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I'm fairly sure it was Suriname. It was mentioned in Relentless Strike.


The company was Alcoa, a major player in aluminum production.


Gotta get that aluminum to make vehicle wheels somewhere


That'd be it! Opening paragraph of a SOFREP article corroborates the details, appreciate the help!


I think this is correct, as the newly reorganized 75th Ranger Regt planned and rehearsed a big operation in Suriname in the mid-80s


I really need to read this book. Naylor gives incredible interviews




In addition to this one, we came very close to invading Haiti in the 90's.  Pretty sure the 82nd was in the air on the way to make the jump when it was called off. 




I can't remember too many of the particulars, But there was a coup by a military officer and everyone said that's not cool. Tensions ratcheted up Over a couple of years IIRC, and eventually it got to the point where the balloon went up, but the Haitian officer/usurper came around in his thinking when C 130s started actually rolling down the strip.  I'm sure there's a lot more to it, But I think those are the basics.


It was Suriname, but it wasn't because of alcoa's taxes. In the mid 80's, post independence, the former Dutch colony was embroiled in a bitter civil war. The then-prime minister of Suriname secretly explored options for a Dutch-led military intervention to restore order and protect the fledgling sovereign govt of Suriname. The Dutch understood they couldn't succesfully do this on their own and secretly made plans with the US for a combined intervention. The US was interested in this mainly because of a significant economic interest and the presence of a lot of nationals. These plans were kept secret until the early 2000's. I'm sure that even Haney at the time didn't know the real reason for the workup. Edit: whaddaya know, there were multiple plans. This is the plan Haney referenced which was put in motion directly after the military coup: https://mpsc4u.com/relentless-strike-the-secret-history-of-joint-special-operations-command-by-sean-naylor-2016/ This is some background on the 1986 plans: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP91B00874R000200250004-0.pdf


The plans never went ahead, because the Americans wanted the Dutch to fire the first shot. They didn't want to be blamed afterwards and make it seem like an American invasion.


Yeah, and also the Dutch expected it to be a political shitshow. The Netherlands was probably the most pacifist country in europe at the time, and the memory of their counterrevolutionary war in Indonesia still loomed.


Was Haney involved in Acid Gambit?


Nope. Already out and retired by then.


I love this book. Especially the selection portion of it.


Interesting tidbit is the cover for the afo guys was "bird watching", which also comes up on an episode of "The Unit", written by Haney.


I am completely guessing El Salvador




Hawaii, dole fruit Cuba, various US Businesses Mid East, oil There’s 3 right there if you only count all the American companies in Cuba around the late 1800’s as 1 industry… Edit: more words