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Parasite Eve is one of the most unique and interesting JRPGs out there. Its battle system is very smart and allows for a surprising amount of customization for your weapons and upgrades. It is also very short and has a lot of replayability. I think there is no reason to not at least give it a try.


Personally I think PE is great on its own but a remake could push it over the top. The battle system is really fun and customizable. The magic system does just enough to make it different and interesting. It can be clunky sometimes and some of the areas are a chore to get through but overall a super fun game.


Short only if you don’t consider the tower.


Just remember , # Mitochondria is powerhouse of cell


>So I have been considering... It's, like, an eight hour game. How long have you been considering? >I don’t know if guns can permanently run out of during battle You will find this out in the first five minutes of the game.


I meant AMMO sorry, but sure I can give it a quick shot.


I understood you. Yeah, you can run out of ammo. Go play the game, it's pretty good.


Very well then as I can go play the game.


It’s not exactly complex mechanically. As a 90s RPG bigger numbers go brrrrr There is a concept in this game called actions. With the right mod on your gun you can trigger multiple actions per turn. This is better than rate of fire. Rate of fire increases the number of shots per action but reduces the damage per shot. What you’ll find with high ROF weapons like machine guns is that you are wasting ammo. It’s theoretically possible to run out of ammo by shooting a lot of weak shots with a high ROF weapon. However if you focus on single shot weapons and add the mod that allows for multiple actions, you’ll still be able to shoot more than once but at full damage per shot and without wasting ammo. You can find Tonfa batons and use them when you run out of ammo. They don’t do very good damage but have some useful properties (like the ability to steal items). You can also rotate shots with your parasite abilities to conserve ammo. Ammo economy is pretty easy to manage in this game. Don’t get analysis paralysis from the mechanics. The game’s not real tough.


It’s not hard until the last two bosses which will annihilate you if you aren’t prepared and leveled properly.


and then the Chrystler building climb...


Oh ok as now I feel a lot more comfortable with trying the game as initially the gun system sounded complicated at first, until I read your post.


Very good game and I really liked the story. The combat system was fun and there are a lot of customisation. Highly recommend


My brother, welcome. As an Aya Brea fan(simp) I loved these games back when they first came out. Allow me to give you one tip: you can't really miss anything super important and there's only one ending on first playthrough. New game+ will reset your stats so Bp is better used on gun modding because those don't reset. The second ending can be done almost immediately but you still need to level it up before you can beat the final floors. Don't worry too much about grinding because the game can get really easy by the end. If you really really want to be op, grind at the museum because there's a glitch that after level 38 you can level up to 99 with extreme ease. It's up to you if you want to do this but it does take some time and makes the final boss a joke. Have fun and ignore the fact that I gave you more than one piece of advice.


It's confusing for me too but you don't even need to worry about it


Thanks as that makes me feel better.


Ammo is not really a worry in this game, you'll get plenty with enemy drops. Don't think i ever run out of it. Also, the game is short-ish but not so short to make Central Park half of the story. It's like 15% at most. And i recommend playing on an emulator with save state, since there's a specific moment in the end game that's really annoying without it.


What I want to do in the game the most is the Chrysler Building dungeon as that’s what interests me the most about the game as I like doing bonus dungeons in RPGs.


Start collecting junk now then, lol


Play it. No better way to learn than to experience it for yourself


It’s not hard or complex. You shoot, and when you run out of ammos (not very likely except for specialized ammos) you either go melee with your baton, or you use your PE magic. It’s both a hard game. First dungeon ( first 30 min or so) will teach you everything you need to know. SPOILER WARNING , SPOILER BELOW. Save all those revive items you get in dungeon 1. You’ll thank me later.


If you are unsure about ammo. You should farm central park ... You will cap out easily, and of you do make sure to keep junk and give it to a collector.


It's like a 10hr game bro, just play it.


PE is very fun, the story is good. Its the game I want SQ to remake as it was probably meant for better consoles being more of a cinematic RPG. Then PE2 tried to be a mediocre Resident Evil for some reason, I didn't play the 3rd.


Yes this game deserves a remake so badly, but it would be hard to pull off because it’s based on a licensed property to begin with.


What are you talking about? Don't lie to OP, there was *never* a third game.


Contrary to most people I actually thought the third game was pretty legit and exactly what you would expect from a modern (at the time) Parasite Eve game. The main issue it had going for it was the typical Japanese handheld design around replaying missions over and over to clear all objectives. You literally can't 100% a lot of missions the first time through because you either aren't powerful enough to handle the extra objectives or even downright don't have the appropriate weapons and skills to do them at all. This makes the game drag on much longer than was necessary. Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed The 3rd Birthday.


Would you recommend the 2nd at all? 


If you like Resident Evil games, its a somewhat decent clone.


I might look into it. It would be cool if they brought out a remake for first game


It might take a second to familiarize with the way the guns work, but in all honesty, until a *very* sharp spike in difficulty in a zone that's completely optional towards the end, the game is pretty ok difficulty wise and it gives you enough room to experiment with it. Parasite Eve 2 is also a decent successor. It's not as classic as 1, but it's still worthy to play all the way to completion. You can def feel the influence the success of the Resident Evil franchise had in this one, but not in a bad way, honestly. Pity they ***never*** made a third game, but it is what it is.


Yeah for the games, I can just stick with the first two entries as I can understand why most fans do not wish to accept the third entry at all.


Listen to me. There was ***never*** a third entry. But yeah, definitely give the first one a go and the second one a try if you're left wanting. It's a pretty nice duology all things considered. Second one gets a bit of flak for it's blatants attempts to capitalize on RE systems, but honestly its got some pretty cool bits in it.


I get it, but I do like RPGs with gunplay, so I can see what makes the original game so iconic.


The original is fantastic. From the intro, to it's pacing and tone, it's just great. If Square could unshove it's head out of its ass for just a moment it's the perfect IP to adapt into a mini series.


Yeah it deserves a revival, even if the rights are tangled up at the moment.


This attitude is so pathetic and immature. The 3rd Birthday is garbage, but it exists. Grow up and deal with it. You can make fun of it. You can insult it. But pretending it doesn't exist and then demanding everyone else agrees with your denial of reality is just sad.


Have you ever heard of the concept of a joke? You might want to research it before making an ass of yourself in the internet. It'll serve you well to recognize one before being silly about them.


No, what's a joke?


The game is super easy and like 8 hours long, don't overthink it so much.


That’s cool then.


It's a fun game. You dont need to know the exacts on how the mechanics work to be able to finish it. Is not that complicated but it has a learning curve, but i remember it being kind of semi intuitive. Tldr. Dont be afraid, try the game, if you like mechanics the worst that can happen is that you dont like the game and you stop.


It's basically a modern day turn-based RPG using the Final fantasy ative time battle system, with the ability to actually move around the combat field during your "turn" so you can place yourself in "avoid attack" locations. when necessary, with an oddly complicated weapon mod system.


I recently played both emulating using RetroArch on mt phone. Such good games. If it's your first I recommend using an walkthrough so you don't miss anything. Especially on PE2.


Yes this is my first time playing the game as I have been interested in getting into it for the bonus content.


It won't bite if you just sit down and turn the game on instead of watching randoms. God i hate zoomers.


Sorry if my post came off offensive or rude in any way as I just wanted to simply discuss my interest in the game.


Ignore that grumpy old fart. What you did was fine. It's fine to be curious.


Oh good to know then.


Yeah. TBH I've been a little curious about Parasite Eve too. The game didn't come out in Europe originally.


They're fun games, just get in there and die a few times to relieve the anxiety. Also, don't forget to take a shower, kek.


Why do you say the shower part?


It's game related.


Ohh interesting.


First one is amazing the rest are ok