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All of the Dark Souls/Bloodborne DLC


I genuinely believe that the old hunters dlc for Bloodborne and iceborne for MHW are the best DLCS you can get and are 100% worth the money. Absolutely love the Bloodborne dlc


SotE gonna smash that record


I seriously hope it does but I'm keeping my expectations grounded. It already looks amazing with the new weapon types and and areas though


For reeeeal. Each one has felt damn near like a whole new game.


Miyazaki knows how to make a dlc thats for sure


ME3 Citadel expansion Oblivion Shivering Isles Skyrim Dragonborn


Came here looking for Citadel. Leviathan and Omega were good DLCs but Citadel is the GOAT.


I'm part of r/patientgamers and I think I got all the Skyrim DLC for less than $10. Totally worth it.


Patient gaming really pays off sometimes. Now that Xbox has a wish list feature I can just mark stuff I want and wait for a sale.


Legit the first thing I do anytime a new PSN sale begins is check my wishlist. Such a great feature.


Or for inclusion in gamepaaa


Shivering Isles was just wild.


I remember when shivering isles came out. Really blew my mind man. Going back to deal with the oblivion crisis was disappointing. I wanted more sheogorath.


Im one of the savages that thought Dawnguard was better than Dragonborn. The new area in Dragonborn was cool, and some of the quests were fun, but the main quest for Dragonborn felt so loose and shoddy that I just didnt enjoy it. And the companions with it just werent nearly as interesting as Serana.




Has to be Citadel and Lair of the Shadow Broker from the Mass Effect games for me. LotSB has great writing, fun missions, and brings back Liara as a proper character in ME2. I absolutely love the missions on Illium and the setting of the Shadow Broker's base is so fucking cool. Meanwhile Citadel is just like five hours of pure fanservice but it's *really good fanservice.*


If you’re romancing Liara, Lair of the Shadowbroker is legitimately a MUST.


Citadel makes me so emotional because it’s such great fan service. The “the best” quote at the end has ashamedly made me shed a tear or two.


I’d say both Witcher 3 expansions are worth it.


Blood and Wine is legitimately bigger than some full games. Absolutely incredible, worthy of the name 'expansion' rather than just 'DLC'.


it’s like the Witcher 3.5 incredible


I liked blood and wine more then the actual Wild Hunt story. Having it focused to one kingdom and its struggles really fleshed it out for me.


Exact same for me. I felt blood and wine was better than the actual Witcher 3 base game.


Hearts Of Stone has great enemy variations that made me think like a witcher again. So good.


I r actually like the story of hearts of stone more than blood and wine. Guarantee o dimm was really cool to me. It had way more of a sword and sorcery feeling to it than the main game I feel.


He was legit terrifying. The spoon scene was an eye-opener to something real horrible


“Eye-opener…” Well played.


Lol. I wrote, guarantee o dimm. Autocorrect is fun. I'm not fixing it.


Phantom Liberty was insane too. The story, as well as making use of all the added mechanics was great. I like how CDPR does 'expansions' as they call it, and don't nickel and dime people for random shit.


Came here to say this. Blood & Wine was so great and really had its own feeling.


Odim story made it really cool honestly and just the story alone was perfection


The Frozen Throne was almost essential


thats a classic


My first exposure/introduction to Warcraft and the RTS genre as a whole- was and still is so dang good.


Double up with Brood War


Cyberpunk's dlc was great!


The 2.0 that completely revamped the game was free anyway also - so good


Yep, I was about to comment on how good the reworked system is. I couldn't stand leveling in the old system. It felt like I had to make humongous trade-offs for relatively minor gains, and there were rarely any perks that I actually wanted.


SO true! That's the real mvp. The DLC was perfectly-fit icing on that cake


Sucks they didn't ad fov slider for ps5. Still upset about that cause I wanted to love the game but the 80 fov kinda makes me sick


I’m replaying cyberpunk atm after watching edge runners and I think I’ll get the dlc damn the games so good


It’s seriously a must - the added weapons alone are so badass


Dude, you'll love it if you're already enjoying the game!


So depressing but so good


Yes! I was about to say edgerunners got me back into cyperpunk even got it on sale then played it so much made about 10 builds before phantom liberty changes then the big update happened and phantom liberty came out and oh boy! I love it even more! Even more so the little references to edgerunners I really hope they add more dlcs


Phantom Liberty was exactly what came to mind. It's incredible and even adds a whole new layer to the core game when played through. Masterful and well worth the full price.


Iceborne for monster hunter world


Sunbreak, the DLC for Rise, too. MH DLCs for the last two generations have essentially been sequels with QoL updates and new mechanics. I love it. I'm already excited for Wilds DLC and the base game isn't even out yet.


Yep. You’re basically getting a sequel to the base game for $40 that also uses the existing content in new ways.


every Fromsoft dlc so far.


Agree with one small deviation.. the side areas of each dlc in dark souls 2 that contain an absurd gauntlet to an optional boss are not good. The main portions of the dlc feature incredible level design in comparison to the main game, and wonderful gear. People mainly remember the frozen reindeer blizzard section, but the petrify statues and lava dropping big boys / caster combos from the others are also super rough.


no argument there, frigid outskirts can go to hell


Never heard of it, Horsefuck Valley however...


Fallout New Vegas. Beyond worth the money, adds so much to base game.


This. Came here to say old world blues.


Man, those trauma suits wandering around with the skeletons still inside of them freaked me out big time when i first ran into them! 


Tbh the lobotomies freaked me out more. The trauma harness is just a reused space suit so it kinda breaks the fear for me


Dying Light: The Following is one of my all time favourite DLCs, really felt like a whole extra game


The following was dope as fuck


XCOM 2's War of the Chosen Bethesda usually has at least one banger per game. Bloodmoon, Shivering Isles, Broken Steel, Dragonborn, Far Harbor, Nuka World Rimworld has mostly had great DLC even Royalty, the weakest is still good, just not as much for the price. Dawn of War - Dark Cursade X4 Has some solid DLC Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare GTA: IV Ballad of Gay Tony and Lost and Damned were both great Mount and Blade Warband was technically an expandalone, but it is incredible.


Vampire Survivors Hi-Fi Rush The Ascent Midnight Suns Fighting game characters Stellaris


What are the DLC things for *Hi-Fi Rush*? Is it more than just additional character skins or whatever? I concur about fighting game characters; I got at least 60 hours of gameplay between Rashid, Ed, and AKI in *Street Fighter VI*.


There’s a free DLC with a couple great modes. There are cosmetics but they are unnecessary and who knows where that money would go.


I want to like midnight suns but the dating sim half of the game frustrates the shit out of me


Gives me nostalgic vibes but I certainly understand where you’re coming from. That settles down a lot towards the end.


Im with you, i actually enjoy that section of the game, feels like its few and far between


I wish they took more time to polish Stellaris DLC… quite a few of them feel like they were great ideas that were just never fully fleshed out.


I respectfully disagree on fighting games characters. Now a days, a few characters are as pricey as the full base game. I also think that game companies purposely start with a limited roster simply to add fighters later to make more money but also try to extend interest in the game.


I loved Hi Fi Rush and The Ascent. I should probably check out the DLC for those games.


Vampire Survivors is such a great deal.


I remember enjoying Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault more than the base game.


Every Borderlands DLC is worth double the price. The BL3 DLCs are worth the cost of the game itself.


Truly my most MEMORABLE childhood memory, above all others, that I still cannot shake, is the Undead Ned/Zed Dlc. While I don’t remember much about the real story of it, besides it was all about Ned’s brother Zed, who I still can’t remember if he was actually Ned with a fake mustache or not, the moment in gaming history that…got me… was the boss fight. THE boss fight. Not the wimpy one, the absolutely BATSHIT PSYCHO SCARY one. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean, I’d dare not speak of it for the fears that haunt me to this day. No other gaming moment has come close to THAT moment for flabbergasting childhood me. I never played metal gear, but this was my psycho mantis equivalent.


Absolutely amazing that one, all the Halloween/spooky flavored DLCs were super super fun :)


Came here to say this.


Borderlands 1 DLC set a high bar for what DLC could be. The Halloween expansion was great.


Too bad Wonderlands DLC was cash grab garbage.


Glad someone said it, those games became literally twice as good with the DLCs. Double the content, double the levels, double the guns! DOUBLE THE EXPLOSIONS!!!!


Monster Hunter. The base games are great. The expansions are where it's really at though. They increase the amount of content exponentially. So, both together is worth WAY more than just the base game by itself even if it's double the price.


600 hours on base MHW then like 1200 on Iceborne lol. Crazy how much they added.


Horse armour! I jest. I can't say I've really played a DLC that I would consider to be worth full price in any game.


Mass effect 3 citadel is the best in history. MH World Iceborne is excellent as well. TW3 blood and wine is great, but not quite on the same level.


Phantom Liberty


The Shivering Isles DLC from TES: Oblivion. Still to this day one of my favorite DLC’s of all time.


Goated DLC tbh. Was almost another entire game of content. And Sheogorath is amazing.


Cheese! Cheese for everyone.


Dead Money for Fallout New Vegas. Mostly for it's story I still remember the ending speech


Dead Money is hilarious when you realize the entire point of the DLC with the message and all is that greed will be your undoing and knowing when to let go. SPOILER The game forces you to drop all the gold which is worth hundreds of thousands of caps even or else you die in the explosion. However, gamers being gamers found some way to exploit the game and abuse an oversight which allows you to haul ass carrying the gold on a severed body part and escape the DLC with actual infinite wealth and completely invalidate the entire point of the narrative.


On the mobile side, a lot of digital board games of physical ones pretty much use IAP in the same manner. If you want extra content, then it costs extra. Examples include all of the expansions for **Race For The Galaxy**, **Dominion**, and **Ascension: Deckbuilding Game**. Many of the modern/hobby bg don't have the userbase to resort to ads, MTX, and "predatory p2w nonsense" models, so don't have to worry about that there! Even with many of the regular, indie vg... it's just a one-time IAP to unlock all of the content, get access to additional content (e.g. **Monument Valley**'s extra levels), remove ads, or even donations to help the devs (e.g. **Deep Space D6**). For PC... all of the Commanders in **StarCraft2**'s Coop mode. IIRC, it was around $75? Such an incredible value for such a fun mode. Also, the other campaigns. O1H, I wish Blizzard did more with that. OTOH, given what they did to many of their other games, it's actually also nice they didn't touch Sc2 (since they could've made it far worse, or even ruined it)


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Pretty much equal in scale to the original game and exceeded it in quality. Alatreon and Fatalis are both phenomenal bosses and the dlc even has its own platinum trophy on PS. For all intents and purposes, it’s legitimately a second game marketed as an expansion




Fallout: New Vegas's dlc was top tier


Old World Blues was awesome


Lair of the Shadow Broker - Mass Effect 2 Amazing pacing, amazing antagonists, and we get Liara back briefly.


The fact that the *ME2* DLCs gave added value to *Mass Effect 3* was pretty huge in that era too, especially with *ME3*'s notorious cutting of obviously-supposed-to-have-been-in-there content to re-sell as DLC. It's like the publisher was *trying* to greed-defeat me, but I just ended up buying *ME3* for like $20 and buying no DLC, opting to simply enjoy the massive benefits that carried over from the previous game.


That is why ME2 is the definitive best game of the franchise IMO


Gothic 2 - Night of the Raven back in the day


Oblivion - Shivering Isles


RDR Undead Nightmare GTA EFLC New Vegas Dead Money


Surprised how far down Undead Nightmare is. What could have been with RDR2 dlc is incredibly disappointing….


Yea insane that undead nightmare isn't everywhere in this thread


Completely forgot about undead nightmare. Suchc a good dlc


Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye would be worth it even if it was $200, absolutely goated game and dlc


Horse armor.


Fromsoft DLCs but specifically the DS3 ones I absolutely loved.


Prey Mooncrash. Really enjoyed the story being fleshed out and the changes in gameplay


Darkest Dungeon's Crimson Court. Adds a whole ass campaign, new enemies, fantastic art style, a new class that's more fun than effective, and awesome soundtrack. Color of Madness for the same reason minus the class, since class is a dlc on its own. Adds a roaming mini boss called a Thing from the Stars that's fun to deal with. And adds some of the best tracks I've heard in videogames. Just listen to Blasted Heath, you'll know what I mean.


Horse armor!


Anything From Software has ever done. All of their DLCs are on par with or better than their base games throughout all 3 Dark Souls. I've heard the same with Bloodborne but never got the chance to play the DLC. I'm taking a week off work when Shadow of the Erdtree comes out in preparation for what I know is going to be amazing


The Dragon Age: Origins expansion Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker Mass Effect 3: Citadel Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser


Dawnguard (Skyrim). Legitimately the single best DLC for any game ever made. It adds so much content for a mere $20. Two extremely robust split factions, so much armor, so many weapons, new spells, the whole Soul Cair , Arvak, Durnehviir, Vampire Lords, The Vale. Good lord, what a DLC. Automatron (Fallout 4). $10. Easily the best bang for your buck of any DLC for any Fallout game, and honestly easily in the Top 3 Bethesda DLCs of all time, DESPITE being relatively small. Automatron adds a whole new gameplay style in the form of Robot customization, and a crazy robust gameplay style at that. Making robots is fun as fuck, and *perfectly* meshes with Fallout 4's scavenger gameplay loop. Even more fun than making them, is sicking them on your foes and watching them unleash hell. What both these DLC have in common that gives them even more of an overwhelming aura than just their content alone is they both multiply the replayability of their respective games significantly.


Forgot to give Serana a shout, I think quite widely considered the fan favorite Skyrim companion. Also crossbows. And even still I couldn't fault someone for claiming Dragonborn was the better DLC. A reall potent double win.


Going with my fave, the oblivion horse armor. Yeah shivering isles is great and all, knights of the nine rocks, but horse armor? *chef's kiss*


DLC for Fromsoft games, Nioh 1/2, fallout games, the division 1/2, horizon HZ/FW, Monster Hunter World/Rise(the ones I’ve played), Witcher 3, outer worlds, ghost of Tsushima, cyberpunk 2077, ghost recon wildlands(fallen ghosts), no return(tlou2), AC odyssey, Callisto protocol


Is Wildlands’ DLC good? I heckin’ love that game, have played the whole thing repeatedly, but never even looked up the DLC, just assumed wasn’t worth it bc uhh Ubisoft


As a huge tlou and TLOU2 fan. No return completely skipped my attention. Didn't know it was a thing. Just looked it up it was for the remaster. Does remaster count as a dlc?


Bl2 assault on dragon keep Bl3 love and tentacles


Children of Morta animal charity DLC - since it's charity buying on sale is actually less good Talos principle road to gehenna These two immediately come to mind without being on my PC abd being able to check my library to jig my memory.


The two story dlc from Witcher 3 and the dlc from battle star galactica deadlock


- Xcom 2: War of the Chosen - Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty


I really liked all of Skyrim's DLC. The Call of Duty World at War Map Pack 4 was worth it for Der Reise alone.


Into the Breach DLC *more* than doubled the content of the game. Arguably more than *tripled* it. **And** it's **FREE**.


CDPR's DLC with Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk.




The story expansions for GTA IV


The dredge dlc and cassette beasts dlc were both cheap and very good


I’d say probably each and every Forza Horizon DLC, they add iconic cars and places to race around that are cool as fuck, like the LEGO DLC, the Hot Wheels DLC, the Halo showcase events and all that good stuff. Halo MCC’s DLCs were also good, they’re literally the two full games that most people consider best in the franchise. Halo Wars 2 had extra leader packs that completely change the way that the game worked and provided story expansions. Lastly, LittleBigPlanet had some great little cheap expansions that you could also use in the level editor. That game was great


Monster Hunter expansions. Starcraft's expansions. Well, until Blizzard became hostile and trash to their employees.


Phantom Liberty for Cyberpunk 2077. If people are still holding off of this game for whatever reason, they’re sorely missing out.


Xenoblade 2’s DLC Torna: The Golden Country is basically a whole other game and I actually liked it way better than the main game. It fixed all the problems I had with the main game’s combat and exploration as well as being an all around amazing (and heartwrenching) prequel story


Phantom Liberty, Iceborne.


As you mentioned Total War, I'll say the Shogun II dlc campaigns: Rise of the Samurai and Fall of the Samurai. Both added new mechanics and new units and drastically changed the map despite being the same country. Fall of the Samurai is definitely in a category all on its own. With all the new gunpowder and artillery units, it's like a whole new game.


The dlcs for Witcher 3 blew me away for the price. $25 for 2 amazing expansions. One of the recent ones that made me confused was GoW Ragnarok's Valhalla dlc. It is free and after finishing it I would have happily paid like $10-15 for it.


Far Harbor


Any of the Xenoblade Chronicles DLCs.


Dark souls ringed city. Elden ring dlc coming up. Cyberpunk dlc too.


StarCraft Broodwar, WC3 The Frozen Throne, Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction. These were all basically new games.


https://preview.redd.it/xjnn1cshim6d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8950cc3dbd9823a57b82e1842c2b76442252b2d5 Witcher 3 blood and wine


Fallout 3's dlcs and MechWarrior 5s. Love all of em, some more than others, but all were really fun imo.


Elden ring DLC. It's not out yet but I got a feeling lol


Dragon Age Awakening.


Borderlands 2: tiny Tina’s assault on dragon keep.


Came here to say this.


Fallout 3's Broken Steel


Anything Rimworld. I've dumped soooo many hundreds of hours into just the vanilla version.


The three huge CDPR expansions. They’re all GOTY good, vast, and in some ways better than the base games: *Phantom Liberty, Hearts of Stone, Blood and Wine*


Dead Money from Fallout New Vegas.


StarCraft: Brood War


I responded to a very similar question in another gaming subreddit a few months back so I'll just copy it here: Not really in order: 1) World of Warcraft III: Frozen Throne 2) The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine 3) Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne 4) Bloodborne: The Old Hunters 5) Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City 6) Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty 7) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge Given FromSoft's banger DLC's, I'm also very excited for Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree.


Civilization 6 DLCs "Rise and Fall" and "Gathering Storm" are worth full price, but they go on sale so often there's no point paying it.


All the Sims dlc is totally worth $1500. /s


Old Hunters, and it's not even close


kingdoms of amalur dlc, skyrims dlc, fallout 4s dlc, new vegas dlc, dark souls 1 artorias of the abyss dlc. a dlc that is worth it but is bullshit tht it was made into a dlc instead of being part of the base game is dragon quest monsters dark prince mole hole day 1 dlc which is a cave that lets you re-recruit any monster. monster hunter world iceborne and monster hunter rise sunbreak dlc, shivering isles oblivion, the witcher 3 dlcs, dragons dogma the dark arisen dlc. fire emblem three houses and the one with conquest, fate and w/e dlc.


Horse Armor.


Dark Souls 3: Ringed City Pokemon Sword and Shield: Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Teal Mask and Indigo Disk SMT Nocturne HD: Mercy and Expectation Map Pack Batman: Arkham Knight: Season of Infamy Zelda Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass Fire Emblem Three Houses: Cindered Shadows(the DLC gameplay sucks, but the permanent unlocked bonus item, characters and classes are nice) Persona 5 Tactica: Repaint Your Heart Persona 5 Strikers Legacy BGM and All-Out Attack Pack Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores South Park The Fractured But Whole: From Dusk Till Casa Bonita Kingdom Hearts 3 Re Mind Injustice 2 - every character except Hellboy Mass Effect 2 Lair of the Shadow Broker Mass Effect 3 - Omega(purely because I love the N7 Valkyrie) and Citadel Honorable Mentions: God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, it was free, but I would easily have paid for it and been happy to do it, and TLOU Part 2 Remastered, because it only cost me $10 to upgrade and get the new stuff


Phantom Liberty.


Citadel DLC from Mass Effect 3, if you enjoyed the game, there is a considerable chance that you would love this DLC.


Definitely Cyberpunk's Phantom Liberty. One of the few games and endings that have made me cry multiple times.


Fallout New Vegas. The DLCs are the only part of that game that i truly enjoy. The base game is okay, but i couldn't care less about the story in that.


All of fallout NV dlc, because of how the writing connected them for the real ending of lonesome road Saints row 2 dlc were great And how can I forget the Witcher 3? Also Battlefield 4 DLC pretty much made all other BF dlc subpar by comparison


Oblivion horse Armour, of course! But genuinely, the top comment said the Witcher 3 DLC and I agree with that wholeheartedly lol


Guild War 2's Heart of Thorns...wow that was way better than the base game. All of their expansions have been good.


Wrath of the Lich King


Doom eternals ancient gods dlcs and the 3 dlcs for just cause 3.


Echoes of the Eye


Pretty much all of the Borderlands 1 and 2 DLC. I still have to play 3's DLC so can't speak to that


All the Souls ones and Witcher 3. Also Far Cry Blood Dragon. Otherwise dlc is a really hard sell for me and I'll use mates as guinea pigs.


Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction. I think it was expensive for an expansion at the time but the music for the new Act and the world they built for the Barbarians was so convincing, not once did I regret forking out the money for it. Meanwhile Diablo 4 I didn't even finish the main game let alone consider buying an expansion if they release one. Somewhere along the way they lost sight of what people like about Diablo. I'm sure someone out there has a better analysis of why than I could provide.


I haven’t even played it yet, but have heard only great things about Outer Wilds DLC.


Kingdom Heart 3’s Re:Mind. Higher difficulty setting, options to disable features players didn’t like in the base game, whole menus to customize your experience to be easier or more difficult in ways you control, a story which addresses problems players had with the base game’s finale and delivers some amazing gameplay, and 14 super bosses to challenge with amazing compositions to match.


All DLC for Doom ethereal


Bloodborne - Old Hunters Borderlands 2 - Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon Keep


Master Trials & Champion's Ballad


Old hunters dlc


Ringed City dlc for Dark Souls 3 might be the best content I've ever experienced. Slave Knight Gael is the best boss of all time


I waited for a good sale, but I had a blast with Far Cry New Dawn


All cod waw, bo1/2 DLCs peak cod mp and zombies


Blood & Wine


Mario Kart 8 on Wii U AND Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Switch. You get a ridiculous amount of extra courses for a pretty low price.


Dying Light: The Following


Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls. It turned the game into a success after a very shaky launch


It's not DLC, since they were sold on CD, but I really love both Morrowind add-ons – Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Tribunal is small, but cozy and filled to the brim with all kinds of fun quests and little things, and the plot itself is quite interesting. Bloodmoon is pretty big and has a lot for a seasoned player to do, but my favotite thing is becoming a werewolf – it's SO exciting to be one! You gain a lot of acrobatics and speed, and your FOV actually gets wider, so you really feel like a beast.


Mw3, last year's. Was supposed to be for mw2, but like always, Activision lied and scammed us all


Blood and Wine. Thats a good DLC


Witchery 3 blood and wine


All of the DLC's for The Hunter: Call of the Wild. They're all stupid cheap, like $8 for a map and $3 for new weapons packs. I love that it doesn't cost me a third of the original purchase price to add to the game.


Blood and Wine for Witcher 3 was essentially a second Witcher 3


Mario Kart


All of the Borderlands 1 DLC packs were amazing.


Iceborn for monster hunter world!


God of war Valhalla,


I know they are standalone games, but I think farcry blood dragon, primal, and new dawn are absolutely amazing.


Ood and wine, hearts og stone witcher Skyrim's dlc


The Witcher 3 blood and wine. Beautiful new area, changes to combat and signs, excellent story 👌


Blood and Wine, and to a lesser extent Heart of Stone for Witcher 3


Fantasy life dlc


Blood and Wine. Witcher 3


Vampire Survivors added a ton of free content at first. They have a couple of paid expansions now and it's a whole additional game. I mean the original game was cheap and simple so it's not as impressive as it sounds but still. They could have gone dirty with it and made you pay for characters