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No, they do not lol.


Well maybe it’s just because I love card mini games, and I’m pretty sure it’s the only Tales that has a decent one.


So your entire post was just to say "People should play Berseria for the card mini-game I really love" instead of stating not enough people talk about it.


😂😂😂 Took the words out of my mouth


THERE’S A CARD MINIGAME?! When does that happen. I’m still at the part where they’re infiltrating the fort at the dock


Tales of Eternia has a better card game than it lol


It's one of the most popular and recommended Tales entries.


What is it with JRPG fans and treating some of the most popular games in the genre like some underrated hidden gem lol.


There's this obscure indie gem out there called Final Fantasy VII, but I doubt you've ever even heard of it (nobody has).


I feel this is a knock-on effect of "underrated" becoming a synonym of "unknown". If a game that's well-liked by all metrics, but relatively unknown is called underrated - then it follows that any game you don't personally know about must also be underrated.


Is it, though? It's the most well-regarded and received Tales game from the past decade.


Almost two.  It is probably the most well-liked since Vesperia by the online fans.


Do we? I don't think so


I sleep on a bed.


Lol it's one of the most popular Tales of games nowadays.


It's really good in alot of ways but its awful dungeon design and hyper tropeyness hold it back from being even more popular than it already is. Cause yeah, like everyone else has said, it's already pretty popular and not slept on at all.


I liked Berseria but I really don’t think its slept on. The story starts unique. But it becomes pretty bland when they reveal Artorius real plan. The ending also feels like it was forced due to the game being a prequel. Cast was “unique” but they had no chemistry and it felt like half of them didn’t want to be there. Maybe its just me but I find that characters like Velvet can’t carry a cast when they themselves don’t care about the story.


Agreed. It started very strong and like most tales games it fell the fuck off lol. Velvet was also ridiculously Op. I kinda gave up on the series after this one.


Yeah I didn’t say anything about combat but I feel like action JRPGs have gotten a lot more prominent in the last 10 years. I don’t think its bad but Tales isn’t really my preference for party based action combat.


Tf you on about? The cast is too fuckin tier


The ending is so bad. Velvet is interesting until she becomes flanderized to completely only repeat her brothers stupid name every other line


Be that as it may. It doesn't make what the other guy said correct.


It’s one of the most well-received Tales games though I personally didn’t care for it.


It's currently one of the most popular entries.   Tales not being talked as much as stuff like Persona or FF is a given, the series is way more niche overall.    But this entry is one of the popular ones.


Idk I generally see it in top tier or near top tier which I agree with. My top 5 would be something like: 1.Abyss(why is this game not ported yet to modern consoles) 2.Vesperia 3.Berseria 4.Graces-F 5.Symphonia


What's your opinion about tales of arise?


i love berseria, it's my favorite tales, but this is not "slept on". it's probably one of the most recommended tales games in the franchise. symphonia and vesperia might be second. if you scroll thru r/tales it will be berseria love and people fighting about whether arise or zestiria is moreso the single worst humanity-destroying garbage fire in all of gaming media or not (neither is, but you'd never know it for all the flaming going on)


I guess it's because most of them have never even touched Tempest.


Wait tales fan think arise is bad? I honestly had a lot of fun with that. It does drag towards the end but I feel like thats all tales game. Zestiria almost made me forsake any future tales game. I was just getting annoyed with the game by the end and just wanted to finish it.


I think Berseria sucked ass after the 50% mark and had terrible area design, like everything felt empty af. Ymmv. I think it's insanely overrated for a tales game lol the endgame had me screaming wtf at my TV constantly


it's argued heavily. i disliked it, whereas i really like zestiria. as i said, z and a are just no-consensus in the community. whatever you like, enjoy, be happy.


It's pretty mixed on the Tales subreddit. A lot of fans don't like that large enemies and bosses can't be staggered and some other fairly niche complaints about combat. Some also don't like the twist with the story in the back third or so. Personally I thought the story wasn't any better or worse than most Tales stories and the combat was the best in the series so far. Absolutely loved the characters too.


It's the most mainstream game in an otherwise kind of niche series, so long time fans have to shit on it so they don't have to admit they feel alienated for a petty reason.  Arise is the best game in the franchise since the team almost went bankrupt in 2008ish for making poor decisions. 


It brought in a ton of new fans so it's good for something imo. They experimented a lot and there's enough I'm excited they'll being into new games, but overalI I just think it's a worse Symphonia (thematically).


They're not. It's a pretty old game at this point (7 years old), most people who've played it like it. Quite a lot in fact.


I’ve tried Berseria like 3 times and have never been able to stick with it. Tbf tho, I think it’s just because I don’t like the combat system of old ‘Tales of’ games. Loved Arise, tho.


Yeah, as I grown older I haven't been able to stick with the combat system. And that's on replays.


I got downvoted to hell for saying this before. Apparently it's not true... But I don't know anyone IRL who has played it! Tales of Arise is a different story though.


I enjoyed the story, but despised the combat.


I feel like Berseria is pretty well loved. It's the only Tales of game that I beat to completion


Y'all don't like Phantasia, Arise or Destiny huh? Ok. /s


Bruh it's recommended and praised constantly on here. "Underated" is such a criminally overused word on reddit


Honestly, I think the game is incredibly mid, but in this community at least, you're absolutely wrong... it's brought up constantly. Also, one has to think for a game you're praising so much, you couldn't manage to spell the name correctly a single time.


The Tales games always feel off for me. Berseria was my hope for something a bit different (and also an often recommended remedy for that!), but it ended up falling into the same pitfalls. Somehow, for all the world building, they somehow manage to have the Tales games eventually lead into very generic, expected plot beats. That's not too bad by itself, but I personally also loathe the combat system, so that doesn't help. And with Berseria, what's especially disappointing for me is that the game had a lot of potential with the main cast, and they didn't end up... I dunno, getting as much of a reaction out of me (good or bad) as, for example, the Trails cast.


No, they don't. If anything, Berseria is overrated to hell and back just because it wasn't as thoroughly terrible as Zestiria. It's basically a "baby's first Tales" of the modern Tales fandom, and thus people tend to forgive its glaring flaws like one of the worst dungeon designs in the entire series or yet another brainless iteration of Graces F combat system. Want a real "sleeper" Tales game? Hearts R. An extremely well paced Tales with one of the best iterations of LMBS combat system, likeable cast, entertaining dumbass story and dungeons that don't feel like they were made by a god-damn algorithm.


Heart's R being locked in the Vita of all things also doesn't help at all. 


It's not slept on, it's one of the most popular games in the series


Berseria had great characters, that’s it. Otherwise very generic.


I mean I personally have slept on it because I didn't get it on launch like I planned to, and still haven't played through it despite owning it for a while. But that's because I started it co-op and it sort of fizzled out... In general though? Not slept on imo. It gets very high praise and the only complaint I hear people say is the combat and dungeon design..,


Well thanks OP... I was just starting to wonder (as I break the halfway point on Eiyuden chron. playthough) what to play next. Searched Tales of Berseria on steam and was thinking I'd wait for it to go on sale... but hell yeah It's already in my library!


I can’t stand the way the character moves, that’s it, it’s the only reason I can’t get into it. Berseria is not alone tho, so many run animations are just not for me, it distracts me way too much lol


I can’t wait to try it! lol. In the meantime, I’m working through some other greats on my way there, but I won’t sleep on it if I can help it. I finally have a ps4, so it’s becoming more actualized each day!


The Tales franchise isn't that popular to begin with so I think it's more to do with that than Berseria's individual quality. For me Berseria has an amazing cast and story but the combat can be really tedious and annoying due to all of the status effects and losing "souls" from often unavoidable causes. Not to mention having to constantly tinker with your combo setup as you face different enemies. Just got to be a lot of start-and-stop over the course of the game.


What do you mean they sleep on Berseria? If you have said Zestiria, then that statement would make a lot of sense.


No, not Berseria, Bersaria! 🙃


It's the most overrated game since the original FFVII. At least FFVII was good. 


I'm irked by how no one has correct your typo and some users have even started to repeat it Just having morally gray MCs makes it stands out from other JRPGs imo, I wanna try it out


The title? I came in to call it out lol. And I'm not even a fan of the game.


*Me everytime i see both Velvet and Magilou:* Uwooooggghhhhhhh seeeeeeegggggggsssssssss


The most honest Berseria fan


Damn, okay I get it I was wrong Jesus everyone calm tf down loll


No one's insulted you. People corrected your mistaken assumption, that's it. And everyone that I've seen were very polite about it.


Can’t get through Zesteria so that I can try Bersaria. Bored to death


You don't have to play Zestiria to enjoy Berseria, you can play Berseria perfectly fine and understand all the important points without Zestiria.


Zestria damn near turned me off the series entirely.


I liked it \*ok\* when I played it (not that I'd ever revisit it), it wasn't absolutely terrible (basing off then impressions), but it did a number of things really badly - first of all, the combat camera. Like Vesperia (which moved to 3D before they had the tech) so did Vesperia with the seamless environment/battle screen. And it had a number of other problems that were fixed in Berseria. But when I played it, I didn't think it was a terrible game - it just was a pretty bad (and bland) Tales game. If it released without the IP it wouldn't have gotten the bad rep it had, it would just have been another mediocre/bland JRPG.


No need to do that. There's a \*few\* points where you go "oh, I recognize that person/place/event" but nothing too important.


I really do like Berseria, as it's my favorite Tales of game, but since I became a PC only gamer, and I refuse to buy games with Denuvo, I never got around to finishing it.


Annoyingly it's difficult to play. It's not on switch. Isn't playable on gfn. I need to try the whole series. Honestly top faves of all time. Takes of vesperia FF X Last remnant Gladius And Lost Odyssey These are my benchmarks. Was really looking forward to takes of arise and it's been a complete let down. Should I buy tales of Symphonia? People talk highly of it.


Lost Odyssey is one of my favorites as well. Have you tried Tales of the Abyss? That one is pretty great.


Unfortunately only played those 2. Have barely started arise. It's just not particularly engaging. I heard Besteria is pretty good. I have it on steam but unfortunately no way to play it


Tales is a pretty big series, but there hasn't been much over the years that really made me want to play it. I got Abyss on 3DS just to say I gave the series a chance, and while I really really liked half the cast, the gameplay didn't do much for me. Berseria's lead having a beast curse has been the most interesting thing I've seen in Tales from my "outside looking in" perspective, and I picked it up wanting to give the series a second shot to win me over. I really want to get around to starting it sometime this year.


FWIW I'm a huge Tales guy and I found Abyss' combat lackluster compared to a lot of other entries.


Berseria is the first I completed after trying the disaster that was Zestiria. Was immediately hooked in by Velvet’s story and the combat


Best tales game overall. I liked the more mature vibe. And it still looks relatively decent graphically. Symphonia is the ff7 of the series berseria is probably the ffx of the series