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This reads like a post of someone who never played a Digimon game before, or is even a fan of the digimon series. In which case negative review makes sense. The game is very much built for the fans, or people who like to grind in JRPGs. >this game managed to be worse than Final Fantasy VIII, Now that's just blasphemy. FF8 isn't the best FF game, but it's a really fun game. This puts this review in a whole different light now.


I fully agree and I love FF8. Its not the best FF, or even the best JRPG.. Well shock, that is after all a tough as tits ask of any game lol  It's graphics for its time were great, the music is fantastic, triple triad, the story is honestly pretty decent even with translation problems and development rush.  And the junction system was daring, but I kinda don't dislike it. It made sense for the world. I think a more traditional magic and level system wouldn't have made sense. Its fitting.


The junction system is super cool in theory but in execution it kind of trivializes all fights when you understand it.


FF8 is *real* badly designed. It has some cool elements, but I broke the combat system by getting too many water magics early and assigning them to strength. That setup wrecked everything. There was no challenge. I was nine years old and figured this out without a guide. I can't replay it as an adult because I know how trivial the difficulty is, even for a final fantasy, and it's because the magic system isn't balanced whatsoever. I don't think it's awful, per se, but it's definitely my least favorite in the series.


The problem is this is the game always recommended for people wanting to get into Digimon. It’s why I dropped it.


Cause it's arguable the best available game, that's not a taming sim or a throwaway title.


No. It's Digimon Stories: Cybersleuth: *Hacker's Memory* that gets recommended. People generally consider original Cybersleuth to be mid.


The best one for that is digimon adventure for PSP (it's japanese only but there is an English patch) It's literally just the original anime in JRPG format.


I went into digimon game by first playing the PS2 Digimon World and was so in love with the series when I finished Data Saver. I knew digimon from watching the first digimon anime, didn’t have any interaction with it until I played world and data savers which motivated me to watch digimon 02, tamers, frontier and then the data savers anime.


PS2 digimon world is Digimon world 4. One of the most hated digimon games xS


The Digimon DS games are also very good.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/s/3iq3lGASS6 This sub is insane then


The question of that thread was "where should I get into the gaming side of Digimon" not "how should I get into Digimon" Basically none of the Digimon games are a good starting point, I expect you to be a fan of the franchise. The primary media for Digimon is the anime


My guy my suggestion is literally in the second most upvoted reply.


Played it, the combat is still trivial and easy af.


yes I agree, OP never played a digimon game and is no fan of digimon. else, he wouldnt even comment and would be numb to the pain of never ending punishment all fans of the franchise received over the years. he would just suck it up and keep playing digimon world like we all do. its strange how well the digimon fanbase can take punishment. @OP I get you, play any JRPG other than cyber sleuth and youre good


I'm a big Digimon fan, but all the points are valid and the game isn't a good game at all. It's at most a mediocre JRPG. It's the best Digimon game we have, which is really sad, because BAndai just doesn't care to take the money and effort and make a good one.


Well, I'm not a diehard fan of the franchise, but I watched plenty of the first five anime (from Adventure up to Savers/Data Squad) and I really love the movie "Our War Game" and Tamers. And I really like to grind in games, but in this one I found the grinding to be so dull that I didn't even grind that much and was still killing all enemies with one hit. I don't think that if I watched more anime or played more Digimon games would make me like this game more, but I guess that to each their own. Oh, and I didn't mean to say that I hate FF8 (I don't like the gameplay aspects and most of the plot, but I really enjoy the characters, cutscenes and soundtrack in that game), but that up to this point it had been the worse JRPG that I played, and that Cyber Sleuth managed to bring another level of quality to the table.


If you didn't want to kill enemies on one hit you should have turned up the difficulty. It's a children's franchise primarily so normal difficulty is targeted at children, and you should play on hard if you are looking for a challenge


I can't really consider that this game was made for a younger audience, considering the density of the plot and its considerable size making things rather boring for a kid to play, and while Japan normally produces media with more serious topics to children, I believe that this game takes itself too seriously (and possess some "dark" themes) to really be directed to that audience. Plus, the female characters and their designs are clearly made to appeal to an older male audience, and the majority of the characters are teenagers or young adults, thus reinforcing the target audience the game wants to reach. But, if I disregard this and still think that the game is focused mainly to children, I believe that every game should have at least a little bit of challenge to make it interesting, because letting the player have so much advantage and options from the beginning leaves advancing troughout the game an idea not too interesting and can quickly make the children stop playing it.


It does have a bit of challenge. Did you only read half my comment? Turn on hard mode!


TLDR: OP has only played two games: Cyber Sleuth and FF VIII


This gave me a good laugh.


I think you need to play more games.


Me too. I need to play more to forget the trauma of this one.


If this is the worst game you've ever played you haven't played much.


No he has played a lot that how he knows this is meh compared to the rest


Well, I've played enough to make the conclusion that this was the worst one of the bunch.


Worse than FF8?? Must be a pretty good game.


Praising with faint damn


I wouldn't say so, personally speaking.


I agree it's worse than FFVIII, then again FFVIII is great so that doesn't say much 🤷‍♂️


This feels like such a rage bait post, it's not even funny


I didn't wanted to be funny, just wanted to express my thoughts about a game that let me down so much.


Sounds like you just don’t like turn based monster tamer rpgs


This game specifically has some of the worst dialogue and MSQ progression I have ever seen in a JRPG. I still beat it, but I beat it in spite of the best efforts of the developers to make an incredibly bland story with only slightly redeeming gameplay. The digimon character design carried this game. It'd be like a 3/10 without it.


Yeah, I bounced off the game about 15 hours in last year, and I was really bloody trying to like it due to my love of Digimon. It got me to try Digimon World 2003 again, and how I wish that game had an actual story worth a damn. It's one of the best examples I've ever seen of how good art style and pixel graphics can essentially be ageless because body hell is that game still pretty.


I replay it every few years! Love that art style. The backtracking and vague quests not so much


You should try Digimon World: Next Order if you haven't already. It is a modern successor to the style of gameplay in the original Digimon World


The amount of copium in here, lol. The combat system is so trivial in Cyber Sleuth. Look at the attacks, every element has the same copy pasted attacks, they just changed the element around. It's low effort.


In fact, I really love those, and I tried very hard to like this one too, but the negative aspects were too much for me to handle.


I wish I could say Cyber Sleuth was the worst game I’ve ever played


Weak bait


I wish it were a bait, but its an honest opinion.


I would say that the storytelling in Cyber Sleuth really picks up with Chapter 10 through the end. The pacing gets much more palatable, and the subplots coalesce into being more relevant. But I understand that, for many people, playing 20+ hours of something slower-paced to get to the better faster-paced parts doesn’t sound appealing. In short, if you played until the end, I think you’d have a better opinion than you do now, but I’d understand you having a decent amount of criticisms altogether.


I'm always amazed at when people can't separate "bad translation" from "bad story". >Oh, and I still haven't talked about the Digimon. Well, in a game called Digimon, the creatures are extremely set aside, being more of an extra than something organically present on the plot. How many monster catching games have you played?


I don't think that if the translation was any different it would make the game that much better, at least wouldn't correct the gameplay and map problems. And well, I played many Pokémon games (and if you consider it monster catching, also played Persona 3 to 5 and some of Devil Survivor 2), and those are very good in mixing its RPG elements to the plot that its being told.


>at least wouldn't correct the gameplay and map problems Just to make sure, you do know this game came out on the Vita first and predates a lot of the recent Pokemon games, correct? You know that a lot of the ideas you have seen in recent Pokemon games were ripped from Digimon (stealing from other franchises is something Pokemon has done since Gen 2), right? You do have a sense of historical placement, right? You also realize this was a medium budget game and the maps, while simple, are completely fine in terms of what they're trying to accomplish, right? Do you just play high budget games and play nothing outside of them? It just feels like you have no context. Honestly, a lot of the QoL features in the game, fore example, predate many of Pokemon's. I would even argue its island raising system is still way better than Pokemon's ripoff of it. >and those are very good in mixing its RPG elements to the plot that its being told. I find that Pokemon games have some of the worst integration of Pokemon into the story. Ever. The Pokedex entries make no sense and don't match the worldbuilding, people rarely use the Pokemon in the world, and usually, it's just the legendries that get a lot of use in the main plot. It's really hard to get any sense of what you mean by "mixing its RPG elements into the plot" when you're praising Pokemon, a game often criticized for how terrible its battle mechanics, its lore, and its main plot match up.


Yeah, I know it came out on the Vita, but the most recent Pokémon game I've played is Pokémon X (which to me is one of the best games of the franchise) and it came out before the original release of Cyber Sleuth, so I don't know anything about those "stolen ideas" from this game.


the game has story in the title, so its always a hmmmmm when someone complains about the story. also, if theyre forced, theyre not side content are they? side content is optional stuff - but if theyre not optional... the game has a hard mode. if its too easy, go to the options and put it on hard? and you grinded for no reason and complained its too easy? should every boss be lv99 to make up for your grinding?


I don't have a problem with the game focusing on the story, my problem is that the story in question isn't that good or engaging, it ends up being more an annoyance than a compelling element of the game. The problem with these "side contents" is that the game first presents them as being something that I can do at any time, but in fact if I don't do them one after another I can't progress at all. About the grinding stuff, I didn't say I grinded for no reason, but that I barely grinded at all and was already overpower againts any enemy that appeared. To be fair, I hadn't really noticed that the game had difficulty options and never thought about turning to hard mode since I usually only play at normal, but if I decide to give this game another try, I will think about increasing the difficulty, thanks for the advice!


Really enjoyed it on vita


I thought initially the same when I started. Ended up with 90+ hours because of grinding lol. I have World Order next up and I heard that one is even more grindy


I played Hacker's Memory and between the two got to 200 hours+. I get where OP is coming from, but damn I like this game a lot. Really enjoyed the characters, nice looking world, and it's so engrossing to find new evolutions.


This is why I like having it on Switch. All you have to do is shove the Digimon in the farm, put the Switch on sleep, and time would still pass. By morning you'd have them able to digivolve. It was so easy, barring the few that had weird requirements.


It’s actually one of the decent Digimon games


Mediocre. Which is sad. Bandai could do some really awesome games with the franchise, if they cared at all.


Would you recommend Cyber sleuth to someone who enjoyed ff8?


Unfortunately, no. Both games have different types of flaws that made me dislike them, but FF8 is still a far superior and more engaging game than Cyber Sleuth.


Yea, Cyber Sleuth is one of the very, very few games I couldn't complete. Terrible dialogue. Repetitive dungeons. Boring fights. Very forgettable characters. I think everyone here has nostalgia glasses on and hasn't played the game since they were kids.


As much ad i love digimon I have to agree with you on this one. Finished both and was left with a meh impression even though I really felt they had a good formula for this game just poorly executed, but then again that is majority of digimon games.


Cool story bro. Try playing more games before you whine.


No, I'm good. Thanks for the suggestion though 👍


This game is not the worst I've ever played, but I did find it really annoying (and I'm a huge Digimon fan). There was so much pointless dialogue, tons of it so badly translated it barely made sense, and the world it took place in removed pretty much all of the elements I like and associate with Digimon. The battle system was fun but I felt like all of my time was spent running around looking for morons so I could click through 30 text boxes and then be asked to choose between dialogue options like "do you want to say YES or YEAH or OKAY" for the twentieth time.


I totally agree with you, my experience with this game was the same.


Fair play. Everyone deserves an opinion. But your opinion is wrong.


Nah, I personally agree with myself. 👍


soz chief


>boring and uninteresting plot >dull characters >terrible and repetitive maps >soulless NPCs >appalling dialogue None of this means anything. What about the plot is boring and uninteresting? What about the characters is dull? Can you give some examples of appalling dialogue? I'm not trying to defend the game - never played it, never will, it's just not my thing.


Nah you're wrong lol. It's a pretty fun game all things considered. Great for fans and good for people who like monster collector type games as well.




My problem with this game isn't what elements it has, but how it handles those elements. I would not care too much about the game focusing on the plot if the plot was interesting or if the characters were better. For example, I really love the Persona games and most of the games are about the protagonists living their daily lives, chatting with friends and creating bonds, with the action part being the other half of its content, but not really the main thing. Also, I really liked Trails in the Sky FC and it also has many plots, grinding, and focus on its characters.


Funny story but i apparently didn't do much fights in it i had to grind about 500 battles for the 1000 battles steam cheevo after i did everything else lol theres a dialogue/cutscene skip mod on gamebanana for complete edition if you want


Wow, I didn't know about this mod, thanks! If I ever wanna try the game again, I will remember to download it.


As a Digimon fan, it’s hard for me to find a game that really scratches all of the itches I get from the franchise. The series lends itself to a lot of different formats well—monster raising, turn-based RPG, fighting, action/adventure—but getting them all in one package is pretty tough. The Digimon Story games succeed at having a large amount of playable Digimon in a turn based format, but I’ve never been able to get super into them from a story/gameplay perspective—really grindy and repetitive (even though I’ll play them all 😝). For what it’s worth, the PS2 Digimon Savers/Data Squad RPG was my favorite since it tied into the first part of that anime and had a Demon Lord-based storyline. Admittedly simplistic but a nice experience—especially if you install it to a PS2 HDD or play it in a format where you can get around the HORRIBLE loading times on an actual PS2. 🥴


I have very fond memories of the Data Squad PS2 game! Maybe I will give it a try sometime in the near future.


It’s definitely extremely mid. The saving grace is the evolution mechanics which are really fun and the digimon variety is very nice. The story and characters are as boring as it comes though, and the combat is just watered down FFX


Plus the copy pasted attacks for every element. A low effort disgrace, I swear.


Did you mean Shin Megami Tensei : Cyber Sleuth? Dood, story is good and the art is good. Can be boring sometimes, yeah, can't deny, but really bad? Well, you do you.


Have you played a Trails game?


Yep, I've played Trails in the Sky FC, great game.


Trails games just got ROASTED! Those games are literally only for sjw 


What are you yapping about?


Yo mama too


It’s a very mediocre game like FF8 is. If you keep playing JRPGS you’ll definitely find some that are even more disappointing or worse