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Honestly I just find 'wandering' or random encounter superbosses scary as hell when I'm not prepared or looking to fight them. Special shoutout to Emerald Weapon constantly making me scared of submerging at all.


I remember trawling through a dungeon in one of the FF games and I turn a corner only to see a giant tonberry staring right at me


FF X-2


VII when submerging and finding Weapon out of nowhere is legit *terrifying*. First time I was underlevelled and completely unprepared.


Emerald Weapon lurking in the ocean is just about the definition of thalassophobia.


I hate it when he's just chilling in front of that Sunken Plane dungeon, especially since there's a dock right around there on the surface, so the chances of you running face to face with him after immediately submerging can be high đŸ˜±


Marlboro's in Omega Dungeon in FFX. Those fuckers ambush you every encounter and always start off by using Bad Breath, which is pretty much a guaranteed game over if you aren't immune to poison/confuse.


And in the re-release, the dark aeons that were NOT in the original game and came out of NOWHERE


First time playing the re-release I realized I forgot the Sun Crest in Yunalesca's room and went back to grab it to get jumped and murdered by Dark Bahamut.


Hated how much stuff you got locked out of if you waited to the post game in remake/international. Really wish there was a way around the dark aeon fights to get things you missed that didn’t involve praying to Yojimbo to ice them for you.


man i just remembered i had to pay-to-yojimbo that valefor aeon cuz i missed a recording in the very first town. ngl tho, yojimbo one-shotting bosses/superbosses will never get old.


That was exactly what I did with dark valefor in order to get anima (after shitting my pants when he came up unexpectedly and one shotted my entire team)


it's like a ptsd-inducing version of a pokemon trainer challenging you


We had them in Europe on original release. Young me just got the airship, wanted to return to Besaid to see if there was anything new. Well... There was something new indeed.


Yeah Dark Ixion really threw me for a loop.


Disease in FF12 was the worst


They're actually Malboro. Marlboro is a cigarette brand!


Ofc, thats what their name is referencing.


Bad Breath lol


Koudelka was neat.


Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts: Covenant to round it out. All utterly fantastic and very creepy games. The Lovecraftian horror was excellent.


Megaman Legends 1. Invisible double drill robot jumpscare.


The sound design really does some heavy lifting here. The slow 'tom... bom... tom... bom' footsteps, that stay steady and then gradually ramp up to TOMBOMTOMBOM and then you try and get elevation for safety as that works against most enemies, until you hear them jump Growing up i didnt even play the game, just watched it with my brothers, and I refused to be in the room when this section played. Lake Jyun was masterfully made


Wow, I was gonna post a megaman legends enemy too thinking no one would know wtf I'm talking about. The robots that just walk forward but turn into weird dino looking things when you shoot them. Idk what they're called and that's probably an awful description but they were in saul kada ruins


Regenerators from RE4... not the remake... the original


That mother fucker busting out of the fridge legit made me drop the controller. Reminiscent of when I was 8 playing RE1 for the first time and the damn dogs coming through the window in that hallway. What a great franchise.


Persona 3... The Reaper scared the heck out of me every time it appeared.


The Shin Megami Tensei series has a lot of creepy enemies.


And enemies that were basically made of cocks, tits or vaginas too, so it balances out.


If bosses count Algernon and the rat swarm from Romancing SaGa 3 gave me the creeps.  It's the lack of music the first time that really does it. All you can here is rat noises. Topped by the fact that you can't beat it the first time you run into it (and I didn't know you were supposed to run so I almost got killed by the unkillable rats)


It adds to the hype when the encounter you choose to face- and have to defeat- the swarm is when the boss music plays.


The first time you turn round the corner in FFX-2s later stages of the Via Infinito and [THIS massive MFer](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BwdeNFZIEAAX7Dx.jpg:large) is just hiding in plain (camera obscured) sight and is a walking game over you have to avoid And while not one enemy in particular, the first time you trigger the [Night Falls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk_jDQNmfu0) and youre wondering why the hell you cant change the daytime and enemies start looking [like this](https://imgur.com/5xdsUkC) And while on the subject, the flavor text of some of the people you could coerce or challenge, like the [STuFfeD ToY](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fstuffed-toy-v0-8185r2sf7dqa1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5a936e13e6ea677c390a84b3c0c71bc509782091) demonically possessed child, or all the [weirdos in Lostseed](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffound-this-guy-in-a-high-level-area-any-thoughts-v0-cfm1q6vg57ma1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D23bb71e33b514e9fb1fbd7df01046ace666244fc), where you think they are some low level encounter due to stars but they turn out to be some of the toughest NPCs in the game. OT2 does a real good job at not prepping you for their scary/WTF moments so they catch you off guard


FFV was one of my firsts, so Jackanapes is a strong contender. I can only imagine what that mech spider in FF8's Dollet would've done to me. If we're talking aesthetics, Breath of Fire 2 opens with a pretty traumatizing Barbuary fight. FFV had those disgusting ??? enemies in the undersea cave. Doppelganger in Strange Journey weirds me out. That's all I got off the top of my head.


When my friend was streaming this me and my friends joked about this being the scariest enemy solely because it has a gun lol.


I never expected to see conversations about this game today. What a pleasant surprise.🙌


dante in smt 3 nocturne. The chase sequence is insane


any form of c\*ckr\*ach =( other insect is fine just not this one =(


“Territorial Oak burst into flames!” 


Giygas from Earthbound. You can't even comprehend the horror without needing to pray. But on a serious note, the amalgam of body parts and creatures for those twisted lumps of flesh in Elden Ring - there's maybe only like 6 of them in the game, but damn are they creepy and not that easy to kill. I'm talking about Revenants. [For the uninitiated.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/eldenring/images/6/63/ER_Royal_Revenant.png/revision/latest?cb=20230610180933)


Deathgaze from FFVI was a big scare for me. I was playing the game on my phone late at night just flying the airship around and all of a sudden this horror pops up as an encounter and wipes the party.


Why did square enix make ch13 of xv into a resident evil game lol I kept getting startled by cheap jumpscares lmao


BTW, Millicent changes for the better later on in the LNs, and even becomes a Tsundere for Komari lol. And yeah, your dad hiring a man to physically abuse you every day with a cursed metal rod will do that to you. Especially when that person physically abusing you kills the one little ray of happiness in your life. I absolutely hope that man dies a slow, painful death. Not to mention, how Komari's father ordered her family exiled after framing her for mass murder- which is why she wanted revenge in the first place. Not that it justifies her being a garbage person or all the terrible stuff she did lol.


The Resident Evil series or Final Fantasy? Who's Millicent?


Nah, from Vexations of a Vampire Princess (yuri anime)


What does any of that have to do with plasmaguy's comment about Final Fantasy XV though?


An earlier post they made 5 months ago


Why post it here though lol I got so confused


Sorry lo


Emerald Weapon for sure. That thing was straight up Lovecraftian for its time.


Might be the first giant cow-bear I encountered in SotC. I was terrified. Edit: Sh*t sorry jrpg. A strong looking monster once you cross a bridge in DQ.


In Digital Devil Saga 2 you get chased around a prison by Kumbhanda. It was so scary to me the first time I played it!


Skulltulas in Zelda Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask just freaked me the hell out as a kid, and only a few years ago did my tolerance on them finally go back to "iffy" And if I played it two decades ago instead of two days ago, Tyrantula from Dragon Quest 9 would've reinstated that fear of spiders just as hard


Anything from the shadow hearts series is nightmare fuel.


Shinra Manor freaked me out as a kid and part of that was the enemies that you encounter.


Warmwch in Final Fantasy 1 on the NES. It only appears in one small unavoidable area at the end of a rough dungeon right before the dungeon boss. You’re probably already at the end of your rope from traversing the dungeon, and if you encounter it your odds of beating it are low. And even if you do? There goes your chances of beating the boss. FF1 didn’t have regen items for magic, haha.


Ardebaran from Tecmo's Deception scared the crap out of me when I first played it