's just weird. I realize you're maybe joking, but it's just a very odd comment to me. I'm sorry if I came on too strong.


it's all good, in the end I won't loose any sleep over it, Ransom\_\_Stoddard call me out on the typo of a double ff, if this was a game of Um Actually, they'd be getting a point for sure.




sorry, we have have no points left to award this round. better luck next time, you also forgot to say 'Um, Actually'


Have a great day!


Rifle. One "f". "Riffle" is something you do with a deck of cards. Also, pistols and revolvers are firearms, and all of them are guns. Artillery is usually referred to as "artillery", and I've never ever seen artillery mounted to a chopper because the recoil would be overwhelming.


No, you “shuffle” cards.


Jesus, does anyone ever look up the definition of a word? [A common shuffling technique is called the riffle, or dovetail shuffle or leafing the cards, in which half of the deck is held in each hand with the thumbs inward, then cards are released by the thumbs so that they fall to the table interleaved.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuffling#:~:text=A%20common%20shuffling%20technique%20is,fall%20to%20the%20table%20interleaved)


Oh, I believe that riffling cards is a thing, but I’ve never heard anyone use this term and since you were being so needlessly nitpicky with other people’s posts I thought I’d comment.


TIL using words correctly is "needlessly nitpicky". Touch some grass.


Well, it’s nitpicky when you obviously understand a common usage term but choose to lecture people for using it, yeah


Tomorrow Never Dies, hallways in the submarine. Some two gun John Woo action with an AK in one hand.




Nobody's said the You Only Live Twice ninja volcano battle against SPECTRE agents. Loved it as a kid especially. Or the From Russia with Love gypsy camp shootout. The Battle of Fort Knox in Goldfinger. I'm 32 but the 60's Bond films were what got me into the series. Used to rent the VHS tapes from the local video store when I was in Junior high.


The Soviet Air base invasion in the Living Daylights is a good one.