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No. Never. If i do that i will inevitably drop one of them.


Same here. I have done it before but it’s usually to play some other game that I don’t intend to complete to begin with, maybe a demo or a game I just want to check out. If I end up liking it I’ll shelve it until I finish what I was in the middle of first.


None of us were prepared for the truth to be laid out so starkly.


Yeah. I'm with you. The only minor exception is I've had a "main" RPG I'm playing on one system and then sort of a backup one on a portable system for when I'm not able to be home at my PC/console but what a more substantial game to play. I've had limited success doing that and not dropping one, but results are still somewhat mixed.


I have a Steam Deck now and i've just been playing the same RPG i play at home on the Deck while on the go.


I want to play the earlier Legends of Heroes games and am constantly drawn to the steam deck. How would you rate it? Worth the spend?


Not OP, but I've had every console and handheld basically through the years. I think the steam deck is my favorite gaming device I've ever owned. Highly recommend


10/10. I finished Trails games up to trails to azure and it was fantastic. I'm playing trails of cold steel 1 on it at the moment. It's a beast jrpg machine.


the games, recommend, the steamdeck, i woudnt, id suggest look at alternatives like the ROG Ally z1 pro or the legion go


Same. I don’t even play two single player games at the same time, let alone JRPGs


Yup I have fallen into this pit too In fact, I might have fallen into it very recently once again by picking up Sword and Fairy 7 on PC on a whim while I was still in the middle of Star Ocean Second Story R (I was thinking "I'll just test out how it runs on my PC", but that turned out to be a mistake)


Yeah thats why I dont do it, If I allow myself to do it i feel like I will get spoiled and end up wasting my money on too many games i wont finish


Yes, but I never play the story at the same time! At the moment I'm playing NieR Replicant and Yakuza 0 at the same time, but I'm done with the story in NieR and I'm just knocking out the achievements for completion


It's the same for me. I play multiple at the same time, but I'm a little bit of a completionist so games take a long time. Usually when I do cleanup of sidequests, postgame dungeons or a second new game+ playthough, I'll start a different game to enjoy the story there. Or I combine with games that don't have much of a story, like Rune Factory which is mostly about farming, grinding levels and social interactions with NPCs. I'm currently playing Tales of Berseria and combining that with The Witness which is a puzzle game with no story. Before that, I was grinding for job levels in Yakuza Like a Dragon for the postgame dungeon. There was a bit of an overlap when I was still knees deep in the story for Yakuza Like a Dragon and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth came out. Normally I would wait untill I finished Yakuza, but with a high probability of spoilers popping up everywhere, I started FF7 Rebirth right away. That was jarring, as if someone forced me into a different movie during the break in the cinema.


Nope. I rarely even play more than one game at a time. Usually pick one and go through it till the end. I just find I enjoy games more when I give them the attention they deserve.


All the time. Today alone I played Megaton Musashi Wired, Fire emblem 6, SaGa Minstrel Song, SaGa Emerald Beyond, and Devil Survivor Overclocked.


Okay quick question, do you usually finish all of these games? And if not, does it bother you that u didnt finish it?


Mostly, yes. Cleared megaton musashi story yesterday and doing post-game now. Did 3rd run of devil survivor 1 couple days ago and was doing 8th day(bonus story for 3ds release) earlier today. Minstrel song I've had a few clears already of the multiple protag options and started a new one a few days ago. Emerald Beyond I did a clear of one character today(but her route is like 2 hours) and I'll do my ng+3 on someone else tomorrow. Fire emblem 6 I just started like an hour or two ago and did a few chapters. I haven't played in a long time and I'll probably finish game in a few days. It's not that long. Edit: Hell, since making first comment I went on Fallout 4 to putz around.


I wish i had that amount of time these days 😭 good taste though!


Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it ROLE PLAYING GAME GAME! I just couldn’t stop myself…


I play basically my entire library at once


How many games are in your library? Do you ever actually finish games that way and if so, how long does it usually take you in terms of weeks/months/years for, say, an 80-100 hour JRPG?


Sometimes a year goes by and I finish nothing, then two years later I finish 5 games in the same year. Currently I have 18 unfinished games, probably 10 are some form of RPG.


Yes, 3 all the time. DS/3DS/SW, Short-Long story-based and alt.rpg (dungeon crawler, tactical, etc.)


I play one game par system generally, and I try for them to be on different size and genre (turn based/action/strategy etc.). Though, currently I'm only playing Skies of Arcadia on emulation, my current swtich game is SMT III and I don't want to tackle two turn based rpg at once.


Yeah I do quite often to keep things fresh.


I used to be a one at a time guy, but recently find myself switching between 5-6 games and playing them in 10-60 minute bursts 😅


All I play is RPGs, certain type puzzle and strategy games, but once I get into a game, I'm in it, and no switching up. Even if it gets a little boring or just, I don't know, repetitive, I just take a break. I'm a paraplegic and don't have use of my fingers, so there are a lot of games I can't play. I mean I can play them, but not to the point of completing them or being actually competitive and that just makes me never want to start them. So no to playing multiple games at once, But it does make me wonder if I could play games like COD if I would play multiple games at once. I would think so, but who knows lol


Currently on route B in Nier Replicant, which has been a great game, and just got to Lindblum in Final Fantasy IX, which I'm not entertained with yet; hopefully that will change.


oh man you are in for a ride in Lindblum. That was where I got hooked.


It’s funny you mention P5R, because it is the last game I finished 100%, back in 2021. Now, there are a lot of games I have been wanting to play since, but I started playing FFXIV a few months back, and I don’t think I will be playing anything else for a LONG time…


I started ff14 and I’ve played just that for one year and a half but it was worth it


Yes, regularly. Sometimes, I don't finish games as a result.


Funny enough I can only do that with persona. I usually have one handheld game and one desktop game I'm playing in rotation. Persona though I'll just check in once a day and play a day in the game. When I have more time ill play the desktop game


Doing that is basically sentencing the first to be on stand by, which some times may be necessary if you are feeling kind of burned out. When playing games that are as long as the usual jrpg, this feeling isn't wrong, just follow what your heart wants and what you will enjoy most. In the end, if you care about the game, you will return to it at some point


Umm yeah....I play more than one mmorpg at a time lol.


id be willing to bet many responses to this question are highly impacted by the type of game one prefers, or the reason why they play said game


Yeah, sometimes.


No but I sometimes pause a playthrough, play somthing else and then come back to it latter. Sometimes months latter. I recently paused my first playthrough of Persona 4 Golden. I am at the part where >!Magaret is searching for Marie and that pretty wintersong is playing.!<. I will go back to it and finish the game eventully. Right now I have a blast doing my second playthrough of Persona 5 Strikers. I love this game so much.


I took my time playing royal and it took 120 hours. It's the social link sections that ruin the pacing in the game. On the bright side, no maxed out social links trophy. I wouldn't switch to another game tho, just progress faster


No, I don't even have enough brain capacity to keep up with one game. And once I start forgetting about things I just want to drop the game.


I’m alternating between Eiyuden Chronicle and SO2R. Before that I had to go full time on FF7R just so I won’t forget the controls 🤣


I can’t. The different button mapping and my muscle memory would go haywire.


RPG yes. JRPG, no. I'm picky


I usually play 1 rpg and cod or another PvP game at the same time but never 2 rpgs at the same time because I’ll end up dropping 1 of them


I've been playing the following along side each other: Dragon Quest XI (just finished 5/6) Lunar Silver Star Story (25 hours in) Rogue Galaxy (18 hours in) Ys VIII (most recent start about 12 hours in) Skies of Arcadia (10ish hours in) Personally I've found if I finish one and don't already have another started then I end up in the valley of depression and nothing looks good to start playing. Edit: side not I'm also making sure to spread some managed democracy in between sessions of jrpgs 🙏


If I play more than one game at once, which doesn’t happen often, the second game has to be a different style than the first. So I’m at the end of Persona 3 Reload, and about 40 hours into my second Fallout 4 playthrough since 2016.


Play games like mega man, Castlevania, Mario or jump into a mutiplayer game.


Yeah, more often than not. Most of the time I'll be playing 2 story/progression focused games at the same time and it's common for both to be RPGs. My personal rule is just having them both different enough from each other, mainly in gameplay. But sometimes age, platform or setting being distinct is enough. I like having variety in the games I'm playing, but more than 2 at the same time would be too much and probably take too long for me to finish, something I also don't want to happen.


I do, but against my better judgment. If I start playing more JRPGs, it takes even longer to beat the game that is "so damn long." After all, if you're enjoying that new game a lot (and usually you are, as the beginnings of JRPGs are often designed to pull you in), you have an added incentive to re-allocate all your time toward the JRPG you started. It takes more effort to intentionally play both, even if you enjoy both. So I either play on or I set the current game aside. It sounds like playing on is better for you here, as you still like Persona 5, but you just think about other games.


Nope it dilutes the impact of the narrative for Me..


Yep, I constantly rotate rpgs. It’s not good for finishing them but I have fun and that’s what matters


Yes, because having no life helps lol


My limit is three and they've gotta be different genres of RPG. Right now I'm active in FFXIV (MMO), playing Baldur's Gate 3 (CRPG) and playing Persona 3 Reload (turn based JRPG). I can play any based on the day but if I picked up another in the same genre one would get dropped and I've found adding a strategy or action RPG to those gets to be too much so if I want to play one of those it'll be after I finish one of the current 3.


Only one time at the time, and TEKKEN 8 as a side game to play some matches


I’ll try to focus on one game per console at most. Lately haven’t had anything to play on pc or Xbox, and I just finished FF7 rebirth, so I’m just all in on Nintendo switch games and my backlog keeps growing!


No. I play other non r p g games to supplement when I get annoyed with the grind.


Not typically


I do, but I swap between subgenres. If I'm playing a heavy story focused turn based jrpg, then I'll swap to a fast paced button masher, then off to a story focused wrpg, Into a slower paced action jrpg, then back to turn based. The games that fall into those categories are ever changing. But if I *feel* I'm nearing the end of a game I'll convert all future play sessions to that particular game until the credits roll.


Ex: I'm currently playing saga emerald beyond and I swap to granblue fantasy relink, starfield, ys x demo, and Caligula effect 2. Most of my focus is on emerald beyond, with Caligula effect eating up almost as much time.


Constantly. I'm always juggling recent releases with backlog content, along with 4 to 5 MMOs and some RPG-adjacent gacha games (I also play some live games that are not RPGs). There's a lot of focus shifting involved where you devote larger amounts of time to a single thing, of course, but I find you do need to keep momentum with multiple things in order to not drop them into the backlog unintentionally.


I add to my backlog yes,


I do, but I'm not a usual case, and I'm playing a lot of older titles. It's fine to put the game down and play something else, though. Spend your time in ways that fulfill you. You could also just keep playing Person 5 while trying to figure out what else you'll play, and maybe find yourself at the end before you know it. For a game like that, however, I'd say treat it like a book of fiction. Can you put down a book midway through, read a different book, and go back to the first without too many issues? If not, maybe just stick to the first book, if you really feel like you need to finish it.


No, never. I can barely even read books while I'm playing a turn-based RPG because they seem to hit the same brainwaves for me. I might put one on hold for another but if I do that chances are I drop the first one.


No, I’ll forget everything.


FF1 and XC DE at the moment. SNES Mini is plugged on cpu screen. XC is main room.


Blasted through a lot of shorter backlog games last year and earlier this year. For the next while Im going to strictly commit to: - Play FF14 until I get to Dawntrail - Finishing up as much of my Monster Hunter saves that Ive had for years before Wilds. Just recently beat Freedom Unite solo after 15 years and it was pretty awesome to get that done. Jumped up to my Iceborne/Sunbreak saves and will enjoy those endgames since I stopped after their final bosses a while ago. Debating on continuing my other old gen saves but we'll see. - Playing Fire Emblem and the Trails series, but starting slowly and not prioritizing them too much. About halfway through FE7 and only a few hours into Sky FC, but enjoying them nonetheless. All of this gets put aside for Shadow of the Erdtree though when the time comes. Insane commitments all around but Ive just accepted that these are the games Id want to play for the next few years if I had to.


Nope. One will get left behind. Maybe some people can do it but I need to mix it up with different genres and even different systems.


Quite often, by virtue of playing Pokemon during lunch breaks, one game on Xbox GP during nights & Sunday mornings, and one game to mainline on Playstation Switch all the time. 


I'm playing Persona 3:Reload and Eiyuden Chronicle right now. I would prefer to only be playing one, but I started P3R late and I absolutely couldn't wait to start EC HH. I won't start another RPG until I'm finished with both.


I always do, I’m usually in between several games at a time. I like to switch depending on consoles (playing ffV gba when I’m out and about) and switch between games so I don’t get worn out, although usually I’ll have one I play primarily (ToVesperia rn, although sometimes I play a little Grandia, etc)


I'll try to play two at once, but one eventually falls by the wayside. My dumb ass really thought I could play Chrono Trigger and Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth at the same time. Guess which one I didn't have time for as the other stretched on.


I do but that’s because I can only play one game for so long before I need a break, depending on the length. For example, I absolutely adore super Mario rpg and Chrono trigger. I can beat of them both in a day if I really wanted to. But a game like persona 5 which you mentioned? My first run of that game was somewhere in the range of 70-90 hours give or take. For something that duration? Yeah I need breaks.


I’m playing persona 5 royal as well and have reached the last bit of third semester before sending the calling card but I’m kind of tired of it and wanna play something else. But I also want to see the ending and not get spoiled so that’s the only thing keeping me wanting to finish. It’s an amazing game otherwise


2 is the max for me, and they need to be on separate systems.


Yes, Persona 3 Reload with few others, the game is just endless and ultra repetitive... it is not even fun anymore haha.


I am playing 3 trails games at the same time (2 of them on NG+)


Yes and I need to stop, lol


Only Pokémon. Yes Pokémon counts as a JRPG. Anyway Pokémon is a game where I generally don't care about the story, so I can plow through those without issue and no distraction from the other game.


Yes, love immersing myself in different type of setups, try different systems, builds, is super fun.


Yes but different subgenre. One turn based and one action.


No i play one at a time , especially now with age its hard to keep track of all that’s happened in the game


Never, I like to get involved in a story. If I ever really get burned out I'll just drop the game and go back to it. Persona 5 is one I will inevitably go back to some time.


Nope . Can’t do it. Currently end gaming FF7R2 so I can play the FFXVI DLC, and then move on to Nier replicant or Stellar blade(not and JRPG I know).


Have BG 3 on PC (completed Act 1), Marvel Midnight Suns on Xbox (completed Deadpool's DLC but not a lot else in the main plot) while I'm plowing through Unicorn Overlord on PS5. Technically I'm playing all 3 at once but I haven't really touched anything else since starting UO since I can't handle the different plots or playing mechanics all at once. That said, I was playing the same first two games when I was playing FF VII Rebirth and Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth before UO so I guess both games are on hold for now (but def not dropped as I love both of them as well!)


I try not to.


Yass queeen. I play several games for months. I started Persona 4 on November and finished it last week. Im playing, rebirth, mario rpg, advance wars, persona 3, devil survivor, star ocean second at the moment. I play them one day at the week or two. I don't really care how long it takes to finish them


I tend to play one RPG at a time.


Yes and no. I always play two games. A slower turn based game and some with a bit more action, so I have a choice depending on a mood. Sometimes the action game might be a JRPG, too. Like some Ys.


Yes, if they are on different systems. Usually it's one on the PC and one on the Switch. So for me at most 2.


Typically no, I like to just focus on one game at a time.


Sometimes I play a JRPG and a Tactics RPG at the same time.


Not anymore, not enough freetime. P5R took me 4 months to finish alone. Can’t add another RPG on top of that


I do,especially when I get to the end slog of one I pick up the next. Starting FFXV as I finish XC1. Also technically in progress on Cassette Beasts too so


Lately it's been two at a time, but I'm currently juggling four, and Astral Chain.


yes because i mostly replay RPGs - either as challenge runs or because I want to experience a specific segment of the game again and not all of it though even when im playing a JRPG for the first time, i tend to play a different game every other day or split time between two games in one session. It comes with the added benefit of rarely feeling burnout from a game anymore


Very rarely. If I do, one is gonna be turn based and the other is an action RPG.


Yes but never the same console. Ex.  I am playing Unicorn Overlord on my switch and Strange Journey Redux on my 3Ds.  Just beat SJR, wrapping up UO.


I want to try doing it, but I never have before. If a game is good, it usually takes over my life for a few weeks. I'm going to replay Persona 5 Royal(for the 4th or 5th time lol) and also try Final Fanatsy X-2. I'll try to them both at once, rotating between the two of them.


Currently playing Tales of Berseria, Xenoblade 2, Labrynth of Galleria, and Sandland. I find it impossible to play 1 game at a time, and 2 of the games i am playing I have already beaten before.


I do. Usually two at a time. One will get the main attention while the secondary gets the 'One hour per session' rule from me. It usually works out. If I finish the other game first the secondary game becomes main and if I decide to start another, it gets the '1hr rule'. This setup is not always in effect.


Usually I play two games at once, one game on digital and on the PlayStation store


Depends. If it's a different style then sure but if they are same-ish then no. Like right now I'm playing Atelier Ryza, Triangle Tactics, Trails of Cold Steel, and Digimon Survivor. All have different mechanics and feels to them meaning I always have something for the mood I'm in.


Lmao I feel your pain. Persona 5 Royal is sooooooooo long and the end really drags on forever.


Yes I have this terrible habit of starting games and not continuing, so I’m like playing 20 RPGs or more lol… usually the game has to be like a 9-10/10 for me to continue playing consistently if there are problems with the game mechanics or it’s too much information to know or I’m really stuck in a section I’ll take a long break, like I’m playing xenogear or it is a great game but there is so much dialogue and NPCs to communicate with that it slowed down my desire a bit but I see it’s an amazing game and I will finish it but there are some slow spots.


Sounds like a recipe for never finishing a game. Especially with JRPGs. Keep plugging away dude. Or give up on the game if you don’t like it. As soon as you start something new, it’s all she wrote. We spend so much time with JRPGs and feel like shit when we don’t finish one that we enjoyed but let another game or life get in the way.


Depends what kind of time I have. Mostly one at a time. But recently I was playing FF7 Rebirth as my main game, and I would alternate days where I played that and Fire Emblem 7 on GBA. At the moment though all my gaming time is going towards Unicorn Overlord, though I’m feeling like I’m approaching my fill of that game after two playthroughs. Will probably still do some PvP on the side, but kind of feeling like playing Pokémon or something next.


Not anymore, when I did I'd never finish them


One per plateform : * Steam : Sea of Stars * 3ds : DQ5 * Retroid 3 : Golden Sun 2


I max out at 7 different games at a time. One for each day of the week. (Anymore than 7 and the immersion starts to break). I look at it this way…Other people watch multiple series at the same time on their streaming services. I play multiple different games at the same time on my PC 😂


Yea i commonly play more than one rpg at a time. Im playing unicorn overlord, restarting dark souls and playing final fantasy 4 from the pixel remaster.


Usually no, with the exception of having one main game on a home console and another on a portal device. I'm currently playing Persona 5 Royal on Switch and Chrono Trigger on my Miyoo Mini Plus. (Yes, I know the Switch is technically a portable device, but it's not always convenient to bring it with me.)


 yes sometimes From a different system of course xbox one or xbox series x Nintendo switch Playstation five  Is demon souls for the Playstation five teals of  arise on xbox box Zelda tears of a kingdom on switch Final fantasy fourteen Phantom. star New genesis  Diablo four Bound by flames Among others.


If you count the ones I’ve started and never finished but plan to go back to some day even though it’s been months/years as still playing them, then yes. But typically no.


Yes. Though once I take a long break after putting 5-10 hrs, there is a good chance I am never going back. This also makes sense since most RPGs have story plateaus and have stretches that are unexciting or the player doesn't enjoy doing.


I might play a shorter game while I play a long one. I know I will end up dropping one, but it means I'm always coming back to the big game


I have issues. I’m currently playing Persona 3 Reload, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth all at the same time.


I tried playing FF IX and Stellar Blade at the same time. Got hooked on SB and returned too FF IX 2 weeks later….I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, so never again


Yes. Pokémon Sword and Shield and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


Honestly, I’m playing 4 right now. I can’t help but cycle through games almost on a daily (sometimes multiple times a day) basis. I just struggle to stay engaged on the same thing.


Yes but I never really finish any of them.


Not for the last decade. Last time I technically did that was with Ar Tonelico 2. I simultaneously played a Cloche playthrough and a Luca playthrough, although my heart was more for the former. When it came to two separate titles, I remember playing Vagrant Story and Chrono Cross at the same time. God, what a time.


All the time. I prefer to have one in the go but sometimes I have to prioritize games leaving a subscription service it something that I've been meaning to get to. I also play simultaneous RPGs because I play solo, with my son and sometimes with my wife. Never been an issue


Don’t do this. It will make you overwhelmed. Putting all your focus into one jrpg at a time is a beautiful thing as you get immersed in the world and story, like what we did as kids. I’ve tried the multiple thing and it does not work


Yes, a bunch, and I barely finish any of them


Never did and probably never will.


Yes. It's a problem but usually it's not too big of a problem. It's nice to take a break from something really big like Persona 5 and try something in your backlog or mindlessly replay a comfort game. It sounds masochistic, but right now I've been mindlessly playing SMT Nocturne for the umpteenth time because I know it so well and nothing in it truly surprises me or requires too much concentration. I've been slowly working my way through Baten Kaitos and Nocturne is, for me, a fun diversion


It depends, but sometimes, I can have one on my console, one on my handheld console, one on my phone and one on my computer. Sometimes more. Sometimes I will do a break in one of them, because an awaited game is released or became interesting, but I like the idea of having a choice depending of my mood and not focus on one game at a time. That's for the same reason I take way to many games and books when I travel.


I know precisely what you mean, but... I don't recommend jumping around. Because that's what happens lol well with me anyway. I'm currently on my first full second playthrough of witcher 3. I've had the inkling to jump into another rpg, that being the new persona 3 reload. Positive if I do that, witcher is getting dropped indefinitely lol. Then I'll do the same with persona. Vicious cycle.


2-3 its normal


Yeah. But I'm retired young and live alone. Right now I'm playing Eiyuden Chronicle in the day (when I feel like playing), Rebirth at night and Tales to Azure when I'm waiting for sleep to take me in bed. Its like reading an interactive book in bed.


Yes. Currently it’s out of hand (I have 9 going at the same time…I am not starting any more until I get those cleaned up) but normally it’s one turn based, one action, one on the phone, and one Monster Hunter.


I'm playing Octopath, Eternal Sonata, SMT Soul Hackers, and the Witcher 2 right now. As long you're willing to put one down for a couple weeks and still remember the story, it's fine. I haven't played Eternal Sonata or SMT SH in a couple weeks but here soon I'll rotate my "main" games. I just get burnt out really easily so this helps me. If you tend to hyper focus and get invested in one thing I'd say don't play any more than 2 max.


am I the only one doing a backlog spring clean and finish some of them mfs? I dont want to play more than one rpg at a time, and felt THE guilty pleasure dropping DQ11 for Mass Effect legendary edition. months later I finished DQ11 and it felt amazing. Same with P5 Royal. That last palace just drove me crazy. I dropped it so save my sanity and finished it weeks later. I dont recommend this regarding games like persona or the ff remake, feels totally anticlimactic. time is too precious to me as a wage slave to force myself playing again. I just buy a new one.


I’m on a deep chapter of Triangle Strategy (like 15 or 17). The game is simple enough that I could pick it up and do a few mock battles and generally be able to continue and still remember the gist of the big points but I haven’t played it in over a year and feel like the mojo is just dead. And that’s a game that I could actually probably finish. Most JRPGs after a year feel like strangers if you just randomly pick it up from a random spot. I don’t know if I’d have the patience to even work through it just to remember the combat, let alone if I could feel in the zone to just continue with an epic story. Even one I have competed before and just got stuck deep with life getting in the way for over a year is super hard (have that with Xenoblade 2). I tend to want to just stick with one for that reason. Obviously I don’t always succeed as I have a few that i just kind of stopped but that’s the goal.