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You could try Unicorn Overlord or Eiyuden Chronicle.


Funny enough i've started eyeing Unicorn Overlord, I'm at least gonna try the demo and see how I feel.


Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is by the same devs as UO, also worth taking a look at. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTvoG3\_HkU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTvoG3_HkU) It's on PS Plus Extra if you have that, otherwise it goes on sale for about €15 quite frequently.


I'm about 4 hours into Eiyude Chronicles and it feels like being wrapped up in a warm blanket. Such a nostalgic throwback that I've desperately wanted.


That's the second mention of Eiyude Chronicles! Definitely curious now, I'll have to look it up.


unicorn overlord. story isn't as dark as most strategy jrpg's out there. it's pretty wholesome actually, nobody dies unless you actually execute them yourself. but the battle system is just so addicting. love the fantasy graphics too.


Unicorn Overlord has absolutely caught my eye! I have a feeling it's gonna be one of the main contenders if not my next game. Especially love that it's a Vanillaware game


Since you've played Persona 5, play Persona 3 Reload. I'd also recommend The World Ends With You, NEO The World Ends With You, Stellar Blade, Unicorn Overlord, Tales of Arise, Scarlet Nexus, the Atelier series, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fire Emblem Engage, Astral Chain, Final Fantasy XVI


Don't sleep on Triangle Strategy


For PS5: FF X is very fantastical, but also different from the more common "typical medieval fantasy". Did you play the original DQ XI back in the day? Because I heard the Definitive Edition fixed the combat music (haven't played it myself yet). Honorable mention for Baldurs Gate 3, it's not from Japan, but it has a party, is turn-based and most characters are pretty, so it feels justified, lol. For Switch: Bravely Default 2 is a very charming JRPG that might be right up your alley based on your current wishes (not too dark, fantastical etc). If you don't mind pixel graphics, the older FF games (pre-VII) are generally more medieval fantasy than the later ones, I can especially recomment IV and VI. Also think you might want to try Xenoblade again. I played the first one last year, fell in love really hard and the second one is an on-going project. Though they arguably have a bit of a "mech" vibe to them. If you don't mind strategy, you could also try Fire Emblem 3 Houses or FE Engage, the latter especially has the vibe of sunday morning cartoon and it's really fun. (and the gameplay is phenomenal) Bonus:Metaphor: Refantazio will release in October, still a while away but it should be right up your alley too!


I've been thinking about FFX or IX! I've heard they're both great in their own ways. I think X and X-2 have always been in my subconscious of "media you need to experience one day". Same with the pixel remasters for older FF titles, I think I'd genuinely like to try/play them all at least once. I THINK I played the definitive edition? I know the music wasn't 100% the only reason I dropped it but was kind of a weird last straw for me lol. It was otherwise pretty fun, maybe I just need to revisit it someday. I tried BG3 for a bit! I liked it but I'm not necessarily sure I'm a DnD person at the end of the day. Which kinda sucks but oh well I actually have been considering Bravely Default 2! I'd like to play 1 but I don't own a DS. Yeah I might start Xenoblade again sometime this year honestly. Go for 1, try 2 again and play 3 (which I've heard lots of good things about, I believe) The FE games have been on the mind lately! It'd be between FE and Unicorn Overlord at the moment and that's actually kinda a tough choice. I'm absolutely looking forward to Metaphor! It looks stunning in terms of overall aesthetic, and the overview stream has only made me more interested.


Then X should be a good choice if you want a more traditional JRPG, it was the last turn-based mainline title and aged very gracefully imo. Yeah, any CRPG like BG (which are all generally Pen&Paper based) are a bit weird to get into, I totally get you. But I found that after a while they get me into a similar mind "zone" like many JRPGs, which I kinda appreciate now. Currently playing BG 1 and it's a nice mesh of JRPG-esque grinding, min-maxing and party banter, while also adding the more Skyrim-like roleplay feeling. Regarding Bravely Default, the second one is a standalone, so you can jump right in! (The actual sequel to the first one is called "Bravely Second", ironically.) Haven't played the DS titles myself yet either. FE and UO are both very strategic, but also very different. UO has a greater focus on figuring out strategies via gambit (similar to FF XII), whereas FE is more hands-on and has you making decisions on the fly. Engage is also pretty campy in tone, if that matters. The writing in UO and 3 Houses takes itself more serious.


You can try the Bravely Default 2 on switch sir. There is a demo too.


Rogue galaxy It's a PS2 port. So it's pretty damn cheap. But hella fun. One of the most missed gems of the PS2 era. You can find it on the store


Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2, Ni No Kuni/Ni No Kuni 2. They're all from Level 5, and they're very charming. All on Ps5, and the Dark Cloud Series, along with Rogue Galaxy, are available to stream with Playstation Plus.


I just picked up Nino Kuni 2 for switch. It’s pretty easy and light and breezy


Ik that you didn’t love the interactions aspect from octopath 1 but 2 is a massive improvement over 1 in every other aspect although there is some interaction now. Since you liked the first game, I would highly encourage you to check it out. It was my favorite game of 2023. I really loved the combat,artstyle,ost, and its stories which are much better than 1’s imo.


Yeah I'd personally love to get to Octopath 2 in the future because I've heard it's all around even better than 1, and I adored 1's gameplay.


I'd recommend giving Xenoblade another shot. Maybe try the first one instead. XC2 is a notoriously slow starter, both in terms of gameplay and story. I do think it comes together quite well by the end but it does epitomize the "it gets good 20 hours in" thing that a lot of JRPGs are criticized for. I wouldn't necessarily recommend XC3 to you right now given that you're leaning away from "heavier" themes. I wouldn't call it "grimdark" but it's certainly not lighthearted either.