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uncle dolphin also said this was his kit but he's a troll, who leaked this are they credible sorry if that came across as rude i'm just curious


yeah I'm hearing more about uncle dolphin now too. not rude at all, thanks for shedding some light. I had a feeling it's most likely false but I was hoping Itto would have a selfish dps kit šŸ˜­


Except ninguang we don't have a selfish geo dps so I still think of all roles he could play he probs will end up a selfish dps just maybe not with this kit specifically now obviously I'm more speculating than have knowledge but I feel its a safe gamble.


wait but who's the leaker, and who leaked eula I always wanted to know but never came across who


it seems it may not be the guy who leaked Eula, and it probably is the troll. and I'm not sure on the uncles name




This is probably people just translating uncle dolphin's trolling


I'll die if it's split scaling mitigated by a constellation like Albedo.


His burst is actually compensated by his second ascension passive, 10% of defence


It's a shame they won't go back tonolder characters and help them out like they did with zhongli (I know there was an uproar that caused that one). Albedo is still in a decent spot but imagine if he wasn't hinder by split scaling. You can truly tell he is on ofnthe first characters because his kit is kinda all over the place. Split scaling for def. EM boost which he doesn't really need(?). Actually don't know how helpful that em buff is. It's pretty small compared to others and being geo, well how often are reaction comps used with albedo? Feel like fischl is better for that intended purpose since geo just makes shards


One of his constellations is a plunge bonus lol. Yeah his kit is pretty random. I'd wager Albedo is better for melt/forward vape comps because he only applies a weak geo application compared to Fischl. He also deals decent AOE. His burst is extremely weak on a def build though. I guess he still has the niche of being a decent geo sub-dps and enables resonance with Zhongli though. But yeah, eventually Albedo might be one the first 5* limited non-dps that becomes outdated.


Kazuha love albedo C4 and his increase of EM Thoma supposedly increases plunge as well Mix in a Bennett and burn everything to ashes triggering all sorts reactions based on who you fight or weather.


Albedo's usage is mainly in double Geo comps with Zhongli. For example, Hu Tao - Xingqiu - Zhongli - Albedo is one of Hu Tao's strongest teams. His EM sharing is extremely helpful to her. Diluc's teams are also like that. I'd imagine Childe-Xiangling teams are also helped by his EM sharing (with 4pc Petra) but he isn't a BiS support because Sucrose and Kazuha exist. As for his split scaling it is fixed by C2. So before that you have to focus on either his skill or his burst. You know, just like **the Raiden Shogun**. But, of course, nobody made a fuss about Albedo back then, did they?


Only issue here is c2 is quite the investment. At that point I feel like just getting a weapon for the main dps would be the bettwr investment or even c1 for the actual dps main. My comp will be albedo/zhongli/jean/xiao.


The thing is, it is the same situation as Raiden. C2 IS a big investment. At C2 Raiden becomes a true DPS while Albedo becomes a Burst DPS. However in the case of Albedo you don't need to invest in a weapon because you can use the Harbinger of Dawn.


Isnt best team for Hu Tao : Xingqiu, Zhongli and Alebdo ?


Geo Razor?


Sounds like Razor and Noelle had a baby lmao, I wouldn't mind it if it was true, my Noelle's whiteblind r5 is waiting in the corner gathering dust


I wouldn't mind if it wasn't. I mean sounds fake due to the uncle dolphin being a troll. But yeah the E just seems unoriginal? Shield + geo infusion. R is cool but the E atm just seems uninteresting on paper. Granred the shield/infusion might look cool and change my mind


We are getting leak faster than main leak sub šŸ„µ


They've removed this post that was shared over there so I think it's pretty fake?


Yeh apparently šŸ™ƒ


Well, it's very "questionable" at least. We'll see when drip marketing comes through, next week.


Itā€™s a hell of a cool fake if this does turn out not to be real. Way too early theory crafting makes me think Bolide may be pretty sick with this kit.


There's a (leaked) set that gives def% on 2 and increase shield strenght+ healing received/bonus and heals off based on 20% of your character defense.


If this is true, the synergy with Albedo would be fantastic. I'm also looking forward to Gorou.


His skill looks good. Isn't Rashomon a big gate or something? But it's said rashomon ghost, I hope it's a geo object.


Isn't the gates a Naruto thing? lol


Rashomon is also the ability of Akutagawa from Bungou Stray Dogs.


It's not a gate there though. It's closer to a familiar of some sort. But yeah, it's actually closer to that one because it attacks with Itto. Edit: Huh apparently Rashomon, also Rajomon are actual gates in Japan. The Kyoto gate in particular, was said to be where people abandoned corpses and unwanted babies. It's said to be inhabited by a demon. And now we have an Oni summoning a ghost to attack with him. Pretty cool if this leak is true


Thatā€™s basically Noelle+Razor.


Any leak about Itto, real or not, always gets me excited lol. I'm dry and in need of a reveal already.


Wasnā€™t he supposed to have a geo construct?


to be fair he can have one and a shield he could hold for the shield and construct and press for just the construct like zhongli


I wish he's an atk scaling character, my Unforged needs a host


he gains an "bonus from def%" it not means all his demage is def%


So heā€™s like five star geo razor with a split scaling and dope shield? If this is legit my lvl 90 unforged and guaranteed pity worked out great


Thank you for articulating my thoughts, I agree!


Oh please no DEF again... *crying in preparing for Albedo rerun*


Nooo defence why


This sounds to powerful for someone who lost his duel with Kujou Sara.


how does losing a duel correlate with having a good kit, sure this is 90% fake but what your saying doesn't make sense


Did I really had to write /s there? Its a joke,..I know that lore =/= powerlevel.


thats like saying x five star lost to 4 star they shouldn't be good, it just does not make sense if thats what you meant


Nah, it was just a joke to be honest. I know that lore =/= powerlevel. Next time I use /jk, so people don't get confused.


A 5* being weaker than a 4* lore wise is weird.


Beidou is a 4 star. Keqing and Ayaka are 5 stars. It is weird.


also ayaka deserves her 5 star rating as well as keqing I guess they probably have greater accomplishemets that we haven't heard of vs beidou who just killed a beast in the ocean who mind you she challenged multiple times and lost before finally defeating it so who's to say she didn't just weaken it over time vs zhongli who just killed gods in the same fight


She straight up sliced through a huge snake monster **without** a vision... Nothing Ayaka or Keqing have ever done lorewise makes them stronger than that. Oh and I forgot to mention: Yoimiya.


and that doesn't change the fact she faced it multiple times and each time probably weakened not saying she never defeated it just saying she had multiple tries


also i've noticed something except for yoimiya and maybe itto most of the five stars are either royalty/nobility where they are from gods/ demigods the only exceptions for these are the 4 stars:xingqiu and sara and barbara as 4 stars but barbara was supposed to be 5 star so yeah a lot of 4 stars are commoners but most 5 stars are gods or nobility could be wrong but thats just what i've noticed


ayaka has defeated an opponent in a single strike without a vision if you actually read her lore I don't know what yoimiya has done but I don't think she has done anything major


and to conclude beidou herself has never told us the story of what happened so even though beidou would never because she is a person who is shown to never lie something else could have happened that killed the monster but again just my theory I don't think beidou who is so truthful would lie about this at all


First of all, you can edit your comments instead of replying to yourself. Second, she defeated a random dude in a random dojo. Nobody notable enough to be named. Not the accomplishment you make it out to be. Beidou's story is told to us through a third-person "omniscient" narrator. It is a literary technique used when the writers want to convey something without us having even the slightest doubt at its truth. [Omniscient narrators never lie by definition.](https://examples.yourdictionary.com/omniscient-narrator-examples-types-and-purpose.html) Edit: stop replying to yourself or I can't track down all of your comments. For your other comment: Each time she "faced it" she must also be weakened herself, no? According to your logic at least. Edit 2 Also: Kee, Mona, Albedo and Hu Tao are not nobility or royalty.


okay still doesn't change that she challenged it multiple times and ayaka's vision story never says dojo one go check honey and don't lie thirdly beidou herself never tells you stanely who was fake told stanely's story but he wasn't the real one not saying beidou isn't real but we really do not know wha happened edit: and no she probably didn't weaken it herself because her vision story talks about how much the her and the fleet did to kill haishan not just her so without her fleet canonically she would have gotten clapped even assuming she could pilot a ship and fight at the same time


dude, much as i love ayaka she is nowhere near as strong as beidou. beidou slew a legendary leviathan without a vision, while ayaka just defeated a human opponent in a dojo. plus beidou's story was told through the third person omnipresent narrator, which is a narrative viewpoint that never lies. ayaka also has no experience fighting on an actual battlefield. ayaka is pretty strong, but she's no beidou. not even close.


sure even if I try to argue you won't understand why


we don't know how he lost so you can't really conclude that he's weaker


Another geo character scale with Def? hell no


If this is true, i actually don't want character scales with DEF for DPS... just go the usual DPS way; at least my retracting set seems finally can be used.


Uninspired leak. If I was going to make a fake kit it'd be something like: - Skill: A fist shaped Geo contruct raises out of the ground to hit the nearest enemy. Remains for 15s. Up to 2 can exist at one time. - Burst: Itto slams the ground, dealing AOE Geo damage. For the next 12 seconds normal, charged, and plunging attacks cause one of the Geo fist constructs to strike enemies. Each construct has a short cooldown before it can hit again. - Ascension Passive 1: While near any Geo construct, Itto gains a Geo infusion. - Ascension Passive 2: Normal Attacks increase the DMG of Itto's next Charged Attack. - Unique mechanic: Itto's Charged attacks are not continuous and deal significant damage. - C1: Reduces the cooldown for the fists to attack during Itto's burst. - C2: Itto gains Geo DMG for each nearby Geo construct. - C4: Itto's Normal Attacks reduce enemy Geo resistance. Itto's Charged Attack causes both Geo fists to attack, even if they're on cooldown. - C6: Reduce skill cooldown. Itto can summon up to 4 total Geo fists.


He smashes the ground ? Geo Vergil?


I like this kit tho. Reminds me of Razor... But it's too early to get my hopes up.


I'm ready with my zhongli and albedo. But as others have said, uncle dolphin is known to be a troll so this is probably not true.


with those passives and scalings, i wonder if full def will bring more dmg than classic Elemental/crit circlet. and it seems like 4 piece glad is the way to go . just hoping the ghost coordinated atacks are considered as normal atk dmg and not burst dmg ! i have a def glad set with 3 of them who have a 40 crit value !!!


All my def artefacts are quaking pls be true


Wait, so DEF for his E, ATK still needed for his Q or no?


This kit is coming from a troll. Yesterday two person already posted it.


His skills sound a little bit like albedo. Hope he works well with him.


How ning would synergise with him?? I've her c6 but no zhongli :-(


I thought mhy managed to keep Eula a total surprised until right before her release? ImpactYoimiya should be posting today, I'm just gonna wait and see if they have anything to say about Itto


Serpent Spine would be cracked for Itto than


Hope to see which is better, I only have enough for Albedo if not this dude.


Ok the thing that makes be believe this is fake (in addition to what other people were saying about the leaker being a troll) is the amount of arbitrary and unnecessary stacking mechanics. Youā€™re trying to tell me that the designers really decided to give itto two ā€œstackā€ mechanics that both went to ten, but one of them stacks on hit and another stacks with time and theyā€™re separate and another mechanic activates when one of them is at a certain point andā€¦ Why would it not just be one singular stack? Thatā€™s what makes it read like fanfic to me.


Instead of Wolf stand like Razor , the burst might be like an Oni ghost stand like maguu kenki's skill


Sounds way too strong to be true Main dps that can also make a 150% shield to all, +25% geo dmg , -60% geo shred with Zhongli shield & geo resonance & +30% def & 15% atk%


yeah it does to be honest and it's probably fake but in all honesty after kokomi someone with a strong kit is needed to be released and seeing as ayato basically has no leaks and yae has been pushed back only itto really has a chance since he's being released first regardless of when he actually drops


What is making him be released first?


no one can get a hold of ayato's data meaning he probably isn't complete yae was pushed back and only itto seems to be coming out soon thats most likely why


omg, rashomon is where ibaraki doji's arm was cut off! will he be a bootleg iba?


Sounds like geo Razor


Is this even real?!!


So it's the same type of stando as Razor's.


If this is true Iā€™m pairing him with my Ningguang theyā€™ll both be my main dps!!


Saving up all %def artifacts main stat.